

Just letting the corner of her mouth stay curled Ryan gives a small shakes of her head before going back inside and grabbing her keys.

Going back outside Ryan gives Leo a light punch to his arm before making her way to her car and yelling over her shoulder.

"If your coming you better hurry, I am not one to wait around. And dont bleed in my car."

Once making sure Leo was in the car Ryan gives a half wave to Alex before pulling out of the parking lot and making her way slowly down the street. Giving a chuckle to herself she gives a glance in Leo's direction quickly before looking back to the street.

"You know, since your coming with me and I am the driving your gonna have to ware the extra set of cute gold short shorts and low cut tank top I have in the back."

Though the grin on her face was now gone the twinkle in her eye was not that showed she was kidding.

Giving one last glance in the rear view mirror to make sure no one was behind them Ryan pushes down on the gas make the car speed down the road the wind blowing in her hair as she enjoyed the speed.

Seeing that she scared Ryder Thirteen cant help the laugh that forms in her throat as she brings a hand to her mouth. It was strange for her to have startled Ryder.

"Oops, I guess I didn't expect that to happen!"

Looking down at the water on the floor Thirteen raises an eyebrow before looking up at Ryder again.

"Yeah, I'm ok. Just couldn't sleep very well is all. New surroundings and all."

Leaning over the counter a little to grab the towel Thirteen can't reach it so moving her feet just a little she trys to get closer. Her foot stepping on some water that was not known about. Feeling her feet slip Thirteen can't doing anything as she feels herself start to fall backwards.


Leo smirks at Ryan, his eyes narrowing, though his mouth turns up in a grin. "Naw, I always have good points... just so happens that you actually recognized it this time."

The grin becomes a full smile at the offer to go with her. "Only if I can finally get a ride in your car."

With his back turned, Ryder slowly sips his water, his eyes focusing on a far window as his mind wanders.

Suddenly hearing Thirteen close behind him, he's caught totally by surprise. He'd been trying not to scare her, but now she'd done it to him instead.

Whirling around too quickly, his hand jerks. The water in his glass can't defy the laws of nature, and fly as his hand does. Before he knows it, there's water on his shirt and the floor.

He blinks and looks to Thirteen, then back at his half-empty glass. "Um... yeah... had a hard time sleeping out there I guess."

Giving a chuckle at himself, he throws the rest of his water in the sink and shakes his head. Sighing, he cocks his head at Thirteen and opens his mouth, but then shuts it again, once more not saying what had crossed his mind a few minutes earlier. "You okay in here?"


Giving a glance to Reese, Axel and than the car that held Carson and Alec Ryan gives a small sigh. Maybe she had been a little hard on Alec when he was starting to sober up. She couldn't help it though her rough exterior shielded her from a guy she didn't know even if she wanted to try and help them.

Turning at Leo's voice Ryan is pulled back from her thought her back now to the car. Giving a sly grin at Leo's comment Ryan cant help but give a nod as she agrees.

It wasn't often she felt lonely but all day today had been one of those days and she just wanted company. If Leo would go, than at least it would be someone.

"You know its not often you have a good point. Guess I shouldn't wast this one when who knows when you next one will come."

The humor twinkles in Ryan's eyes as she teases Leo.

"Wanna come with me?"

Putting the guitar back down on the stand Thirteen hears the door open and stands up quickly her ears alert and her defenses rising. It was more than likly just Ryder but she couldn't help the pounding of her heart.

Taking a few steps forward Thirteen see the kitchen light go on and a shadow thats cast on the floor. Knowing the form that was cast Thirteen rolls her eyes at herself and gives a small smile.

Going into the kitchen she walks slowly as her feet scuff across the floor. Giving a cough she knows her cover of being there is now blown. Giving a soft laugh.

"Your lucky I didn't set Trooper on sick mode."

Looking down at Trooper Thirteen gives a gentile pat on his head feeling silly again. Trooper hadn't made a move and that should of been the first sign that it was only Ryder that had come in.

Letting out a sigh she moves to the sink to stand contemplating maybe getting a drink herself.

"Couldn't sleep eather huh?"


Leo almost seems disappointed that someone had come to get information about what had happened. The look on his face portrayed that he felt he'd been "this" close to actually winning some of Ryan's attentions.

Smirking a little, he follows Ryan through the shop to get back to the office where Reese and Axel still were.

Reese nods at Ryan as she talks and he jots down a few notes. "Sounds pretty cut and dry." He turns to Leo. "And you?"

Leo just thumbs towards Ryan. "What she said."

Reese quirks an eyebrow, not thrilled with the lack of details, but he lets it go. With Axel and Ryan's accounts, he had what he needed to turn into the police. "Anything missing?"

Axel shakes his head. "Naw, he didn't get away with anything."

"Any damage done?"

"No." Axel shakes his head again. "Unless you count a little ding in the shelf there, but it's far less damage than the bump that guy's got on his head."

Reese almost smiles. "Alright. Thanks for calling us down here, Axel. I'm glad you recognized him. If you have any trouble connected with this, or you do find some damage, please let us know and we'll help you get it straightened out."

"Thanks." Axel wanders to the door with Reese, looking out at the waiting car. He gives Carson a casual salute, receiving one in return. Though Carson didn't show much feeling connected with Alec, Axel knew that deep down his friend was probably dealing with some pretty confusing emotions. All he could do was keep praying for him.

Leo sighs and leans back against the counter, cradling his hand that was growing more sore. He looks to the clock, then to Ryan. "You could make it if you ignore the speed limit out on fifty-six." A crooked grin emerges. "You wouldn't want a petty thief to ruin your race tonight, would you?"

Ryder's eyes aren't even close to being closed when his ears catch a strange sound. It was faint, but it almost sounded like a guitar. Odd... He sits up on the hood of the car, cocking his head. Yes, it did sound like a guitar and it was coming from inside the house. Did he hear singing too? He wasn't quite sure. It takes him a moment, then he realizes what must be going on. A small smile turns up the corner of his mouth.

Unable to help his curiosity, he slides slowly off the hood and ambles closer to the house. He wanted to know what Thirteen was up to. He figured she'd discovered one of Jason's guitar, but he was a little surprised that she'd taken the initiative to check it out.

Leaning against the house, he presses his ear to the door and is able to make out the music and words she was singing. For someone just picking up an instrument for the first time, she wasn't doing a terrible job at all. Ryder wondered if she did have some talents that had been hidden deep down from so many years of being held back.

He's ready to simply turn back and leave her alone, when he catches the words she's singing. He stops and listens, a lump rising in his throat. He'd known that she felt like she needed him... but now he knew she even recognized that need. It made something stir inside of him that hadn't been touched in a long time.

Ryder looks back to the car. He couldn't sleep out here no matter how hard he tried. And he was thirsty. And it sounded like Thirteen couldn't sleep either. What other excuses did he need to check on her? He rolls his eyes at himself.

The music had stopped now, so he goes ahead and opens the door, quietly slipping inside. He knew the sound would get Thirteen's attention so he didn't need to announce himself. Instead, he simply goes to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water. There was something he wanted to say to her but... he figured that just getting his water was the best option.

"You're nothin', Scott."

Another hit to the face.

"Come on, you're not even trying."


"Can't you see it coming? Now come on, pay attention!"


"You don't deserve to be an Agent."

Scott tries to duck another blow and holds his hands up in defense, struck again, this time hard enough to knock him down onto the mat. He pants, his hair dripping with sweat. "I can't..." He tries to catch his breath. "Can't... do it."

"You will do it."


"Get up!"

Scott is yanked to his feet. He takes another hit to the side of his face, maddening him enough to strike back.

"Better. Better. Watch yourself. Keep up that arm. Watch your feet!"

Scott's feet go out from under him, knocking the wind out of him. He just lies there, breathless and unable to get himself up again.

"Okay... we're through for today."


"Tomorrow, again."