

*As they speed down the road Katies mind wonders. It feel strange siting here now with him while she was more awake. Just recnetly she had felt so strange when Jason had told her he was going to the social with Jade. Now she wasent sure how to feel. Jason was her friend and she was happy for that, but her heart wanted more even though she new being his friend was enough. Glancing over at Jason she can see he is deturmend. He has that smile on his face she has seen so many times before. All that Katie was feeling about him and Jade is gone for now. Jason has asked her to go with him. Maybe he really did care and she was just looking to much into him and Jade. This truly was going to be an adventure. After a few hours of silence Katie speaks again.* "We should probley stop some where to get some breakfest soon. Dont need your sugar geting to low. If you start to get tired I can drive for alittle bit too." *As they keep driving Katies hair blows in the breeze as she lets it down out of the pony tail to dry. The wind in her face and the smell of the air in her noise. All her worrys drift away she felt free. Turning she looks at Jason without saying anything only smiling. As sunrise comes the sky turns pink, and purple, blue and red. The colors bouncing off Katies face. She has never seen something so pretty in her life.*

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