

*Katie sighs as Jason slams the door in her face. Trying not to let it bother her she heads to her bed to write an email.* {Dear Jade, How has everything been? I'm doing ok. So that guy I told you about Wyatt? Well we started seeing eachother now I think. lol. He's so sweet Jade. I was to bring him out sometime so you guys can meet him. How is everyone doing? I havent hurd from my aunt in so long. Well I better get to bed. Take care Jade. -Katie}

*Katie lays in bed for several hours not being able to sleep. Finally as sleep it knocking at Katie's door she shoots up from Bed JASON. Climbing out of bed she heads to the door. Stoping for a moment she hesatates. Katie new she had a job to do not to mention Jason was her friend she couldent leave him. Opening the door gun drawn she see Jason laying on the ground in the not normal nightmare position. Going over to him Katie tilts his head and looks into his eyes. Than checking his pluse she gets up and walks into her room grabing a candybar. Going back into her room she grabs a candybar. Going back to Jason she sits next to him and put the candybar to his lips.* " Eat this J your sugar is low."

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