
Credit Card

*Rosetta nods and stands pulling out a phone book. Starting to dial numbers.*

*Wes sits thinks for a long moment.* " I know I shouldent but I know Katies laptop is in Jason bunk, I am gonna go and see if there is any clues on that as to where they might go." *Wes gets up and leaves the mess hall making his way to Jason's bunk.*

*As they enter navada Katie looks with aww.* "So...I'm gonna meet "Carter" himself huh when we get there. Intresting. Everyone says I look alot like my aunt, I wonder if he will know who I am." *Katie cant help but giggle as her excitment builds.* "Hey..I guess we are like the new age Bonnie and Clide."

*Rosetta comes back to the table and sits down.* "Nothing. Does Jason have a bank card or Credit card he might have used for Gas we can track? I know Katie took her cash she was saving so they might of been smart and used that. But we can hope they slipped up somewhere."

*Wes enters the mess hall again after a long while.* "Hey, I was looking on Katie's laptop and there was a message from Jay on there. Do you think they went to see him?"

*Rosetta looks at Wes in astonishment.* "Katie never told me her wrote her a letter. Maybe thats why she has seemed so distint latly." *Rosetta shakes her head.* "Katie dident like Jay much I dont think she would of seem him. I'll call just is case." *Rosetta dials Jays number.* "Hey Sharri....is Jay there?...Hey Big Bro...its Rosetta. Ya I know it has been awhile...Hey listen have you hurd anything from Katie...I dident think so...Her and a friend of hers took off lastnight and we dont know where they went...Ya...ok..thx. Ok...I'll let you know. Thanks Bro." *Rosetta hangs up the phone.* "Nothing."

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