
Time travel

Once everyone is joined together, Kyle laughs at Jamie’s question. “I think I’m going through withdrawal too! Naw, since Jason’s been out of commission…or at least is supposed to be…we’ve taken things a little easier. Got a gig coming up in a couple weeks though, and of course, everyone is invited.”

He winks at Katie. “You better be there too, and bring that fella of yours along with you so he can snap some good pictures.”

Scott grins, his arm around Katie’s shoulders. “I’ll be there.”

Laura elbows Nate in the ribs. “You gonna ask me to go too, or what? What’s taking you so long?”

Con looks at his sister and Nate for several moments, a subtle grin on his face. He’d gotten used to Laura dating someone, gotten used to Nate, and now was happy to see them both happy. It was a good feeling.

Velvet pulls into the parking lot, giving a wave to Jess and Peter. “Alright. Hope you’re hungry.”

Carson gives a little grimace. “Sure.”

“Oh stop. I know you’re here all the time, but lighten up.” Velvet leans over to give him a kiss.

Carson returns it, and offers a grin. “That helps.”

“Does it?” She kisses him again.

“Mm-hmm.” Carson unbuckles his seatbelt and steps outside, not noticing how gorgeous the sunshine was today.

Velvet exits and joins him, sidling up close so he’ll put his arm around her.

“Where’s Sean?” Carson questions.

“Working.” Velvet shrugs. “He’s just our lookout anyway, and he knows the routine. We’ll pick him up on the way.”

Joining Jess and Peter, the four head inside.

The familiar bell rings above the door, and Carson’s eyes sweep the tables, looking for a suitable spot, preferably away from the kitchen and too many watchful eyes. He held his chin high though – this was his life now, whether others liked it or not.

Moving towards a corner booth, Carson’s eyes suddenly finds the TJY group.

Con looks up as he hears the door, and his gaze zeros in on Carson. He didn’t look so hot, and the expression on his face proved it. Con didn’t know the other three he was with. The one he had his arm around must be the woman he’d left Misty for.

Con glances down, then across to Misty. He couldn’t imagine what might go through her mind. Not only seeing Carson, but seeing that other woman too.

Kyle bristles as he catches sight of Carson and he instinctively slides his foot across the floor under the table to tap Misty’s, letting her know he’s still there.

Carson locks eyes with Con for just a moment before breaking the stare. He sees the whole group, and a strange war rages within him. One that he’d been fighting all along, but had been able to ignore up until this point.

“Carson,” Velvet nudges him. “Come on.”

Looking away, Carson tightens his grip on Velvet as they walk to the back corner. They have to pass by the TJY table, and Carson’s jaw is locked tight with tension. His friends didn’t know he even knew these people…and he wasn’t about to introduce them.

As they pass, Carson’s eyes glance over to see Misty. A chill runs down his spine. She looked terrible. She was thinner than ever, and though done up as pretty as always, her face was drawn tight, her eyes lacking spark.

Carson’s heart leaps into this throat, and it’s all he can do to look away and keep walking. He felt as though he were walking a timeline, and traveling by his own past. One that he had left. One that he had abandoned.

“This spot looks good.” Velvet scoots into the booth, her hand sliding down Carson’s arm to prompt him to sit next to her.

He does, and keeps his eyes hidden with the brim of his baseball cap, absentmindedly scanning a menu even though he knew the whole list by heart.

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