

Jess trys to make her ears focus on the sounds around her and Rocky but it was hard. It was so hard...she hurt and her mind was fuzzy and confused.


Her voice quivers as she says the one person's name she new she could trust with her life, but knowing he was gone Jess new he would not come.

Feeling Rocky's jacket around her Jess gets a whif of a soft sweet sent, like a blanket it washes over she offering her a protective feeling the only one she had right now and she new Rocky wouldnt hurt her.

"Rocky....Hold me please. Dont let him come back."

Though her eyes where closed trying it hurt to much to open them Jess could feel Rocky's face close to hers. The sweet sent she had smelled before becoming stronger. Leaning up just a little Jess softly leans her face aganst Rocky's though it hurt to do so his skin was cool and on her hot swallen face it felt good. In a soft horse whisper Jess replys to Rocky.

"I'll go with you, if you make sure he is not out there again."

Sitting at the table taking a sip of her coffee Katie looks up at Carson comes back inside. She'd been up early today as planed her tryed her best to wake herself up. Today she had to be with it.

"Is everything ok Carson?"

Katie had only over hurd a tiny bit of what was said so she wasnt completely sure but she could tell by the look on Carson's face some thing was up.

Bad day

Rocky almost cringes as Jess withdraws, wishing there were some way he could just take all this pain away from her. He hated her being scared of him too. Perhaps that's what hurt the most.

"It's okay, Jess," he soothes. "You're okay now. He's gone... no one is going to hurt you."

Seeing her finally move a bit closer to him, he shifts his weight to sit down next to her against the wall. "Come here," he offers gently. "I promise nothing's going to happen to you." God, please help her trust me.

Noticing her shiver, he takes off his leather jacket and moves to put it around her shoulders, drawing her close at the same time until she's resting against him.

"You're going to be just fine." Rocky closes his eyes. Why... why the suffering? Please send Your peace.

Reese races after Peter, wishing he could fire a shot, but he couldn't - not in a residential area where he couldn't see everyone. He flies through the open window headfirst, landing in the grass to do a summersault back to his feet. Sprinting behind Peter, he's just not fast enough though. Making it to the parking space just as the jeep peels out, he stops and catches his breath. It wasn't worth a car chase. Not in the dark.

Holstering his gun, he slowly walks back towards the apartment, grabbing his phone at the same time. "Angelica? He was here. So was another guy - apparently a friend of Jess'. She got roughed up, but I don't think Peter got as far as last time. At least it didn't look like it. I'm heading back in now."

Getting back inside by way of the door, he sees Rocky and Jess still huddled on the floor, and it almost breaks his heart. "I'm not calling anyone else in," he tells Angelica quietly. "She's too shook up. I'll try to get her to come down to TJY though so we can at least get an official statement."

Rocky hears Reese's last statement and leans his head down closer to Jess. "Can you come with me?" he prompts softly. "I promise we'll be safe the whole way."

Seeing the other man's genuine gentleness, if Reese had any doubt of Rocky's intentions or truthfulness of being a friend, it dispersed.

There's a staleness to the morning air. The night had been quiet and long. The team had decided the night before that they would go back in to the Agency site today, and no matter how many people, they would try to get in. With no word on Angel, they couldn't waste anymore time.

Ryder is the first up, awake long before the others. Getting a cup of coffee, he wanders in his bare feet out to the back porch and just stands in the gray light, looking out.

Carson is soon to find him and ambles out onto the porch to join him, remaining quiet.

"We can't go in today," Ryder mentions calmly.

Carson turns to him quickly. "What?"

Ryder continues to look out into the trees, taking a sip of coffee. "We can't go in today," he repeats.

"Why not? We decided we would."

"We just can't."

Carson crosses his arms. "Well we are. We can't wait."

"It's not a good day."

"How do you know that?"

"I just know."

"That's not good enough." Carson shakes his head. "I don't know what kind of game you're playing, but it's not going to work."

Ryder still doesn't look at him. "I'm not playing games. Today is a bad day."

"Have you been in touch with your contact to know this?"


"Then what?"

"You wouldn't understand."

Carson shakes his head, frustrated. "Keep your craziness to yourself, Ryder. We're going in whether you like it or not." Spinning around, he heads back inside.

Left alone again, Ryder sets his coffee mug down on the railing, still staring in the same direction. His jaw was tight, the look in his eye one of weariness of someone with little sleep.


Bolting out the window and rolling to his car Peter gets into his car and pulls out of the parking lot in a hurry. Looking out the review mirror Peter keeps driving weaving between streets and other cars till he is lost in the night.

Not sure what was going on around her and hearing other voice Jess trys to bring things into focus but cant. She had shut down trying to block everything out. She didnt want to feel anything or remember anything. Jess just wanted to fade away as the pain corsed through her.

As Rocky movies the hair away from her face Jess gives a jump not relizing it was him at first.

"No....please...not again."

Lifting her head just a little at the sound of Rocky's voice Jess squints her eyes as the tears ran out of them. Everything hurt, she was in so much pain but see a face she new Jess slowly moves closer to Rocky but than away aganst the wall again. She was scaired.

She felt so small so helpless,so small.

"Don't let him hurt me again, I hurt Rocky. I just want it to go away."

Folding her legs into herself Jess gently rocks. But slowly Jess inches herself closer to Rocky. Could she trust him, she wasnt sure but she was so cold and he just wanted someone she new close to her.


Jen quirks an eyebrow at Alice and Kyle. "WWCK?"

Kyle gives a wry grin. "Yeah. It's a mouthful. We outta just say wwkkk..." he tries to pronounce the acronym with little success.

Jen smirks and turns, but doesn't miss the further interaction between her brother and Alice. He didn't seem to get excited over Alice's hand in his hair, nor was he displeased. It was just as if their interaction was totally natural - neither surprised the other, as if they'd been friends forever - the same conclusion Jen had drawn before. She shakes her head, giving up on trying to figure it out. Kyle had said Alice was interested in his story and would even be traveling with Break Out. Part of Jen wished the bus would stick around a while longer so she could get to know Alice too. But for now, she could just be satisfied that someone was making Kyle smile, and lately, that was a good thing. If Jen couldn't do it, at least someone else could.

"Mm..." Kyle leans back into Alice's hand, knowing that she was teasing, but actually it felt good. "Pizza?" He thinks, his eyes closed as he contemplates his choices. "It would be a sad day in history, the day I turned down pizza."

His eyes fly open and he hops to his feet. "Mom and Pops close at ten tonight. We better get a move on!" Grabbing Alice around the waist, he picks her up off her feet to throw over his shoulder, heading for the stage to tear things down. "Oy! Move out of the way! Cargo coming through!"

Alice's prompting to get Kyle going, and then his humor mixing with hers takes the edge off the room as the band starts to pack things up. Though disappointed in the horrid evening, and still thinking about the situation with Axel, they manage to clean off the stage, get everything loaded, and head on down to Mom and Pop's. Thought it was late, they were always welcome, and pizza was soon at the table.

Mike and Phil had come to join them, added to the group, and helping keep the atmosphere light when the tense pauses came. Jen and Mike laugh down at one end of the table, Phil, Taylor and Joel get into a teasing argument over something silly, and Kyle proceeds to flick his unwanted olives across the table onto Alice's place with precision.

The only one at the table not really joining in was Rocky. His mind was far away. He was unsettled. Something just didn't feel right. He'd thought it was just the whole thing with Axel, but it was persisting. Something was wrong. Something was nagging at him. His gut warned him that something was amiss. Was it more than just Axel? Everything else seemed fine. He wouldn't know what to question in order to find an answer.

Picking at his food, he finally is the first to leave. Exiting Mom and Pop's, Rocky wanders to his car. He stops and stares up at the starlit sky. By now he was feeling guilty for his earlier actions, knowing that he'd probably made things a whole lot worse by going after Axel like that. He hadn't even given Axel a chance to defend or explain how things had changed. Maybe they hadn't, as everyone feared, but he should have at least given him the benefit of the doubt.

Sighing, he gets into his car and turns on the engine. He checks his phone. No messages. Jess hadn't called. Maybe she just needed her space. But he'd feel bad if he didn't at least check on her. He wasn't too far away... maybe he should just stop by.

Reese jumps as Angelica enters his office. He'd been lost in a mountain of paperwork, totally engrossed. "Jess?" He racks his brain. "Oh, Jess Fisher?" He immediately bristles. He remembered that case. It was the one Carson had been slightly involved with. He hated cases like those. And now the scumbag was out?

"Aw great." He frowns and shoves a bunch of papers aside, running his finger down a list of names and phone numbers. He kept all the contact information of cases, for instances just like this. Grabbing his phone, he dials quickly and waits... and waits... and waits.

Finally hanging up, he's on his feet. "No answer. She could be out somewhere, but I'm not taking the risk. You stay here and start the paperwork for a restraining order immediately. I don't want to take any chances with this one."

Reese grabs his jacket to throw it on and fishes in the pocket for his keys. "I'll call you as soon as I know something." His walk is brisk as he heads to the door, and once outside, he jogs to his car...

Rocky pulls into the parking lot at Jess' place and scans the spaces. He didn't see her car. Odd. Feeling funny about just showing up, he decides maybe he should call instead. Picking up his cell phone, he dials and waits, but receives no answer. He sighs. Maybe she had decided to get out for a while. He couldn't blame her. Maybe he should go home himself and just get some rest.

Suddenly his car door flies open, making him jump in surprise. A gun is pointed at him and orders are being barked.

"Get out of the car, now!"

"Whoa! What..."

"I said get out! Move!"

Rocky fumbles with his seatbelt, having no clue what was going on. "What do you want? You want my car? Take it, just...." He's yanked out by his arm and shoved into the side of his car. He starts to get just a little riled. "Hey, what is this?"

"Quiet!" Reese digs into Rocky's back pocket to pull out his wallet. It had been dark. Too dark to make out faces, but this strange vehicle had been sitting here, watching the front door, and Reese was in no mood to stand around and watch.

But seeing this was not at all who he was looking for, he relaxes, uncocking his gun. "I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else."

Now Rocky was upset. He turns around, taking back his wallet. "What is this anyway?"

Reese flashes his badge. "Elite business. I thought you were a stalker."

"Stalker?" Rocky lifts his eyebrows. "Certainly not. I was just here checking on a friend."

Reese eyes him suspiciously. "Who?"

"Jessica Fisher." Now Rocky's the one who is suspicious. "Who are you really after?"

Reese's mind works quickly and he looks around the parking lot. Something wasn't right. "Look, you stay here, I'm going to go check on Miss Fisher's apartment."

"Whoa, whoa." Rocky reaches out to stop him. "What's going on?"

"I have reason to believe that she may be in danger," Reese explains quickly.

Rocky immediately shifts gears. "Danger? Why?"

"The man we put behind bars for harming her just got out. Now please, step aside."

"Over my dead body." Rocky spins around and starts in a dead run for Jess' front door.

"You..." Reese mutters and starts after him. Gun still in hand, he is right on Rocky's heels. The last thing he needed was some zealous friend getting in the way. But he didn't have much choice but to accept help at the moment.

Rocky reaches the door first and doesn't even wait to knock. Slamming into it with his shoulder, it breaks it open. The living room is dimly lit and Rocky's eyes widen in horror as he seeks Jess on the floor with a strange man bending over her.

Reese shoves in beside him, gun drawn. "Freeze!" Too late, Peter starts to run, heading for an open window. Reese doesn't hesitate to go after him.

Seeing the man fleeing, Rocky slides down on his knees next to Jess, pushing her hair out of her face, his eyes showing the torture he felt for seeing the marks on her face from the brutal slaps. "Jess... Jess, are you alright?"


Making her way into the backroom Alice spots Kyle and walks over to him giving a smile to Jen before leaning aganst the wall next to Kyle.

"I think you did good W.W.C.K! Better than I would of done anyways."

Alice cant help the laugh that sufficed. She new he was tired but she had to keep his sprits up.

"How about we help them pack up and maybe get some pizza. Or maybe we could get some ice cream for you sleepy head."

Running her hand through Kyle's hair roughly she mess it up as she gives a laugh.

When your education x-ray cannot see under my skin,
I won't tell you a darn thing that I could not tell my friends,
Roaming through this darkness, I'm alive but I'm alone,
And part of me is fighting this,
But part of me is gone.

Finally making it home Jess stumbles into her house. Tomorrow she had to remember to go back to the bullseye and get her car. After drinking more than she wanted at least Jess had the seance not to drive home. The night had been what she wanted and the games of book and the alcohol had helped her losen up and forget her pain. Sitting down on her couch Jess flips on the tv to see if anything was good on but finally the the liquer catchs up with her and she is fast asleep.

So hold me when I'm here,
Right me when I'm wrong,
Hold me when I'm scared,
And love me when I'm gone,
Everything I am,
And everything in me,
Wants to be the one you wanted me to be,
I'll never let you down,
Even if I could,
I'd give up everything,
If only for your good,
So hold me when I'm here,
Right me when I'm wrong,
Hold me when I'm scared,
You won't always be there,
So love me when I'm gone,
Love me when I'm gone,

Hearing a loud noise like something was falling over Jess jumps but does not open her eyes. Her head hurt, and it was foggy on what was going on around her. As the light next to the couch goes on Jess eyes fly open as she sits up fast looking into the eyes of the person she feared the most.

"Peter...what...get out of here."

Peter's smile was a crooked one as he looked back at Jess. He's been watching her now since he had gotten out, and he had been inside her house more than once waiting for the right time and now he was tired of waiting.

"Why Jess my love I thought you would be happy to see me. I came back, I came back for you. I told you, you would never get ride of me."

Peter takes a few long strides twords Jess as he grabs her arm.

Stumbaling just a little her head still pounding Jess trys to yank her hand from Peter but she is not strong enough.

"No, leave me alone I dont want you anymore. Peter let go of me."

Holding ferm to Jess Peter holds on tight as her hears Jess gives a small whimper. Bringing his hand up in a swift moment Peter's hand connects with Jess face as he lets go of her arm and she flys backwards slamming into the wall.

"I come back to take care of you and this is my welcome. You dont want me. I saw you with that other guy, I saw how happy you looked and how you laughed. You use to be like that with me, and if I cant have you than no one will."

Slamming into the wall Jess automaticly folds as she crumbles to the floor already being able to feel her face already starting to swell. She was helped aganst Peter all she could do was whimper and plea.

"Peter dont do this...please...please dont hurt me anymore."

Coming twords Jess again Peter grin grows more cooked his hate and anger in his eyes for what happend. Running his hand down the side of Jess face his voice hiss.

"Dont worry baby, dont worry."

Jess whimpers as she trys to curl herself into a tighter ball. This couldnt happen now, again...why?!

Maybe I'm just blind!

Looking through her paper work Angelica comes acorss a paper that puts a little bit of shock into her and makes her heart race alone with a bit of anger.

Attachen Angelica Lockheart:

Peter Sanford was released from jail on Feb. 20th at 9:00am on a reason to believe the evadince you presented had been tampered with. We are sorry for this inconvinece, no fearther invertigation will be made.

Hardly believeing her eyes a sicking feeling hits her stomach JESS! Standing quickly Angelica heads to Reese office quickly hoping he was still there. Knocking on the door she dosent even wait for an answer as she enters seeing Reese.

"Mike we need to get someone over to Jess place immediately. Some how I failed Peter got out."

Holding out the paper she shows it to Reese.


To an audience in which the majority was not musically inclined, Cryptic's concert was as good as ever, rocking the house with upbeat songs and Kyle's strong voice. But to those on stage, their playing stank. Countless times someone would miss a measure, forget their cue, and once, Max started out in the wrong key.

Jen did her best at the sound board, but wasn't used to the setup, only making things worse. While most of the crowd wasn't the wiser, the band only wished the night were over.

Kyle keeps on singing, doing his best, and finding Alice to be his point to concentrate on. He needed someone's smile tonight to keep him going. Otherwise, he'd be tempted to just walk out. He'd been stupid to suggest they actually play tonight. But they were here, and they had to finish it out.

Finally, the last song dies away, leaving an audience begging for more, but no more would come tonight. Cryptic bids a friendly farewell, exiting the stage.

Backstage, Kyle leans up against the wall and sinks down to the floor, totally exhausted. The others just stand around too, no one having the energy to pack up just yet.

"You okay?"

He nods numbly at his sister's voice, as his holds a cool water bottle to his hot head.

"You sounded good."

He just nods again, too tired to think. They'd sounded like crap, but if Jen thought he sounded good, then he'd accept that tonight.

Rocky paces by the back door like a nervous cat. He'd heard nothing from Axel or Jess. He hadn't really expected either... but that didn't make him feel any better. Axel was probably scared to show his face and Jess... well, Rocky couldn't imagine how she felt, and it wasn't surprising that she hadn't come tonight. Afterall, her only reasons had been Axel, so without him here.... Rocky shakes his head and aims for some boxes. Packing things up would keep his mind occupied.