
Left out

Gunner leans back and listens quietly to Bree reading. He really didn't know what was going on around him. But something about Bree's voice was like a soothing balm to his emotional wounds. It didn't matter what she was reading - it didn't really register with him anyway. But her voice was cool and quiet.

His shoulders start to relax, and his eyes droop closed. At Bree's question, he shakes his head slowly. "It... sounds... nice." His body too tired to keep trying with figuring out his lethargic brain, begs for rest. Without even realizing it, he'd leaned over, and his head was resting on Bree's shoulder.

It didn't take him long to fall unto a drugged sleep as she read. He wouldn't wake before she left for work.

"So, you gonna let Dan have off tonight so we can go bowling?" Jade leans on the stall door, looking at her dad.

Mick pauses his cleaning and sighs, wiping his sweaty brow. "We got a lot of work to do around here, Jade. I can't promise you anything."

"But, Dad! He has to have a break sometime, and besides, what did you do before he was hired?"

"Dan signed on full-time here - you can't just come and go at a ranch like this. And before he came, we had three other guys who are now gone. I can't just not use Dan because you guys want to go bowling."

Jade frowns. "You've got something against him, don't you?"

"Of course I don't."

"Well, what is it then?"

Mick shakes his head and returns to working. "I don't have time to stand here and argue."

Jade opens her mouth, but then realizes there's no point. She could just hope Dan could go.It wouldn't be as fun without teams. Trudging back out of the barn, she flops down on a bale of straw. Maybe it really wasn't her dad that was bothering her. Maybe it was just the fact that she had yet to ask if she could live here. She hadn't told him everything. All she wanted now was to go have some fun for a distraction and it was frustrating when things got in the way.

She'd hardly even seen Dan at all the last couple days, he'd been so busy. Katie and Jason had each other, and were spending time alone or with Jeff. Clint and Wendy were together too, now with a family to tend to.

For the first time, Jade felt lonely here... left out. It was no one's fault, and no one should change anything - it just was... different. Leaning her head back, she watches the clouds drift by, She needed something better to do.

Kyle looks at the double doors of the large brick building. Several other cars were in the parking lot, signaling that the band was here. He glances to Alice hesitantly. "Well..." He takes a deep breath. For all he knew, the band played celtic punk and he'd turn around and walk away with nothing changed. "Here goes nothing."

Getting inside, the interior is dim. The multi-purpose building had several halls and tiled floors. Hearing a drumset, Kyle quirks an eyebrow."Guess we follow our ears."

Walking slowly, he leads the way down the hall, finally coming to an open door to a medium-sized room. Chairs were stacked up to the sides, and a small stage held the band.

"Hey! You made it!"Erik comes to greet them, smiling at both Kyle and Alice.

Kyle grins a little, hanging back to gain courage from Alice to stay. "Yeah... figured I better come see what you were talking about."

"Fantastic. We usually practice in Theo's garage, but for today, we decided we should have some room to breath."

Kyle shrugs. "I'm used to practicing in a basement. You have to rent this place?"

"Naw. I know somebody who pulled a string or two." Erik chuckles. "It's who ya know. Come on... I'll introduce you..." He smiles at Alice. "I have a feeling you're a big part in this, so please... come too."

Kyle's hand finds hers and gives it a squeeze. He normally wasn't fearful of new things or people, but today... this felt so different. He was facing a big giant today.

"Wait! But... I... Carson!!" Ryder stands with apron in hand, watching Carson head out the door of Mom and Pop's. This was now the fourth time he'd done this to him! He looks back to the table at Thirteen. "Well... so much for a lunch date. Want to help me back here?"

Carson jogs from his car to the TJY entrance, letting himself in. He makes a quick job of going to the infirmary to find Misty at her desk. Leaning over her shoulder, he gives her a long kiss, ending with a teasing grin. He never showed up during the day, especially over lunch. "I got forty-five minutes. What's this feisty sheila say to going ou with a bloke like me for some food?"

Eli leans back against the wall at the head of the bed, and brings a leg up close to rest one elbow on his knee. His other leg was stretched out as he turned another page of his book. He'd been trying to get through the novel for a while now, so stuck with nothing to do for several days, gave him the opportunity to read more.

He hadn't thought after giving blood that he'd really have to stay there as long as they'd said, but he'd found out quickly that his body was much more tired than anticipated. While his sister had drifted in and out of consciousness, he'd slept away many hours himself. He was just glad that the doctor had allowed him to stay in th same room as Ryan. So far, she hadn't been awake or lucid enough to speak, and Eli wanted to be there for when she was.

He turns another page and sighs. At least he'd been allowed back his own clothes, and his bike had been put under roof. He reaches for a glass of orange juice, pausing to look at his sister again. Setting the glass back down, he swings his bare feet to the floor and puts his book aside.

Walking just a couple feet, he sits down on the edge of Ryan's bed. He straightens a strand of her hair and sighs. "Don't forget to come back to us."

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