
Moving on

*Nate looks up from his desk at Wyatt. He is about to open his mouth to speak when Misty walks over. Over hearing her cousin's voice she walks twords him and Nate knoing he went to look for Carson. Once there she sees the papers and cell. Leting out a heacy sigh*

"So thats it than? He's really gone?"

*Misty's eye relay a sadness. Looking down at her wrist she still wore Carson's braclet. Why she dident know. Maybe she really wasent ready to let go.*

*Nate looks from Wyatt to Misty, his own cirtin sadness showing. His heart went out to her and he felt a bit sad himself Carson was gone. But he needed time to clear his head, would he be back Nate dident know.*

"Just leave him be. Dont try to find him, dont go after him. He needs his time alone. Our secrete is safe with him Wyatt. Misty, move on with life. Your a wonderful young woman dont let this put everything on hold."

*Nate turns and goes back to his work as Misty walks away. Geting to the infermary she sits down leting out a sigh and looking at her signed papers to stay here.*

*And so as time always seems to do it once slips away. Thing at TJY slowly go back to being as normal as they can be. Morning comes, and goes, Night falls, than the day starts over again untill a week has gone by.*

*Misty sits in the infermary packing the last of her things in her backpack. Before leaving she gives Rick a hug and thanks him for everything he has done and helped her with. She promised him she would come and see him if she was around again. Misty exits and cross the floor stoping at Reese office and saying her goodbyes along with Wyatt and than Nate. As Misty makes her way to the door she pass the desk that was Carson's. Stoping for a moment Misty closes her eyes memories flood back to her. Her and Carson's laughs, there kiss, bitter sweet memories. A tear rolls down Misty's cheek. It had been a week and no one hurd anything from Carson. No one new where he was. Misty had decieded to go back to England as sujested by Nate and he was right. Misty couldent let this hold her back and put her life on hold. Carson new he number if he ever needed her though Misty dident exspect him to call. Finally Misty starts her walk out of TJY again and heads for her car that was packed and ready. Misty pulls out of TJY and makes her way to the airport. After a few hours she finally arives and checking in her bags and gets her tickets. Misty lets out a long sigh. A part of her wanted to stay and work at TJY. Yet her other half new she had to go back to England to be able to move on. Though Misty was leaving Nevada behind her she wouldent forget all the good times, adventures, and lessons learned. Many people had touched her life in her short stay here even if some eneded bad those people would always have a place in Misty's heart. Once again Misty looks down at her write where Carson's braclet still remained. Soon, someday she would be able to let go.

Misty makes her way down the terminal to her gate so many memorys fill her mind again. Good and bad. Finally finding a seat Misty leans back. Her plain dident take off for another hour. Closing her eye Misty leans her head back just trying to relax till it was time to go.*

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