

*Aerith cant help but give a laugh at Jason.*

"I think that would be fun."

*Aerith sits and chats with Jason alittle more enjoying the conversation they were having. Ordering a small salad she relizes juat how hungry she was. As Jason gets up to leave she smile thanking him as well for filling the dull that was there hours before.Listen to Jason bike rev and than drive away Aerith cant help but smile.

Clearing up the plates for Mable mind drifrs to going fishing. That did sound like fun and it would be nice to do again bringin back good memorie lost in the courners of one mind. Finishing up helping Aerith says goodnight to Herb and Mable heading home knowing her grandmother would be waiting, but also know Her had to good night and God for comfort. Everything would be ok.*


*As Katie enters TJ she looks around. It seemed quiet today. Seeing movement at Scott cubicle she new he was up. Feeling a bit of worry Katie makes her way over watching him for a second before finally speaking.*

"Scotty what are you doing? Shouldent you be in bed still."

*Katie walks over behind him and gently puts her ams over his shoulders and around his neck giving his cheek a kiss.*

"Whats going on? It looks like important whatever it is."

*Katie leans back aganst one of the cubicle walls she lowers herself to the ground.*

*Misty stands close to Carson but far enough away for the moment. This was no playing matter, no time for messing around this was searouse.

Nate stands close to Reese his arms crossed. Waiting, listing.

As a man voice comes over the speaker phone Misty is releaves alittle knowing it wasent Ashlyn on the phone this time. There is just something about her that boiled her blood.

Nate cant help but let out a laugh at Carson's comment of being an aussie.*

"Ya I can do that. If you think it would really work. I mean I am the same build as you and my hair is alittle darker, but with a hat on no one could tell. I have no problem with it and have full faith in my team to back me up."

*Nate thinks for a moment before speaking again. Was Katie such a good idea in her state? Nate rolled his eyes at himself for even thinking that. When it came to work Katie was always level headed and new how to controll herself. If they left her out of this she would probley feel horrable.*

"I think asking Katie is a good idea. From what Jason told us a while ago, and from what I have seen on the shooting range she had a good arm on her and could shoot a penny thrown in the sky. So...Wyatt if you want to go find her and ask I think I saw her come in. Check where even Scott is she probley went to see how he was."

*Nate speaks and glances at Jason than away again. This was magor and right now he dident care about feelings. This was more important than that.*

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