

Carson doesn’t react much to seeing Peter get reprimanded, or him being reprimanded himself. Being cocky was one thing – being stupid was another. Peter was both.

Carson throws Jess a flippant look of apology for the shove. “Yeah, sorry.” He nods. “And yes, how about we find somewhere else…” His glare drifts back to Peter. “…where we can stay out of trouble.”

He was just as glad that Peter had caused a disturbance so they didn’t have to stay here. Carson wasn’t sure how long he would have been able to stand the tense atmosphere.

Kyle is startled by Carson’s involvement, and takes a slight step back, watching as Carson shoves the other man out the door, followed by the two other women.

He makes sure they’re all outside before sinking back down in his chair. Laying a hand on Misty’s shoulder, he gives it a gentle squeeze. “You alright?”

But by her words, Kyle knows she’s not. The tears in her eyes, the pain in her face…it made Kyle feel terrible. He just couldn’t stand to see anyone hurt like this.

As Misty leaves, looks are exchanged around the table, no one knowing what to do.

Laura glances down. “Poor girl,” she muses quietly. “I feel so badly for her.”

Scott gives Katie a slight look, his own grief showing. He worked with Misty every day and he’d seen the change in her, and it wasn’t good. But what could anyone do? There was only One that could heal a broken heart, and as far as Scott knew, Misty didn’t know Him.

Kyle watches Misty leave, his eyes following her from the restaurant. He could still see the foursome outside, and he didn’t like it that she was trying to make it home by herself in her state.

After a quick look at the others, he rises from the table. “I don’t know if I’ll be back. If not, I’ll talk to y’all later.” Without waiting for any responses, he heads toward the door.

Carson can’t help it when his eyes shoot to the door when it opens, and then follow Misty. It had been a long time since he’d seen her cry like that, and no matter how hard he was trying to be cold, it still hurt.

Jess’ question jerks him back to attention, and he just looks at her for a moment. “I told you, most of them in there are law enforcement – part of the Elite. Let’s just say our paths have crossed a time or two.” He lets the false implication hang in the air that he knew the people because he’d been on the wrong side of the tracks. It would do no good now to reveal that he’d been part of the team, or that the woman Peter had picked on had been his girlfriend.

But Misty was in bad shape. Carson didn’t know for sure whether it was just because he’d been there, or because of Peter’s picking, or because of something else.

His heart pounds in his chest as his thoughts race. He needed to leave. Misty. He needed to get out of here before anything else happened. Misty. He needed to get his mind in gear and start focusing again. Misty.

Carson’s shoulders drop. He couldn’t do it. Not like this. He had no intention whatsoever of talking to anyone else, or even stepping back onto that path again. But something deep down just wouldn’t let him simply walk away.

He nods to Jess, and gestures Velvet to her car. “You guys hang on a minute, alright? I don’t want to leave this thing with something like that and risk all of us getting charged or something.” It was a lame excuse, but it would have to do.

As he walks toward Misty, Velvet rolls her eyes. “Looks like he’s got better technique than you, Peter.” She gives him a sly look. “He’s actually nice to the ladies.”

The bell on the door rings again, and Velvet glance up to see the younger guy follow in the woman’s footsteps. “Ooh…” She grins. “This will be interesting.”

Kyle’s peripheral vision catches three of the four people still standing on the sidewalk, and he looks around for Misty. Seeing her by her car, then catching sight of Carson, his temper flares again. What was Carson trying to do? Make things worse? Did he like watching Misty’s heart break again? Didn’t he realize that he was just rubbing salt into the wound? Or was he doing it on purpose?

Carson puts a slight hurry in his step to catch Misty before she gets into her car. He doesn’t dare touch her though, for fear of another collision course.

“Misty?” He didn’t like the way his voice sounded…small and quiet. But it was all he could muster. “Are you okay?”

“Get away from her, Carson.” Kyle stands only feet away, his legs apart, his fists balled at his sides in a defiant stance. His tone is strong and demanding.

Carson turns from Misty to glare at the smaller man. Kyle wasn’t that much shorter than he was, but he certainly lacked the body weight to do much harm to anyone. His eyes narrow. “Look, Kyle, just give me a minute, will you?”

“You don’t deserve it.” Kyle takes a step closer. “Now I told you…get away from her.”

“And who are you to tell me what to do?” Carson sets his hands on his hips, any elements of sorrow fleeing to be replaced by pride and anger. He stands taller.

Kyle grits his teeth, his courage unwavering. “I’m actually a man of my word. I’m a faithful friend who doesn’t go around two-timing those I love and allowing others to beat down those I care about. You, Carson Banks, do not deserve this woman’s friendship, let alone her love. You deserve to go back to that new group of friends of yours and be two-timed yourself just so you know what it feels like.”

Carson’s blood boils, his face reddening with an anger towards anyone who dared talk to him like that. He might have come over here to see if Misty was alright, but now he didn’t care. He closes the space between him and Kyle. “Another word out of your mouth,” he hisses, “And you’ll be sorry you ever spoke to me like that.”

Kyle’s hands tremble at his sides, but he doesn’t back down. “The only think I’d ever be sorry about was letting you walk all over a friend of mine.” He pauses, staring Carson in the eye. “Now I’m telling you one last time. Get…away…from her.”

Carson lets out a laugh. “And what are you going to do?”

Kyle hated it when he was pushed this far. But enough was enough. And he wasn’t going to let Carson stand here and try to talk to Misty when she couldn’t even handle seeing him, let alone exchanging dialogue with him.

Turning as though he’s giving up and going to leave, Kyle takes one step. But as he does, he shifts his weight and before one could blink, he’s given a high round kick that ends with a resounding smack of his tennis shoe to Carson’s jaw.

Carson is thrown backward, and stumbles into Misty’s car. A curse is hurled through the air as he turns back around. “Why you…” He’s cut off again, this time by another kick, this one to the side of his face.

On the attack, he swings a strong punch at Kyle, but Kyle sidesteps, then moves again, sweeping Carson’s legs out from under him in another Karate kick.

Blinking, Carson has to take a second to realize he’s on the ground. Pulling himself up, he tries one more time to put Kyle down, but his punch is blocked and before he can think, Kyle has twisted his arm behind his back in a tight lock. He winces under the pressure as Kyle hisses in his ear.

“I’m warning you, Carson…leave now.” Giving a shove, Kyle pushes Carson away from him, sending him stumbling forward.

Carson stops and wipes his bloody lip, staring back at Kyle and Misty. Finally he lets out a dry laugh, holding up his hands. “Alright. You win. This time. But mark my words, Kyle…this isn’t over. You haven’t seen the last of me.” Giving a tilt to his chin he spins around and stalks back to the three that are waiting.

Glaring at anyone who dares look at him, he heads for Velvet’s car. “Let’s get out of here.”

Velvet can’t help but stifle a giggle as she looks to Peter. “Doesn’t look like his methods work too well either. I’d say both of you have some things to work on.” Throwing him a flirty look, she follows after Carson. “How about we just go back to the Bullseye?” she suggests. “This time of day there aren’t too many ears open, and they have good sandwiches.”

Kyle is breathing heavily, hating what just happened, hating that Misty was upset, and hating that Carson had interfered. But he calms down quickly, bringing his temper back under control so he can take the couple steps back to Misty.

Looking her in the eye, he takes her by her shoulders so he can see her face, his voice gentle. “Are you okay?”

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