
Hide and Seek

*Nate eyes Carson as he stops for a moment.*

"And you think Misty had it easy as well? She new where she fit in Carson? She felt out of place till she met you. You gave her meaning in her life.

I just dont understand Carson. I saw how you and Misty interacted, talked, joked around. I saw the look in your eyes that showed you cared. How could you choose someone cheap and fake over someone genuine and pretty as Misty. I guess I just dont get it."

*Nate sighs and shakes his head. Though Carson said he was telling the truth Nate needed to make 100% sure before he let Carson go. Sifting though conversations in his mind Nate comes along a bit of information that he new was Carson's weekspot and would prove his truth.*

"Carson do you promise on you sister and mothers grave you dident tell Ashlyn, your buddys, or anyone about TJY, Misty, or any other member?"

*Nate sits eyeing Carson. His eyes showing anger, simpathy, and a bit of compation. Rigt now Nate dident want to admit it but Carson had grown on him and became hid friend. It hurt to see his friend hurting weather he said he was or not Nate could see it. And Carson was in as much pain over his stupidity.*

*Misty's crys finally stop her mind and body still hurt. She felt as though the weaght of the word had come down on her. She needed to get out. Grabing a pen and some paper she jots a note to Rick telling him she will be back later and if not thank you for everything. Grabing her keys Misty heads back across the floor where it is now silent except for the clicking of keys from some of the people working. Once out in the parking lot Misty grabs some smokes from her pocket and lights on up. Her and Carson had been trying to quit but it dident matter now. She broke his promise she was breaking her. Geting into her car she drives no destanation in mind. As she drives down the streets and allyways she scans the people she pass. She was looking...for someone. The one and only person she wanted to take her anger out on. The person she hated the most right now. The only thing Misty needed to do was find her.*

*Jamie smiles at Con as she slids across from her. Jamie was unawair of what was going on back at TJY she had left people anything went down. Jamie eyes Con a bit worryed he looked so worn out.*

"Oh work is going ok. Pretty busy at the moment. Glad Katie is feeling better to help me out though."

*As Jamie takes note to Con rubbing his shoulder she slids out of the booth and than in next to Con. Gently she places her own hands on his shoulder and starts to rub knowing it would probley feel better and help more than him doing it himself.*

"Rough day at work?"

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