
Sad news

*Jamie smiles as Con leans down and gives her a kiss. Kissing him back and giving him a hug Jamie stands to gather up the left over pizza. Waving to her Mother and Father Jamie heads out of the restront and back to TJY.*

*Nate laughs and jokes as, Katie, Laura and Himself enter TJY. After Reese turns to head to his office Nate rolls her eyes jokingly and gives Laura's hand alittle squeeze.*

"I had a great time to Laura. We will have to do it again sometime."

*As Nate turns to leave he spins around and gives Laura a thumbs up.*

"There is never a dull moment at TJY."

~*~About a half hour Later~*~

*As Jamie sits at her desk trying to sort through all the paperwork she had piled on her desk her phone rings.*

"Thank you for calling TJY, How may I direct your call?....I'm sorry he is in a meeting right now can I take a message?"

*As the door to Reese office opens Nate turns around to see Jamie standing in the doorway her face streaked with tears.

Jamie looks around the room at Reese, Wyatt and Nate for a moment not being ablt to find words to speak. In a soft wavering movie Jamie finally finds her voice as her tear fall from her eyes once again and her tummy churns.*

"I....I'm sorry to intrupt your meeting but a detiteve just called for you Reese. I took a message. Reese its Misty, her plain went down over the ocean. Thye dont know why yet, they havent recovered te black box but they have saspition is was fowle play as they got one distress call before."

*Jamie sucks in her breath trying to compose herself from breaking down completly.*

"So far they havent found any serviver, but they are still looking. The detive said it dident look good though. Reese, I'm sorry."

*Slowly Jamie walks over to Reese to give him a hug as she lets her tears out. She need he would need it as much as she did.

Nate just stairs at Jamies as he hears about Misty. How could this happen? Fowl play? The Agency would they really go this far? Not Misty....Nate's heart acks and a few of his own tears well in his eyes. Nate just stairs at Reese and Jamie doumb founded.*


Con raises an eyebrow at Jamie's statement of Herb thinking of him like a son. It evoked a thought in his mind tha thad come up a lot lately.

Shaking his head, he chuckles a little. "I don't think I could take standing in a kitchen all day. At least with the lumberyard I get to be pretty active. And..." His cell phone cuts him off and he rolls his eyes. "I need to shut this thing off." He answers it despite his annoyance though. "Yeah? ....Uh-huh...well no, I'm on my lunch break, can't you..." He sighs in frustration. "So tell him he'll have to wait, I... ....Alright, whatever. Look, I'll see you in a while."

Ending the call, Con shakes his head again. "Ya know, even work horses get to have breaks every once in a while."

He stops his complaining quickly as Mabel comes with their pizza. "And right now, this work horse is gonna eat lunch," he states flatly.

Too soon, lunch is over and Con is standing, ready to head back to work. He leans down to give Jamie a kiss on the cheek. "Talk to you later. Tell everyone at TJY hi...I gotta stop in again sometime here."

He waves to Herb and Mabel and makes his exit, wishing he didn't have to work this afternoon.

Laura aims for her desk, feeling content with the day. After a fun lunch with Nate and Katie, she was ready to tackle the afternoon. She pauses though, before splitting off from Nate, and turns to see him. "Thanks, Nate. I had fun." Giving him a little smile, she opens her mouth to say more, but Reese walks by, interrupting her.

"Hey, Nate, soon as you can, come to my office. I wanna see you and Wyatt about some things. We need to talk about Carson, Con and Jason, and what we're gonna be doing."

Laura watches him walk away, then throws Nate an amused glances. "Don't have too much fun."

Take off

*As Misty's flight number is called for bording Misty stands grabing her carry on bag. Looking around She trys to see Alec, if he dident hurry he was gonna miss the plain. Leting out a sigh something pulls on Misty heart and gut telling once again to stay. Not to get on the plain like a warning. SHaking the feeling from her Misty heands the boarding attendent her ticket and gets on the plain. She had to do, she had to try and move on find who she was again. Finding her seat Misty sits down and stairs out the window. Soon this would all be behind her and in 24 hours she would be starting her new life. Trying to pick up the broken peaces.*

*Jamie smiles at Con. Reaching out she puts her hand on him.*

"Its ok Hun. I know your tired and I dont hold it aganst you. I like having your company around. I dont have to say anything to you can I could walk away feeling I had the best conversation."

*Jamie smiles again at Con as she grabs a fry and eats it continplating.*

"You know if the lunber yard ever gets to be to much my dad would LOVE to have you work with him. He likes you alot Con, your like a son to him."

*Katie giggles as she runs up to Nate as she heads Laura yelling. Nate looks up in saprise at Katie and than hearing Laura yell. Katie pants for breath as she talks.*

"Nate....Laura....want....to....know if ....you...want to..."

*Katie stops for a moment still laughing shooting a look behind her to Laura.*

"She wants to know if you.....want to come to come to lunch with us."

*Nate himself cant help but laugh at the two womans antics. It was good seeing Katie laughing and smiling. It might not be for long she would but alittle here and there was good and showed Nate she was gonna be ok.*

Innocent bystander

"Well, Misty Miller, it's nice to meet you." Alec laughs and shakes his head. "Believe it or not, this time it's for peanuts." He rolls his eyes. "Very exciting stuff."

"Alec Kryston, you have a phone call. Please go to customer service. Alec Kryston, see customer service."

Alec looks up as the announcement comes through the speakers. "Drat. Well, I suppose I better get that. Could be my boss." He stands up and throws Misty a wink. "If I don't catch you again, safe travels." He grabs his bag and goes to the service counter, only to not be seen again as the call to board the plane is made.

Con grins mischievously at Herb and Mabel, getting a kick out of his own antics that had started the light squabble. "Don't tempt me to take the job," he calls, teasingly. "I'm not sure you could stand having me in your kitchen."

He turns back to Jamie and shrugs. "Yeah, everything's fine, why?" His eyes shift downward again as he takes a sip of his pop. He knew good and well what was bothering him, but he wasn't going to bring it up. It just wouldn't work. "Guess I'm just tired." He gives a sorry laugh. "I know, I'm horrid company. Sorry. One of these days I'll actually be awake enough to carry on a normal conversation with you."

Laura's eyes widen at Katie. "Hey! Don't tell him that!" She stands up and yells across the floor to Nate. "It was her idea!" she blurts out. "I'm just an innocent bystander!"


*Misty keeps she smile held to the man as he offers his hand. He seemed friendly enough to Misty. Taking his hand Misty gives his a firm shake.*

“Nice to meet you my name is Misty Miller.”

*Misty looks away for a moment seeing what time it was than looks back to Alec.*

“Boy sounds like you have an interesting job.”

*Misty can’t help but give a small laugh.*

“So what are you going to England for this time? Like what kind of customer servivce? Hope you’re not selling toilets again, cuz that’s us….uhhh….strange and makes me feel bad for you.”

*Jamie can’t help but giggle at her mother turns and looks at them.*

“Some people never grow up.”

*She states with a smile on her face.*

“Conrad Gibbs if you don’t watch it I am going to make you stay here part time and work cleaning.”

*Herb comes out from the back room taking Mable by the arm.*

“For heavens sake Mabel must you always bother those kids.”

“But Con…he…I…”

“Come on Mable leave them be.”

*Jamie laughs again and turns back to Con searching his eyes.*

“Looks like you have something alse on your mind. Everything ok?”

*Katie rolls her eyes and lets out a small laugh. Life was starting to come back to Katie slowly. She was trying to best to keep up hope and getting Jason’s letter had helped.*

“Ok…I’ll tell Nate you wanted me to ask for you.”

*Katie laughs again and turns to quickly leave and find Nate.*


They guy smiles at Misty, his dark hair bringing out the green in his eyes. "Ah, an ambitious student." He nods with approval. "Me, I couldn't ever keep my nose in a book long enough to get the answers I needed to pass the tests."

He chuckles and extends his hand to her. "Alec Kryston. And I wish my trip was vacation...that would be awfully nice, but no, it's work related. I got a client needing my expertise with some customer service...in other words, I come, I stay, I make sure everyone is happy, then I leave." He grins. "Farming myself out as a persona rep has it's drawbacks, but...I suppose a trip to England is better than no trip at all." He chuckles again. "I've hit almost all fifty states, selling everything from coffee to plastic pool toys, and I've been overseas twice now, once to help a customer set up his business to sell toilets." He rolls his eyes with amusement.

Con gives a weary grin to Jamie. "Yeah...maybe taking that day off and staying home would be the better option." He looks down, indicating that there was something else on his mind...he wasn't usually a workaholic, nor did he usually let work overtake his demeanor like it was.

Snapping out of it, he forces a smile and picks up an extra straw, unwrapping it and sticking the balled-up wrapper in one end. Aiming towards the front counter, he blows, sending the paper projectile hurling towards Mabel.

Laura nods with definite approval of Katie's idea. "Getting out of here sounds splendid," she agrees. "But you're the one that's gonna ask Nate. If I do, he's never gonna let me live it down, and he'll think he's got me."


*Jamie listens to Con intently. The look on his face showed he was so tired and it worryed Jamie. She had never seen Con like this before and so adimint about working so much. He had always worked hard at TJY but he new how to rest as well, and now his body was sore and his eyes showed just how tired he was.*

"..that would be some fun for you Con. Get away from work and just relax. Maybe Katie would even like to come with you. She hasent seen much of the guys since she dosent have a car and it might be fun for her to get away too. Or...you could always take that time and rest. You need it hun. You look so tired."

*Misty eyes the man that sat down next to her not sure who he was and learning from TJY you always are cautious about new people. Trying her best to past a smile on her face she replys,*

"I guess its not that much. Just heading back to school. Nothing to exciting. How about you? Going on vacation?"

*Misty decied she might as well make the best of the hour before the plane took off and seeing as this guy was the only one to talk to she might as well.*

*Katie wanders the floor at TJY. Doing paper work, heading to the copy masheen. Today was a rougher day for her. She had come across pictures this morning of her and Jason. The the memories were good they still remineded Katie how much she missed Jason. Finading Laura Katie smiles.*

"Hey Laura. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to grab Nate and see if he wanted to come and we could all go grab some lunch."

*Katie smiles at Laura desprite to get out and keep her mind busy.*


Laura wanders from the copy machine back out onto the main floor. It seemed quiet here today...Misty was gone, taking with her the bubbly personality and the laughter that had always followed her. She and Carson had always stirred things up around TJY and the two of them had gotten in plenty of trouble, not hiding their affections one bit...but it had always made Laura smile.

Sighing, she reaches her desk. Jason was gone, Con was gone, Misty was gone...it just felt empty anymore.

Con swirls his straw around in his glass, waiting for the pizza to arrive. His right arm was in a sling - doctor's orders after the deep bruise and trauma from the accident at work. One more week and then he should be back to normal...though he still had to be at work and try to function as much as he could right now.

"...anyway, so Phil's trying to get me to come and help the guys backstage next week at their concert." He tries hard to keep a light conversation going with Jamie, hating it that he'd been so tired lately, and not very good company.

A lanky figure makes his way to the airport gate, his backpack slung over his shoulder. His looks gave the impression he was around thirty, his dark hair a bit messy, with scruff on his face. His eyes twinkled though, as if he were ready to pounce on a new adventure.

Glancing around the seats where other passengers were waiting, he spies Misty, and daringly plops down in the seat next to her. Cocking his head, he eyes her pensive face. "Doesn't look like this is a pleasure trip for you," he comments.

Moving on

*Nate looks up from his desk at Wyatt. He is about to open his mouth to speak when Misty walks over. Over hearing her cousin's voice she walks twords him and Nate knoing he went to look for Carson. Once there she sees the papers and cell. Leting out a heacy sigh*

"So thats it than? He's really gone?"

*Misty's eye relay a sadness. Looking down at her wrist she still wore Carson's braclet. Why she dident know. Maybe she really wasent ready to let go.*

*Nate looks from Wyatt to Misty, his own cirtin sadness showing. His heart went out to her and he felt a bit sad himself Carson was gone. But he needed time to clear his head, would he be back Nate dident know.*

"Just leave him be. Dont try to find him, dont go after him. He needs his time alone. Our secrete is safe with him Wyatt. Misty, move on with life. Your a wonderful young woman dont let this put everything on hold."

*Nate turns and goes back to his work as Misty walks away. Geting to the infermary she sits down leting out a sigh and looking at her signed papers to stay here.*

*And so as time always seems to do it once slips away. Thing at TJY slowly go back to being as normal as they can be. Morning comes, and goes, Night falls, than the day starts over again untill a week has gone by.*

*Misty sits in the infermary packing the last of her things in her backpack. Before leaving she gives Rick a hug and thanks him for everything he has done and helped her with. She promised him she would come and see him if she was around again. Misty exits and cross the floor stoping at Reese office and saying her goodbyes along with Wyatt and than Nate. As Misty makes her way to the door she pass the desk that was Carson's. Stoping for a moment Misty closes her eyes memories flood back to her. Her and Carson's laughs, there kiss, bitter sweet memories. A tear rolls down Misty's cheek. It had been a week and no one hurd anything from Carson. No one new where he was. Misty had decieded to go back to England as sujested by Nate and he was right. Misty couldent let this hold her back and put her life on hold. Carson new he number if he ever needed her though Misty dident exspect him to call. Finally Misty starts her walk out of TJY again and heads for her car that was packed and ready. Misty pulls out of TJY and makes her way to the airport. After a few hours she finally arives and checking in her bags and gets her tickets. Misty lets out a long sigh. A part of her wanted to stay and work at TJY. Yet her other half new she had to go back to England to be able to move on. Though Misty was leaving Nevada behind her she wouldent forget all the good times, adventures, and lessons learned. Many people had touched her life in her short stay here even if some eneded bad those people would always have a place in Misty's heart. Once again Misty looks down at her write where Carson's braclet still remained. Soon, someday she would be able to let go.

Misty makes her way down the terminal to her gate so many memorys fill her mind again. Good and bad. Finally finding a seat Misty leans back. Her plain dident take off for another hour. Closing her eye Misty leans her head back just trying to relax till it was time to go.*


Carson watches Misty's car until it disappears out of sight. Slowly he makes his way back inside, finding Ashlyn back in her room, seething. Confident she wouldn't shoot him, he tosses the gun on the bed with disgust. "Sorry you didn't get out of me what the big boss wanted," he states with sarcasm. "I'd say better luck next time, but I think you know there's not gonna be a next time."

He locks eyes with her for just a moment, conveying his anger with her. Grabbing his backpack, he sidles past her and out the door without so much as a glance over his shoulder.

"Carson, you fool!"

He ignores the shout and keeps on going. His mind was in turmoil. His heart ached. He had no idea where to go or what to do...

Wyatt paces the floor, looking at his watch again. He'd tried Carson's cell phone, he'd tried Carson's landline, he'd gone back out to the hotel, and still there was nothing. He'd looked all over town, and had come up empty-handed. He'd seen Misty and gleaned a little bit of information as to what had happened the evening before, and it worried him. He wanted to trust Carson, but a disappearing act didn't do much for confidence.

Finally giving in, Wyatt grabs his eyes. He'd go to Carson's apartment himself and break in if he had to, in order to find some clue...some trace.

An hour later, he's back, heading straight for Nate's desk. "Nate...I was just at Carson's place." His face is tight with tension. "Looked like most of his clothes were gone, and these were on his kitchen table." He holds out Carson's left-behind cell phone, along with two pieces of paper. One is a handwritten note with one word: Walkabout. The other is a printout of an electronic plane ticket to Australia.

"That's it," Wyatt says lamely. "No contact, no address, no phone number, no nothing. He's just...gone. I don't know what to do."

"Con, look out!"

Con doesn't hear the warning, and suddenly feels the blow to his neck and shoulder as a heavy two-by-four comes crashing down from the high rack. Stumbling forward, Con winces and puts a hand to his shoulder. "Dang it," he mutters.

"You okay?" Phil comes jogging up to him.

"It's nothing," Con fibs. "Give me a minute." He tries rotating his arm, but it's too painful, so he gives up. "Just help me get these palates stacked where they belong and at least Leonard can't complain about that."

Phil looks at him with concern. "How about you take an early lunch. I'll cover for you."

"I can't..."

Phil shakes his head. "Con, go get that shoulder taken care of, alright? I'll report it and when you get back this afternoon we'll get the rest of this cleaned up."

Sighing, Con relents and heads out from work. Once back to his apartment, he finds himself on his couch with an icepack on his shoulder as it throbs. It had gotten an awfully good whack, and if he didn't recoup fast, this would hurt his work, and he couldn't have that happen. Swallowing a couple pain killers, he looks at the clock. He had an hour before he was supposed to meet Jamie for lunch.

When its gone

*As Misty makes her way down the hall and hears Carson yell to her. In a swift movment Misty move and turns seeing Carson wrestal Ashlyn to the ground. Misty's eyes widen. So Carson did still care. Once again Msity's own feeling tumble. She had so many mixed emotions. She new she cared for Carson, and would be willing to work on stuff if Carson could make the commitment. Misty dident want to lose the closeness she found with Carson, but the choise was his. Misty did all she could. As Carson drags Misty to her car Misty looks up at him one last time.*


*Not find words to talk Misty slips into her car. Pulling out of the parking lot Misty looks in her mirror and watching Carson before he is out of sight. Leting out a sigh a tear rolls down Misty's cheek again her adrenilen was gone and the pain was felt again.

Finally making it back to TJY Misty enters and heads straght for the infermary to clean and bandage up her hand.*


Both Carson and Ashlyn turn quickly to Misty's entrance, their eyes wide with surprise.

As Misty's fist connects, Ashlyn is thrown backward into the wall, sinking down to the floor, stunned.

Carson is too shocked to even react, looking to Ashlyn, then back at Misty, not know what on earth is going on, or what he should even do.

Misty's hand coming towards him makes him flinch as he tenses to receive a slap, but is surprised yet again as she draws him in for a kiss...that sweet kiss...that kiss that had lured him to her to begin with. For just a moment, reality is forgotten. He doesn't move, but receives the affectionate motion numbly.

Blinking as she withdraws, her words sting. What was he doing? What kind of decisions was he making? What choices was he really making? Were the consequences really worth it?

Carson can't find any words to say, and just stares at Misty as she turns and walks away. He opens his mouth, but no statement wants to come...he was torn completely in two, divided down the middle. He felt as if he were in the middle of an earthquake, and the ground was splitting beneath him. If he didn't choose a side, and choose it fast, he would fall into the abyss forever.

"That rotten little..." Ashlyn comes back alive and puts a hand to her jaw, ire flashing in her eyes. Getting up, she goes to the bedside table, withdrawing a loaded handgun. "I'll teach her to mess with me," she hisses, stalking towards the door.

Carson's face pales as he sees her go after Misty. His feet feel as though they're cemented to the floor. Panic surges through him, his mind feeling as though it's going to explode with choices and possibilities. He feels like he's in a daze and everything around him was a foggy dream...unreal...lost somewhere between here and now, upside down and backward.

As Ashlyn disappears around the corner, Carson suddenly snaps to reality. She wasn't kidding...and she was very capable of gunning anyone down she pleased. "Ashlyn!" Too late, she was gone.

Bursting into the hall, he sees her stopped, aiming at Misty's back.

An adrenaline surge sends him toward Ashlyn in a sprint. "Misty, get down!" he barks. Hurling himself at Ashlyn, he's just quick enough to tackle her from behind before she squeezes the trigger.

"Get off me!" she screams.

Carson goes for the gun, wrestling it from her hand, and rolling over to get to his feet in one motion. Anger takes over and suddenly it's him aiming the gun, but it's aimed at Ashlyn. So much ire causes his hand to shake, his face red, his breathing rapid. "If you ever...ever threaten Misty again, so help me, I will blow your head off."

Backing away, slowly, Carson sticks the gun behind his back and goes to Misty. His face is hard as he fights against what he's feeling, and he takes her roughly by the arm, pulling her along beside him, down the hall and back outside. "You need to get out of here before someone gets killed," he orders sharply, taking he to her car. "For the last time - go."


*As Carson words touch Misty's ears her heart breaks once again. Why did she keep building herself up just to let herself down again. Misty watches as Carson walks away. Oh how she hurt, how even though she was mad at Carson, deep down she still loved him. Let several minutes pass Misty marches back into the hotel as the man at the desk yell to her she reasures him everything ok fine. Geting back up to Ashlyn's room the pain couses through Misty's had this time she ignores it. Kicking the door open Misty see Ashlyn standing close to Carson. Without thinking she walks over balling her fist she sends it flying knocking Ashlyn in jaw with such force.*

"Thats for hurting someone I care about and messing with my life."

*Misty turns to Carson reaching out at first it probley seems like she was going to hit him to but insted Misrt brings her hand sround the back of Carson's neck and pulls him to her planting a long kiss on his lips like she did so many times before. Fianlly drawing away Misty gives a small sassy smile.*

"Thats to tell you I dont just forget someone I cared about. Make sure your making the right desition before you do. Remember my eyes, and remember my kiss before your ready to really walk away."

*Turning once again Misty makes her way out of the hotel and starts down the hall. What was she doing? She just punches Ashlynn and it made her feel better. She just kissed Carson when she should hate him. But truth be told she dident*

Let me

Carson grits his teeth, the battle within himself raging. He stares at Misty as she talks, not surprised at her rash actions, though almost shuddering at the thought of what could have happened. And it was all because of him.

He feels as if he's being ripped in two. Never in his life had he witnessed what pain he could cause someone else by his own choices. Never in his life had he himself felt such pain as a consequence of those choices.

Life had always been a game to him...you win some, you lose some. You take what you can get, and as long as you're in control, that's what counts. TJY had thrown him for a loop, demonstrating that there was a whole different side to life...and Misty had thrown him for an even bigger loop as she'd actually become someone he cared about.

Misty had fallen in love with him...but what did Carson feel? All he could feel right now was anger...frustration...pain. He liked Misty...but had he led her on all this time? Had he really felt committed, even when he'd said he was? Had he really thought of her the way she did him? Searching his heart, Carson accepts the bitter facts. He'd never been dedicated to anything in his life. Though taking the side of TJY, it wasn't something he was passionate about. Though getting involved with Misty, he hadn't allowed her to be his world. There were too many barriers...too may callouses, and his actions the last two weeks proved it - he hadn't changed.

Looking Misty in the eye, emotions pool behind his own in the form of tears, though he refuses to let them surface. Her fire was gone...her sass dispersed. She was broken...and it was because of him. He would not allow this to go on.

Releasing her wrist, Carson takes a step back from her. "Let me go," he suggests, his voice edged with an emotional rasp. "You've been hurt enough." Building a firm wall to surround himself and cut himself off from feeling, he begins to back away. "It's over, Misty."

He keeps an eye on her for several steps before he finally turns around and heads back inside the hotel without looking back.

Carson trudges blindly down the hallway and stops as he reaches the familiar door. He sees the bloodstain on the carpet and his stomach churns. He finally opens the door and enters quietly.

Ashlyn looks up expectantly, not having moved from the bed. "What on earth is going on, Carson?"

He shakes his head and trudges forward to sit on the edge of the bed, leaning his elbows on his knees to rest his face in his hands.

Ashlyn crawls up behind him. "You're awfully tense today," she chides. Reaching out, she runs her hands over his shoulders. "Why don't you come back with me? Then you don't have to worry about this place anymore."

Ashlyn's touch automatically relaxes Carson's muscles. He straightens and turns to face her, searching her eyes. There was nothing there but a desire to get what she wanted...it mirrored the look he knew he'd given her since he'd known her. It was shallow...it was evidence that the seeker was after only one thing, and it had been proven to do nothing but hurt people. Carson was hurting others by doing these things, and he was hurting himself as well - the pain he felt was too great to deny it.

Ashlyn's eyes narrow as she flashes him an irresistible smile. "When are you going to realize you belong with me, Carson? Quit fighting it."

Misty. TJY. Family. Misty. TJY. Family. Misty...Carson's mind reeled. "No." His own words surprise him. "I'm through." He stands up, going to the dresser to pick up some of the items he'd left here.

"What?" Ashlyn gets up and goes to him. "What are you talking about?"

"What's it sound like?" Carson throws his belongings into his backpack. "If you know what's good for you, you'll leave town before someone gets a hold on you."

"Carson!" Ashlyn spins him around, her hands on his forearms. "You know you want to stay with me. You know you want to get back on the job." Her eyes flash with a seductive stare. "Don't make me use force."

Carson pauses his packing and stares back at her as he feels himself starting to lose the battle. Was it really worth the fight?

Dear Katie,

Happy birthday a little early...I wish I could be with you. We'll celebrate when I'm out of here, alright?

Thanks for letting me know about my mom and Wes. I wish I hadn't missed the wedding...you and I will have to take a road trip out there one of these days - maybe take my bike down, what do you say?

I'm doing alright in here, Kat... It's lonely and I miss you so much that some nights it just hurts. But seeing you gave me hope, and all I can do is wait. I don't know who is getting paid off here to keep me isolated, but I'm trying to figure it out. If I do, I'll let you know so you can relay it to Reese, or Lockheart...I'm assuming they're still on this case.

Tell everyone at TJY hi for me, and the band, too. I heard over the grapevine they had a good show last week - I'm glad they're moving forward without me.

Take care of yourself, Katie.

Hanging in and hanging on,

Only you

*Misty makes her way to the car she can head someone run up behind her. As Misty feels someone turn her around and hears Carson's voice she is a bit taken back. Not sure if she is angry he is there AGAIN or not. Misty is about to reply to being hurt, when Carson imeditly takes her wrist and checks for a wound. Misty wasent sure if she wanted to smile or cry. Her feelings were so messed up right now. As Carson holds her wrist Misty fold her hand shut to stop the bleeding once again. Looking up into Carson's eyes. The eyes she had looked into so many times, that like so many times before stole her breath did so once again. Trying to compose herself Misty reminds herself why she was here and the truth to what she had continplated doing. Misty sucks in her tears and In strong yet small voice reply.*

"I was so angry Carson. At myself, at you, at Ashlyn, at everyone I couldent think straght. I hated her the moment I saw her when you came to get me that night. That anger cam back to me as I at in the infermary."

*Misty looks away from Carson for a moment as she keep speaking.*

"I wanted to hurt her, I wanted to make her pay. I came here with one soul purpis. But when I got to the door...My anger is drove me, the images, the feelings. When I grabed the knife from my pocket I just griped the blade not even relizing it till I felt the pain. When I saw the blood I just couldent do it. No matter how much I hated Ashlyn and wanted her to pay I couldent do it. So I left, and here we are. Your the last person I thought I would see. Though I have to admit..."

*Misty looks up at Carson again, a few tears still in her eyes.*

"...I wouldent have wanted it to be any one alse."

*Misty still dident know how she felt, her emotions, her feelings they ran rampad. Part of her wanted to grab Carson and hug him, while the other refused to let her for what he did. Misty couldent stop the confustion and pain.*


Carson swaggers down the hotel hallway, his mind still on a million and one things. Looking up, he sees a weak form coming towards him and he stops, his eyes widening. What the…

Too surprised to see Misty there at all, he can’t form any words, even when she bumps into him. But his eyes spot the blood.

A chill runs down his spine as he stands, stunned. He looks down the hall, then back towards Misty walking away. What was going on? Dread shoots through his veins as assumptions being to pop up, his imagination taking him places he doesn’t want to go.

Sprinting from a standstill, he heads for Ashlyn’s room, spying the knife on the floor. He reaches down to pick it up. It was Misty’s. Fear hits him harder and he bursts into the room. “Ashlyn?”

She looks up, surprised from the bed. “Carson, what’s wrong?”

Not even answering her, he shuts the door again, folding the knife and putting it in his pocket. Spinning around, he bolts into a dead run back down the hall, skidding sideways past another person whose arms are full of luggage.

Ignoring the managers calls, asking him if everything is okay, he bursts outside, putting on the breaks to look around the parking lot. He spots Misty by her car. Without even thinking, he aims his sprint in her direction. Reaching her, he takes her by the shoulder and twists her around to face him.

He looks her in the eye with sternness. “Are you hurt?”

Looking down, he sees her hand pressed to herself where blood has soaked her shirt. Not waiting for her response, he takes her wrist out of the way and presses a hand to her stomach, searching for the injury. Realizing quickly that it’s not there, his eyes go to her hand and he turns it over, seeing the slices through her palm and fingers.

Without letting go of it, he stares back up at Misty’s face, his eyes narrowing, his voice rough. “What happened?”


*As Misty stands there blood forming in a puddle around her foo her mind still goes here and there, images of Carson, of Ashlyn. Misty was mad at them and mad at herself that she dident see the signs. A sharp pain courses through Misty hand bringing her out of her fog and causing her to drop the knife. Misty looks down at her hand and see all the blood bring her to relization what she was doing, and contine plating. She remembers the time she was in the gang, memories come back to her of lifes runed. No Misty new if she kill Ashlynn no matter how she deserved it Misty would fall back into the darkness. Misty press her hand aganst her white shit to try and stop the bleeding as the blood still poured through her fingers causing the illustion that she had been stabed in the stomach. Misty turns and heads for the stebs a tinny stagger in her walk as she trys to hold the tears from coming again only adding to the illustion to anyone who might see her. Making it down the steps Misty makes her way down the hall to the door keeping her head down Misty bumps into someone throwing a quick sorry in a weak voice she continues to make her way out the door and across the lot to her car.*

*As Jamie watches Con's eyes drift shut again a smile cross her face. Sliping her arms around Con she stratens as much as she can leaing his head on her shoulder and running her hands though his hair as she hum soflty. For now Jamie would like Con sleep till the food came. He needed all the rest he could get.*


Con raises a rueful eyebrow. “Time off sounds good, but I haven’t been working there six months yet, which means I don’t have that privilege unless I’m at deaths’ door…don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”

He smiles a little as Jamie tells him about giving her dad backrubs. “He was right,” he agrees. “Feels like an Angel to me…” His eyes drift shut again, soothed by Jamie’s touch, and on the verge of falling asleep, despite sitting up at the table.

Carson stops at the door and listens to Nate’s words. They want to penetrate to his heart, but his wall is so thick right now…

Seeing the offered hand, he takes it, though isn’t sure if it changed anything or not. He had to think…had to decide…

Without any more words, Carson leaves. He stops by his desk to pick up a couple things, then heads out to his pickup. Pulling out of TJY’s parking lot, he turns right instead of left, heading down the dead end street. Parking, he gets out and walks to the broken bridge, fixing his eyes on the scenery that he and Misty had looked over. It seemed so long ago…it hadn’t really been.

Things weren’t supposed to turn out like this… he hadn’t planned on this thing with Ashlyn to go so long, making it harder to keep a secret. He hadn’t bet on the consequences that came through TJY. He hadn’t thought about losing Misty over all of this. He just hadn’t thought with his brain at all. And now he had decisions to make… and he had no idea what he was going to do.

The anger comes again…anger for this whole stupid situation. It was his own fault and he knew it, but he couldn’t help hurling blame in other people’s directions.

Carson wasn’t used to being introspective…his own thoughts confused him, and there was pain there that he didn’t want to face. Standing here now, he slowly shuts back down, unwilling to delve any deeper. He turns back around and goes back to his truck. This time he heads across town towards the hotel. It doesn’t take him long, and soon he's pulling into the lot and parking. Hesitating just a moment, he exits his truck to make his way inside.

There will be blood

*Nate lets out another sigh and stands pacing the room for a moment.*

"I believe you Carson. I know you wouldent put us in danger."

*Heading for the door Nate opens it and stands to the side.*

"Your free to go now Carson."

*Nate watches as Carson heads for the door. As he gets closer Nate holds up his hand to stop Carson lookin him in the eyes.*

"You have a place here Carson. Deep down you know this is where you belong and you do fit in. You have made friends without even relizing it, and you became a good guy and you were happy no matter how you want to say you wernt. Let your true friends help you find him again. Try and stay of trouble ok. We will be awaiting you answer."

*Nate holds his hand out to Carson offering him a handshake showing He was Carson's friend.*

*As Misty keeps driving she finally finds herself at a crappy hotel. Siting for a moment she relized where she was. This must be the hotel Ashlynn was at. Geting out of her car Misty reaches into her pock and flips her knife open place it back in her pocket. Her blood ran with rage and her head wasent clear. Walking into the hotel Misty talks to the man standing at the front desk making sure Aslynn was here and was room she was in. Geting the information she needed Misty makes her way down the hall. and up the steps. Finally reaching Ashlynn's room, Misty reaches into her pocket grabing her knife. As her mind is in a daze she dosent relize she grabs bladeend first. As Misty stands there immages enter her mind, words, thoughs of Ashlyn and Carson being together, her in his arms, her lips on his the same lips Misty herself kissed. The thoughts caused Misty to tigten to grip around the blade as it cut deep into her skin as the blood started to drop onto the floor.*

*Jamie continues to run Con's shoulders, her touch rubbing deep but still soft.*

"Maybe you should take some time off, or something before you wair yourself out hun. You look exsausted as is. I worry about you over working yourself. "

*Jamie gives a small smile as she rubs. About to say something when Mable appears.*

"Jamie dont let you dad see you do that? He keeps complaining I wont give him back rubs. He might start recruting you again."

*Mable smiles at Con and Jamie as she takes there order and walks away puting it in to Herb. Jamie turns her attachen back to Con.*

"When I still lived at home my dad would have me give him back rubs all the time. He said I always had the perfect touch for it. I could get it deep down without making it hurt. He would said I had Angel hands. To me they are just...normal."


Nate’s observations about Misty creates a dull ache in Carson’s gut. He could see the truth if he really wanted to, but it caused pain. He didn’t want to see it.

He hadn’t chosen Ashlyn instead of Misty…it was just…it was… There were no two ways about it… Carson had given in to his human desires. It was that simple. He knew Ashlyn didn’t really care about him…he knew that if given the chance, she’d backstab him like anyone else from the Agency. She knew Carson’s weaknesses and used them for her own benefit as he did the same. It was all just a lie and Carson knew it. There was nothing more between him and Ashlyn than physical attraction and a lack of self-control. That’s all there ever had been…that’s all there had ever been between Carson and any other woman. He didn’t want to think about the numbers.

There had only been one who had been more than a physical attraction… only one that had touched his heart… only one that he had respected enough to control himself. And he’d just ruined anything and everything he’d had with her. He felt despicable.

As Nate mentioned Carson’s sister and mother, his veins run cold, the blood draining from his face. Taken totally off guard, his mind does a one-eighty, the faces of his family flashing before his eyes…seeing them slaughtered all over again.

His eyes finally focus again on Nate’s, locking his gaze, forgetting for the moment about the whole Misty aspect of this conversation. “Yes. You have my word,” he states strongly. “I have not jeopardized TJY’s security.”

Wyatt doesn’t want to admit that he sees the truth in Carson’s eyes, but he has to. He sighs and gives Nate a sidelong glance. “Well…” He turns back to Carson. “You know we can’t have you working here and seeing Ashlyn at the same time.”

Carson opens his mouth, but stops as Wyatt continues.

“I know it’s your personal life, and your moral issues are your own, whether I agree with them or not. But Ashlyn is a part of the Agency and the longer you spend time with her, the closer she gets to TJY, no matter how good you are at holding your tongue. You’ve got a choice to make, Carson, and you better make it quit. Walk away, or give Ashlyn up.”

Carson grits his teeth, pacing in a small circle. He didn’t know what he wanted. There were so many things…so much running through his head. It was like trying to watch five movies at the same time. “Look, can I just get out of here?” His eyes plead with Nate. “I need to think and I can’t do that in here.”

Ashlyn steps out of the shower and flops down on the bed, grabbing the tv remote. Finding a movie to watch, she settles back, then picks up the phone. Reaching Carson’s voicemail, she grimaces and hangs up. He’d come…of that she was confident.

Con sighs deeply and closes his eyes as Jamie rubs his shoulder. “Rough day? Try rough week…rough month.”

He opens his eyes again, giving her a crooked grin. “All in a day’s work. Phil’s tried to get some of the workload off of me, but the boss man likes me too much, so I get the brunt of the heavy stuff.”

He winces just a little as Jamie hits the sorest spot, though he knows it will help loosen it up. “Mm, you got a mean hand, you know that?” he teases.

Hide and Seek

*Nate eyes Carson as he stops for a moment.*

"And you think Misty had it easy as well? She new where she fit in Carson? She felt out of place till she met you. You gave her meaning in her life.

I just dont understand Carson. I saw how you and Misty interacted, talked, joked around. I saw the look in your eyes that showed you cared. How could you choose someone cheap and fake over someone genuine and pretty as Misty. I guess I just dont get it."

*Nate sighs and shakes his head. Though Carson said he was telling the truth Nate needed to make 100% sure before he let Carson go. Sifting though conversations in his mind Nate comes along a bit of information that he new was Carson's weekspot and would prove his truth.*

"Carson do you promise on you sister and mothers grave you dident tell Ashlyn, your buddys, or anyone about TJY, Misty, or any other member?"

*Nate sits eyeing Carson. His eyes showing anger, simpathy, and a bit of compation. Rigt now Nate dident want to admit it but Carson had grown on him and became hid friend. It hurt to see his friend hurting weather he said he was or not Nate could see it. And Carson was in as much pain over his stupidity.*

*Misty's crys finally stop her mind and body still hurt. She felt as though the weaght of the word had come down on her. She needed to get out. Grabing a pen and some paper she jots a note to Rick telling him she will be back later and if not thank you for everything. Grabing her keys Misty heads back across the floor where it is now silent except for the clicking of keys from some of the people working. Once out in the parking lot Misty grabs some smokes from her pocket and lights on up. Her and Carson had been trying to quit but it dident matter now. She broke his promise she was breaking her. Geting into her car she drives no destanation in mind. As she drives down the streets and allyways she scans the people she pass. She was looking...for someone. The one and only person she wanted to take her anger out on. The person she hated the most right now. The only thing Misty needed to do was find her.*

*Jamie smiles at Con as she slids across from her. Jamie was unawair of what was going on back at TJY she had left people anything went down. Jamie eyes Con a bit worryed he looked so worn out.*

"Oh work is going ok. Pretty busy at the moment. Glad Katie is feeling better to help me out though."

*As Jamie takes note to Con rubbing his shoulder she slids out of the booth and than in next to Con. Gently she places her own hands on his shoulder and starts to rub knowing it would probley feel better and help more than him doing it himself.*

"Rough day at work?"


As Nate comes in, both men stop their flying fists, neither to admit that they both needed the break. Breathing heavily, they glare at each other, but follow Nate’s orders.

Carson stumbles forward a little at Nate’s shove, and spins around to retaliate, but doesn’t say anything, heading himself to the interrogation room, knowing that continuing to fight was useless.

Wyatt wipes a bloody lip, irritated, frustrated and still angry, but willing to cool it. “Alright,” he grumbles. Fighting it out had released some of his energy, and he couldn’t help but feel a little better, knowing he’d got a few good shots in. “I’ll be fine.”

Once all three men are in the room with the door shut, Wyatt sinks into a chair, the scowl still on his face as questions fly through his mind.

Carson remains standing to pace on the other side of the table, feeling like a caged animal again, nervous and upset.

Despite Nate’s initiative to lead things, Wyatt steps up to the plate instead with questions of his own. “What did you tell her, Carson? I want a straight answer.”

Carson stops pacing to stare at him. “I didn’t tell her anything,” he spits out. “I told you that already.”

“And you expect us to believe that?!”

“Look, it’s the truth, alright?!” Carson throws up his arms. “Of course Ashlyn questioned me! Not that that was the only reason she wanted to see me, but she was sent with the Agency’s intent to find out where I’d been and if I knew more about TJY.” He shakes his head. “But I didn’t tell her anything!”

Wyatt continues to glare at him. “Why should we believe you?”

“How about because I already gained your trust once by being beaten by a pulp by two of your own men? Or had you forgotten?”

Wyatt grits his teeth, knowing Carson has a point. “Many a man let words slip while indulging in other….activities.”

Carson rolls his eyes, sarcasm entering his voice. “I don’t think you want a play-by-play, so I guess you’re just gonna have to take my word for it, aren’t you? Ashlyn tried every trick in the book – trust me, I know all her tricks – but I didn’t tell her anything.” He looks back and forth between Nate and Wyatt, knowing that if he couldn’t convince them he was telling the truth, that he would once again be held captive here. He’d finally gained TJY’s trust, and now it was on the line once again. “What would I have to gain by giving away information? It would be worse off for me if I did, because then the Agency wouldn’t need me anymore. Right now they can use me – or so they think, so I’m left alive. Why would I want to jeopardize that?”

Wyatt can’t help but admit that Carson has a point. He searches his foe’s eyes. “Why did you do it, Carson? Why did you get sucked into that again? Why did you let Misty down like that?”

Carson hooks his thumbs in his pockets and starts to pace again. “I don’t know.”

“That’s not an answer!” Wyatt’s hand slams down onto the table.

“Well I don’t, alright?!” Carson’s glare returns. “It…I just…I…” He groans as he stammers. He hadn’t thought through his actions…he hadn’t wanted to because it had evoked the feeling of guilt. He sighs with frustration. “I don’t fit in here,” he finally states fatly. “I tried to be a good guy and all that, but it’s just not me. I can’t do it.”

“That’s a blatant and lame excuse,” Wyatt hisses. “I want an answer.”

“I said I didn’t know!” Carson’s arms go in the air again. “I met an old buddy, we hung out, he took me to his group of friends one night and Ashlyn showed up. She said she didn’t blame me for doping her up when I went to get Misty out, and she…” He rolls his eyes as the heat creeps up the back of his neck. “Why do I have to tell you this? It’s none of your business!”

“Yes it is! She’s the prime enemy of TJY!”

“So what do you want me to say?” Carson’s anger overtakes his embarrassment. “That Ashlyn made advances on me? That she seduced me? That I gave in? That I did spent my nights with her?” His voice raises with each question. “Alright! So Carson Banks is human! So Ashlyn succeeded in getting her way. So we relived the past. So I lied about where I was so I could have a good time. So I cheated on my girlfriend!” Unintended emotion breaks into Carson’s tone and he stops dead for just a moment before going on, his tone still angry but quieter. “Look, you two may have a clear path in your brains about where you stand and what you do. But for someone like me, the fence is an easy place to be. This is my personal life you’re delving into, and I don’t appreciate it.”

Con slides into the booth across from Jamie at Mom and Pop’s, glad for the break from work to be able to meet her for lunch. His eyes are weary, underlined with dark circles, and his body language prove he’s exhausted. But he pastes a smile on his face anyway, simply trying to enjoy the time with Jamie.

He reaches up to rub his sore shoulder, not even realizing he’s doing it as he leans back in his seat. “So how’s work been going?” he asks casually.