

*Katie studys the mic and than speaks into it making sure its working for Scott. A smile on her face as she thinks about what he had said with not telling Rick.

Katie watches Scott work for a long while. A feeling of sadness pass as she relized she dident know anything about what was going down and felt alittle bit left out. The feeling quickly pass though as Katie watches Scott again. He moved so freely around the equpment, never hesatating and always so confadent in what he was doing. When it came to tech stuff he was a pure genisus.*

"I'm doing pretty good. Domino is around here some....."

*As if on que Domino's nails can be hurd thundering down the hall as she trys to stop and slides past the cubicle door. Only to reapear a few moments later sliding her belly on the ground to make sure she dosent go past again. Coming into the cubicle its as if she new Scott was doing something important and couldent intarupt him. Going over next to Katie Domino sits and gives alittle whimper to Scott.*

*Misty put her arm around Carson and they walk and she leans her head aganst him.*

"I help while I can. I cant shoot worth crap but I can throw and thats what matters when it comes to saving someones life. Pluse it would probley be good to have me there in case anyone gets hurt. Lets hope they dont, but just in case."

*Misty walks with Carson keeping her arm around him. She wouldent addmit it but she was a bit nervouse. Anything could happen. This could go good, this could go bad. There were so many ways the wind could blow and no one new the answer till after it was over.*

"Heya Wy."

*Listing to what Wyatt said made Katie feel a bit happy. They dident forget about her want wanted help. Catching Scott's eye for a moment she could see he was worryed about her and dident want her in harms way but this it what she lived for, this was why she came to TJY. Not to sit behind a desk all day. Looking back to Wyatt Katie gives a slight smile.*

"I'm in."

*Katie stands and dusts herself off.*

"I'll get myself and stuff together and meet you in an hour."

*As she pass by Scott Katie leans down alittle and gives him a small and undetited kiss on the cheek whispers.*

"Don't worry to much. I'll be ok hun. I promise."

*Stranting again she heads out of the cubicle but stops and turns.*

"Did you need me to help you will the stuff taking it to the van or did you want Wyatt's help?

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