

*Jamie listens to Con intently. The look on his face showed he was so tired and it worryed Jamie. She had never seen Con like this before and so adimint about working so much. He had always worked hard at TJY but he new how to rest as well, and now his body was sore and his eyes showed just how tired he was.*

"..that would be some fun for you Con. Get away from work and just relax. Maybe Katie would even like to come with you. She hasent seen much of the guys since she dosent have a car and it might be fun for her to get away too. Or...you could always take that time and rest. You need it hun. You look so tired."

*Misty eyes the man that sat down next to her not sure who he was and learning from TJY you always are cautious about new people. Trying her best to past a smile on her face she replys,*

"I guess its not that much. Just heading back to school. Nothing to exciting. How about you? Going on vacation?"

*Misty decied she might as well make the best of the hour before the plane took off and seeing as this guy was the only one to talk to she might as well.*

*Katie wanders the floor at TJY. Doing paper work, heading to the copy masheen. Today was a rougher day for her. She had come across pictures this morning of her and Jason. The the memories were good they still remineded Katie how much she missed Jason. Finading Laura Katie smiles.*

"Hey Laura. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to grab Nate and see if he wanted to come and we could all go grab some lunch."

*Katie smiles at Laura desprite to get out and keep her mind busy.*

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