
On the road

As Misty hugs Kyle, he automatically returns it, closing his eyes for a moment, just wishing for all of this pain to stop. He'd often asked God why things like this were allowed to happen, and he'd never received an answer. He only had to continue having faith that there was a reason.

Having Misty in his arms for a moment, a sudden feeling rises within him that he hadn't expected. One he wasn't too sure about. One that he hadn't planned on. This wasn't his sister he was holding...and it didn't feel like it either.

Mustering up the best smile he can as Misty withdraws, he reaches out to wipe a lingering tear from her face. Her idea sounded like fun. She needed the time away, and it wouldn't be bad for him either. She was right...he hadn't liked this fight at all. He loathed fighting. Getting away from this would do them both good.

Finally he nods. "Okay. The amusement park it is. It's been ages since I've been there."

He reaches in his pocket and pulls out his truck keys. "But you're letting me drive. We'll come back to pick up your car later."

Kyle holds out his hand to Misty. "Come on."

Velvet dodges Peter's glance and ducks into her car as Carson gets in on the other side. "Well, you sure showed that guy."

"Shut up." Carson puts a hand to his lip, ensuring that it had stopped bleeding.

Velvet scowls at him. "Well I didn't tell you to do it." Looking in her mirrors, she pulls out and follows Jess and Peter.

"He won't catch me off guard again," Carson retorts.

"Oh, was that what it was?"

"Yes. That's what it was."

Velvet gives him a sidelong glance, then reaches over to run her hand along his arm. "I'd like to see you in a winning fight."

Carson doesn't respond, but just looks out the window. Why he had this sudden surge of misery, he wasn't sure. Was it just being beat by someone like Kyle? Or was it seeing Misty again?

Before they know it, the foursome is at the Bullseye once again, sitting at their favorite table with food for lunch. Jess has the floor as the leader to list off everything they needed to remember.

Lunch inside Mom and Pop's is fairly quiet after the disturbance, no one quite sure what happened after everyone had left.

Halfway through the meal though, Scott's cell phone rings. Raising an eyebrow, he answers it. "Kyle?"

"Yo, Scott." Kyle keeps one hand on the steering wheel while he holds his phone with the other, turning on the speaker phone.

"Where are you?"

"On the road, Buddy, on the road." Kyle looks to his right and changes lanes in the highway to go around a slow moving vehicle. "Just wanted to let y'all know Misty and I took off for a while. Her car is still at the restaurant though, so don't worry about it."

"Everything alright?"

Kyle gives Misty a sidelong glance before answering Scott. "Yeah...right as rain. Don't forget to tell Con and Jamie to come to that upcoming concert too, will ya? And if you see Jason back at work, tell him to go ahead with the jam session tonight. I probably won't be there."

"Okay...will do. See you later."

"Later." Kyle flips his phone shut and tosses it into the backseat, signaling that he's going to ignore it the rest of the day. He could call his brother or Mike too, but he knew that his whereabouts would be spread through Jason. There was no need for any more calls.

"Alright, Misty..." He glances out the window at several road signs. "I think I'm on the right highway, but if not, we're in for an unplanned adventure. Keep an eye out for the signs." He grins and reaches down to turn on the radio, turning up the volume to a popular rock song. Before long, he's singing along, prompting smiles from Misty.

Lets forget

*Misty stops as she reaches for her door handle hearing Carson's voice. She's just as soon get out of there than have to talk to him. Just looking at him hurt enough knowing he was no longer hers, let slone thinking about him in someone alses arms like she had seen inside.

Misty turns slightly taking a deep breath to look over her shoulder at Carson why she dident know. As she is about to answer him and let him know just what was on her mind Kyle's voice intarupts and once again Misty feels thankful for her new friends protectiveness. It was a new feeling to have someone differnt stick up for her but in a way it made her feel a little good to know she did have other people who caired.

As Misty listen to Kyle and Carson her heart feels pulled in two differnt directions. She hated seeing anyone fighting let alone these two people. As the fight starts and it is aparent Carson dident have a chanse Misty is a bit impressed. She dident know Kyle new how to fight like that. but on the same had she felt sorry for Carson and seeing him hurt cause her to shreek. She wanted to make sure he was ok like so many times before but she new she couldent. She couldent go to him, not now. It wasent her responsibility anymore.

Once the fight is over and Carson throws his threat at Kyle Misty catches his eye and gives a small shake of her head. Her eyes dark, her eyes full of pain, her eyes showing the depression she felt. No matter how she tryed. Finally Misty turns away untill Carson is gone.

Feeling Kyles hands on her shoulder and being turned twords him Misty looks him in the eye. Something new stired, as she looked back at her friend. She dident often spend time with her friends and seeing one sticking up for her was differnt. Misty gives a small nod and than shakes her head.*

"No, but I'll live."

*Misty can feel her eyes start to fill again and before she even relised it her arms were around Kyle. Why she hugged him she wasent sure maybe she just wanted to feel comfort, or feel like being close to someone.*

"Thank you Kyle. I know you dident like that, but thank you."

*For a minute Misty keeps her hug on Kyle and than draws away. Her eyes were now red but she dident feel to embarssed to let Kyle see as she was everyone alse. Kyle had see a new side of her. One that not maybe people got to see and for some reason she felt comfortable with leting him see her tears. Looking around Misty feels a whim come on. After what just happend they both need to relax and forget the word exsisted and there troubles were there.*

"Kyle...how about we get away for the day? Cross the stateline and go to the amusment park. Spend the rest of the day there, and just forget about our troubles for a while. Lets just go and forget why we are sad for just a little while."

*Misty trys to smile at Kyle as she waits for his answer. She dident know if he would go or not but it was worth a shot.*

*As Carson makes his way back to the other Jess rolls her eyes and turns.*

"Alright lets get out of here before we have anymore problems."

*Peter follows and throws a grin and wink at Velvet giving her a once over and than hoping into Jess car. Soon both cars are racing down the road twords the bullseye.*


Carson doesn’t react much to seeing Peter get reprimanded, or him being reprimanded himself. Being cocky was one thing – being stupid was another. Peter was both.

Carson throws Jess a flippant look of apology for the shove. “Yeah, sorry.” He nods. “And yes, how about we find somewhere else…” His glare drifts back to Peter. “…where we can stay out of trouble.”

He was just as glad that Peter had caused a disturbance so they didn’t have to stay here. Carson wasn’t sure how long he would have been able to stand the tense atmosphere.

Kyle is startled by Carson’s involvement, and takes a slight step back, watching as Carson shoves the other man out the door, followed by the two other women.

He makes sure they’re all outside before sinking back down in his chair. Laying a hand on Misty’s shoulder, he gives it a gentle squeeze. “You alright?”

But by her words, Kyle knows she’s not. The tears in her eyes, the pain in her face…it made Kyle feel terrible. He just couldn’t stand to see anyone hurt like this.

As Misty leaves, looks are exchanged around the table, no one knowing what to do.

Laura glances down. “Poor girl,” she muses quietly. “I feel so badly for her.”

Scott gives Katie a slight look, his own grief showing. He worked with Misty every day and he’d seen the change in her, and it wasn’t good. But what could anyone do? There was only One that could heal a broken heart, and as far as Scott knew, Misty didn’t know Him.

Kyle watches Misty leave, his eyes following her from the restaurant. He could still see the foursome outside, and he didn’t like it that she was trying to make it home by herself in her state.

After a quick look at the others, he rises from the table. “I don’t know if I’ll be back. If not, I’ll talk to y’all later.” Without waiting for any responses, he heads toward the door.

Carson can’t help it when his eyes shoot to the door when it opens, and then follow Misty. It had been a long time since he’d seen her cry like that, and no matter how hard he was trying to be cold, it still hurt.

Jess’ question jerks him back to attention, and he just looks at her for a moment. “I told you, most of them in there are law enforcement – part of the Elite. Let’s just say our paths have crossed a time or two.” He lets the false implication hang in the air that he knew the people because he’d been on the wrong side of the tracks. It would do no good now to reveal that he’d been part of the team, or that the woman Peter had picked on had been his girlfriend.

But Misty was in bad shape. Carson didn’t know for sure whether it was just because he’d been there, or because of Peter’s picking, or because of something else.

His heart pounds in his chest as his thoughts race. He needed to leave. Misty. He needed to get out of here before anything else happened. Misty. He needed to get his mind in gear and start focusing again. Misty.

Carson’s shoulders drop. He couldn’t do it. Not like this. He had no intention whatsoever of talking to anyone else, or even stepping back onto that path again. But something deep down just wouldn’t let him simply walk away.

He nods to Jess, and gestures Velvet to her car. “You guys hang on a minute, alright? I don’t want to leave this thing with something like that and risk all of us getting charged or something.” It was a lame excuse, but it would have to do.

As he walks toward Misty, Velvet rolls her eyes. “Looks like he’s got better technique than you, Peter.” She gives him a sly look. “He’s actually nice to the ladies.”

The bell on the door rings again, and Velvet glance up to see the younger guy follow in the woman’s footsteps. “Ooh…” She grins. “This will be interesting.”

Kyle’s peripheral vision catches three of the four people still standing on the sidewalk, and he looks around for Misty. Seeing her by her car, then catching sight of Carson, his temper flares again. What was Carson trying to do? Make things worse? Did he like watching Misty’s heart break again? Didn’t he realize that he was just rubbing salt into the wound? Or was he doing it on purpose?

Carson puts a slight hurry in his step to catch Misty before she gets into her car. He doesn’t dare touch her though, for fear of another collision course.

“Misty?” He didn’t like the way his voice sounded…small and quiet. But it was all he could muster. “Are you okay?”

“Get away from her, Carson.” Kyle stands only feet away, his legs apart, his fists balled at his sides in a defiant stance. His tone is strong and demanding.

Carson turns from Misty to glare at the smaller man. Kyle wasn’t that much shorter than he was, but he certainly lacked the body weight to do much harm to anyone. His eyes narrow. “Look, Kyle, just give me a minute, will you?”

“You don’t deserve it.” Kyle takes a step closer. “Now I told you…get away from her.”

“And who are you to tell me what to do?” Carson sets his hands on his hips, any elements of sorrow fleeing to be replaced by pride and anger. He stands taller.

Kyle grits his teeth, his courage unwavering. “I’m actually a man of my word. I’m a faithful friend who doesn’t go around two-timing those I love and allowing others to beat down those I care about. You, Carson Banks, do not deserve this woman’s friendship, let alone her love. You deserve to go back to that new group of friends of yours and be two-timed yourself just so you know what it feels like.”

Carson’s blood boils, his face reddening with an anger towards anyone who dared talk to him like that. He might have come over here to see if Misty was alright, but now he didn’t care. He closes the space between him and Kyle. “Another word out of your mouth,” he hisses, “And you’ll be sorry you ever spoke to me like that.”

Kyle’s hands tremble at his sides, but he doesn’t back down. “The only think I’d ever be sorry about was letting you walk all over a friend of mine.” He pauses, staring Carson in the eye. “Now I’m telling you one last time. Get…away…from her.”

Carson lets out a laugh. “And what are you going to do?”

Kyle hated it when he was pushed this far. But enough was enough. And he wasn’t going to let Carson stand here and try to talk to Misty when she couldn’t even handle seeing him, let alone exchanging dialogue with him.

Turning as though he’s giving up and going to leave, Kyle takes one step. But as he does, he shifts his weight and before one could blink, he’s given a high round kick that ends with a resounding smack of his tennis shoe to Carson’s jaw.

Carson is thrown backward, and stumbles into Misty’s car. A curse is hurled through the air as he turns back around. “Why you…” He’s cut off again, this time by another kick, this one to the side of his face.

On the attack, he swings a strong punch at Kyle, but Kyle sidesteps, then moves again, sweeping Carson’s legs out from under him in another Karate kick.

Blinking, Carson has to take a second to realize he’s on the ground. Pulling himself up, he tries one more time to put Kyle down, but his punch is blocked and before he can think, Kyle has twisted his arm behind his back in a tight lock. He winces under the pressure as Kyle hisses in his ear.

“I’m warning you, Carson…leave now.” Giving a shove, Kyle pushes Carson away from him, sending him stumbling forward.

Carson stops and wipes his bloody lip, staring back at Kyle and Misty. Finally he lets out a dry laugh, holding up his hands. “Alright. You win. This time. But mark my words, Kyle…this isn’t over. You haven’t seen the last of me.” Giving a tilt to his chin he spins around and stalks back to the three that are waiting.

Glaring at anyone who dares look at him, he heads for Velvet’s car. “Let’s get out of here.”

Velvet can’t help but stifle a giggle as she looks to Peter. “Doesn’t look like his methods work too well either. I’d say both of you have some things to work on.” Throwing him a flirty look, she follows after Carson. “How about we just go back to the Bullseye?” she suggests. “This time of day there aren’t too many ears open, and they have good sandwiches.”

Kyle is breathing heavily, hating what just happened, hating that Misty was upset, and hating that Carson had interfered. But he calms down quickly, bringing his temper back under control so he can take the couple steps back to Misty.

Looking her in the eye, he takes her by her shoulders so he can see her face, his voice gentle. “Are you okay?”

Should not have come

*As Carson pushes Peter out of the restront he cant help but laugh a little not fighting back. He new if he wanted he could turn around and push Carson back because of the size differnt but Peter really dident care. He liked messing with people.*

"Hey lighten up, but dont push me like that again Carson or you'll be sorry. Weather your Velvet's man or not."

*Peter stands taller though he is pinned aganst the wall his eyes glairing at Carson.*

*After being pushed aside and confused for a moment what just happend with Carson Jess glances at the table of people and than heads out after Velvet.

Seeing Carson and Peter outside and Carson pinning him Jess rolls her eyes. Peter and Carson never had it out before but Jess had intisapated it happening sooner or later. Carson and Peter were to much alike for it not to happen sooner or later.

Not saying anything at first Jess just listens at first. Carson had a point, Peter had been reckless and not using his head. In a stern voice Jess finally speaks*

"Peter be stupid again and I'll kick you off the team. We dont need this with being so close to hitting it big. The less attachen we draw to ourselfs right now the better. So shape up or your gone. I don't care if you sleeping with me or not."

*Peter looks to Carson and than back to Jess than toss a glance at Velvet till his eyes return to Jess. Shaking his head he hold up his hands to Carson.*

"Yeah, yeah you always threaten me with that..."

*Jess eyes have a certin blaze in them proving why she was the leader. In some areas she was weak but showing she ment something she said was a strong point. Maybe thats why she was the leader.*

"Yeah well I mean it this time, I'm tired of being your babysitter."

*Jess turns her attechen to Carson and smerks softing her tone just a bit.*

"Watch who your pushing around next time too, you had some power behind the shoulder shove."

*Jess rubs her shoulder playfuly and shakes her head.*

"Anyways I guess we should find somewhere alse to talk things over before Vegas."

*As Misty gives a little jump as Kyle stands to defend her. The guy the lady had called Peter was much bigger than Kyle and even if Kyle was fast it wouldent have been a fair fight. Misty looks up between Kyle, Con and Peter. Her face was still flush and a few things ran through her mind. Did this guy know who she was? Did Carson talk about her and the others?

As Misty looks to the side and see Carson come twords Peter and than push him away she feels a bit of releafe, and yet at the same time she felt incredable hurt as well. Misty hadent been crying as much over the last week though she still did, she could at least talk without every other word being a sob. But now seeing Carson up close again, hearing his voice, seeing his eyes old haunting memories came back to Misty about her life and how happy she was with Carson in it. Now, like the blowing wind she felt like she was tumbaling, just moving not really having a destanation or purpis to anything.

With out any warning he tears spring forth from Misty's eyes as she looks down at her meal she hardly touched. She dident want to cry anymore, she was tired of it. She dident want to feel this way but did. There was nothing she could do.*

*Jamie reaches out and lays her hand on Misty's arm trying to give her a comforting smile. She felt bad for her. She had seen how Misty and Carson had acted before and she saw the love in both there eyes even if they had not addmited it. Jamie new it must be hard and she felt helpless for her friend.*

"Hey, hang in there Misty we are all hear for you."

*Jamie's word felt like they wernt enough for what Misty must be feeling. They dident seem to match up to what Jamie could really do.*

*Misty looks up at Jamie with her tear filled eyes and than scans the others as well. She felt redickulace. Crying in front of everyone, having to deal with this was hard and she hadent runing everyones good time.

Though she tryed to make the tears stop they just wouldent as they feel faster. Scaning everyone again Misty lets out a sigh.*

"I'm sorry this happend. I shouldent have come here. I new better than to put myself in a place where Carson might be. I...I'm sorry I shouldent have come."

* Pushing her chair back Misty stands leaving her food on the table and brings a hand to her face to whipe the tears away. Misty heads for the front door and steps out not taking notice to anything around her keeping her head down and making her way to her car. Once again she just wanted to get away. Away from the watchful eyes of those who saw her crying. Away from the place that reminded her of Carson. She just wanted to get lost.*

*Katie looks to Jamie and than Con, scaning her other friends faces. She felt just as helpless as them. She dident know how to handle something like this. Katie new how to with Jason but that was differnt. With Misty she dident have a connection that could ease the soul. Katie just dident know what to do.*

*Jess continues to talk to the group standing outside of Mom and Pop's as they decied where to go now for something to eat and plan. Smoking cigaretts as they stand there. Hearing the door to the restront open and the little bell ring out of instince Jess turns her head and see Misty leaving heading to what she guess was her car. Taking note to the look on her face, and the tears the streamed Jess could tell she was upset. Jess would agree that Peter had no right to talk to her that way but there must be something more for her to be as upset as she looked. Turning back to Carson Jess looks with question and inquires.*

"Do you know her Carson?"


Carson is already sitting down when Peter’s words hit his ears. He rolls his eyes to the ceiling, knowing good and well he was referring to Misty. Why here? Why now? He ignores the comment, feigning too bad of a mood to play around. Jess would bring him around.

As he hears Peter’s continuing comments, Carson’s blood begins to boil. He doesn’t even want to think about why. He had a new life now, and the people at the other table were part of a past he wasn’t returning to. They could take care of themselves and wouldn’t let Misty get roughed up.

No one at the table appreciates Peters intrusion, and irritation begins to rise. At the stranger’s inappropriate comments, faces grow red. And of all people, Kyle is the first to stand. His motion is quick, sending his chair scraping on the floor loudly, a glare locked onto Peter. It was rare he got mad, and even rarer that there were witnesses to it. But if there was one thing he couldn’t tolerate, it was a woman getting picked on.

“Back off,” he defies sternly. “Or you’ll be wearing this chair by the time you leave.”

Con tenses, ready to stand, but waiting to see if this guy backed off first.

As Kyle’s chair scrapes the floor and threatens Peter, Carson can’t help but finally look over his shoulder to what was going on. Kyle looked like a shrimp compared to Peter, and Carson cringes inwardly. Well, he was brave…but anyone would be brave with Con to back them up.

Even so Jess’ begging for Peter to stop weren’t being paid attention to. Peter really was an idiot. He would deserve what came to him.

But something kept tugging at him. He didn’t like this scene. He didn’t like it at all. If he thought things through, he could logically escape his mind’s thoughts, but he didn’t think things through. Instead, he acted on impulse. An impulse that he hadn’t acted on for months. An impulse that would only prove to worsen his battle later. But right now he was fed up, and he wanted out before he went crazy.

Ignoring Velvet’s questioning stare, he slides from the booth and marches up behind Peter, shouldering past Jess, not heading any warning of consequences for pushing aside the leader.

Carson doesn’t dare meet eyes with anyone at the table, his face reddening with an ire for the situation and a new ire against himself.

Before anyone can react, and ignoring Peter’s size over his own, he’s grabbed Peter’s collar and is pushing him to the door. “Get out of here,” he growls, “Before you get us all into trouble.” He doesn’t stop pushing until they’re outside of the restaurant, where he spins on Pete, pinning him up against the brick wall with an arm to his throat.

“Half those guys are law enforcement,” he hisses. “Do you really want to make a mistake on that one?!”

Stunned, Velvet slides from the booth and trots after the two men, throwing Jess a confused look.

Fun time

*Nate grins as he grabs his gribs playfuly.*

"Hey now hey...give a guy a chanse to ask you. I tell you between you and her..."

*Nate nods playfuly to Katie.*

"...I dont know how I am still sane. Laura will you go to the concert with me?"

*Nate gives a wink and sits down with Laura and the other.*

*Once another table is pulled together and everyone is seated the laughter starts. Bringing forth a comfort to the atmisphere. The joking is light and the laughter has a warm touch to it, Mable joining in as normal when she could.*

*As the little bell on the door rings Katie looks up seeing Carson and the other and now knowing the story she auimaticly looks over to Misty. She leans in a little to Misty and whispers.*

"Misty are you ok?"

*Katie's question goes unanswered as Misty locks eyes with Carson and the others he was with. Feeling Kyle's tap bring a tiny bit of comfort but not much as all. Misty's eyes start to burn as the tears begin to well and million and one questions, thoughts, and feelings running through her mind. What had been buryed was now dug up again and the pain, the wounds ripped open. Than Misty see it, once where her chain used to lay now was replaced with a newer one. One that looked to have cost alot. Alot more than she could aford. That only sent the pain to Misty's heart evern more.*

*Peter follows close behind Jess as she follows Velvet and Carson. His own eyes roaming the tables and people and he slinks along. As his eyes rest of the group of people and he see the one woman looking at Carson his mouth curls in a heartless grin that could give anyone chills.*

"Hey Carson, this babe here cant take her eyes off you."

*Peter looks down at Misty as he pass by giving an almost evilish grin. Standing at the table for a moment and giving a nod dispite the group of men that were sitting there as well.*

"Hey there sexy, you can always join us at our table if your looking for a little bit of fun, or you could just talk to me about that too you know."

*Hearing Peter Jess rolls her eyes and takes a few steps backtracked.*

"Peter stop being an idiot like always and lets go."

*Jess gives his arm a slap and keeps walking.*

*Peter looks to Jess and than back to Misty his grin still remaining.*

"She gets a little made when I talk to other ladys specially the ones as good looking as you. Well if your ever looking for a good time let me know, I could give you the time of your life."

*Jess look back once again and shakes her head as he own face tightened.*

"Peter.....get over here."

*Misty can't help but let her eyes off of Carson as Peter talks to her. Looking him in the eyes for a moment and than letting her own eyes fall back to the table. Color coming to her cheeks as she feel even sicker now.

How could Carson be spanding time with these people...people who talked like this to other. It was embarassing and she felt a bit assamed. All Misty wanted to do right now was hide. Her appitite was gone, what turned into an ok time went downhill fast.*

Time travel

Once everyone is joined together, Kyle laughs at Jamie’s question. “I think I’m going through withdrawal too! Naw, since Jason’s been out of commission…or at least is supposed to be…we’ve taken things a little easier. Got a gig coming up in a couple weeks though, and of course, everyone is invited.”

He winks at Katie. “You better be there too, and bring that fella of yours along with you so he can snap some good pictures.”

Scott grins, his arm around Katie’s shoulders. “I’ll be there.”

Laura elbows Nate in the ribs. “You gonna ask me to go too, or what? What’s taking you so long?”

Con looks at his sister and Nate for several moments, a subtle grin on his face. He’d gotten used to Laura dating someone, gotten used to Nate, and now was happy to see them both happy. It was a good feeling.

Velvet pulls into the parking lot, giving a wave to Jess and Peter. “Alright. Hope you’re hungry.”

Carson gives a little grimace. “Sure.”

“Oh stop. I know you’re here all the time, but lighten up.” Velvet leans over to give him a kiss.

Carson returns it, and offers a grin. “That helps.”

“Does it?” She kisses him again.

“Mm-hmm.” Carson unbuckles his seatbelt and steps outside, not noticing how gorgeous the sunshine was today.

Velvet exits and joins him, sidling up close so he’ll put his arm around her.

“Where’s Sean?” Carson questions.

“Working.” Velvet shrugs. “He’s just our lookout anyway, and he knows the routine. We’ll pick him up on the way.”

Joining Jess and Peter, the four head inside.

The familiar bell rings above the door, and Carson’s eyes sweep the tables, looking for a suitable spot, preferably away from the kitchen and too many watchful eyes. He held his chin high though – this was his life now, whether others liked it or not.

Moving towards a corner booth, Carson’s eyes suddenly finds the TJY group.

Con looks up as he hears the door, and his gaze zeros in on Carson. He didn’t look so hot, and the expression on his face proved it. Con didn’t know the other three he was with. The one he had his arm around must be the woman he’d left Misty for.

Con glances down, then across to Misty. He couldn’t imagine what might go through her mind. Not only seeing Carson, but seeing that other woman too.

Kyle bristles as he catches sight of Carson and he instinctively slides his foot across the floor under the table to tap Misty’s, letting her know he’s still there.

Carson locks eyes with Con for just a moment before breaking the stare. He sees the whole group, and a strange war rages within him. One that he’d been fighting all along, but had been able to ignore up until this point.

“Carson,” Velvet nudges him. “Come on.”

Looking away, Carson tightens his grip on Velvet as they walk to the back corner. They have to pass by the TJY table, and Carson’s jaw is locked tight with tension. His friends didn’t know he even knew these people…and he wasn’t about to introduce them.

As they pass, Carson’s eyes glance over to see Misty. A chill runs down his spine. She looked terrible. She was thinner than ever, and though done up as pretty as always, her face was drawn tight, her eyes lacking spark.

Carson’s heart leaps into this throat, and it’s all he can do to look away and keep walking. He felt as though he were walking a timeline, and traveling by his own past. One that he had left. One that he had abandoned.

“This spot looks good.” Velvet scoots into the booth, her hand sliding down Carson’s arm to prompt him to sit next to her.

He does, and keeps his eyes hidden with the brim of his baseball cap, absentmindedly scanning a menu even though he knew the whole list by heart.


Time moves on, fast and slow...some it was filled with happyness, a new joy, while some are still left feeling lost and lone. Not sure how to function outside the norm for them. But life dosn't slow down. It keeps moving on. Slipping through the fingers of those who choose not to grasp for it.

*Jamie gives a light tap on the infermary door. Stepping in she gives a smile to Misty. By now the news of Carson and herself had spread like a wild fire. Not to mention just lookng at Misty you could tell something was wrong. Though she tryed to wair a smile more offten over the last week her eyes and her face still showed her pain. The light in her eyes had gone out, the Misty that was full of life was now drained and the empty shell was what remained.*

"Hey Misty. I was wondering if you would like to go to Mom and Pop's with Con and I for lunch. Sometimes we just hate eating alone. If you want to invite anyone to come along your more than welcome to."

*Jamie holds her smile trying not to make Misty feel uncomfortable. She only wanted to be a friend and try to put the light back in Misty's eyes, and some meat back onto the bones that seemd to show more and more these days.*

*Looking up as Jamie enters the infermary and makes her offer Misty cocks her head a little. Was is that obvies that she wasent doing well? Misty new that she had been acting differnt lately but she had hoped after spending her time with Kyle at least some people would stop worry and though when she was with Kyle Misty had a nice time and laughed still...something inside was missing and hurt. Though today she felt good after spending a good part of the night looking up at the stars with Kyle.*

"If I can get Kyle to come with me maybe I will. I'll have to let you know though."

*Jamie gives a nod and exits the infermary letting Misty know what time they will be leaving and to just meet her outside.*

*After Jamie is gone Misty dials Kyle's cell phone and asks him to go to dinner with Jamie, Con and herself. After hearing Kyle's reply Misty is a bit releafed though she new it might be hard if she saw Carson. Trying to push the through out of her mind Misty lets Kyle know what time to meet them there and hangs up the phone as she finishs up as much work before lunch as she can.*

*Katie smiles as she hears Scott's voice. Standing she walks over to the wall and puts her arms around Scott's neck giving him a quick kiss hello.*

"Mmmm...I have to say I miss you rolling to my desk too, but I guess with as many times as you have crashed it might be a good thing huh?"

*Katie cant help but giggle as she leans her forhead aganst Scott's. She was really happy to be with Scott again. He's always made her happy and never left her disapointed. What more could she ask for?

Though they were taking things slower this time around as times to Katie it felt like the breakup they had never happend at all. *

"Lunch sounds great! I havent been to Mom and Pop's in ages if you dont mind going there."

*Katie smiles as she gives Scott another kiss before going back to work.*

* Nate dials Laura's number as he heads down the road. Today he was out in the field and had only been in the office earlyer this morning. *

"Hey Sweety. I was wondering since I dident see you at all today because I am in the field that we could go to lunch at Mom and Pop's. Thats an order woman..."

*Nate cant help but laugh a little. Nate hardly ordered Laura to do anything anymore. As the time passed and she spend more time with him he had noticed she losened up and felt comfortable. But still it was fun to pick on her and throw an order out.*

"...nah if you want to come you can and if you say yes I will be a happy man."

*Nate smiles as he gets Laura's acceptince to go to lunch and lets her know what time.*

...A few hours later...

"So anyways, when the next band consert Kyle? Coming up soon I hope. I think I am going through JetStream withdraws."

*Jamie gives a smile as Con, Kyle, Misty and herself occupie a booth a few seats down from the front door. So far the conversation was light and nice. Seeing Misty's smile made Jamie feel good and this trip worth wile.*

*The small bell on the door to Mom and Pop's rings as two familure forms enter. Katie does a fast scan of the restront as she gives a wave to Aerith and Mable. Turning to the left she see Jamie, Con, Kyle and Misty giving a wave.*

"Hey it looks like a party."

"What a part without me? Laura do you think thats possable?"

*A voice can be hurd behind Katie causing her to stop in her tracks and smile. Turning she looks dead on with Nate and Laura. Leaning into Scott alittle she snickers.*

"Well there was a party, but now that He's here I'm not to sure."

"Hey now."

*Nate retorts.*

*Jess pulls into the parking lot of Mom and Pop's with Peter. Shuting off the car she gets out as Peter is soon to follow. They would be leaving for Vegas very soon and had planed on meeting here to go over planed and run throught the rules, and code words one more time. Walking up behind her he wraps his arms around her waist and leans down to place a few kiss on her neck causing her to squeel with laughter and push him away. *

"Would you behave yourself while we wait for Carson and Velvet!"

"Awww, but babe...you know I think your irresistable."

*Peter plants a few more kiss.*

"Well make he resistable would you please. You need to keep you head out of the clouds and calm youself for tonight."

*Jess shakes her head and cant resist herself as she leans up and kiss Peter on the lips with a bit of passion. Pulling away as she hears a car pull into the driveway she gives a wave Peter's arm still around her.*

Time and Choices

Jason's eyes remain focused on nothing beyond him, but as Katie touches his arm, he looks up at her, taking in her words. Meant to comfort, they did, despite the awful pain. He was learning not to fight allowing Katie to help him, and this time, he absorbed the comfort rather than resisting. He didn't have the energy to fight anyway...not this time.

Swallowing hard, he can't find words to respond with, his eyes dropping back down. But he slowly shifts his arm to find Katie's hand, interlocking her fingers with his. Without her here, his emotions would pile up too quickly. Her presence helped ease that, and right now, that's all he wanted.

Tears rest behind his eyes, and he's so tired, but awake at the same time. Finally he gives Katie's hand a squeeze and lets her go. Thanks, Hero.

Rick stands back, watching their interaction, wondering about Jason's lethargic reactions. For some reason, he thought there was more to this story...and for now he decided to lay off any more reprimands. What would be would be, and if there was more, he'd find out later. For now, Jason needed to rest whether he wanted to or not.

The night is long. Jason takes up the bed in the infirmary once again. Though his mind reels throughout the night with memories and dreams, Katie's presence is soothing, helping him through.

By morning, the rain has stopped and the sun has come out to smile on the land, even if souls and hearts still feel the darkness.

"Kyle?" Phil hollers out of the bathroom, cocking his head at the wet clothes that had been drying over the shower rack all night.

Kyle pops his head into the bathroom, just tucking in his shirt as he prepared for work. "Hmm?"

Phil points. "What did you do last night? Go for a swim?"

Kyle laughs. "No. I was out in the rain for a while."

"In the rain?" Phil waits for a better explanation.

"Yeah. With Misty."

"Misty Miller?"


Phil quirks an eyebrow. "Do I dare ask why?"

Kyle shrugs, growing a little more serious. "She needed a friend. I don't know the whole story, but I know she and Carson broke up, and she's not doing so hot. She and Jase came in to the Pizza Box, she stuck around and I figured she could use some cheering up."

"End of story?"

"End of story. Now I'm late for work." Kyle grins and waves at his brother. "See you later."

A card is waiting for Katie at her desk, tied with a ribbon to a small bouquet of flowers. Inside is Scott’s handwriting:
I laid awake most of the night, thinking of you…me…us. And I thanked God for bringing you back into my life. Because without you, I felt as though the sun had ceased to exist.
I don’t know what the future holds for us…maybe our parting really was meant to be. But I’m grateful for any time I have with you, and if it’s for eternity, then I’m the lucky one. If it’s not, then to have these precious moments with you is like holding the summer breeze in the palm of my hand, always to remember.
Loving you,
Your white rabbit

Jason dials Camryn one more time, and one more time receives her voicemail. He’d already left two messages. He didn’t leave a third.

Sighing, he flips his phone shut and sets it on the bedside table, rolling over onto his side to stare at the all-too-familiar infirmary wall. Was it really over between him and Camryn? She hadn’t appeared to be swayable the night before.

The night had given him some amount of emotional relief. This morning it was just a depressing numbness that had settled over him. It didn’t hurt as much as last night, but it didn’t feel good either. It was just…a dull ache.

Jason was grateful Katie had been around...unloading on her had helped. She wasn't in the infirmary this morning - already starting her day of work. Jason wanted to work too, but Rick would be operating on his knee soon, then everything would be up in the air after that. At least Rick now knew about Camryn, so no awkward questions would be asked.

Turning back over, Jason picks up his phone again and finds a number before dialing. “Hi, is Camryn Lane there?”

I’m sorry, Miss Lane is no longer employed here.

Jason’s heart sinks further. “Oh…um…thanks.” He hangs up one more time. What was that all about? She’d quit her job? When? He suddenly wonders if there was more to this he didn’t yet know. He flips his phone open one more time.

“Hey, Kyle…Jason. Yeah, listen…I um…I wiped out on my motorcycle last night so I can’t get around and…. Yeah, I’m alright. No worries. But I can’t get a hold of Camryn. You think you could swing by her place on your way to work? No…no message just…if she’s there um…just let me know, okay? Yeah…thanks, Kyle.”

Flipping his phone shut again, now he sets it on the table for the last time. Maybe it wasn’t fair not to have told Kyle what was going on, but he really didn’t want to explain everything right now.

Dear Katie,

I always love hearing from you. Your emails are a bright spot in my day.

I’m so glad you’re remembering everything now – I knew if anyone could pull through it would be you. We’ve all been praying for you.

By the way, I talked to your uncle Jeff earlier today and he said next time I spoke to you to tell you hi. He’s been thinking about going to Nevada for a visit – I keep telling him he should. He needs a vacation…he’s been working too hard lately.

I smiled when I read what you said about Scott. I’ve been there, Katie, and I know the feeling. I’m glad you two are trying things again. He seems like a good man.

Good to hear that Jason is doing well too. I know he’s had an awful lot to work through – more than most people should.

Not too much new on my end. Family and work as usual. Business has been kind of slow with the dog kennel, but we’re surviving. I’ve been wondering about taking on some other work to help with finance. We’ll see.

I’ll let you go now, but before I do, I just want to say again how proud I am of you. I’m so glad that we’re able to talk now and that the past is behind us. If you ever need anything, I’m just a call away.


Carson opens his eyes groggily, barely able to make out the time on his bedside clock. It was early...too early for him to even be thinking about getting up. But if he waited any longer to call Mom and Pop's, someone would be there, and he'd have to talk to someone rather than leaving a message.

Groping for his phone, he knocks the receiver off onto the floor, then retrieves it by pulling on the cord. Dialing with his eyes closed, he hears the answering machine that rattles off the hours of the restaurant, then finally hears the beep.

His message is brief - he's calling in sick. He doesn't explain. He doesn't need to, nor does he want to.

Hanging up, he rolls over again to sleep for several more hours, his head pounding with a headache he knows will last.

By the time he gets up, it's close to noon, and his apartment is quiet. He vaguely remembers Nate being there the night before and doesn't remember much about anything else, but he must have left this morning. He wondered about that...why Nate would have come at all was a mystery to him.

Getting started with his day was like standing in a mudhole that was sucking him downward. Lethargic and hurting, he downs several aspirins and by the afternoon, takes a nap. Through the day though, his misery leftover from the day before develops into a stronger urge to ignore and move on. Maybe he'd made a mistake...but he was his own man and could do what he wanted. If Misty didn't even want to hear an apology, then it was her loss.

His own attitude pained him, but he was too much of an expert at feeling no guilt. He would move on with his life. He was Carson Banks. He made up his own mind about things. He made is own choices.

The day rolls on, the morning turns into afternoon, the sun making it's way across the sky again. Circumstances in people's lives seem to always be the same, yet subtle changes take place, setting a whirlwind of events into motion.

Jason's surgery goes well, though when finished, Rick tries one more time to tell him to take it easy. He wants Jason on crutches for three weeks, then after that he would see again. But no extra activities, no stupid playing with the guys, no motorcycle riding.

This time, Jason is in too low of a state to argue, and just accepts the orders. For now, he would be stuck in the infirmary for two days to recover. The thought struck him that this time Camryn wasn't around to help him, and that just propelled him further into depression, though he tried to ignore it. The only one he didn't hide it from was Katie. She knew it anyway, and though he pasted on a smile, he didn't block the emotions from her. He needed her too much right now.

Evening...the start of time in motion...

Carson squints through the smoke and scans the room, his eyes coming to light on the table in the back. There were three tonight. Sean must have to work late again. All the same, this made the numbers even.

He approaches slowly, ambling across the floor, and waving to the bartender that he wants his usual shot of whiskey and bottle of beer.

Arriving at the table, he sidles up behind Velvet and slings his arms around her from behind, folding them across her front.

Velvet eyes Peter for a moment, then grins and runs a finger across Carson's arms, tilting her head so she can see his face. “Well, Mr. No Show, you did come. I thought maybe you’d abandoned us after you skunked us last night.”

Carson sighs and kisses her head before moving to pull out a chair for himself. “Abandon you? What do you take me for?”

Velvet looks at him slyly. “Like you’ve never abandoned anyone before.”

Carson’s eyes narrow. “Don’t let me get bored and I won’t have any reason to leave.”

Velvet laughs and tosses the deck of cards to Jess, still speaking to Carson. “So where were you last night?”


“Well that’s not very exciting.”

“Being drunk can be exciting.”

Velvet tsks and shakes her head. “Now that’s no way to handle that boredom of yours.”

“Maybe I’ll know better tonight then.”

“I certainly hope so.”

Carson downs his shot of whiskey. Misty. He fights his own mind’s whispering. He knew how to play this role all too well.

Once someone makes up their mind, it's hard to turn around. Not necessarily because they like the path they've taken, but because pride keeps them there. Maybe it's an enjoyable path at first. Maybe they're still being lured in by what attracted them in the first place. But how long will it last?

Time slips by.

Velvet slides onto Carson's lap, one hand on his shoulder, the other handing him a new beer. He slings an arm around her waist, accepting and returning a kiss before taking the drink. "Thanks, babe."

"Gotta keep you going for tonight."

"Of course." Carson takes a swig and sets the bottle down before picking up his hand of cards. Misty. "You gonna stay here and spy on what I got or what?"

"Maybe." Velvet gives him a sly look, but goes to slide back off his knee. She has to stop though as his hold has tightened, not allowing her to move. Laughing, she elbows his ribs. "Alright, come on."


"You know what."

"Maybe I don't mind you spying on my cards."

Velvet twists around to see his face, her grin aimed at him as she tilts his baseball cap upward. "We can't play if you don't let me go."

"I thought I was playing." Misty.

Velvet leans in to give his lips another lingering kiss. "There...that should hold you until later."

Misty. Carson grins and lets her get up, giving her bottom a backhanded swat.

Velvet whirls around to give his shins a light kick. "Cut it out or I'll lock you out tonight."

"Aw, you wouldn't do that to me."

"Wouldn't I?" Velvet throws him a mischievous look. "Behave and we won't have to find out."

Carson chuckles and takes another swig of beer. It was his fourth and he was starting to feel it. Talk came easily when he felt this good. As long as his mouth stayed lubricated and his veins inebriated, nothing much was going to bother him. Misty. He reverts his mind for the fifth time tonight and the hundredth time this past week. "Alright, who's up?"

And then, time has a funny way of manipulating choices. It can make the paths chosen seem quick and easy, while other times it can make the journey rough and winding. But even so, can one even see the way back? Or are they stuck where they are, only to move ahead toward what they have chosen?

Beep, beep, beep... Carson groans at the sound of the alarm. His head was sunk comfortably into the pillow, his arm tucked around Velvet and he didn't want to go to work after another late night. But he'd already been late two days in a row and couldn't risk Herb getting on him about his tardiness.

Rolling over, he slaps the digital clock and sits up, swinging his feet onto the floor and yawning.

"You leaving?" Velvet's sleepy voice is mumbled into the covers.

"Yeah, after I take a shower."

"Mm...you're coming tonight, right?"

Carson nods absentmindedly. "Yeah." He turns for a moment to look at Velvet's almost-sleeping form. Cocking his head, he just thinks for several seconds. He didn't feel like he thought he would. He didn't feel like he should. He didn't feel like he had in the past. It seemed nothing was quenching this thirst in his heart anymore. Misty.

Shaking his head, Carson finally gets up, grabbing his clothes out of one of the bags he'd brought yesterday as he'd moved in to Violet's apartment. He was completely out of his own place now and at least paying half the rent was nice. Finding what he needs, he aims for the shower. He needed to clear his head and get rid of the lingering headache: the aftermath of last night's drinking.

Almost half an hour later, he was walking up to Mom and Pop's, putting out his cigarette before he enters. Heading straight to the kitchen, he barely nods to Aerith or Mabel, avoiding them like he had lately. He knew his body language conveyed the misery he felt, but he didn't much care. He didn't even know why he should be this miserable. He had what he wanted, didn't he? Any other time in his life, he would have been able to kick back and enjoy himself - why couldn't he now? Misty.

After walking towards a light only hoped to be there, the darkness becomes more apparent. But a heart settled on its path is not easily swayed, no matter how clearly it can see. Decisions are made based on the past not the present, and the future is mapped out by the pride within, not the hope for something more...something better.

"Hey, hot stuff." Velvet sets her purse down and comes into the living room to sink down next to Carson, enveloping him in a kiss. "Thought you were working late tonight."

Carson clicks the tv off and shakes his head. "Got off earlier than I thought."

"Good." Velvet moves to face Carson, straddling his lap, and reveals a small bag she'd been holding. "Got something for you."

"Oh?" Carson's hands rest on her hips, and he eyes her suspiciously.

Velvet laughs and nods. "Mm-hmm." Reaching into the bag, she pulls out a man's silver chain. Holding it out, she leans forward and fastens it around his neck. "To replace the one you used to wear."

Though Carson pulls her closer to give his thanks in a passionate kiss, his mind is at war. Misty. He tries to concentrate on Velvet. Misty. He liked where he was...he liked being here...he liked the attention... Misty. His old life was gone.

At some point, choices are eventually weighed. But when they're choices that can't be undone, what can one do? They move on...ignore the pain...hang on to the pride. Misery sets in. But they hang on. It's all they know now. It's all they feel capable of doing. It's all they feel worth doing. So they stay.

Carson sits on the edge of the bed, watching the rain pelt against the window. The dark curtains were drawn just enough he could see out into the gray morning. He saw nothing. He felt nothing.

"You alright?" Velvet's hand reaches up to rub his back.

Carson is jolted from his thoughts. "Yeah, I'm okay." He lies back down to look up at the ceiling, absentmindedly letting Velvet cuddle into his arm. It was a strange sensation that invaded his mind. One that told him to leave, while at the same time told him he wanted to stay. But what did he really want? He'd had everything he wanted lately. Fun, drinks, friends, a woman. Shouldn't he be feeling better than this? Wasn't that the way it had always worked? Why wasn't it working this time? Misty.

"You sure you're okay?"

Carson moves to run his fingers through Velvet's hair. "Yeah."

Sometimes reminders hit too close to home, bringing back the memories of what once was...memories of what had been thrown away. Memories that pull the heartstrings and bring the questions to the surface that had been so stubbornly ignored. Were the wrong decisions made? What if different choices had been taken? Would they ever be able to forget? Would they ever be able to find happiness down the path that had seemed so good before?

"Rough day?"

Carson lifts his head from the kitchen table, leaning back into Velvet as she rubs his shoulders. "I guess."

"Mm, I'm sorry." Velvet leans around to kiss his lips. "Want some supper?"

Carson returns the kiss and then shrugs. "Sure, unless you wanted to go out."

"Nah, I'm game to stay in tonight until we hit the Bullseye." She straightens up and goes to the fridge, pausing at the open door, scanning what little food there was. "How about something light... grilled cheese sandwiches?"

Carson's head snaps up, a pang hitting his heart. Misty. "How about...I just take you out? I'm not a big grilled cheese fan."

Velvet quirks an eyebrow at his sharp tone. "Oh...okay. Whatever."

When change is in the wind, sometimes one can tell. Sometimes they can't. But things always change. Nothing ever stays the same. No matter the choices, good or bad, chain of events are put into play, and eventually they will lead to circumstance that will ultimately reveal the consequences of one's actions.

A wakeup call is a lingering kiss and Carson puts his arms around Velvet. "Too early," he mumbles.

Velvet laughs. "We gotta meet the others, remember. Come on. Up and at 'em."

Carson groans and rolls over onto his side. His head hurt, his eyes hurt, his stomach hurt.

"Come on, big guy." Velvet turns him over onto his back again and gives him another kiss. "I can't sit here all day until you wake up."

"Why not?"

"Because everyone will be waiting on us."

Carson finally opens one eye to squint at the clock. "Coffee?"

"Coming right up." Velvet slips out of bed and pulls on her robe. "Black?"

"Mm-hmm." Carson rolls over onto his stomach, one arm falling off the side of the bed. Another day...another miserable day. Misty. His mind tries to concentrate on what was happening today. Misty. Planning for Vegas would be fun...it would be something different. Misty. He needed to wake up and get his mind in gear so he'd be ready. Counting cards might not be the best way to make a living, but they all could use the money, and hitting it big was what they looked forward to. They were meeting somewhere today to go over plans. Jess had chosen Mom and Pop's. Carson wasn't too keen on that, but forced apathy. Misty. He slams his fist into his pillow. Why wouldn't his brain cooperate with him? His head pounding, he finally sits up, forcing his mind to focus on today and nothing else.

As time rolls on, so do the lives of others. While one has taken a winding path down a road away from the lives of those formerly considered friends, those very friends have their own paths to take, and do so as quickly or as slowly as time allows.

Jason sits at his desk, picking at the lunch he'd warmed up. It was a bad substitute for the lunches Camryn used to cook for him. Though after two weeks, the dull ache was subsiding a little bit. She had indeed quit her job and left town before he'd had another chance to see her. Since then there had been no contact, and as far as Jason was concerned, there was no hope for contact either.

Getting around on crutches wasn't fun, but at least he was still able to work. Things at TJY went at at steady pace. Though Misty wasn't quite herself and still down about the whole Carson thing, the moods had been balanced out by Scott and Katie being back together. Jason had been glad when he'd found out...he was glad that they were trying to work things out despite the problems the connection between him and Katie had caused. It had severed his relationship with Camryn, but maybe at least Katie and Scott could be happy despite it.

Scott comes up to Katie's cubicle and leans over the wall, tossing Katie a grin. "It's no fun that I can't just roll on over here anymore," he teases. "Rick said I can't roll down the hall anymore."

It had been good the last couple weeks, doing things with Katie again. Though they were taking things slower this time, just spending time together had been the brightest spot in Scott's day. Whether they just had lunch together, or she came over to watch a movie in the evening, having her close meant the world to him, and he was happy.

"Thought we might go grab lunch somewhere if you got the time. Your choice where."

"Where's your friend?" Sue teases.

Kyle looks over to her with a smirk. "I don't know. Should I?"

"Well, every time she's been in here, you've gone over to talk with her. Rumor has it that..."

"And it's just a rumor," Kyle retorts good naturedly. He grins from the kitchen at the Pizza Box. "Give a guy a break and allow him to have some friends, will ya?"

Turning back to work, he chuckles. He'd spent a little more time with Misty the last couple weeks. It had been fun. He'd seen the look in her eye that revealed she was still hurting deeply, but able to bring a smile to her face was what he loved to do. Just hanging out in the park, at the mall or grabbing lunch, they were casual, chatting and giving each other a distraction from the day. It was fun, and Kyle had been enjoying it.

Bad Day

*As the splashing stop Misty just sits and looks up at the sky. Through the rain and clouds there were a few stars out and the warm breeze through the rain felt nice.

Misty turns her head back to Kyle searching his face for a moment. There was something different about him than other people that Misty couldn’t put her finger on.

Was it his love for life, his energy or the fact he just didn’t care Misty wisent sure but she new it felt good and he had made the last hour or so a good one. Even if she was to start thing again after he was gone. At least she had those hours where she forgot her pain.*

“Yeah I should be ok. I think I am going to head back to work. Its not to to late yet and I have a change of clothing there.”

*Misty stands and streaches a little bit, glancing around the park taking a deep breath.*

“Thank you Kyle. I appreciated the company, it felt nice to smile and laugh as well.”

*Misty gives Kyle a little smile and wave. Getting into her car Misty pulls out of the park and gives a honk to Kyle as she goes the opisit way back to TJY.

As Misty drives down the road she does a pretty good job at keep her mind busy thinking about the time she had spent with Kyle at the park. Her mind stay occupied until a song comes on the raido than makes Misty’s mind starts to move between thoughts again.*

Where is the moment we needed the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue skies fade to grey
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carryin' on

You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with the coffee to go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces everytime
And I don't need no carryin' on

Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

*Like a load of bricks being throw at Misty her mind takes her back to Carson once again and the tears start to fall. Her mind shifting from one thing to the next.*

Well you need a blue sky holiday
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carryin' on

You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day

*Misty cant help her tears as they flow again. Dang Carson and what he did to her. Dang her for letting him.

Whipping the tears away Misty pulls into TJY. She needed to work, she need to keep her mind off Carson or she would never stop crying. Getting out of her car she knows she is soaking wet but dosent care. Entering TJY she slowly makes her way to her office taking note people were in the infirmary but quietly slips into her desk flicking the little light on and stairing down her her work digging right in.*

*Katie stands in the doorway of the infirmary after Jason is dressed again listing to Rick. Cringing on the inside as Rick scolds Jason she can feel his turmoil, his sadness, and anger. It hurt her even more to see her friend going through something like this.

Turning her head to Jason when Rick mentions the shots for Jason’s pain she raises an eyebrow. It was strange Jason would keep something like that from her and she had to admit it kind of make her feel annoyed.

Giving a slight shake of her hand once Rick is done talking Katie comes in farther going over to the side of the bed. Laying a hand on Jason’s arm she knows he is hurting, keeping her voice low she looks down at him concern and caring in her eyes.*

“J..I know your hurting right now, and trust me I know it dosent feel good. I cant tell you to push it aside because that’s not possible, but how about focuse on yourself now huh? Try taking care of yourself so you can walk good on your knee again and what not. You are what matters now no matter how much it hurts. And you wont be going through it alone ok? I’ll be there to help you all I can.”

*Katie smiles though on inside she wants to yell at Jason herself for being stupid. But she lets it slide knowing now is not the time and Jason just needs someone to understand and comfort.*