

*Misty watchs every move going noticed, her eyes ready to draw her knife if needed.

Katie stays in the shadows her gun aimed waiting for the signal or for the Agency to make a wrong move.

Slowly Nate pulls his cap down keeping his head low but held high showing the same pride Carson would.*

"Here goes nothing."

*Nate whispers as Reese and himself move out and twords the street. As they move to the middle Nate stop keeping his hands in the open to show he has no weapon of his own. His heart pounding in his chest as he see Mick and someone from the Agency pushing twords them. As Nate hears the count in his eat along with the first gun fire he drops to the ground his hat flying of as he hits the dirt keeping his eyes open but making sure not to move and get into the gun fire and he himself rolls backwards.

As Katie hears the count She grabs her target and shoots hit him dead in the head. Watching his gun drop and him follow Katie pants her heart racing.*

"Target down."

*As Misty listens to the count she can see a movement out of the courner or her eye. Turning she draws her blade and speak into the headset but it to late another gun shot rings out but unheard by the others as the other guns go off. Misty grabs her stomach as she is thrown aganst a wall and sinks to the ground. A warm sharp pain corses through her body as the blood starts to flow and a tear froms come from her eye.

A dark form stands over Misty scoffing.*

"Your as good as dead, so Mick dident die, but you will thats good enough. Let this be a message to your little boyfriend double crossing us is a bad thing. Its a shame you had to die, you were a pretty one."

*The thug bends down to Misty lifting her face with his hand. He gives a crooked smile*

"I always liked you. Oh well..."

*The thug stratens up and grabs his cell phone making his way back into the shadows.*

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