

As Nate comes in, both men stop their flying fists, neither to admit that they both needed the break. Breathing heavily, they glare at each other, but follow Nate’s orders.

Carson stumbles forward a little at Nate’s shove, and spins around to retaliate, but doesn’t say anything, heading himself to the interrogation room, knowing that continuing to fight was useless.

Wyatt wipes a bloody lip, irritated, frustrated and still angry, but willing to cool it. “Alright,” he grumbles. Fighting it out had released some of his energy, and he couldn’t help but feel a little better, knowing he’d got a few good shots in. “I’ll be fine.”

Once all three men are in the room with the door shut, Wyatt sinks into a chair, the scowl still on his face as questions fly through his mind.

Carson remains standing to pace on the other side of the table, feeling like a caged animal again, nervous and upset.

Despite Nate’s initiative to lead things, Wyatt steps up to the plate instead with questions of his own. “What did you tell her, Carson? I want a straight answer.”

Carson stops pacing to stare at him. “I didn’t tell her anything,” he spits out. “I told you that already.”

“And you expect us to believe that?!”

“Look, it’s the truth, alright?!” Carson throws up his arms. “Of course Ashlyn questioned me! Not that that was the only reason she wanted to see me, but she was sent with the Agency’s intent to find out where I’d been and if I knew more about TJY.” He shakes his head. “But I didn’t tell her anything!”

Wyatt continues to glare at him. “Why should we believe you?”

“How about because I already gained your trust once by being beaten by a pulp by two of your own men? Or had you forgotten?”

Wyatt grits his teeth, knowing Carson has a point. “Many a man let words slip while indulging in other….activities.”

Carson rolls his eyes, sarcasm entering his voice. “I don’t think you want a play-by-play, so I guess you’re just gonna have to take my word for it, aren’t you? Ashlyn tried every trick in the book – trust me, I know all her tricks – but I didn’t tell her anything.” He looks back and forth between Nate and Wyatt, knowing that if he couldn’t convince them he was telling the truth, that he would once again be held captive here. He’d finally gained TJY’s trust, and now it was on the line once again. “What would I have to gain by giving away information? It would be worse off for me if I did, because then the Agency wouldn’t need me anymore. Right now they can use me – or so they think, so I’m left alive. Why would I want to jeopardize that?”

Wyatt can’t help but admit that Carson has a point. He searches his foe’s eyes. “Why did you do it, Carson? Why did you get sucked into that again? Why did you let Misty down like that?”

Carson hooks his thumbs in his pockets and starts to pace again. “I don’t know.”

“That’s not an answer!” Wyatt’s hand slams down onto the table.

“Well I don’t, alright?!” Carson’s glare returns. “It…I just…I…” He groans as he stammers. He hadn’t thought through his actions…he hadn’t wanted to because it had evoked the feeling of guilt. He sighs with frustration. “I don’t fit in here,” he finally states fatly. “I tried to be a good guy and all that, but it’s just not me. I can’t do it.”

“That’s a blatant and lame excuse,” Wyatt hisses. “I want an answer.”

“I said I didn’t know!” Carson’s arms go in the air again. “I met an old buddy, we hung out, he took me to his group of friends one night and Ashlyn showed up. She said she didn’t blame me for doping her up when I went to get Misty out, and she…” He rolls his eyes as the heat creeps up the back of his neck. “Why do I have to tell you this? It’s none of your business!”

“Yes it is! She’s the prime enemy of TJY!”

“So what do you want me to say?” Carson’s anger overtakes his embarrassment. “That Ashlyn made advances on me? That she seduced me? That I gave in? That I did spent my nights with her?” His voice raises with each question. “Alright! So Carson Banks is human! So Ashlyn succeeded in getting her way. So we relived the past. So I lied about where I was so I could have a good time. So I cheated on my girlfriend!” Unintended emotion breaks into Carson’s tone and he stops dead for just a moment before going on, his tone still angry but quieter. “Look, you two may have a clear path in your brains about where you stand and what you do. But for someone like me, the fence is an easy place to be. This is my personal life you’re delving into, and I don’t appreciate it.”

Con slides into the booth across from Jamie at Mom and Pop’s, glad for the break from work to be able to meet her for lunch. His eyes are weary, underlined with dark circles, and his body language prove he’s exhausted. But he pastes a smile on his face anyway, simply trying to enjoy the time with Jamie.

He reaches up to rub his sore shoulder, not even realizing he’s doing it as he leans back in his seat. “So how’s work been going?” he asks casually.

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