

Making her way into the backroom Alice spots Kyle and walks over to him giving a smile to Jen before leaning aganst the wall next to Kyle.

"I think you did good W.W.C.K! Better than I would of done anyways."

Alice cant help the laugh that sufficed. She new he was tired but she had to keep his sprits up.

"How about we help them pack up and maybe get some pizza. Or maybe we could get some ice cream for you sleepy head."

Running her hand through Kyle's hair roughly she mess it up as she gives a laugh.

When your education x-ray cannot see under my skin,
I won't tell you a darn thing that I could not tell my friends,
Roaming through this darkness, I'm alive but I'm alone,
And part of me is fighting this,
But part of me is gone.

Finally making it home Jess stumbles into her house. Tomorrow she had to remember to go back to the bullseye and get her car. After drinking more than she wanted at least Jess had the seance not to drive home. The night had been what she wanted and the games of book and the alcohol had helped her losen up and forget her pain. Sitting down on her couch Jess flips on the tv to see if anything was good on but finally the the liquer catchs up with her and she is fast asleep.

So hold me when I'm here,
Right me when I'm wrong,
Hold me when I'm scared,
And love me when I'm gone,
Everything I am,
And everything in me,
Wants to be the one you wanted me to be,
I'll never let you down,
Even if I could,
I'd give up everything,
If only for your good,
So hold me when I'm here,
Right me when I'm wrong,
Hold me when I'm scared,
You won't always be there,
So love me when I'm gone,
Love me when I'm gone,

Hearing a loud noise like something was falling over Jess jumps but does not open her eyes. Her head hurt, and it was foggy on what was going on around her. As the light next to the couch goes on Jess eyes fly open as she sits up fast looking into the eyes of the person she feared the most.

"Peter...what...get out of here."

Peter's smile was a crooked one as he looked back at Jess. He's been watching her now since he had gotten out, and he had been inside her house more than once waiting for the right time and now he was tired of waiting.

"Why Jess my love I thought you would be happy to see me. I came back, I came back for you. I told you, you would never get ride of me."

Peter takes a few long strides twords Jess as he grabs her arm.

Stumbaling just a little her head still pounding Jess trys to yank her hand from Peter but she is not strong enough.

"No, leave me alone I dont want you anymore. Peter let go of me."

Holding ferm to Jess Peter holds on tight as her hears Jess gives a small whimper. Bringing his hand up in a swift moment Peter's hand connects with Jess face as he lets go of her arm and she flys backwards slamming into the wall.

"I come back to take care of you and this is my welcome. You dont want me. I saw you with that other guy, I saw how happy you looked and how you laughed. You use to be like that with me, and if I cant have you than no one will."

Slamming into the wall Jess automaticly folds as she crumbles to the floor already being able to feel her face already starting to swell. She was helped aganst Peter all she could do was whimper and plea.

"Peter dont do this...please...please dont hurt me anymore."

Coming twords Jess again Peter grin grows more cooked his hate and anger in his eyes for what happend. Running his hand down the side of Jess face his voice hiss.

"Dont worry baby, dont worry."

Jess whimpers as she trys to curl herself into a tighter ball. This couldnt happen now, again...why?!

Maybe I'm just blind!

Looking through her paper work Angelica comes acorss a paper that puts a little bit of shock into her and makes her heart race alone with a bit of anger.

Attachen Angelica Lockheart:

Peter Sanford was released from jail on Feb. 20th at 9:00am on a reason to believe the evadince you presented had been tampered with. We are sorry for this inconvinece, no fearther invertigation will be made.

Hardly believeing her eyes a sicking feeling hits her stomach JESS! Standing quickly Angelica heads to Reese office quickly hoping he was still there. Knocking on the door she dosent even wait for an answer as she enters seeing Reese.

"Mike we need to get someone over to Jess place immediately. Some how I failed Peter got out."

Holding out the paper she shows it to Reese.

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