

Carson is already sitting down when Peter’s words hit his ears. He rolls his eyes to the ceiling, knowing good and well he was referring to Misty. Why here? Why now? He ignores the comment, feigning too bad of a mood to play around. Jess would bring him around.

As he hears Peter’s continuing comments, Carson’s blood begins to boil. He doesn’t even want to think about why. He had a new life now, and the people at the other table were part of a past he wasn’t returning to. They could take care of themselves and wouldn’t let Misty get roughed up.

No one at the table appreciates Peters intrusion, and irritation begins to rise. At the stranger’s inappropriate comments, faces grow red. And of all people, Kyle is the first to stand. His motion is quick, sending his chair scraping on the floor loudly, a glare locked onto Peter. It was rare he got mad, and even rarer that there were witnesses to it. But if there was one thing he couldn’t tolerate, it was a woman getting picked on.

“Back off,” he defies sternly. “Or you’ll be wearing this chair by the time you leave.”

Con tenses, ready to stand, but waiting to see if this guy backed off first.

As Kyle’s chair scrapes the floor and threatens Peter, Carson can’t help but finally look over his shoulder to what was going on. Kyle looked like a shrimp compared to Peter, and Carson cringes inwardly. Well, he was brave…but anyone would be brave with Con to back them up.

Even so Jess’ begging for Peter to stop weren’t being paid attention to. Peter really was an idiot. He would deserve what came to him.

But something kept tugging at him. He didn’t like this scene. He didn’t like it at all. If he thought things through, he could logically escape his mind’s thoughts, but he didn’t think things through. Instead, he acted on impulse. An impulse that he hadn’t acted on for months. An impulse that would only prove to worsen his battle later. But right now he was fed up, and he wanted out before he went crazy.

Ignoring Velvet’s questioning stare, he slides from the booth and marches up behind Peter, shouldering past Jess, not heading any warning of consequences for pushing aside the leader.

Carson doesn’t dare meet eyes with anyone at the table, his face reddening with an ire for the situation and a new ire against himself.

Before anyone can react, and ignoring Peter’s size over his own, he’s grabbed Peter’s collar and is pushing him to the door. “Get out of here,” he growls, “Before you get us all into trouble.” He doesn’t stop pushing until they’re outside of the restaurant, where he spins on Pete, pinning him up against the brick wall with an arm to his throat.

“Half those guys are law enforcement,” he hisses. “Do you really want to make a mistake on that one?!”

Stunned, Velvet slides from the booth and trots after the two men, throwing Jess a confused look.

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