
Innocent bystander

"Well, Misty Miller, it's nice to meet you." Alec laughs and shakes his head. "Believe it or not, this time it's for peanuts." He rolls his eyes. "Very exciting stuff."

"Alec Kryston, you have a phone call. Please go to customer service. Alec Kryston, see customer service."

Alec looks up as the announcement comes through the speakers. "Drat. Well, I suppose I better get that. Could be my boss." He stands up and throws Misty a wink. "If I don't catch you again, safe travels." He grabs his bag and goes to the service counter, only to not be seen again as the call to board the plane is made.

Con grins mischievously at Herb and Mabel, getting a kick out of his own antics that had started the light squabble. "Don't tempt me to take the job," he calls, teasingly. "I'm not sure you could stand having me in your kitchen."

He turns back to Jamie and shrugs. "Yeah, everything's fine, why?" His eyes shift downward again as he takes a sip of his pop. He knew good and well what was bothering him, but he wasn't going to bring it up. It just wouldn't work. "Guess I'm just tired." He gives a sorry laugh. "I know, I'm horrid company. Sorry. One of these days I'll actually be awake enough to carry on a normal conversation with you."

Laura's eyes widen at Katie. "Hey! Don't tell him that!" She stands up and yells across the floor to Nate. "It was her idea!" she blurts out. "I'm just an innocent bystander!"

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