

*Nate stands and watches as Carson and Jason take off for where Misty was. Hearing that she was down Nate sprints behind Rick in case he needed anything.

As the Van pulls around Nate helps Carson and Rick get in with Misty. Katie slids in next to Mick. It was nice to see him again even in this situation. She was scaired herself. She just killed someone and now her friend was dieing. Katie herself had seen many a times Jason in the same position and new how it felt to have someone you love hurting front of you. Feeling helpless to help them. Slowly Katie slips her arm around hims and just hold on to it for a moment. He had been away from the ranch for a while now, but the smell of the clean air, the smell of the horses still lingered on him and it braught Katie a bit of comfort.

Misty's eyes flutter as the pain corses through her body, everything hurt. Misty new she had to keep herself awake even though the feeling of fateag pulled at her eyes she new if she closed them she might verywell never wake again. Slowly Misty opens her mouth her eyes having a far away look in them her words coming out as a whisper.*

"Ri...ck...once....*gasps*....once you get this.....bu...bu....llet out...of me, make...sure you run...some some test...on it."

*Misty winces as the van hits a bunk in the road. Her body felt on fire, the pain so unbearable. A few tears escaping from her eyes. Turning her head slightly her eyes focus on Carson's, looking deep into them. A slight smile crossing her face.*


*Slowly Misty raises her hand to Carson's face to caress the side of it.*

"Don't go....blaming yourse....*winces in pain*....lf for this. I know...you are. I...have no....re..grets. Your....as....hot...a...as...ever ya...know...that."

*Misty lowers her hand and places it on top of Carson's squeezing it lightly. Her body felt so weak, so drained of energy.*

"It's...ok..now...I...cant...feel the...pain anymore....Carson...I...L..."

*Misty's words trail off as her body starts to tremble going into shock, sweat breaking out across her brow. Her body feeling as though its burning. Misty's eyes drift shut, not dead, still listing to all thats around her...focusing, trying to stay awake, but her eyes were closed, and she was fading fast not being able to stay awake for much longer.

Nate stays siting next to Rick waiting for what he can do to help next. His eyes going from Carson, to Jason. As Misty starts to tremble Nate stiffens and looks to Rick.*

"What can I do to help, name it and I am on it when we get to TJY."

Death of Heart

Jason aims and fires on his target, now all three Agency thugs, victims to the fate of bullets. All three lie on the ground, instantly dead from the sharpshooters. He lowers his rifle, once again, a slight feeling of dread coming over him, despite knowing that killing was necessary.

He sees Nate stirring and looks down to see Mick and Reese as well. There was no more movement…the battle appeared to be over.

Standing, he heads for the side of the building, to shimmy down the battered rain gutter, landing softly on the ground. He approaches the others, giving a glance in Katie’s direction to make sure she’s okay as well.

Mick blinks and looks up at Reese, feeling he’s finally on the right side. “Am I glad to see you.”

As the gunfire ceases, Reese can’t help but give Mick a chuckle. “And we’re glad to see you alive, too. Come one, let me get those ropes cut.”

Mick turns around so Reese can cut him loose, and finally gets to his feet, trying to get his bearings. “Where are we?”

“Hobart street.”

“No…I mean…what state?”

Reese raises his eyebrows. “Nevada.”

“I wondered if that was the case.”

“How much do you know?”

Mick shakes his head. “Nothing. All I know is they were supposed to trade me for someone named Carson because he was the key to where a computer chip was. That’s it. I didn’t know where I was or anything.”

“Well come on. Let’s check on the others and get out of here.”

What’s going on, guys?”

“Scott!” Reese had almost forgotten. “Hang in there. A report is coming.” He steps out of the shadows with Mick to look around, checking on their team.

Mick spots Jason and smiles. “Hey, Jason!”

Jason offers a handshake. “Mick. Good to see you.”

“No kidding. And Katie!” Mick’s smile widens. “Your aunt would kill you if she knew you were out in this…but I sure am glad you were.”

Carson watches from the roof, taking everything in. He would be the last one down, ensuring the team below him was fine. He sees Reese…Nate…Jason…Katie… He hears others talking, and knows that Rick and Hal are almost on the scene now too, to clean up.

Wyatt makes his way from down the block, still keeping his eyes pealed, though everything appeared calm. Suddenly movement catches his eye and he glances upward. His pulse quickens.

Out of the blue, Wyatt’s voice comes over the mic. “Carson! On your right, on your right!”

Carson spins around to see an assailant coming towards him on the roof. Their handgun was drawn and aimed at him. In a split second, he shoulders his rifle, his eye zeroing in on his target. Not giving himself even an instant to hesitate, he squeezes the trigger.

His target drops their gun, stumbling backward. Their hand goes to their chest before they fall to a still heap.

Carson slowly lowers his rifle and stares at the motionless body, his adrenaline racing. That had been too close. He approaches slowly, kicking the handgun out of the way just in case, ready to fire again if need be.

But as he nears, his heart leaps into his throat.


As his face pales, his own gun slips from his hands. He slides to his knees next to Ashlyn, witnessing what his own actions had done.

Her eyes flutter open and she stares up at Carson for a moment. A smile curls her lips, her voice coming out hoarse, barely above a whisper. “Nice shot.”

Carson draws back a little, the horror of this scene clawing at him. “Dang it Ashlyn. Why…?”

Ashlyn moves her hand from her wound where blood pours forth. Reaching up, she puts Carson’s own hand in a vice grip. “We had some good times, didn’t we…”

Carson grits his teeth, her hand grasped in his. “I’m sorry.”

A dry laugh comes out as a cough. “I didn’t give you any choice,” she whispers. “Don’t let them take you…you deserve…better… I….” Suddenly her grip loosens, her eyes absorbing a dim and lifeless shadow. Her breathing ceases, not to be resumed again.

Carson can only stare at her for several moments, a million thoughts running through him all at once, colliding in a single wreck of chaos.

Carson….you alright?” Wyatt’s voice comes through again. “What happened?”

Carson gently lowers Ahslyn’s hand and reaches out to brush her eyes closed, his finger stroking her cheek. His stomach churns, threatening to make him sick. It’s hard to find his voice. “I’m fine…enemy down.”

Standing, he looks at his own hand that’s covered in Ashlyn’s blood. So many times he’d wished he’d have the chance to kill her…and now that it was done…it made him loath the very reflex that had caused him to pull the trigger.

Picking up his rifle he looks at it, the anger within him rising to a height beyond his control. Taking the gun by the barrel, he hurls it with force, letting it fly across the rooftop. It lands hard, skidding across the surface.

Wyatt stares up at the roof, confused as he sees Carson’s gun fly. “Carson, what’s going on?”

Carson’s jaw is locked firmly as he fights within himself. “Just get someone up here to take care of this body.” He stares out into the setting sun, his voice wrought with emotion. “And give it a respectful burial.” Not waiting for a response, Carson removes his mic, shutting off his connection with the team. He walks across the roof to where his gun is and picks it back up, slinging it over his shoulder to head for the fire escape.

Making it back to ground level, he nods to Hal and Rick who were there to help clean up the area before the law showed up, and they head up the ladder.

Wyatt catches sight of Carson. “Hey, what happened up there?”

“I almost got killed. Thanks for warning me.”

“Yeah sure. Anybody important?”

“Just Agency scum. Let’s get out of here before anybody else shows up.”

Rick and Hal manage to bring the body back down to ground level where they prepare to get rid of all evidence, along with the other downed Agency members. As they lay her by the others, Wyatt's eyes widen. "It's Ashlyn." He glances to Carson. "Good land..."

Carson warns him with his eyes not to even go there.

Wyatt swallows hard, and tries to resume his focus. “Alright, is everyone here?” He starts counting heads. “Misty….where’s Misty?”

Carson is immediately alerted.

Wyatt taps his mic. “Hey, Misty…come in…where are ya?”

Carson’s blood runs cold. He looks down the street to the building where he’d positioned Misty. He saw nothing. His instincts kick into overdrive and he grips his rifle. Without even thinking, he breaks into a sprint.

Jason looks to him quickly. “Carson! Wait!” Too late, his words go unheard. “Idiot!” Taking his own gun, he heads behind him. Even with his long legs though, it’s impossible to catch up to Carson’s fast sprint.

Carson’s feet pound the pavement until he reaches the building where Misty was. All caution has flown, and he enters the shadows. Suddenly he sees Misty in a heap on the ground. “Misty!”

Adrenaline taking over, he kneels quickly, checking her pulse. She was still alive, but barely breathing. A curse escapes under Carson’s breath and he stands, looking around. Too angry to even think, he aims for the nearest corner, again sprinting to where his instincts lead, and rounds the building quickly without caution. He sees the back of a man halfway down the block. The man’s casual pace signals that he knew what was going on, and there could only be one reason for his presence.

Without giving any warning whatsoever, Carson raises his rifle to his shoulder and unloads. The lever flying with each shot, Carson fires without remorse into the enemy’s back until the body finally falls to the ground.

Jason slides down next to Misty, his head shooting up at the sound of gunfire. “Carson! What’s going on?!” Looking back at Misty, he sees the wound and feels sick. “Rick…Rick, come in. Get over here NOW. Misty’s down. Repeat. Misty’s down.”

The next fifteen minutes are a blur. Both vans are brought around. Hal, Reese and Wyatt remain to clean up. All of the others pile into the other van to head back to TJY as quickly as possible.

Carson sits in the back of the van, holding Misty across his lap, one hand behind her head, the other pressed onto her wound to try and slow the bleeding as instructed by Rick. “Come on, Sassy,” he whispers. “Don’t do this to me…not now…” He wants to scream. He wants to stop and run. He wants to throw himself at the mercy of some wretched truck if just to end this all. He’s had no time to think. He’s had no time to process. Ashlyn was dead. Misty was dying. Both were his fault.


*Misty watchs every move going noticed, her eyes ready to draw her knife if needed.

Katie stays in the shadows her gun aimed waiting for the signal or for the Agency to make a wrong move.

Slowly Nate pulls his cap down keeping his head low but held high showing the same pride Carson would.*

"Here goes nothing."

*Nate whispers as Reese and himself move out and twords the street. As they move to the middle Nate stop keeping his hands in the open to show he has no weapon of his own. His heart pounding in his chest as he see Mick and someone from the Agency pushing twords them. As Nate hears the count in his eat along with the first gun fire he drops to the ground his hat flying of as he hits the dirt keeping his eyes open but making sure not to move and get into the gun fire and he himself rolls backwards.

As Katie hears the count She grabs her target and shoots hit him dead in the head. Watching his gun drop and him follow Katie pants her heart racing.*

"Target down."

*As Misty listens to the count she can see a movement out of the courner or her eye. Turning she draws her blade and speak into the headset but it to late another gun shot rings out but unheard by the others as the other guns go off. Misty grabs her stomach as she is thrown aganst a wall and sinks to the ground. A warm sharp pain corses through her body as the blood starts to flow and a tear froms come from her eye.

A dark form stands over Misty scoffing.*

"Your as good as dead, so Mick dident die, but you will thats good enough. Let this be a message to your little boyfriend double crossing us is a bad thing. Its a shame you had to die, you were a pretty one."

*The thug bends down to Misty lifting her face with his hand. He gives a crooked smile*

"I always liked you. Oh well..."

*The thug stratens up and grabs his cell phone making his way back into the shadows.*


As Scott receives Katie’s kiss on the cheek and sees her start away, he reaches out to stop her by taking her hand. “I’m not worried about you…I’m worried about me being without you.”

Wyatt stands to the side and studies the other two. There was no doubt now that the rumors around the office are true. He turns a little, not wanting to interrupt.

Scott gives Katie a little smile. “I’ll have Wyatt help me. You go get ready.” He lets go of her hand and looks down at his dog. “And you…miss trouble…you stay here and watch for Rick. Warn me if he comes.”

Carson gives Misty’s shoulder a last squeeze before splitting up again to go his own way and prepare a few things before the team had to leave.

Jason sits in his office waiting… He really didn’t have anything to do until everyone left. But like before all confrontations…like before all battles, his mind drifts to what could happen. Ever since he’d started with TJY, every time he was put in danger, one person came to mind: his mother. He hadn’t even spoken to her since he’d gotten out of prison… They all hoped that everything would go fine today…no one wanted to think that any TJY agents would get hurt, or worse. But there was always that possibility.

Jason really didn’t want to deal with anything right now…but he’s pushed forward by the sheer weight of responsibility, whether he actually wanted to or not.

Picking up the phone, he dials the number he’d been given. Hearing the answer on the other end, he hesitates just a moment. “Hi, Mom. …Yeah…” A small smile creases his lips. “I’m okay….yeah….really….” He listens for a few minutes, learning about what has been happening in his mother’s life…the wedding…the new house… A part of him wished he’d been there…he felt out of place… maybe even a little left out. “That’s great…I’ll have to come sometime soon to see everything. …No…no reason…we got a case going down today and I guess I just thought of you… no…I’ll be fine, don’t worry…” He pauses again, leaning back in his chair and furrowing his brow at his mother’s tone change. Then his eyebrows shoot up. “What…you…really? I mean…” He blinks, not even sure how to take that kind of news. It was…different. “I…” A slight laugh comes out. “Congratulations?” His mother’s laugh lets him know she wasn’t offended by his hesitation. “Well yeah, I’m a little surprised. That’s um…that’s great…yeah.”

“Jason, need your help.”

Jason looks up to see Hal in the doorway. “Sorry, Mom, I gotta go. Take care of yourself, alright? Okay…yeah. Bye.”

The next hour is filled with preparations to leave. Scott equips two vans with communication devices, and sets himself up in his cubicle, despite Rick’s complaints.

“You shouldn’t even be able to do that.”

Scott looks up over his shoulder at Rick who was staring at his computer. “I know.” He’d tapped into satellite images to keep track of the area where the team was going. “Don’t tell anyone.”

Rick rolls his eyes. “As soon as we’re back, you’re getting your hind end back in bed, is that understood?”

“Roger that.”

Rick sighs and shakes his head, turning to leave. “Why do I even try?”

“...Alright guys, load up!” Reese points to the two vans out back. Rick and Hal are in one. They’ll be available after everything goes down, to clean up and haul away any evidence before the law could trace them. Whether it was bodies, weapons, or any other shred of evidence.

The other van would hold Reese, Carson, Misty, Jason, Katie, Nate and Wyatt.

As they pile in, Jason scoots to the back, avoiding eye contact with Katie and putting himself in a position where they wouldn’t have to interact during the drive. The others find their places and before they know it, they’re headed down a quiet road.

The deserted portion of town is indeed vacant. A dry hot wind blows down the streets, creating small dust devils. One might have thought they'd stepped through time. Broken down brick buildings stood tall, a poor reflection of the busy main street it was before the town started building in a different direction.

"Hobart street is up about five more blocks," Jason points out, leaning up from the back and gesturing over Reese's shoulder.

"Alright, folks." Reese speaks to those in both vans. "We're parking back here off the side of the road behind this stand of trees and walking in. Scott, you got anything?"

"Not a thing. Quiet as a mouse's lair when all the cheese is gone."

Reese quirks a grin. "Great. Everybody out and stick together. We're taking the side street and coming back around through an alleyway to get to our destination."

Wyatt slides the van door open and hands guns and mics to those exiting. Carson... Misty... Nate... Jason hangs back letting Katie exit before him, and is the last one out before Wyatt. Reese joins them and after a brief check of their mics and guns, they set out cautiously.

All eyes watch...all ears listen. Rick an Hal remain in the second van, prepared to call for help if need be, but hoping all they'll have to do is help clean up the scene when it's over.

The deserted bank on Hobart street proves to be empty. The Agency wasn't there yet.

Carson looks around the street and squints a little in the sun. He glances up to the tall building across the street, then down and around. "I'm going to set up shop right up there." He points to the rooftop. "Jason, why don't you get on top of the lower roof next door. Katie, I suggest going to the building across the way there and keeping out of sight in those shadows. You'll have a perfect view from where that door used to be. And Misty..." He glances to her for a moment, wishing he could tell her to go back and wait with Rick and Hal. "I want you down the street on the corner. You need to give us a heads up if anybody shows up unexpected. Nobody can come from the other way - it's a dead-end street. But...that doesn't mean someone can't sneak around and wait. Wyatt, how about you take up that position."

He pauses, turning around to give the bank a once-over. "My guess is that they'll come in through the back of the building. Let them. We need to get Mick out in the open before we can do anything."

Within moments, everyone is heading in their own directions. Jason is quick to get on top of one-story building across the street, sliding down onto his stomach and looking down the barrel of his rifle to gain a feel for the area.

Carson follows suit on top of the next taller building, using the brick rail as a stand as he sights in the bank's front doors and sweeps the street to make sure he's got a clean shot of the area. He watches intently as the others get into position.

Reese and Nate go into the building across the street, out of sight, but able to see the bank, while Reese keeps track of the time.

The wait is long...the sun is hot.

Carson wipes the sweat from his brow again, relaxing as most of the others have as well. Looking down and around he can see Jason who gives him a nod, proving he's still awake and alert.

"Everybody still around?" Carson questions over his mic. Receiving confirmations, he questions Scott. "Hey, Scott, how we looking?"

"Funny you should ask...just got a call from Burt and he spotted a vehicle just about a mile from you guys coming in slow. Satellite confirms they're heading your way. ....Heads up and stay low. Incoming."

As if on cue, a motor in the distance can be heard. Everyone tenses, poised and ready. The vehicle doesn't show, proving Carson's theory that they'd be showing up through the bank. Right on time, figure appears in one of the windows.

"We got action guys," Reese comments through his mic. "Look alive, but not alive enough for them to notice. How many we got?"

"I see two," Carson answers quietly.

"Three." Jason's eyes focus inside the bank. "They got three and they got Mick. He's bound and blindfolded."

"Dang...he's going to have to act on his instincts."

Jason has no doubt. "He will."

Mick is pushed out of the car and can feel they've entered a building, a cool musty atmosphere enveloping him as a contrast to the outside air. He's shoved ahead, scuffing his feet as he can't see where he's going. Soon he can feel warmth again. He was outside... or almost. He flexes his hands behind his back, having no idea what was going on. He'd been told he was being traded for someone named Carson...he couldn't see a thing...he felt helpless.

One of the thugs shoves Mick towards the light, and all four men appear on the sidewalk. The three Agency gangsters hold guns, one aiming steadily at Mick. But before they move, they want to make sure their own goods are waiting.

Reese sees them halt, and looks to Nate. "Alright...here goes nothing. Pull your cap down and lets walk." Heading out just in front and to the side of Nate, Reese walks bravely forth, his hands stretched out to his sides to signal he's unarmed, despite the screaming desire to grab his gun from his back to ensure he's not the first one hit.

"They're watching him," Carson whispers into his mic. "They're clueless that anybody else is here. They're guard is down... Somebody sent a real batch of idiots, but it's a good thing for us."

Reese halts in the middle of the street, stopping Nate next to him. He stares ahead, taking in the scene, and slowly backs up, his arms still raised. He backs up to the curb and waits.

Mick is shoved forward. The three thugs move with him several feet until one pokes a gun in his back and shoves him a little, barking at him. "Keep walking."

Mick grits his teeth. He could be walking off a cliff and he wouldn't know it. But he knew he had guns pointed at him. He walks slowly forward, still seeing nothing.

Carson sits waiting, his gun aimed. "Alright...there's three of them and three of us," he notes quietly. "Wait until Mick is beside Nate...then I've got the guy on the east end...Jason, take out the guy in the middle, but watch it that Mick's not in the way...Katie, you got the eye on the other end. Let's make this clean and quick and take them down before they know what hit them."

Mick trudges forward. As he reaches the middle of the street, he senses someone else close by. Carson?

Carson holds his breath for a moment, looking down the barrel of his rifle. "On three...one....two...three." His trigger is pulled. Shots ring out. Carson's target goes down first, their own gun thrown into the air as he's brought to the ground.

As soon as the shot is heard, Mick dives, catching himself by a shoulder and rolling several feet in the direction his instincts aim him. Adrenaline surges through his veins. What was going on? It had to be TJY. They must be trying to fight out instead of going ahead with the trade. Hitting the curb, he's suddenly taken in a strong grip and pulled backward, a voice telling him not to struggle.

Reese yanks Mick out of the street and back into the building where he'd started out at, quickly removing the blindfold. He holds up his hands to show he's not one of the bad guys. "I'm Reese. You're safe."


*Katie studys the mic and than speaks into it making sure its working for Scott. A smile on her face as she thinks about what he had said with not telling Rick.

Katie watches Scott work for a long while. A feeling of sadness pass as she relized she dident know anything about what was going down and felt alittle bit left out. The feeling quickly pass though as Katie watches Scott again. He moved so freely around the equpment, never hesatating and always so confadent in what he was doing. When it came to tech stuff he was a pure genisus.*

"I'm doing pretty good. Domino is around here some....."

*As if on que Domino's nails can be hurd thundering down the hall as she trys to stop and slides past the cubicle door. Only to reapear a few moments later sliding her belly on the ground to make sure she dosent go past again. Coming into the cubicle its as if she new Scott was doing something important and couldent intarupt him. Going over next to Katie Domino sits and gives alittle whimper to Scott.*

*Misty put her arm around Carson and they walk and she leans her head aganst him.*

"I help while I can. I cant shoot worth crap but I can throw and thats what matters when it comes to saving someones life. Pluse it would probley be good to have me there in case anyone gets hurt. Lets hope they dont, but just in case."

*Misty walks with Carson keeping her arm around him. She wouldent addmit it but she was a bit nervouse. Anything could happen. This could go good, this could go bad. There were so many ways the wind could blow and no one new the answer till after it was over.*

"Heya Wy."

*Listing to what Wyatt said made Katie feel a bit happy. They dident forget about her want wanted help. Catching Scott's eye for a moment she could see he was worryed about her and dident want her in harms way but this it what she lived for, this was why she came to TJY. Not to sit behind a desk all day. Looking back to Wyatt Katie gives a slight smile.*

"I'm in."

*Katie stands and dusts herself off.*

"I'll get myself and stuff together and meet you in an hour."

*As she pass by Scott Katie leans down alittle and gives him a small and undetited kiss on the cheek whispers.*

"Don't worry to much. I'll be ok hun. I promise."

*Stranting again she heads out of the cubicle but stops and turns.*

"Did you need me to help you will the stuff taking it to the van or did you want Wyatt's help?


Scott looks up from his work as Katie approaches him, and grins a little at her affectionate greeting. "Hey you. Yeah...I should still be in bed...just don't tell Rick." He grabs a mic and hands it to her as she sits on the floor. "Here, try this out for me." He fiddles with some more wiring, pausing just once as he shifts his weight against a pain in his side.

"There's gonna be a showdown today sometime with trying to get Mick back. The word is they want Carson as a trade, but looks like we're not going to comply. I'm just getting ready all the communication transmitters they'll need and making sure they got contact back to here too."

He works for a few more minutes, then finally pauses, giving Katie a sidelong glance. "So...how are ya doing this morning?"

Carson nods to Nate. "Yeah, we should be able to fool them...hopefully this will all happen fast enough that there won't be a whole lot of time for them to speculate anyway."

As Nate speaks about Katie, Jason nods with all seriousness. "She's one of the best." At the mention of Scott, Jason's eyes meet Nate's for just a split second, though long enough for his own look to convey an ever-so-brief stirring of emotions before it's gone again. His face returns to one of hard determination for the case, completely ignoring everything else. "I'll be in my office for just a bit. What time are we heading out?"

Reese looks at the clock. "I want to be out of here in an hour. That's way early, but the earlier the better. If the Agency ends up showing themselves early too, then we'll either have a tradeoff quicker, or we'll have an early war. But I'm not willing to walk into something blind and have an ambush waiting."

"Agreed." Carson nods.

"Alright then. We'll be taking our two vans. Meet on the main floor in an hour."

As the team files out of Reese's office, Carson lays a hand on Misty's shoulder, slowing her down to walk beside him. "Thanks for helping out with this, Misty. I know we can use you out there."

Wyatt makes his way over to Katie's cubicle, but finds it empty. Knowing Nate was probably right about where she might be, he shifts his focus and aims for Scott's desk instead. He finds both him and Katie still there helping. "Hey, you two."

Scott glances up. "Yo."

"Should you be out of bed yet?"

"Nope." Scott stuffs the electronic equipment into a box. "But I'm going to put these in the vans and somebody's going to help me before Rick figures out where I've run off to."

Wyatt chuckles and shakes his head. "Glad you got that stuff together. Hey, listen..." He shifts his gaze to Katie. "We need sharpshooters. Carson and Jason are coming, but they both want a third pair of eyes. We could use you if you feel up to it."

Scott eyes Katie with just a bit of wariness. For the first time, he didn't want to see Katie in any combat situation, but he knew that they were all at risk here. Even he was, just for working here. And besides that, he knew this was what she lived for...and she was good at it.

Wyatt waits for a response, glancing at his watch. "We're leaving in an hour. The meeting point is across town and it should all go down this evening."


*Aerith cant help but give a laugh at Jason.*

"I think that would be fun."

*Aerith sits and chats with Jason alittle more enjoying the conversation they were having. Ordering a small salad she relizes juat how hungry she was. As Jason gets up to leave she smile thanking him as well for filling the dull that was there hours before.Listen to Jason bike rev and than drive away Aerith cant help but smile.

Clearing up the plates for Mable mind drifrs to going fishing. That did sound like fun and it would be nice to do again bringin back good memorie lost in the courners of one mind. Finishing up helping Aerith says goodnight to Herb and Mable heading home knowing her grandmother would be waiting, but also know Her had to good night and God for comfort. Everything would be ok.*


*As Katie enters TJ she looks around. It seemed quiet today. Seeing movement at Scott cubicle she new he was up. Feeling a bit of worry Katie makes her way over watching him for a second before finally speaking.*

"Scotty what are you doing? Shouldent you be in bed still."

*Katie walks over behind him and gently puts her ams over his shoulders and around his neck giving his cheek a kiss.*

"Whats going on? It looks like important whatever it is."

*Katie leans back aganst one of the cubicle walls she lowers herself to the ground.*

*Misty stands close to Carson but far enough away for the moment. This was no playing matter, no time for messing around this was searouse.

Nate stands close to Reese his arms crossed. Waiting, listing.

As a man voice comes over the speaker phone Misty is releaves alittle knowing it wasent Ashlyn on the phone this time. There is just something about her that boiled her blood.

Nate cant help but let out a laugh at Carson's comment of being an aussie.*

"Ya I can do that. If you think it would really work. I mean I am the same build as you and my hair is alittle darker, but with a hat on no one could tell. I have no problem with it and have full faith in my team to back me up."

*Nate thinks for a moment before speaking again. Was Katie such a good idea in her state? Nate rolled his eyes at himself for even thinking that. When it came to work Katie was always level headed and new how to controll herself. If they left her out of this she would probley feel horrable.*

"I think asking Katie is a good idea. From what Jason told us a while ago, and from what I have seen on the shooting range she had a good arm on her and could shoot a penny thrown in the sky. So...Wyatt if you want to go find her and ask I think I saw her come in. Check where even Scott is she probley went to see how he was."

*Nate speaks and glances at Jason than away again. This was magor and right now he dident care about feelings. This was more important than that.*