
Should not have come

*As Carson pushes Peter out of the restront he cant help but laugh a little not fighting back. He new if he wanted he could turn around and push Carson back because of the size differnt but Peter really dident care. He liked messing with people.*

"Hey lighten up, but dont push me like that again Carson or you'll be sorry. Weather your Velvet's man or not."

*Peter stands taller though he is pinned aganst the wall his eyes glairing at Carson.*

*After being pushed aside and confused for a moment what just happend with Carson Jess glances at the table of people and than heads out after Velvet.

Seeing Carson and Peter outside and Carson pinning him Jess rolls her eyes. Peter and Carson never had it out before but Jess had intisapated it happening sooner or later. Carson and Peter were to much alike for it not to happen sooner or later.

Not saying anything at first Jess just listens at first. Carson had a point, Peter had been reckless and not using his head. In a stern voice Jess finally speaks*

"Peter be stupid again and I'll kick you off the team. We dont need this with being so close to hitting it big. The less attachen we draw to ourselfs right now the better. So shape up or your gone. I don't care if you sleeping with me or not."

*Peter looks to Carson and than back to Jess than toss a glance at Velvet till his eyes return to Jess. Shaking his head he hold up his hands to Carson.*

"Yeah, yeah you always threaten me with that..."

*Jess eyes have a certin blaze in them proving why she was the leader. In some areas she was weak but showing she ment something she said was a strong point. Maybe thats why she was the leader.*

"Yeah well I mean it this time, I'm tired of being your babysitter."

*Jess turns her attechen to Carson and smerks softing her tone just a bit.*

"Watch who your pushing around next time too, you had some power behind the shoulder shove."

*Jess rubs her shoulder playfuly and shakes her head.*

"Anyways I guess we should find somewhere alse to talk things over before Vegas."

*As Misty gives a little jump as Kyle stands to defend her. The guy the lady had called Peter was much bigger than Kyle and even if Kyle was fast it wouldent have been a fair fight. Misty looks up between Kyle, Con and Peter. Her face was still flush and a few things ran through her mind. Did this guy know who she was? Did Carson talk about her and the others?

As Misty looks to the side and see Carson come twords Peter and than push him away she feels a bit of releafe, and yet at the same time she felt incredable hurt as well. Misty hadent been crying as much over the last week though she still did, she could at least talk without every other word being a sob. But now seeing Carson up close again, hearing his voice, seeing his eyes old haunting memories came back to Misty about her life and how happy she was with Carson in it. Now, like the blowing wind she felt like she was tumbaling, just moving not really having a destanation or purpis to anything.

With out any warning he tears spring forth from Misty's eyes as she looks down at her meal she hardly touched. She dident want to cry anymore, she was tired of it. She dident want to feel this way but did. There was nothing she could do.*

*Jamie reaches out and lays her hand on Misty's arm trying to give her a comforting smile. She felt bad for her. She had seen how Misty and Carson had acted before and she saw the love in both there eyes even if they had not addmited it. Jamie new it must be hard and she felt helpless for her friend.*

"Hey, hang in there Misty we are all hear for you."

*Jamie's word felt like they wernt enough for what Misty must be feeling. They dident seem to match up to what Jamie could really do.*

*Misty looks up at Jamie with her tear filled eyes and than scans the others as well. She felt redickulace. Crying in front of everyone, having to deal with this was hard and she hadent runing everyones good time.

Though she tryed to make the tears stop they just wouldent as they feel faster. Scaning everyone again Misty lets out a sigh.*

"I'm sorry this happend. I shouldent have come here. I new better than to put myself in a place where Carson might be. I...I'm sorry I shouldent have come."

* Pushing her chair back Misty stands leaving her food on the table and brings a hand to her face to whipe the tears away. Misty heads for the front door and steps out not taking notice to anything around her keeping her head down and making her way to her car. Once again she just wanted to get away. Away from the watchful eyes of those who saw her crying. Away from the place that reminded her of Carson. She just wanted to get lost.*

*Katie looks to Jamie and than Con, scaning her other friends faces. She felt just as helpless as them. She dident know how to handle something like this. Katie new how to with Jason but that was differnt. With Misty she dident have a connection that could ease the soul. Katie just dident know what to do.*

*Jess continues to talk to the group standing outside of Mom and Pop's as they decied where to go now for something to eat and plan. Smoking cigaretts as they stand there. Hearing the door to the restront open and the little bell ring out of instince Jess turns her head and see Misty leaving heading to what she guess was her car. Taking note to the look on her face, and the tears the streamed Jess could tell she was upset. Jess would agree that Peter had no right to talk to her that way but there must be something more for her to be as upset as she looked. Turning back to Carson Jess looks with question and inquires.*

"Do you know her Carson?"

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