
Standing Tall

*Wendy wheels herself over.* " I'll play winners."

*Rosetta nods to Mick. Looking at him in the eyes* "Ya. I just..dident want her to have to deal with this stuff just cuz she was a Pent. And she is anyways. Its going to be quiet but I am going to be happy when this will be over and we can start our lifes without worrying."

*As Carter looks to Katie she stands tall. Taking off her sunglasses and puting them in her pocket now it is visable just how much she really dose look like Rosetta. Almost spiting image when sehw as younger. Standing tall she replys.* " I wouldent be standing here if I dident believe he should get his job back." *Katie locks eyes with Carter not backing down by his percing stair.* " Jason has shown me what true lolty is and what sticking up for youself means. He has more curage than anyone I have known. And he has risk life and body for this comany."*Katie steps around Jason to stand next to him and be able to look better at Carter. Strating her shoulders she continues.* "When he was kidnaped he dident give in and tell the Agency about anything. He was strong and kept his mouth shut. Thats alot more than most people can say. He also drove 10,000 miles to get his job back. I would say that in its self shows true deadacation. Yes, he did breach sacurity, and He did almost try to kill Austin but thats was than and this is now. He's changed and he now alot better than he was. Sometimes facing death does that. Trust me I know that myself. If anyone deserves to be here its Jason." *On the outside Katie looks strong, determend. But on the inside she is shaking like a leaf.*


Mick chuckles and shakes his head. He comes all the way into the barn and sits across from Rosetta on an upturned bucket. “You know me way too well…” He studies her eyes for several moments. “Worried about Katie?”

Jeff, Clint and Eric agree to a card game with Wes, and move to the table, trying to form teams.

Jason makes it to the back of the busy floor, and stops at a closed door. He gives Katie one last glance, mustering up the rest of the gumption he has left, and continuing to hold the air he knows is necessary to get where he needs to go. “If they try to kick you out, don’t let them,” he warns. “You stick with me.”
After hesitating only a moment, he opens the door, ushering Katie in behind him.

The office is small but warm feeling with older furniture. A woman sits behind the desk and looks up, her eyes widening at the unannounced visitors. “Hotshot, uh, Jason…what are you doing here?”

“Hi to you too, Susanne.” Jason cocks his head as he leans on his crutches. “I need to see Reese.”

Susanne looks at him as if he’s crazy. “Do you know how many times Austin has called today about you? What ARE you doing?! And this must be the girl you took with you?”

“Susanne…” Jason moves closer to the desk, leaning over almost to her eye-level. “I need to see Reese.”

Susanne reaches for her phone, but Jason shakes his head, keeping his tone low and controlled, his body language completely mastering the situation. “Don’t even thinking about tipping off Austin.”


Jason lifts an eyebrow in gentle warning. “Nuh-uh. Besides, I think you’ll find it difficult to do.”

Susanne glances at the phone, bewildered. “All four lines are busy….. you…” She looks up at him again, not amused. “Great. Nice work. But you still can’t see Reese. He’s busy.”

“Busy with what? Paperwork?” Jason straightens up and gestures with his head to the door on the other side of the room with Reese’s name on it. “And what’s stopping me from just walking in on him?”

“Jason, please!” Susanne begs. “He told me he didn’t want to talk to you, and here you are showing up unannounced – if I let you in there, I’LL be in trouble.”

“Not as much trouble as me.”

“You’re right about that. You’re the one that’s suspended.” Susanne sighs. “What are you really doing here, huh? Is it really worth all the trouble you’re getting yourself and this young lady into?”

Jason purses his lips and nods. “Could be. Now…I’m going in there to see Reese whether you like it or not. If you want to block the doorway, go ahead, but I doubt you want to try physical force with me.” He moves towards the door, nodding to Katie. “Come on.”

Susanne stands up from her chair, desperate. “But Jason….” She throws up her arms when Jason doesn’t turn around. “Fine,” she mutters under her breath. “It’s your head. I’m just the secretary.”

Without even knocking, Jason shoves Reese’s door open, and steps inside the larger more official-looking office.

A man in his late thirties swivels his chair around in surprise, looking at the two newcomers from behind his desk. “Jason! What on earth….?”

Jason hobbles closer to the desk, his jaw set in determination. “I want my suspension lifted.”

Reese’s eyes get even wider. “That’s what this is about? You skipped out on Austin to come all the way here and tell me that?”

“You’re not being fair with me, Reese. I didn’t have much of a choice.”


“No.” Jason shakes his head, cutting him off. “I’m tired of being pushed around. You know that suspension was uncalled for.”

Reese rises from his chair, showing his well-built frame, though is still a bit shorter than Jason. Irritation begins to show on his face. He glances at Katie, but already knowing who it is from Austin, he asks no questions, turning his focus back to Jason. “Look, there’s no excuses for any of those charges. Do you think I WANT you suspended? You’re the best man I’ve got! I want you back here so bad I can taste it! But my hands are tied, Jason. The request didn’t come from me, nor did the authorization. I can’t fight it and neither can you.”

“So who authorized it?”


Jason grits his teeth. “Why, Reese? Why did I really get suspended? If anyone else could have been suspended on only one of those charges, why did it take this long for it to happen to me? Apparently no one cared up until this point, so what happened? Why did Austin request it?”

“This is confidential stuff and you know it.”

“I don’t care!” Jason raises his voice. “I have a right to know!”

Reese frowns at him. “Because Austin cares too much about you! You had enough stacked against you to have you thrown out of here entirely, but at least it was kept to a suspension. You’ve been through heck the last couple months and you almost died. Austin didn’t know any other way to protect you than to get you off the case.”

The news comes as a surprise to Jason, and for a moment, he almost loses his composure. Quickly gaining it back, he glares at his superior. “Look, I’m not a little kid. I know what I’m doing, and I can make my own decisions. I’m quite capable of handling myself and this case.”

“Yeah, you look like it.” Reese shakes his head. “You almost died, and you’re on crutches for pete’s sake. Would YOU want you out there on this case?”

Jason glares at him. “Make a remark like that again, and you might just find out the answer to that.”

“Are you threatening me?” Reese moves around his desk, facing Jason

“Take it how you want,” Jason challenges.

Before anyone can react, Reese takes a swing at Jason’s face.

Jason ducks and swings a crutch at Reese’s legs, knocking his feet out from under him. In a split second, he’s got Reese’s throat pinned under the end of the crutch, the other one in the air, threatening to be swung in his direction.

Reese holds up his hands in surrender. “Alright, alright. You’ve proven your point.”

Jason lets him go and steps back, resuming his position. “Now are we going to get this thing straightened out, or not?”

Reese gets up off the floor and shakes his head. “I told you…my hands are tied. So you’ve proven you can still handle yourself. What good does that do? Carter’s the one with the control and you know it.”

“Good.” Jason turns around. “Then we go see Carter.”

“But Jason! You can’t just barge in there!”

“Watch me.” Jason heads to another door in Reese’s office, motioning for Katie to follow him. Ignoring Reese’s warnings, he once again enters an office without knocking.

This third office is the biggest, but the simplest, with little furniture and an uncarpeted floor. An older man is standing near a bookcase and turns at the sound of visitors. Surprise flickers in this eyes, though he doesn’t allow his body language to show it.

Jason stops several feet in front of him, staring him straight in the eye. “Carter.”

Casey’s features prove the years have been hard on him, the weariness showing in his body and eyes. But he has a pride about him as he stands tall. “Jason.”

Jason stands bravely in place. “I want my suspension lifted. Reese said it had to come from you, so here I am.”

Carter chuckles, and turns his attention back to the book case, pulling off a book and thumbing through the pages. “You do realizes there were grounds for that suspension.”


“And yet you have the nerve to want the sentence lifted?”

“There were reasons for everything.”

“Oh?” Carter raises an eyebrow. “You almost killed Austin.”

Jason swallows hard, shoving his emotions out of the picture. “I was emotionally and mentally distraught. Since then I have found help and have overcome that problem.”

Carter allows a pause. “What about disclosing private information without permission?”

“That was a judgment call I made and if I could do it over again, I would. There were too many secrets, and Austin was taking too long in telling the truth.”

Carter closes his book and puts it back on the shelf. He studies Jason for several moments, then shifts his gaze to Katie. “So, Katie Pent...” He studies her thoughtfully, a slight smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “What do you have to say about this? What say you about Jason? Do you think he should remain suspended or not, and if not, what are you reasons?”


*Katie watches in aww at everyone and how much respect Jason had. He truly was honnered here. Stoping at Laura Katie is quiet as Jason talks. Returning her handshake Katie nods. Still following close behind Jason. As they near the doors in the back her heart starts to race as she gets nervouse.*

*Rosetta speaks aloud.* "I just wanted to keep her safe. I dident want her to make the same mistakes I did ya know." *Rosetta looks up and turns her head to Mick.* "Hey Mick." *Rosetta smiles.* " I new it was you. I can tell by the way you walk. I've known you for many years I master the house, the steps, the spaces between each." *Rosetta giggles alittle.* " What are you up to?"

*Back at the Mess hall Wes stands and pulls out a deck of cards and hold them up?* " Anyone wanna play alittle get out mind off everything for the time being. I know we are all worryed but, there is nothing we can do right now so we might as well try and keep our spirits up."


It’s after supper. Mick wanders from the mess hall, taking in a deep breath of the evening air. What else could go wrong? Would things ever settle down? Would they really ever be able to end this thing? It seemed things were going wrong one after the other.
He shakes his head and ambles towards the barn, looking for nothing in particular. Entering, he spots Rosetta. Stopping briefly, he wonders if she wants to be left alone, and is unsure whether he should stay or leave.

Jason swings his way down the center aisle of the cubicles, aiming for the very back where there were several doors.

“Yo, Jason!” A young man stops his own route, with paperwork in his hands. “What are you doing around here? I heard you were laid up.”

Jason pauses for a moment. “Just checking in, Drake. Nothing that these crutches can’t cure.”

Drake lifts an eyebrow at Jason’s serious tone, and doesn’t bother asking who Katie is. “Alright….Catch you later then, I guess.”

Jason nods and starts forward again. People look up from what they’re doing, and pause in their own work as they pass. By their body language, it’s obvious that Jason is very well-known and respected. Few dare to get in his way, as his lifted chin implies he’s not to be toyed with this evening.

Halfway to the back, a young woman meets them in the aisle, flashing a smile at Jason. “Hey, Hotshot!”

“Laura.” Jason nods, keeping his tone at a friendly but cool level.

Laura puts a stray strand of blonde hair behind her ear. “Didn’t expect to see you back in this neck of the woods yet.”

“I’m not.”

“Oh?” Laura looks at him with question.

Jason shakes his head, remaining collected. “I won’t be here long enough to even go to the office.”

Laura doesn’t ask what he means, but refocuses her attention to Katie. “Who’s your friend?”

Jason allows a grin to sneak out. “My bodyguard.”

Laura is taken aback for just a moment, but then senses the humor in Jason’s voice, and extends her hand to Katie. “Well, Bodyguard, welcome to TJY.”

Jason throws her a warning glance. “No questions, Laura.”

She takes the hint, and backs off with nod. “As you wish.” She cocks her head at Jason. “How’s the leg? Heard you had a close call.”

“Let’s just say I don’t care to do it again.” Jason nods to the back of the floor. “Who’s in tonight?”


“Good. See you later.”

“Okay.” Laura gives a brief wave, and turns her attention back to what she’d been doing.

Jason starts forward again, but stops and turns back to her. “Hey, Laura…”


“Take care of the phones, will ya?”

Laura thinks for only a moment before nodding knowingly, proving her own respect for him. “Good as done.”

“Thanks.” Once again, Jason takes route, glancing over his shoulder to make sure Katie is still with him. He ignores the looks of question and curiosity that are thrown his way, staying focused on his purpose.

New place

*Rosetta stands abruptly.* " I have to get some air." *Rosetta leaves the mess hall and heads for the barn. Entering she stops at the stall with Beauty. Exstending her hand she pets the folls nose. So gental this small animel was. It was hard to imagen who her father was. That was so long ago. So many years had past since that time. So many adventurs they had been on. So many dangers. Rosetta with draws her hand and sits down on a bail of hay. Her thoughts drift her and there.*

*Katie keeps close to Jason. Making sure to her head up like she was one of them let trying to get the layout of there sarroundings. What an amazing play TJY was indeed. Katie walks swiftly behind Jason.*


Jason throws Katie a wry grin, and steers the car into the driveway. Stopping at the security booth, he rolls down the window.

The guard eyes him suspiciously. "State your business."

Jason quirks an eyebrow cockily and flashes his ID card.

The guard looks it over and hands it back. He nods to Katie with rude question.

Jason stares him in the eye, warning him not to ask questions. "She's with me."

After a moment, the guard relents. "Alright. You're clear." He re-enters the booth to open the gate.

Jason takes a deep breath and drives through, following the route around to the back of the building. "Well, one good thing - apparently security hasn't gotten wind of me being missing, which means Austin is still clueless." He parks between several other cars and gets out, retrieving his crutches. "Alright...follow me and keep close."

He leads the way to a small entrance door, using his ID card to unlock it. A buzzer sounds, opening the door, and he makes sure Katie is still with him. Directly inside is an elevator, and he presses the button for the lower level. The ride is short, and when it opens, a whole new world appears. The basement of the building is huge, with dozens of cubicles, computer stations and people mulling around. The lights are bright, leading one to think they aren't even underground. Conversations buzz from every direction, phones ring, and a couple people hurry by, not even noticing the newcomers.

Jason nods to Katie. "Well...this is it. Come on."


*Katie nods to Jason. Pulling her rubberband from her pocket she throws her hair back up again and puts her sun glasses on again.* "ok...lead the way Hotshot." *Katie gives alittle grin.

*Rosetta anger grows, than dies, than grows again as her emotions run around in circles. She is worryed, upset, not understanding why Katie would do something like this. Rosetta shakes her head and heads to the office to get some work done ending again in the Mess hall asking Austin if he heard anything yet.*


Austin sighs in disgust as they find nothing. "No one I've called has heard from him either." He shakes his head. "There's no point in trying to track a bank or credit card - Jason's too smart for that. I honestly don't know where he'd slip up, if he would at all." He rolls his eyes. "He's too smart for his own good, that's the problem. I've got a squad on the lookout for Pete's car, but without even knowing where Jason has gone, it won't do a whole lot of good. I guess we just keep looking."

The day seems to last forever, and no one at the ranch can find any information to lead them to where Jason and Katie might have gone. False hope rises when someone from TJY calls in with a report on Pete's car, but it ends up being misinformation, and they're back to square one.

By supper time, the tension has worsened, and anger has built even more.

Austin throws down a file folder of paper on the table with a whack. "Soon as that boy gets back here, he's gonna be under house arrest, or so help me, I'll..."

"You'll what?" Cindy leans in the kitchen doorway, her face proving she's just as upset as everyone else. "Fire him? Knock his block off? You do realize that probably the reason he's gone is because of threats like that."

"Are you saying it's my fault?"

"No..." Cindy shakes her head slowly. "But you know Jason doesn't react well to that kind of treatment."

Austin groans and turns his back to look out the window, not admitting he's more worried than upset. "Where are you, Jase?"

Jason slows Pete's car down as they come upon a long driveway, leading back a ways from the road into a wide parking lot that surrounds a large warehouse-type building with the company's name boldly proclaimed on the side. A security booth sits on the side of the driveway with an electronic gate, hindering anyone who doesn't belong there.
Pausing, Jason lets out a slow breath. "I could very well lose my job completely at TJY for this..." He shakes his head and straightens in his seat, throwing on his confident air. "Just follow my lead and act like you belong here." He reaches in his pocket, pulling out his ID card. "Welcome to TJY."

Credit Card

*Rosetta nods and stands pulling out a phone book. Starting to dial numbers.*

*Wes sits thinks for a long moment.* " I know I shouldent but I know Katies laptop is in Jason bunk, I am gonna go and see if there is any clues on that as to where they might go." *Wes gets up and leaves the mess hall making his way to Jason's bunk.*

*As they enter navada Katie looks with aww.* "So...I'm gonna meet "Carter" himself huh when we get there. Intresting. Everyone says I look alot like my aunt, I wonder if he will know who I am." *Katie cant help but giggle as her excitment builds.* "Hey..I guess we are like the new age Bonnie and Clide."

*Rosetta comes back to the table and sits down.* "Nothing. Does Jason have a bank card or Credit card he might have used for Gas we can track? I know Katie took her cash she was saving so they might of been smart and used that. But we can hope they slipped up somewhere."

*Wes enters the mess hall again after a long while.* "Hey, I was looking on Katie's laptop and there was a message from Jay on there. Do you think they went to see him?"

*Rosetta looks at Wes in astonishment.* "Katie never told me her wrote her a letter. Maybe thats why she has seemed so distint latly." *Rosetta shakes her head.* "Katie dident like Jay much I dont think she would of seem him. I'll call just is case." *Rosetta dials Jays number.* "Hey Sharri....is Jay there?...Hey Big Bro...its Rosetta. Ya I know it has been awhile...Hey listen have you hurd anything from Katie...I dident think so...Her and a friend of hers took off lastnight and we dont know where they went...Ya...ok..thx. Ok...I'll let you know. Thanks Bro." *Rosetta hangs up the phone.* "Nothing."


Cindy just shakes her head. "Where would he have gone? I just don't understand. It's not like him to do something like this...I know he was upset, but...why wouldn't he have told me?"

Austin gets up and begins to pace, racking his brain. "There's got to be a logical answer...would he have gone far? Out of town? His note said he'd be gone a couple days...but that doesn't mean a thing. He could have just slipped down to a hotel an hour away to make us sweat."

Cindy frowns. "Why would he do that? He's not mean."

"No, but maybe he wanted to prove a point or something....maybe he thought we'd say we needed him back. Maybe he's going to wait a couple days, then call and say he'll come back if he gets his job back."

"Would you give it to him?" Con scoffs.

"After this?! Ha!" Austin grimaces. "This is the last straw as far as I'm concerned."

"What if he went after a lead?"

"In his condition?"

Con shrugs. "He's not alone."

Sparky intervenes. "You think he'd actually go after a lead on the Agency with Katie as his only partner, and without telling anyone?"

Con purses his lips in thought. "If he felt he had something to prove...maybe."

"This is ridiculous." Austin finds his chair again. "This is just plain ridiculous." He picks up his phone again. "I'm going to start calling anyone I think Jason might have contacted. Rosetta, how about calling hotels within a fifty mile radius and see if any reservations have been made?"

Jason lets a grin slip. "You're as bad as I am." He looks back to the road ahead. "Nevada, here we come."

Through thick and thin

*Wes looks to Cindy than to Rosetta.* "What why...Oh man...Katie." *Wes goes over next to Cindy and puts his hand in his hands.*

*Frustrated Rosetta dials Katie's cell. Geting no answer once again she slams it down.* "Out of all the stupid thing to do. I thought she was smarter than this. "

*Katie listens to her phone ring again than looks to Jason and smiles.* " I am old enough to make my own desistions. And if I dident want to stick with you, I wouldent be here now." *Katie offers a small smile to Jason.*

You sure?

Austin groans, finally plopping down into a chair. "I don't have a clue where he would have gone...Con?"

Con stays standing, folding his arms across his chest. "Well, he hasn't led on about going anywhere at all. I'm just as surprised as y'all are..." He shakes his head. "I know he was upset about being suspended...maybe he was just mad and took off to cool down."

"But WHERE?" Austin slams a hand down onto the table. "Of all the stupid...I can't believe he did this! To put himself in jeopardy is one thing, then to top it all off, he dragged Katie along with him." He takes his phone and dials angrily, waiting for just a moment. "Yeah, Reese, it's Austin. You haven't heard from Jason by any chance, have you? ....No, he left in the middle of the night without telling anyone. ...You haven't?" He sighs in disgust. "I didn't think he would have talked to you, but it was worth a shot. We don't know where he would have gone. ...Well, he was upset about being suspended... Con thinks he might have just taken off to cool down, but we still don't know where that would be. ......No, we don't think it was foul play. He left me a note. ....Alright. If you hear anything, call me right away. Thanks." He hangs up, his face showing his anger. "He's never done anything like this before. I don't get it."

Cindy looks up as Wes enters, tears of worry behind her eyes. "Jason and Katie are gone. No one knows where they went. You don't know anything, do you?"

Jason sighs deeply, shaking his head. "I am so dead..." He pauses, looking at Katie out of the corner of his eye. "You sure you want to stick with me on this one?"


*As Rosetta listens to the phone ring she talks to Sparky.* " He new better than to leave her here, she would tell us where he was going. " *Feeling frustrared and helpless only makes Rosetta bloodboil more.* "Come on Katie. Answer your phone do the right thing before you both get youself killed."

*Katie's eyes linger on Jason for a long while. She slowly she puts her phone back in her pocket. Returning her gaze to outside.*

*Rosetta finally gets Katie's voice mail. Rosetta leaves a message in a stern voice.* "KATIE LYNN PENT YOU GET YOU BUTT HOME THIS INSTINE DO YOU HEAR ME. AND BRING JASON WITH YOU. YOU BOTH ARE IN BIG TROUBLE." *Rosetta slams the phone down.* " We have no idea where they would go at all? Non what so every?"

*Wes walks into the mess hall as everyone is shouting.* "Whoa whoa whats going on.?"

*Katie takes out her phone again and plats the message.* "This is not going to be fun when we get back."


Austin rolls his eyes and throws up his hands. "Great. I should have known he'd take her with him. Those two are..." He bites his tongue from saying something regrettable.

Con arrives on the scene, not surprised by the tension. "The cameras are back up, but Pete's car is gone. Jason skipped didn't he."

Austin grits his teeth. "Yeah, he skipped all right. No location, no nothing. I don't have a clue where he would have gone."

Jason raises an eyebrow and glances to Katie. "Don't answer it. I need to get to TJY before they figure out where we've gone. The element of surprise is the only thing I've got."

She's gone

*Katie can feel Jason's stress and tention.* "Its gonna be ok J. Its gonna work out." *Katie continues to look out the window at everything going by.*

*Rosetta nods and geting up leaving for Katies bunk. After several moment Rosetta comes bursting back into the mess hall. Her face red with anger.* "She's gone. Her backpack, money, clothing, cell phone, everything is gone." *Taking her phone she dials Katies cell.*

*As Katie gets lost in thought her cell phone strats to ring and vibrate. Taking her phone from her pocket she see its Rosetta. Lookng at the phone and than to Jason she states.* "Its my Aunt."

*Rosetta waits as the phone rings.*

He's Gone

Jason keeps his eyes on the road as the radio plays, his mind far from the music and lyrics. Miles go by, and the stress of the situation wears on him. There are so many variables...

Austin holds up the crumpled paper. "Look, Jason rigged the cameras so no one would see him leave, and he stole Pete's car. Left this note, not even telling me where he'd been. Does that sound to you like he took a joy ride to town?" He shakes his head in frustration. "Find Katie. Jason usually tells her what he's up to, and I need to know where he's gone."

Cindy stops drinking her coffee, worry coming back all over again. "Oh, Jason," she moans quietly. "What have you done now?"


*Katie eats her yogurt and drinks her coffee. Katie takes in the sights as they drive. This being the fathest from home she has ever been its all new and exciting for her. Reaching over she turns the raido on and listens to the first song that sounds cool: January One, I got a lot of things on my mind I'm looking at my body through a new spy satelliteI try to lift a finger but I don't think I can make a call So tell me if I move 'cause I don't feel anything at all. So carry me I'm just a dead man Lying on the carpet Can't find a heartbeat Make me breathe I wanna be a new man Tired of the old one Out with the old plan.*

*Everyone looks up as Austin comes pursting into the messhall.*

*Rosetta lifts her head from her paper work.* " What do you mean Jason is gone? You mean taken again? Surely if that was the case Katie would of come and told us. Are you sure he is not in town or something?" *Rosetta thinks for a moment relizing she hasent seen Katie all morning eather.* "I have seen Katie yet this morning at all. Maybe they went out together somewhere and will be back soon!" *Rosetta trys to stay calm but the look in Austins eyes makes it hard to do that.*


Jason concentrates on the road, every once in a while throwing a glance in Katie's direction. There weren't many people he knew that would trust him enough to follow him blindly like she would. It was a unique feeling.
Once the silence is broken, he nods. "Yeah, we'll stop here pretty soon. We're gonna need gas anyway. I know a good truck stop up here a ways."

By the time they pull off the interstate into the truck stop, it's seven o'clock and the sun is throwing its warm greeting over the land. With the car fueled up and breakfast in hand, it's quickly back on the road to head northwest. Jason downs a breakfast sandwich and orange juice, swallowing several pain killers as well. He looks a the clock with satisfaction. "We're making good time."

Austin and Con make their way to the ranch, using the now well-worn trail. As they aim for the mess hall, Austin looks towards Jason's bunk. Though knowing the situation between himself and his grandson is tense, he goes up the porch, simply to check on him. He's surprised that there's a note taped to the door, and he takes it off and opens it.

Austin -
Sorry about the cameras. Tell Brent it's switch eleven. Let Pete know his baby is in good hands and will be returned soon; apologies for not asking first.
The undisclosed location I'm headed to will keep me for a couple days. I'll be back as soon as the situation allows.

Austin's eyes widen as he reads, the anger immediately beginning to boil. He crumples the paper in his fist. "Con! Get back to the cabin and check the cameras, then check on Pete's car and call me."

Though surprised and confused, Con obeys, turning to jog back down the trail.

Austin makes a beeline for the mess hall. There was only one person there who might know where Jason would have gone.
He bursts into the mess hall, met by surprised stares. He scans the room, his irritation growing. Katie's not there. "Jason has skipped out on us," he announces loudly. "If anyone knows anything, now's the time to say it."


*As they speed down the road Katies mind wonders. It feel strange siting here now with him while she was more awake. Just recnetly she had felt so strange when Jason had told her he was going to the social with Jade. Now she wasent sure how to feel. Jason was her friend and she was happy for that, but her heart wanted more even though she new being his friend was enough. Glancing over at Jason she can see he is deturmend. He has that smile on his face she has seen so many times before. All that Katie was feeling about him and Jade is gone for now. Jason has asked her to go with him. Maybe he really did care and she was just looking to much into him and Jade. This truly was going to be an adventure. After a few hours of silence Katie speaks again.* "We should probley stop some where to get some breakfest soon. Dont need your sugar geting to low. If you start to get tired I can drive for alittle bit too." *As they keep driving Katies hair blows in the breeze as she lets it down out of the pony tail to dry. The wind in her face and the smell of the air in her noise. All her worrys drift away she felt free. Turning she looks at Jason without saying anything only smiling. As sunrise comes the sky turns pink, and purple, blue and red. The colors bouncing off Katies face. She has never seen something so pretty in her life.*

On the road

Jason lets a slight chuckle out at Katie. “Yeah, you look great. Come on.”

He leads the way as quietly as possible, moving swiftly on his crutches. He heads down the driveway, then veers off onto a path that leads away from the ranch yard. He doesn’t say much until the small hideout comes into view. “Alright.” He stops and whispers. “Pete’s car is hidden just a short ways away from the cabins. I hacked into the camera system about an hour ago so no one should have seen us so far. They’ll fix it in the morning. We should be able to get the car started and get out of here without waking anyone up.” He throws Katie a grin. “His mustang purrs like a kitten.”

Jason keeps going, leading the way to the car that’s covered with a tarp. Taking it off, he gestures for Katie to get in the passenger side. After getting his crutches in the back seat, he eases in behind the steering wheel. Within minutes, they’ve hit the main road, and Jason revs the engine, pushing the speed limit down the darkened highway.

Finally he glances to Katie. “Alright…Reese isn’t taking my calls, Austin and I aren’t on speaking terms, and my future is in jeopardy. I’m going to TJY in a last ditch effort to get Carter to repeal my suspension. It’ll take us about sixteen hours to get there. Once we arrive, it might get a little hairy if Reese won’t see me, but I’m bound and determined to speak my mind, and I’ll do it one way or another.”


*Katie just looks at Jason for a moment.* "Ya...I'll come along. Let me get dressed. Come on in so no one see you standing out there." *Katie grabs her black jeans, and her nice dress shirt from her dresser. Going into the bathroom she hopes in the shower fast. Than gets out and gets dressed. Throwing her hair up in a pony tail she exits the bathroom. Going over to her desk shair she grabs her brown suade coat and puts it on. Taking her black sungalss from her pocket she throws them on and looks at Jason with a smile.* " I look good dont I?" *Katie laughs and grstures to the door.* " Ok lets get going and you can explain whats going on, on they way." *Before leaving the bunk Katie grab her wallet and takes some money from her dresser and puts it into her coat knowing they will probley need it. Also she grabs her backpack that has a bunch of stuff in case of an emergncy along with her cell phone.*

You coming?

Jason gives half a wry grin at Katie’s groggy appearance, and he keeps his voice low. “I’m going to TJY - should get there after supper time. You coming along or what?”

I can feel

*Katie sound asleep jolts up in bed hearing the knock. Looking at the clock she see it is 3am. Rubing her eyes she just sits there for a moment leting the get use to the dark. After a moment she can feel with out a question who is at the door. Geting up she answers the door in her over sized sweatshirt and blue striped shorts.* "J...." *Katie says in a groggy voice.* "...J I'd ask you if everything was ok, but I can feel it is. Whats up?"