

Time moves on, fast and slow...some it was filled with happyness, a new joy, while some are still left feeling lost and lone. Not sure how to function outside the norm for them. But life dosn't slow down. It keeps moving on. Slipping through the fingers of those who choose not to grasp for it.

*Jamie gives a light tap on the infermary door. Stepping in she gives a smile to Misty. By now the news of Carson and herself had spread like a wild fire. Not to mention just lookng at Misty you could tell something was wrong. Though she tryed to wair a smile more offten over the last week her eyes and her face still showed her pain. The light in her eyes had gone out, the Misty that was full of life was now drained and the empty shell was what remained.*

"Hey Misty. I was wondering if you would like to go to Mom and Pop's with Con and I for lunch. Sometimes we just hate eating alone. If you want to invite anyone to come along your more than welcome to."

*Jamie holds her smile trying not to make Misty feel uncomfortable. She only wanted to be a friend and try to put the light back in Misty's eyes, and some meat back onto the bones that seemd to show more and more these days.*

*Looking up as Jamie enters the infermary and makes her offer Misty cocks her head a little. Was is that obvies that she wasent doing well? Misty new that she had been acting differnt lately but she had hoped after spending her time with Kyle at least some people would stop worry and though when she was with Kyle Misty had a nice time and laughed still...something inside was missing and hurt. Though today she felt good after spending a good part of the night looking up at the stars with Kyle.*

"If I can get Kyle to come with me maybe I will. I'll have to let you know though."

*Jamie gives a nod and exits the infermary letting Misty know what time they will be leaving and to just meet her outside.*

*After Jamie is gone Misty dials Kyle's cell phone and asks him to go to dinner with Jamie, Con and herself. After hearing Kyle's reply Misty is a bit releafed though she new it might be hard if she saw Carson. Trying to push the through out of her mind Misty lets Kyle know what time to meet them there and hangs up the phone as she finishs up as much work before lunch as she can.*

*Katie smiles as she hears Scott's voice. Standing she walks over to the wall and puts her arms around Scott's neck giving him a quick kiss hello.*

"Mmmm...I have to say I miss you rolling to my desk too, but I guess with as many times as you have crashed it might be a good thing huh?"

*Katie cant help but giggle as she leans her forhead aganst Scott's. She was really happy to be with Scott again. He's always made her happy and never left her disapointed. What more could she ask for?

Though they were taking things slower this time around as times to Katie it felt like the breakup they had never happend at all. *

"Lunch sounds great! I havent been to Mom and Pop's in ages if you dont mind going there."

*Katie smiles as she gives Scott another kiss before going back to work.*

* Nate dials Laura's number as he heads down the road. Today he was out in the field and had only been in the office earlyer this morning. *

"Hey Sweety. I was wondering since I dident see you at all today because I am in the field that we could go to lunch at Mom and Pop's. Thats an order woman..."

*Nate cant help but laugh a little. Nate hardly ordered Laura to do anything anymore. As the time passed and she spend more time with him he had noticed she losened up and felt comfortable. But still it was fun to pick on her and throw an order out.*

"...nah if you want to come you can and if you say yes I will be a happy man."

*Nate smiles as he gets Laura's acceptince to go to lunch and lets her know what time.*

...A few hours later...

"So anyways, when the next band consert Kyle? Coming up soon I hope. I think I am going through JetStream withdraws."

*Jamie gives a smile as Con, Kyle, Misty and herself occupie a booth a few seats down from the front door. So far the conversation was light and nice. Seeing Misty's smile made Jamie feel good and this trip worth wile.*

*The small bell on the door to Mom and Pop's rings as two familure forms enter. Katie does a fast scan of the restront as she gives a wave to Aerith and Mable. Turning to the left she see Jamie, Con, Kyle and Misty giving a wave.*

"Hey it looks like a party."

"What a part without me? Laura do you think thats possable?"

*A voice can be hurd behind Katie causing her to stop in her tracks and smile. Turning she looks dead on with Nate and Laura. Leaning into Scott alittle she snickers.*

"Well there was a party, but now that He's here I'm not to sure."

"Hey now."

*Nate retorts.*

*Jess pulls into the parking lot of Mom and Pop's with Peter. Shuting off the car she gets out as Peter is soon to follow. They would be leaving for Vegas very soon and had planed on meeting here to go over planed and run throught the rules, and code words one more time. Walking up behind her he wraps his arms around her waist and leans down to place a few kiss on her neck causing her to squeel with laughter and push him away. *

"Would you behave yourself while we wait for Carson and Velvet!"

"Awww, but babe...you know I think your irresistable."

*Peter plants a few more kiss.*

"Well make he resistable would you please. You need to keep you head out of the clouds and calm youself for tonight."

*Jess shakes her head and cant resist herself as she leans up and kiss Peter on the lips with a bit of passion. Pulling away as she hears a car pull into the driveway she gives a wave Peter's arm still around her.*

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