

Giving a glance to Reese, Axel and than the car that held Carson and Alec Ryan gives a small sigh. Maybe she had been a little hard on Alec when he was starting to sober up. She couldn't help it though her rough exterior shielded her from a guy she didn't know even if she wanted to try and help them.

Turning at Leo's voice Ryan is pulled back from her thought her back now to the car. Giving a sly grin at Leo's comment Ryan cant help but give a nod as she agrees.

It wasn't often she felt lonely but all day today had been one of those days and she just wanted company. If Leo would go, than at least it would be someone.

"You know its not often you have a good point. Guess I shouldn't wast this one when who knows when you next one will come."

The humor twinkles in Ryan's eyes as she teases Leo.

"Wanna come with me?"

Putting the guitar back down on the stand Thirteen hears the door open and stands up quickly her ears alert and her defenses rising. It was more than likly just Ryder but she couldn't help the pounding of her heart.

Taking a few steps forward Thirteen see the kitchen light go on and a shadow thats cast on the floor. Knowing the form that was cast Thirteen rolls her eyes at herself and gives a small smile.

Going into the kitchen she walks slowly as her feet scuff across the floor. Giving a cough she knows her cover of being there is now blown. Giving a soft laugh.

"Your lucky I didn't set Trooper on sick mode."

Looking down at Trooper Thirteen gives a gentile pat on his head feeling silly again. Trooper hadn't made a move and that should of been the first sign that it was only Ryder that had come in.

Letting out a sigh she moves to the sink to stand contemplating maybe getting a drink herself.

"Couldn't sleep eather huh?"

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