

As Scott receives Katie’s kiss on the cheek and sees her start away, he reaches out to stop her by taking her hand. “I’m not worried about you…I’m worried about me being without you.”

Wyatt stands to the side and studies the other two. There was no doubt now that the rumors around the office are true. He turns a little, not wanting to interrupt.

Scott gives Katie a little smile. “I’ll have Wyatt help me. You go get ready.” He lets go of her hand and looks down at his dog. “And you…miss trouble…you stay here and watch for Rick. Warn me if he comes.”

Carson gives Misty’s shoulder a last squeeze before splitting up again to go his own way and prepare a few things before the team had to leave.

Jason sits in his office waiting… He really didn’t have anything to do until everyone left. But like before all confrontations…like before all battles, his mind drifts to what could happen. Ever since he’d started with TJY, every time he was put in danger, one person came to mind: his mother. He hadn’t even spoken to her since he’d gotten out of prison… They all hoped that everything would go fine today…no one wanted to think that any TJY agents would get hurt, or worse. But there was always that possibility.

Jason really didn’t want to deal with anything right now…but he’s pushed forward by the sheer weight of responsibility, whether he actually wanted to or not.

Picking up the phone, he dials the number he’d been given. Hearing the answer on the other end, he hesitates just a moment. “Hi, Mom. …Yeah…” A small smile creases his lips. “I’m okay….yeah….really….” He listens for a few minutes, learning about what has been happening in his mother’s life…the wedding…the new house… A part of him wished he’d been there…he felt out of place… maybe even a little left out. “That’s great…I’ll have to come sometime soon to see everything. …No…no reason…we got a case going down today and I guess I just thought of you… no…I’ll be fine, don’t worry…” He pauses again, leaning back in his chair and furrowing his brow at his mother’s tone change. Then his eyebrows shoot up. “What…you…really? I mean…” He blinks, not even sure how to take that kind of news. It was…different. “I…” A slight laugh comes out. “Congratulations?” His mother’s laugh lets him know she wasn’t offended by his hesitation. “Well yeah, I’m a little surprised. That’s um…that’s great…yeah.”

“Jason, need your help.”

Jason looks up to see Hal in the doorway. “Sorry, Mom, I gotta go. Take care of yourself, alright? Okay…yeah. Bye.”

The next hour is filled with preparations to leave. Scott equips two vans with communication devices, and sets himself up in his cubicle, despite Rick’s complaints.

“You shouldn’t even be able to do that.”

Scott looks up over his shoulder at Rick who was staring at his computer. “I know.” He’d tapped into satellite images to keep track of the area where the team was going. “Don’t tell anyone.”

Rick rolls his eyes. “As soon as we’re back, you’re getting your hind end back in bed, is that understood?”

“Roger that.”

Rick sighs and shakes his head, turning to leave. “Why do I even try?”

“...Alright guys, load up!” Reese points to the two vans out back. Rick and Hal are in one. They’ll be available after everything goes down, to clean up and haul away any evidence before the law could trace them. Whether it was bodies, weapons, or any other shred of evidence.

The other van would hold Reese, Carson, Misty, Jason, Katie, Nate and Wyatt.

As they pile in, Jason scoots to the back, avoiding eye contact with Katie and putting himself in a position where they wouldn’t have to interact during the drive. The others find their places and before they know it, they’re headed down a quiet road.

The deserted portion of town is indeed vacant. A dry hot wind blows down the streets, creating small dust devils. One might have thought they'd stepped through time. Broken down brick buildings stood tall, a poor reflection of the busy main street it was before the town started building in a different direction.

"Hobart street is up about five more blocks," Jason points out, leaning up from the back and gesturing over Reese's shoulder.

"Alright, folks." Reese speaks to those in both vans. "We're parking back here off the side of the road behind this stand of trees and walking in. Scott, you got anything?"

"Not a thing. Quiet as a mouse's lair when all the cheese is gone."

Reese quirks a grin. "Great. Everybody out and stick together. We're taking the side street and coming back around through an alleyway to get to our destination."

Wyatt slides the van door open and hands guns and mics to those exiting. Carson... Misty... Nate... Jason hangs back letting Katie exit before him, and is the last one out before Wyatt. Reese joins them and after a brief check of their mics and guns, they set out cautiously.

All eyes watch...all ears listen. Rick an Hal remain in the second van, prepared to call for help if need be, but hoping all they'll have to do is help clean up the scene when it's over.

The deserted bank on Hobart street proves to be empty. The Agency wasn't there yet.

Carson looks around the street and squints a little in the sun. He glances up to the tall building across the street, then down and around. "I'm going to set up shop right up there." He points to the rooftop. "Jason, why don't you get on top of the lower roof next door. Katie, I suggest going to the building across the way there and keeping out of sight in those shadows. You'll have a perfect view from where that door used to be. And Misty..." He glances to her for a moment, wishing he could tell her to go back and wait with Rick and Hal. "I want you down the street on the corner. You need to give us a heads up if anybody shows up unexpected. Nobody can come from the other way - it's a dead-end street. But...that doesn't mean someone can't sneak around and wait. Wyatt, how about you take up that position."

He pauses, turning around to give the bank a once-over. "My guess is that they'll come in through the back of the building. Let them. We need to get Mick out in the open before we can do anything."

Within moments, everyone is heading in their own directions. Jason is quick to get on top of one-story building across the street, sliding down onto his stomach and looking down the barrel of his rifle to gain a feel for the area.

Carson follows suit on top of the next taller building, using the brick rail as a stand as he sights in the bank's front doors and sweeps the street to make sure he's got a clean shot of the area. He watches intently as the others get into position.

Reese and Nate go into the building across the street, out of sight, but able to see the bank, while Reese keeps track of the time.

The wait is long...the sun is hot.

Carson wipes the sweat from his brow again, relaxing as most of the others have as well. Looking down and around he can see Jason who gives him a nod, proving he's still awake and alert.

"Everybody still around?" Carson questions over his mic. Receiving confirmations, he questions Scott. "Hey, Scott, how we looking?"

"Funny you should ask...just got a call from Burt and he spotted a vehicle just about a mile from you guys coming in slow. Satellite confirms they're heading your way. ....Heads up and stay low. Incoming."

As if on cue, a motor in the distance can be heard. Everyone tenses, poised and ready. The vehicle doesn't show, proving Carson's theory that they'd be showing up through the bank. Right on time, figure appears in one of the windows.

"We got action guys," Reese comments through his mic. "Look alive, but not alive enough for them to notice. How many we got?"

"I see two," Carson answers quietly.

"Three." Jason's eyes focus inside the bank. "They got three and they got Mick. He's bound and blindfolded."

"Dang...he's going to have to act on his instincts."

Jason has no doubt. "He will."

Mick is pushed out of the car and can feel they've entered a building, a cool musty atmosphere enveloping him as a contrast to the outside air. He's shoved ahead, scuffing his feet as he can't see where he's going. Soon he can feel warmth again. He was outside... or almost. He flexes his hands behind his back, having no idea what was going on. He'd been told he was being traded for someone named Carson...he couldn't see a thing...he felt helpless.

One of the thugs shoves Mick towards the light, and all four men appear on the sidewalk. The three Agency gangsters hold guns, one aiming steadily at Mick. But before they move, they want to make sure their own goods are waiting.

Reese sees them halt, and looks to Nate. "Alright...here goes nothing. Pull your cap down and lets walk." Heading out just in front and to the side of Nate, Reese walks bravely forth, his hands stretched out to his sides to signal he's unarmed, despite the screaming desire to grab his gun from his back to ensure he's not the first one hit.

"They're watching him," Carson whispers into his mic. "They're clueless that anybody else is here. They're guard is down... Somebody sent a real batch of idiots, but it's a good thing for us."

Reese halts in the middle of the street, stopping Nate next to him. He stares ahead, taking in the scene, and slowly backs up, his arms still raised. He backs up to the curb and waits.

Mick is shoved forward. The three thugs move with him several feet until one pokes a gun in his back and shoves him a little, barking at him. "Keep walking."

Mick grits his teeth. He could be walking off a cliff and he wouldn't know it. But he knew he had guns pointed at him. He walks slowly forward, still seeing nothing.

Carson sits waiting, his gun aimed. "Alright...there's three of them and three of us," he notes quietly. "Wait until Mick is beside Nate...then I've got the guy on the east end...Jason, take out the guy in the middle, but watch it that Mick's not in the way...Katie, you got the eye on the other end. Let's make this clean and quick and take them down before they know what hit them."

Mick trudges forward. As he reaches the middle of the street, he senses someone else close by. Carson?

Carson holds his breath for a moment, looking down the barrel of his rifle. "On three...one....two...three." His trigger is pulled. Shots ring out. Carson's target goes down first, their own gun thrown into the air as he's brought to the ground.

As soon as the shot is heard, Mick dives, catching himself by a shoulder and rolling several feet in the direction his instincts aim him. Adrenaline surges through his veins. What was going on? It had to be TJY. They must be trying to fight out instead of going ahead with the trade. Hitting the curb, he's suddenly taken in a strong grip and pulled backward, a voice telling him not to struggle.

Reese yanks Mick out of the street and back into the building where he'd started out at, quickly removing the blindfold. He holds up his hands to show he's not one of the bad guys. "I'm Reese. You're safe."

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