

Jess trys to make her ears focus on the sounds around her and Rocky but it was hard. It was so hard...she hurt and her mind was fuzzy and confused.


Her voice quivers as she says the one person's name she new she could trust with her life, but knowing he was gone Jess new he would not come.

Feeling Rocky's jacket around her Jess gets a whif of a soft sweet sent, like a blanket it washes over she offering her a protective feeling the only one she had right now and she new Rocky wouldnt hurt her.

"Rocky....Hold me please. Dont let him come back."

Though her eyes where closed trying it hurt to much to open them Jess could feel Rocky's face close to hers. The sweet sent she had smelled before becoming stronger. Leaning up just a little Jess softly leans her face aganst Rocky's though it hurt to do so his skin was cool and on her hot swallen face it felt good. In a soft horse whisper Jess replys to Rocky.

"I'll go with you, if you make sure he is not out there again."

Sitting at the table taking a sip of her coffee Katie looks up at Carson comes back inside. She'd been up early today as planed her tryed her best to wake herself up. Today she had to be with it.

"Is everything ok Carson?"

Katie had only over hurd a tiny bit of what was said so she wasnt completely sure but she could tell by the look on Carson's face some thing was up.

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