

Nate’s observations about Misty creates a dull ache in Carson’s gut. He could see the truth if he really wanted to, but it caused pain. He didn’t want to see it.

He hadn’t chosen Ashlyn instead of Misty…it was just…it was… There were no two ways about it… Carson had given in to his human desires. It was that simple. He knew Ashlyn didn’t really care about him…he knew that if given the chance, she’d backstab him like anyone else from the Agency. She knew Carson’s weaknesses and used them for her own benefit as he did the same. It was all just a lie and Carson knew it. There was nothing more between him and Ashlyn than physical attraction and a lack of self-control. That’s all there ever had been…that’s all there had ever been between Carson and any other woman. He didn’t want to think about the numbers.

There had only been one who had been more than a physical attraction… only one that had touched his heart… only one that he had respected enough to control himself. And he’d just ruined anything and everything he’d had with her. He felt despicable.

As Nate mentioned Carson’s sister and mother, his veins run cold, the blood draining from his face. Taken totally off guard, his mind does a one-eighty, the faces of his family flashing before his eyes…seeing them slaughtered all over again.

His eyes finally focus again on Nate’s, locking his gaze, forgetting for the moment about the whole Misty aspect of this conversation. “Yes. You have my word,” he states strongly. “I have not jeopardized TJY’s security.”

Wyatt doesn’t want to admit that he sees the truth in Carson’s eyes, but he has to. He sighs and gives Nate a sidelong glance. “Well…” He turns back to Carson. “You know we can’t have you working here and seeing Ashlyn at the same time.”

Carson opens his mouth, but stops as Wyatt continues.

“I know it’s your personal life, and your moral issues are your own, whether I agree with them or not. But Ashlyn is a part of the Agency and the longer you spend time with her, the closer she gets to TJY, no matter how good you are at holding your tongue. You’ve got a choice to make, Carson, and you better make it quit. Walk away, or give Ashlyn up.”

Carson grits his teeth, pacing in a small circle. He didn’t know what he wanted. There were so many things…so much running through his head. It was like trying to watch five movies at the same time. “Look, can I just get out of here?” His eyes plead with Nate. “I need to think and I can’t do that in here.”

Ashlyn steps out of the shower and flops down on the bed, grabbing the tv remote. Finding a movie to watch, she settles back, then picks up the phone. Reaching Carson’s voicemail, she grimaces and hangs up. He’d come…of that she was confident.

Con sighs deeply and closes his eyes as Jamie rubs his shoulder. “Rough day? Try rough week…rough month.”

He opens his eyes again, giving her a crooked grin. “All in a day’s work. Phil’s tried to get some of the workload off of me, but the boss man likes me too much, so I get the brunt of the heavy stuff.”

He winces just a little as Jamie hits the sorest spot, though he knows it will help loosen it up. “Mm, you got a mean hand, you know that?” he teases.

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