

Cindy just shakes her head. "Where would he have gone? I just don't understand. It's not like him to do something like this...I know he was upset, but...why wouldn't he have told me?"

Austin gets up and begins to pace, racking his brain. "There's got to be a logical answer...would he have gone far? Out of town? His note said he'd be gone a couple days...but that doesn't mean a thing. He could have just slipped down to a hotel an hour away to make us sweat."

Cindy frowns. "Why would he do that? He's not mean."

"No, but maybe he wanted to prove a point or something....maybe he thought we'd say we needed him back. Maybe he's going to wait a couple days, then call and say he'll come back if he gets his job back."

"Would you give it to him?" Con scoffs.

"After this?! Ha!" Austin grimaces. "This is the last straw as far as I'm concerned."

"What if he went after a lead?"

"In his condition?"

Con shrugs. "He's not alone."

Sparky intervenes. "You think he'd actually go after a lead on the Agency with Katie as his only partner, and without telling anyone?"

Con purses his lips in thought. "If he felt he had something to prove...maybe."

"This is ridiculous." Austin finds his chair again. "This is just plain ridiculous." He picks up his phone again. "I'm going to start calling anyone I think Jason might have contacted. Rosetta, how about calling hotels within a fifty mile radius and see if any reservations have been made?"

Jason lets a grin slip. "You're as bad as I am." He looks back to the road ahead. "Nevada, here we come."

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