
Could I forget?

"Why you work so well with the kids and I thought you liked your work?"

Bree looks across the desk at her boss, fashioned in her scrubs and ready for work. It had been an hour since she had left Gunner safe and sleeping back at the hospital. Now she was back at work with a request.

"I do love my job here with the kids but I think just for a little while a change of scenery would be nice. Not to mention I think I could help over at Northside. I know they need people for overnights as well, so its not a waist."

Leaning forward on the desk the Dr looks across space at Bree sitting in front of him. She was one of his best workers and would hate to lose her but feather more he would hate to have her leave on her own and not come back.

"If your sure this is what you want, and you come back here when your ready I will alow you to go to Northside. Go home, get some sleep and tonight you can go back there at 9 to work. I'll call the Dr's and let them know your coming."

Giving a small nod Bree's face holds no expression thought on the inside she was happy to be going to Northside. She could keep a better eye on Gunner there and help him better.

"Thank you very much Dr. Heart. I will be back when I am ready."

Standing Bree leaves the office and makes her way across the floor. Stoping at a few childrens rooms before she left. Who new if when she got back if they would be there still. Once finished Bree heads out of the hospital again and home to grab some sleep.

Heading to the barn Dan was running late for his chores but a movement by one of the straw bails caught his attachen. Seeing Jade and the look on her face Dan could tell something was wrong. Not being able to help himself he makes his way over to Jade. He was late already what was another couple of minutes.

"Hey There! Everything ok?"

Sinking down on the bail next to Her Dan gives a soft smile. Not wanting to invade her space but make sure everything was ok.

Entering the building with Kyle by her side Alice cant help the little bit of excitement inside her that was building for Kyle.

"Its going to work out Kyle. I know it will."

Continuing to follow the music with Kyle Alice stays close not sure herself what to expect. Seeing Erik Alice smile as he and Kyle talk for a long moment.

"It's good to see you again Erik I hope you are well."

Feeling Kyle's hand in her own Alice gives it a little squeeze as she start to walk again. Looking over to Kyle she smiles.

"I'm so proud of you Kyle."

Looking back at Ryan Thirteen gives a smile. She often helped Ryder with odd jobs here and there now and enjoyed it. Though things were still rough, and sometimes she still had a hard time understanding things or was jumpy everything for the most part was going well.

"Hmmmm...yes I think I will help you. I've rather enjoyed it the last few times."

Grabbing one of the extra aprins Thirteen throws it on she gets to her normal place in the kitchen ready to work. Turning to Ryder she gives a smile.

"So I was thinking, maybe tonight I could cook dinner for you by myself. I think I know what I want to make and I have been studying the recipe, I just need to go to the store to grab a few things."

Giving a laugh and returning the kiss its finally broke as she giggles again. Things had been going fairly good the last week or so and Misty couldn't be happier. Giving a thoughtful look to Carson a grin forms on her lips as she looks up at him.

"Well, I dont know if my feonsay found out I was going to dinner with Hot Australian guys he might get pretty upset. I dont know if you could handle him."

Tossing a look over her shoulder at Rick her sassy grin remains ferm.

"What do you think Rick?"

"How could I forget when you keep waking me up from my dreams of Leo, racing and other happy things?"

Opening her eyes slowly her head was splitting but seeing her brother seemed to help it melt away just a little.

The last few days Ryan could hardly remember anything but bits and peaces of what was going on. Almost like a dream she could remember small things that were like a puzzle fitting them together to get the idea of what happened.

Giving a smile to her brother Ryan turns her head just a little reaching out for his hand. She was happy he was still here.

"I didnt think you would stick around this long. But I'm happy you did."

Left out

Gunner leans back and listens quietly to Bree reading. He really didn't know what was going on around him. But something about Bree's voice was like a soothing balm to his emotional wounds. It didn't matter what she was reading - it didn't really register with him anyway. But her voice was cool and quiet.

His shoulders start to relax, and his eyes droop closed. At Bree's question, he shakes his head slowly. "It... sounds... nice." His body too tired to keep trying with figuring out his lethargic brain, begs for rest. Without even realizing it, he'd leaned over, and his head was resting on Bree's shoulder.

It didn't take him long to fall unto a drugged sleep as she read. He wouldn't wake before she left for work.

"So, you gonna let Dan have off tonight so we can go bowling?" Jade leans on the stall door, looking at her dad.

Mick pauses his cleaning and sighs, wiping his sweaty brow. "We got a lot of work to do around here, Jade. I can't promise you anything."

"But, Dad! He has to have a break sometime, and besides, what did you do before he was hired?"

"Dan signed on full-time here - you can't just come and go at a ranch like this. And before he came, we had three other guys who are now gone. I can't just not use Dan because you guys want to go bowling."

Jade frowns. "You've got something against him, don't you?"

"Of course I don't."

"Well, what is it then?"

Mick shakes his head and returns to working. "I don't have time to stand here and argue."

Jade opens her mouth, but then realizes there's no point. She could just hope Dan could go.It wouldn't be as fun without teams. Trudging back out of the barn, she flops down on a bale of straw. Maybe it really wasn't her dad that was bothering her. Maybe it was just the fact that she had yet to ask if she could live here. She hadn't told him everything. All she wanted now was to go have some fun for a distraction and it was frustrating when things got in the way.

She'd hardly even seen Dan at all the last couple days, he'd been so busy. Katie and Jason had each other, and were spending time alone or with Jeff. Clint and Wendy were together too, now with a family to tend to.

For the first time, Jade felt lonely here... left out. It was no one's fault, and no one should change anything - it just was... different. Leaning her head back, she watches the clouds drift by, She needed something better to do.

Kyle looks at the double doors of the large brick building. Several other cars were in the parking lot, signaling that the band was here. He glances to Alice hesitantly. "Well..." He takes a deep breath. For all he knew, the band played celtic punk and he'd turn around and walk away with nothing changed. "Here goes nothing."

Getting inside, the interior is dim. The multi-purpose building had several halls and tiled floors. Hearing a drumset, Kyle quirks an eyebrow."Guess we follow our ears."

Walking slowly, he leads the way down the hall, finally coming to an open door to a medium-sized room. Chairs were stacked up to the sides, and a small stage held the band.

"Hey! You made it!"Erik comes to greet them, smiling at both Kyle and Alice.

Kyle grins a little, hanging back to gain courage from Alice to stay. "Yeah... figured I better come see what you were talking about."

"Fantastic. We usually practice in Theo's garage, but for today, we decided we should have some room to breath."

Kyle shrugs. "I'm used to practicing in a basement. You have to rent this place?"

"Naw. I know somebody who pulled a string or two." Erik chuckles. "It's who ya know. Come on... I'll introduce you..." He smiles at Alice. "I have a feeling you're a big part in this, so please... come too."

Kyle's hand finds hers and gives it a squeeze. He normally wasn't fearful of new things or people, but today... this felt so different. He was facing a big giant today.

"Wait! But... I... Carson!!" Ryder stands with apron in hand, watching Carson head out the door of Mom and Pop's. This was now the fourth time he'd done this to him! He looks back to the table at Thirteen. "Well... so much for a lunch date. Want to help me back here?"

Carson jogs from his car to the TJY entrance, letting himself in. He makes a quick job of going to the infirmary to find Misty at her desk. Leaning over her shoulder, he gives her a long kiss, ending with a teasing grin. He never showed up during the day, especially over lunch. "I got forty-five minutes. What's this feisty sheila say to going ou with a bloke like me for some food?"

Eli leans back against the wall at the head of the bed, and brings a leg up close to rest one elbow on his knee. His other leg was stretched out as he turned another page of his book. He'd been trying to get through the novel for a while now, so stuck with nothing to do for several days, gave him the opportunity to read more.

He hadn't thought after giving blood that he'd really have to stay there as long as they'd said, but he'd found out quickly that his body was much more tired than anticipated. While his sister had drifted in and out of consciousness, he'd slept away many hours himself. He was just glad that the doctor had allowed him to stay in th same room as Ryan. So far, she hadn't been awake or lucid enough to speak, and Eli wanted to be there for when she was.

He turns another page and sighs. At least he'd been allowed back his own clothes, and his bike had been put under roof. He reaches for a glass of orange juice, pausing to look at his sister again. Setting the glass back down, he swings his bare feet to the floor and puts his book aside.

Walking just a couple feet, he sits down on the edge of Ryan's bed. He straightens a strand of her hair and sighs. "Don't forget to come back to us."


Walking down the hall Bree checks behind her to make sure Gunner was keeping up not wanting to walk to fast. Setting his float down on the little nightstand next to the books by the bed Bree goes to the window along with Gunner. Seeing her hand print she gives a little smile before turning to listen to Gunner about the stars.

"Sometimes clouds can be just as pretty as stars. They don't shine but they are puffy and calming. Vampires like the clouds more too."

Turning to sit on the edge of the bed Bree lets out a small sigh as she just looks at her friend for a long moment. He didn't belong here, just like she didn't belong here. Yes maybe Gunner needed to be kept safe from himself but he didnt need to be drugged not like this.

Though she wanted to break down and comfort him Bree also just wanted to be herself but at this point and with the way Gunner must be feeling right now on these drugs she didnt know if it would make him feel worse.

"Right now with how you feel you could very well be dreaming. But I am here with you thats not a dream. I'll stay with you will I have to leave for work."

Taking one of the books from the night stand Bree flips through it quit for a moment before coming to one page with a picture that had many starts on it along with what looked like some kind of dust or smoke. Moving just a little bit and giving a gentil little push to Gunner Bree sits up on the bed the same way he was leaning her back aganst the wall so he could see the book too.

In a soft low voice that was soothing she started to read from the page hope it would help Gunner just a little if anything.

"The constellation of Orion holds much more than three stars in a row. A deep exposure shows everything from dark nebula to star clusters, all imbedded in an extended patch of gaseous wisps in the greater Orion Molecular Cloud Complex. The brightest three stars on the far left are indeed the famous three stars that make up the belt of Orion."

Stopping for a moment Bree looks down at Gunner now sure if he wanted her to continue to not. but she was sure if he did want her to he would let her know.

Laying her free hand on Gunner's shoulder Bree rubs it for a moment before just letting it rest there. Looking back to the page once again Bree starts to read again.

"Just below Alnitak, the lowest of the three belt stars, is the Flame Nebula, glowing with excited hydrogen gas and immersed in filaments of dark brown dust. Below the frame center and just to the right of Alnitak lies the Horsehead Nebula, a dark indentation of dense dust that has perhaps the most recognized nebular shapes on the sky. On the upper right lies M42, the Orion Nebula, an energetic caldron of tumultuous gas, visible to the unaided eye, that is giving birth to a new open cluster of stars. Immediately to the left of M42 is a prominent bluish reflection nebula sometimes called the Running Man that houses many bright blue stars. The above image, a digitally stitched composite taken over several nights, covers an area with objects that are roughly 1,500 light years away and spans about 75 light years."

Giving a little thoughtful grunt Bree gives a small smile.

"Thats actually quite interesting I can see why you like reading these books. Would you like me to keep reading or want me to stop?"

Some information for this post was taken from Space Fellowship, written by Matt, on September 30th, 2009. The link is as follows: http://spacefellowship.com/2009/09/30/picture-of-the-day-orion-in-gas-dust-and-stars/


The nurse has no problem in letting Bree take Gunner to his room - probably because it was not a threatening action.

Gunner slowly gets up, a little wobbly at first as the room spins and he has to get his bearings. He really had no idea what Bree's intentions were, but he couldn't figure out the words to ask, and somewhere he felt that he could trust her.

Grabbing the book to take along, he follows close to Bree, shuffling down the hall, around the corner, and down another short ways to his room. Entering, he just stands dumbly for a moment, turning to look at Bree as if asking what on earth they were doing there, if he was supposed to be leaving.

The rest if the books were on the nightstand, and the outline of Bree's hand was taped to the window. A bunch of paper had been torn to pieces, but on closer look, they all shaped numbers and a couple capital letters. Gunner had obviously wanted to jot down something, but without a pen that was his only way.

"There's nothing in the northern sky," he mumbles. "Not past midnight."

He looks to the window. "But there are clouds today. No stars."

Sighing deeply, he sinks down onto his bed, slowly leaning over until he was curled on his side. His head hurt, trying to think so much. "Am I... dreaming?"


Bree was happy to see Gunner drink the float. At least he would drink and eat for her that was important. It hurt, oh how it hurt to see him like this when only a few days ago it had been so much different.

"Your right Marge does, we are going to have to think up something good. Maybe a crazy request for dinner, or spiders in her hair or something."

Leaning a little closer and watching Gunner Bree's heart ached for him. She hated seeing Gunner like this when she new he shouldnt be.

"Oh Gunner, I wish I could. You will go home soon though."

Forming a plan in her head Bree already got a picture, and an idea of something to help Gunner. Her friend, her only friend.

"Come on let me take you back to your room so you can rest off these drugs. I wont leave if you dont want me to ."

Standing Bree turns to one of the nurses giving a nod and keeping her voice strong to show that she wouldnt take No.

"I am taking Gunner back to his room. He needs to rest."


Gunner doesn't move when Bree comes. He heard what she was saying, and he wanted to respond, but it was as if all his senses had been shut down.

He blinks slowly and swallows, feeling her hand on his face. He felt like screaming... yet at the same time, he felt nothing.

Opening his mouth. he wants to say something, but suddenly it was as if he didn't even know what language to use. Rubbing his eye, he shakes his head, wanting to be rid of this horrid feeling, but it doesn't work. The only thing that seemed to be functioning normally was his taste buds, and his mouth starts to water.

Gunner finally lets go of the book to reach for the float. Taking a sip from the straw, he nods. It tasted a lot better than his breakfast had.

Hearing Bree's question, it takes him a moment to process it. Eventually, he points to the familiar nurse a ways away. "Marge freaks easily," he mumbles.

Sighing deeply, his eyes remain void of emotion. He takes another sip of his float, but then pushes it away a little. Leaning forward, he rests his head on the table, his face to Bree. HIs eyes beg her as the words finally come out. "Take me home... please?"