

Scott looks up from his work as Katie approaches him, and grins a little at her affectionate greeting. "Hey you. Yeah...I should still be in bed...just don't tell Rick." He grabs a mic and hands it to her as she sits on the floor. "Here, try this out for me." He fiddles with some more wiring, pausing just once as he shifts his weight against a pain in his side.

"There's gonna be a showdown today sometime with trying to get Mick back. The word is they want Carson as a trade, but looks like we're not going to comply. I'm just getting ready all the communication transmitters they'll need and making sure they got contact back to here too."

He works for a few more minutes, then finally pauses, giving Katie a sidelong glance. "So...how are ya doing this morning?"

Carson nods to Nate. "Yeah, we should be able to fool them...hopefully this will all happen fast enough that there won't be a whole lot of time for them to speculate anyway."

As Nate speaks about Katie, Jason nods with all seriousness. "She's one of the best." At the mention of Scott, Jason's eyes meet Nate's for just a split second, though long enough for his own look to convey an ever-so-brief stirring of emotions before it's gone again. His face returns to one of hard determination for the case, completely ignoring everything else. "I'll be in my office for just a bit. What time are we heading out?"

Reese looks at the clock. "I want to be out of here in an hour. That's way early, but the earlier the better. If the Agency ends up showing themselves early too, then we'll either have a tradeoff quicker, or we'll have an early war. But I'm not willing to walk into something blind and have an ambush waiting."

"Agreed." Carson nods.

"Alright then. We'll be taking our two vans. Meet on the main floor in an hour."

As the team files out of Reese's office, Carson lays a hand on Misty's shoulder, slowing her down to walk beside him. "Thanks for helping out with this, Misty. I know we can use you out there."

Wyatt makes his way over to Katie's cubicle, but finds it empty. Knowing Nate was probably right about where she might be, he shifts his focus and aims for Scott's desk instead. He finds both him and Katie still there helping. "Hey, you two."

Scott glances up. "Yo."

"Should you be out of bed yet?"

"Nope." Scott stuffs the electronic equipment into a box. "But I'm going to put these in the vans and somebody's going to help me before Rick figures out where I've run off to."

Wyatt chuckles and shakes his head. "Glad you got that stuff together. Hey, listen..." He shifts his gaze to Katie. "We need sharpshooters. Carson and Jason are coming, but they both want a third pair of eyes. We could use you if you feel up to it."

Scott eyes Katie with just a bit of wariness. For the first time, he didn't want to see Katie in any combat situation, but he knew that they were all at risk here. Even he was, just for working here. And besides that, he knew this was what she lived for...and she was good at it.

Wyatt waits for a response, glancing at his watch. "We're leaving in an hour. The meeting point is across town and it should all go down this evening."

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