
Dark Hour

*As Lockheart looks at Jason her heart goes out to him. The look in his eyes was painful, it broke Lockheart's heart.*

"As long as you dont give up, they havent won Jason. Reese and I are going to work together and see if we can prove the jury was rigged by the Agency. The steps have already been put in motion. We are gonna get you an appeal Jason. We havent given up. Dont you give up on us eather."

*Lockheart want to say more to Jason. Bring him more comfort but Lockheart cant finds the words. all she can do is reach out and pats Jason's hand. Leting the silence hang in the air. She hadent known Jason for long but she befriended him fast. Lockheart sits as long as she can with Jason just to give him company.*

*Misty takes a step back from Carson.*


*Misty watches as Carson heads down the hall. For once she dosent follow. She knows Carson needs his time. She would go and check on him later. Misty makes her way back to the infermary. It was a slow day there today so Misty figured she would study a bit more.*

*Jamie's smile slowly fades at the news of Jason. A hand goes to her mouth. As her mind runs in circles.*

"Con dosent know? I stoped by the apartment to saprise him that I was home early and he wasent there. I assumed he was at the hearing to saport Jason. If he wasent there...where is he?"

*Jamie looks from Nate to Laura. It wasent like Con to miss something important like this. Jason was his best friend.*

*Nate stands silent As Jamie asks about Con. He new Con was away for alittle bit to clear his head but he dident know where. It was strange he dident even tell Jamie where he went. Standing a few more moment Nate brings his hand to Laura's arm for a second.*

"I'm going to go finish up what I was working and I will see you in a bit Laura. If you need me you know where I am. It was good to see you again Jamie."

*Nate turns and disaprears into the sapply closet looking for a few things.*

*Katie stairs out the window for a long moment not saying anything at all. Finally Katie reaches out and pulls on the door handle opening the door. She wants to cry to Wyatt, throw her arms around him, she wanted to be comforted, she wasnt to scream, and kick, she hurt and she wanted it to stop, but the words wouldent come, her voice was no where to be found her mind had gone dark. Katie steps out of the car and slowly makes her way to the door. Katie dosent move with much speed like she normaly would. It seems like forever for her body to make it to even the front porch.*

Maybe it's time

The guard takes down Lockheart's name and credentials, clearing her with security before taking her to a holding room. Surprisingly, she is not given any trouble, but is told simply to wait in the room that contains a small table and several chairs. A barred window adorns the door, the wall has one small barred window that gives light from the evening world.

The guard leaves Lockheart, informing her that Jason will be brought soon, and will have fifteen minutes.

Jason opens his eyes groggily as he hears the hard long strides of one of the guards. He remains curled up in a ball on the bed though, afraid to make a wrong move.

The guard appears at the bars and slides the door open. "Come on, Stevenson. You got a visitor. Says her name is Lockheart."

Though numb to most of the information he's receiving, Jason slowly sits up then stands, wincing just a bit. He holds an arm around his abdomen and ribs, still hurting from the fight he'd put up. Though not able to see himself, he knows his eyes are bloodshot…his hair is clipped short and his lack of enthusiasm takes away his tall posture. Trudging to the cell door, he feels like he's not even the same person anymore. He simply didn't have the energy to make an effort.

Walking in front of the guard, he's just glad he isn't cuffed again. Reaching the holding room, the guard lets him in, then shuts the door behind him, reminding him of the fifteen minute limit.

Jason looks to Lockheart, his eyes lacking life. It had been snuffed out so quickly. In an instant, his fire had gone out. He'd been here a matter of hours, but already the dread had settled in. This was no joke. He was in prison, and here to stay as long as the system could hold him. The nightmares of Alex now had competition.

Not even sure what good Lockheart's presence can do, Jason says nothing, but aims for a chair, sinking down into it slowly, his eyes held to the side, caught in a stare at nothingness. His mind flies from one thing to another, landing on nothing and everything. It was time he faced the facts.

Jason gives a little sigh, looking up at Lockheart. “Well…welcome to my new home.” He runs a hand over his head. “New hairdo, new clothes…room service…what more could a guy ask for?” His words attempt humor, but his tone denies him laughter.

He swallows hard and drops his gaze back down to the table. “For the record, I know this wasn’t your fault. It’s the Agency and I’m sure they’re happy now. If Medridge was aiming for misery, he won. Maybe it’s time we realize that we can’t win this war.”

Misty’s touch almost startles Carson, and he looks to her with a strange new look in his eye. “No…” He wasn’t okay. He was far from it. But he couldn’t even begin to explain what he was feeling. It was strange. It was new. It was foreign.

For the first time, he resists Misty’s touch, turning around to aim for the hall. “I’ll be down at the shooting range,” he informs over his shoulder, his tone lacking an invitation for company. “Anyone wants me, they can come get me.”

Laura smiles at Jamie, knowing the courage it must have taken for her to confront Carson like that. Laura wasn’t so sure she would have been strong enough to do that herself.

But too quickly, that victory passes, leaving the news of Jason left unsaid. Jamie needed to know.

Laura purses her lip grimly. “Jamie…the hearing didn’t go well today. Jason…he um…they found him guilty.” The words don’t seem to want to come, but she forces them out. “He’s been sentenced to forty years in prison.”

Her eyes grow dim as he thinks of her brother. “Not everyone knows yet…as far as I know, Con doesn’t know yet either.”

A smart woman

*Lockheart pulls into the prison parking lot parking in a new section that would be closer to where Jason was now. Steping out of her car all Lockheart brings with her just her badge to show who she is leaving her brefcase in the car she wouldent need it. Walking tword the door where the guards are she show her badge and states.*

"I'm here to see Jason Stevenson."

*Lockheart only hopes that they wont give her any trouble and let her see Jason. For now she was the only friend Jason would have, his only contact to the outside world. As time went on with Jason stay he would get more leway, writing letters and maybe even the possablity to see Katie if only once a month. But for now, it was Lockheart that would have to try and keep Jason spirits up. Even though she knows it was hard. She was Jason's lawyer, but now she was to be his friend.*

*Nate watches Jamie closely. They trusted Carson now, but still he was on guard for what could happen with Jamie. Nate turns his attachen to Laura and than back to Jamie watching waiting.*

*Jamie gives alittle smile at Carson and nods her head. His eyes told her he wasent lieing and he was trying to change.*

"I look forward to geting to know you better and working with you."

*Jamie knows what she came to do is done. At the momet she has nothing more to see but can see the confustion in Carson's eyes. Making one more statment as she turns.*

"Dont live in the past Carson it will eat you alive. Whats done is done, let it go and look to the brighter days. Everyone is capable of change."

*Walking away Jamie feels like a weaght has been lifted off her shoulders. Making her way over to Nate and Laura her smiles wides and her eyes dance. Giving them both a hug.

As Nate receves Jamie's hug he smiles back at her. He was proude and looked up to what she did.*

"That took alot of curage Jamie. I am proud of you."

*Jamie smiles back at Nate as she thinks back to something Rosetta had told her.*

"The woman that ran the ranch told me one night when we went for a walk that everyone does bad things in life some worse than other, but everyone can change as well and if we hold the hate and bad memories inside for to long they will take us over consume us so we cant see the light in anyone anymore. It would push us to be people we dident want to be and it would force us not to even trust those who deserved it."

*Jamie stops and thinks again for a moment.*

"She was a smart woman and my time away did me good. I learned alot of new stuff and I even found out new stuff about me that I dident know. It was a nice get away."

*As Jamie stops talking she looks at her friends faces she could see the pain though that happyness. Something asle unsead was wrong though Jamie couldent but her finger on it.*

*As Jamie walks away Misty walks up till she is closer to Carson. Gently she places a hand on his arm seeing the look on his face.*

"Carson are you ok?"


Reese agrees to Lockheart trying to see Jason. He bids her farewell and heads back to TJY.

Wyatt looks to Katie with sorrow and helplessness. No, she couldn't see Jason...the one thing she wanted.

Sighing softly, he pulls out of the parking lot and heads to her place. Arriving, he parks at the curb and cuts the motor, just sitting for a moment. "Do you need anything, Katie...? Can I call somebody for you or...or do anything? I don't like leaving you alone like this."

Laura tenses just a little as Nate touches her face, but she doesn't pull back. It was the hand she trusted.

Turning, she sees Jamie too, and starts to smile, giving a little wave. She's about to say something, but realizes Jamie is heading a different direction. She raises her eyebrows as she sees Jamie heading for Carson. Laura can't help but think that Jamie has a lot more guts than she would. She exchanges a glance with Nate, then looks back at Jamie, watching.

As Jamie approaches, Carson removes his feet from his desk and stands up, not sure what's about to happen, his guard up, ready for anything. Seeing Jamie outstretch her hand, and hearing her introduction, Carson's stomach turns into knots. What was going on? What was this? How...?

Confusion flashes through his eyes, bewilderment veiling his face. This just wasn't possible. He knew there were good people here but...this was a woman who he had helped torture... The scar on her face proved a mark she would wear forever, a reflection of the scar she surely wore on her heart. And Carson had taken part in that. And here Jamie was...in essence, offering a truce. It was utterly mind-boggling.

He lowers his eyes to her hand, then back up to her face. Did he dare take that hand? Did he dare to step forward and accept this act of sheer courage? For that was all he could define her actions as - courageous. He simply didn't understand.

But he couldn't ignore it. Carson knew now that he had been wrong. He knew that he had taken part in some terrible things, and that even though he'd been sucked into the system and at the time had no remorse...now he saw things differently. Being around these people...seeing how they functioned. He was still so very far from them and they way they thought. But the wrongness of his past actions was becoming clearer. And if he wanted to move past any of it, he had to step out and meet that offer of forgiveness with courage of his own.

Finally...slowly, Carson accepts Jamie's hand, giving it a short firm shake before letting it go. He would respect her apparent wish not to look at the past, but start from this spot instead. He discovered it just a little hard to find his voice. "It's...nice to meet you too, Jamie."

He swallows hard, not knowing what to do next. He didn't know how these things worked. But if she'd introduced herself, he could do the same, signaling that he was ready to move on as well. "I'm Carson Banks...resident lowlife." He pauses, identifying guilt and shame within himself. "...Who promises that history won't repeat itself."

The three-hour ride is long and filled with too much time to think. Jason is taken to a different section of the prison compound, now here to stay. He's handled roughly, his instincts causing him to fight, only forcing the guards to use physical force with him.

He's stripped of all pride as he's given new prison garb, fashioning the number by which he would be known by for all records. Jeers from other inmates ring in his ears as he's escorted down the long walkway to the cell that would be his own from here on out. Words from the guards all muddle together, making no sense as Jason's world is turned completely upside down.

Before the sun sets, he is curled up on the narrow bed, ignoring the tray of food that was left for him. Tomorrow he would be eating with the other inmates. Tonight he had been left alone.

The physical force used against him begins to seep into his muscles as soreness sets in. His hair has been cut short, crewcut fashion, molding him into the prison's new inmate mold that forces him to relent to the fact that he is theirs. No longer his own.

Emotions build behind his eyes, but he refuses to let them spill over. He didn't even have Katie's picture any longer. He had been stripped of all. His identity itself was fading.


*Lockheart follows along with Reese listing to everything he says.*

"Ya I am gonig to go see if I can get in to see Jason. Talk to him a bit let him know we are still gonna be trying, and to make sure he is ok. If you need me for anythiing Reese please call my phone. I'll do all I can for you guys."

*Lockheart gives Reese arm a squeeze. and than heads to her own car making her own way to the Jail to see if she can get in to see Jason.*

*Katie is silent for a long moment as she looks out the window. Her world was spinning out of controlle she never felt so crappy in her life.*

"I want to go see Jason, but that cant happen can it."

*Kaite lets out a long sigh not moving her head. Her heart was heavy, She hurt all over and she suddnly felt tired again.*

"Just take me home. I'm not feeling so well."

*Another tear runs down Katie's face she just couldent sapress them.*

*Nate smiles at Laura. Feeling the feelings in her eyes.*

"We wont let him Laura, we wont."

*Nate brings his hand to Laura's face trying his best to comfort her. Removing his hand he just smiles. Seeing a movement at the door Nate turns his head and see Jamie. His smile brawdents.*

"Well look who it is."

*Misty playfuly punches Carson's arm at his comment.*

"Even if you had your own car you would still ask for rides from me just so you could be me more..."

*Misty is about to say more but can see the look on Carson's face change. Following his eyes to the door Misty see Jamie. Only imaging how hard this was going to be on both of them. The first time Misty worked she remembered the look on Jamie's face and than Con's reaction. Would this time be the same?*

*As Jamie scans the floor for all the familure faces her eyes rest on Carson and Misty. He had his own desk now that ment he was sticking around. Jamie gets a strange feeling inside her tummy as she locks eyes with Carson. He had delt with alot in the last week and grew much. Leaning to forget and let go. But there was one thing she hadent let go of and it was time. Jamie slowly keeps her head high and walks over to Carson cubicle. For a moment she is silent, trying to back her feelings up. It was time. Jamie sticks her hand out to Carson offering a hand shake.*

"I'm Jamie Franklin. Its nice to meet you."

*Jamie new this was probley as hard on Carson as it was on her. But in time it would get easyer and things would be ok. This...this was the first step.*

Unfamiliar Feeling

Wyatt keeps a close eye on Katie, watching her body language, watching her eyes. This was not good. She was crashing, and quickly. Wyatt couldn't blame her...he knew she loved Jason...and the connection they had was unexplainable. To know that Jason was going to prison to stay for an unknown amount of time had to be heart-wrenching for her.

Reese nods to Lockheart. "If you want to stay in town, that's fine. We can use all the help we can get. I just talked with one of my agents to get investigating some past cases where murder convicts were later released, and the wherewithall that went along with it. I'm also going to get someone to check out the judge, and the jury members as well to see if we can draw some lines to the Agency. After that, we can..." His voice trails off as he contemplates the consequences of all of this. TJY's secrecy was in more and more danger, the closer they got to the heart of this case.
"Well, I'm going back to TJY at least to get started. You'll probably want to try and see if you can get in to talk to Jason - at this point, I doubt they'd let anyone else in."

Reese makes his way down the long hall, making sure Lockheart follows. "I guess we'll just have to play this by hear. But I'll be hanged if one of my agents gets locked up like this."

Wyatt sees his father coming, and exchanges a few brief words with him. He finally gets in the car with Katie and starts the engine, but doesn't pull out right away. He looks at her for a moment, not knowing how to offer comfort. He wasn't the one that she wanted...he wasn't the one that could bring the comfort she needed. Only Jason could.

"Katie...do you want to go back home, or to TJY? Or anywhere else? I'll take you wherever you need to go."

Laura buries her face in Nate's chest, her arms around him as he receives the comforting shelter he offered. The tears come silently and she just stands...taking in Nate's words...feeling their truth...trying to combat the despair she was feeling. This had never happened to at TJY agent before...and of all people...it had to be Jason.

Nate's presence is welcomed...this was the second time she'd broken down in his arms...and it felt no less tranquil than it had before. There was something about his grasp...something about his warmth and strong arms that brought Laura into a haven of rest, despite the turmoil her heart felt.

Finally taking a deep breath, Laura draws back just a little so she can talk. "I just can't believe it...we were all so sure of the outcome...it's so unfair..." She shakes her head and wipes her eyes again, straightening up to stand tall, steadying her voice. "You're right. We're gonna get him out." She grits her teeth, kicking into tough mode. "We can't let him rot in prison."

Her eyes on Nate, she doesn't notice Jamie, who had just entered the floor.

Carson leans back in his chair with his feet propped up on his desk, looking up at Misty as they continue their short line of banter. "You know, one of these days, I'll get some wheels and I can stop begging rides off of little miss sassy." He gives her a sly glance. "Letting a woman drive all the time is giving me a complex."

A teasing grin creases his lips, but suddenly movement catches his eye. He glances down the walkway, just able to see the exit. The mischief vanishes from his eyes, replaced by a cloudy mix of unidentifiable thoughts or emotions. It was Jamie.

Carson swallows hard. He wasn't sure how to feel. He hadn't thought about Jamie coming back, and right about now, had no idea what to do. He remembered the look of horror on her face the last time they'd met. Then the look on Con's face as he'd come after him. This wasn't going to be fun if they were forced to be in the same building on a day to day basis.

At the same time though, a new sensation pricks Carson's heart...something he hadn't felt before. Something strange...something humbling, despite his proud nature. He was sorry. And somewhere deep down, a small part of him cried out with a need to express he was sorry to Jamie herself. But how could he?

return home

*Katie slowly walks with Wyatt to the car. Once outside she looks around as if looking for someone. She dident see anything. Wyatt's words become mush to Katie. She can make out bits ans peaces but her brain dosent register. Katie dident know what to do or how to act. All she wasnted was Jason in her arms at this moment.*

"We've GOT to get him back. He cant stay there for 40 years. He cant. We cant let him. The Agency will pay for this."

*Katie's eyes lower to the ground as a few more tears fall. Slowly she lifts her head to look at Wyatt only to look away and down again. Opening the door to the car Katie slowly slips in shuting it behind her. As they wait for the other she leans her head on the window. So many thoughts, so many memories run though Katie's mind. It hurt so much to lose the one you cared the world for.*

*As Nate turns around he is about to make a smart comment when he see the look an Laura's face. Instinly he is on alert something wasent right. As Laura's news enters his ears Nate's fance sinks. Seeing Laura is about to break down again Nate stand and wraps his arms around Laura.*

"Oh...no. Its gonna be ok Laura. This is The Agency's doing and there is no way Reese is gonna take this laying down. He cares so much about each one of us here to do something like that. It's gonna work out Laura, and Jason is gonna be home with us soon."

*Nate continues to hold Laura. To comfort her but to comfort himself as well as the unwanted news sinks in and he own emotions bubble inside."

"This is all part of God's plane Laura remember that. Let it bring you comfort. He is in controlle and some good will come for this somewhere."

*Lockheart nods to Reese. His words comforted her and eased her mind a bit. Though Jason's face still lingered in her mind. The look she had seen it before when her brother was taken away.*

"If I can help in anyway please let me know Reese. I can push my return him back I'm in no hurry. I want to do all I can for you guys."

*And Lockheart truly did. Lockheart could let Jason locked up. She had a promise to keep to him and to Katie. No, she wouldent give up yet she would stand and fight with the others.*

*As Jamie finally enters the small town in Navada she lets out a releaved sigh. She was saprised she made it back in such good timing. Jamie had left the ranch yesterday later in the evning so she could be home by today. She wanted to be around for when Jason returned home.
Jamie had enjoyed her time at the Ranch it was a nice place with great people. Jamie had never exsperinced alot of stuff that she was able to in that week. She rode a horse for the first time, she got to ear samors at a camp fire, and she gained many more friends.

Not even bothering to go home Jamie drive straght for Con's apartment to look for him. Finally geting there she knocks on the door twice but no answer. Looking in the windows Jamie can see its dark. That was silly of her Con was probley at Jason's hearing and maybe when back to TJY with them afterwords. Going back to her car Jamie makes her way to TJY, and the long desend down the elavator. She dident mind coming back she missed everyone and she had a few people she needed to talk to anyway. Jamie had worked through alot of her problems, and alot of feelings. It was time to put the past behind her and move on. Jamie steps out of the elavator and lets out a content sigh. It was good to be home.*


"Come on, Katie." Wyatt puts a gentle arm around her shoulders, sheltering her from the chaos to make their way out of the room. "It'll be alright. Don't worry."

He spots his father and Lockheart down the hall, but turns for the parking lot instead. Katie didn't need this crowd around her. He directs her slowly outside and to his vehicle. Turning, he takes Katie by the shoulders, so he can see her face. Her tears...tears of shear anguish, tore at his heart. "We'll get him out. Don't give up yet. This is far from over."

Wyatt releases her and goes for his cell phone as they wait for Reese and Lockheart. "Yeah, Susanne, let me talk to Laura... Hey, Laura, it's Wyatt."

Laura is on the edge of her seat. "What happened? What was the verdict?"

Wyatt grits his teeth. He knew what close friends Laura was to Jason. But there was no skirting around the truth. "Not good, Laura. They found him guilty. Sentenced to forty years."

Laura's breath catches in her throat and she sinks back in her chair, shocked. "Oh, no."

"It's a madhouse in here right now." Wyatt glances to Katie as he takes a couple steps away, lowering his voice. "Katie's not taking it well. I don't know if we're gonna bring her back to TJY for a while or not, but whatever we do, you're gonna have to keep an eye on her."

Tears spring into Laura's eyes. "Alright. I will."

Wyatt can hear her emotions, and tries to suppress his own. "We'll talk more later."


"Bye." Wyatt hangs up and goes back to Katie, still waiting for the others.

Laura sets her desk phone back in its cradle, feeling a tear trickle down her cheek. Her mind automatically reverted to the past...all the time she and Con and Jason had spent together...the fun they'd had. She couldn't imagine Jason having to spend the better part of his life behind bars...it wasn't fair...it wasn't right.

Biting her lip and swiping at her eyes with the back of her hand, Laura stands up and slowly goes to Nate's cubicle. She taps quietly, waiting for him to turn around, her eyes expressing her shock...sorrow...fear. "They found him guilty, Nate...forty years in prison...Jason's not coming back..." Her lip starts to quiver again, despite her efforts to stay strong.

Reese sees Lockheart approaching, and gives her a nod as he finishes up his conversation. "Yeah, just get me all you can on those cases. We're not going to take this one lying down." Ending the call, he turns to Lockheart grimly. "If you're even tempted to blame yourself for this, don't you dare. This is the Agency's doing. There's no way Jason should have been found guilty - just no way. There was outside influence, I guarantee it. They wanted this whole court case over with so fast so Jason would be put in prison all the more sooner." He searches Lockheart's eyes. "We've got to find proof so we can appeal to the courts again. I can't let Jason spend his life in prison because he saved someone's life."


*Kaite slowly sits up seeing Jason form disapear out the door. A dark cloud rolls into Katie's mind and into her heart. Pain, Anger, life being sucked out of her. Looking to Wyatt her eyes plead.*

"We cant let them take him Wyatt we cant."

*Katie cant help her tears they were coming pull stream. Slowly Katie stands placing a hand on Wyatt to help her up. Than slowly Katie makes her way to the door not sure where she is going or what she was doing. Her mind it was in a fog all she could think of was Jason, the look on his face.*

"40 years Wyatt, I have to help him....we cant let this happen. We have to do something, anything..."

*Lockheart spots Reese one the phone walking over to him. She pashently waits for him to get off the phone before talking. Question, worry, pain, and the feeling of being sorry on her face.*


As Katie comes towards Jason, he spots her, and fights all the more against the officer’s direction. “Katie!”

Seeing her fall for the second time, all of Jason’s emotions collide into one ball of anger. Without thinking, he puts his cuffed hands together in one big fist and swings hard at the officer who has a hold on him. His knuckles meet the officer’s nose hard enough that a crack is heard, and the officer is knocked backward with a cry of pain.

Jason completely ignores everyone else around him, or the consequences of his actions, and is on one knee, reaching for Katie. But before he can touch her, he’s being yanked to his feet by two more strong officers, the third one, hanging back, holding a bleeding, broken nose. “Move!” One of them orders, shoving Jason to the door.

“No!” Jason tries planting his feet, twisting around to see Katie. “You can’t do this! ….Katie!”

He’s manhandled toward the back of the courtroom, resisting to the point of finally receiving a nightstick to the gut, forcing him to submit as he doubles over in pain.

Angry and confused, Wyatt is standing with others, protesting the verdict. His eyes catch Katie’s movement, and dread hits him. Controlling himself to avoid emotions for now, he pushes his way through the crowd, seeing Katie fall…seeing Jason fight.

As Jason is pulled away, Wyatt kneels next to Katie, putting a hand to her forehead. “Katie…Katie, are you alright? Come on, we have to get out of here.”


*Lockheart waits pashently with Jason as the jury is in dilibaration. She chats with him a bit about everything. Finally the Jury re-enters as they wait for the verdict. Lockheart gives Jason a confadent smile as they wait.*


*Lockhearts hear pick up fast on this word. Her heart sinking, her mind trying to process everything. Guilty how could they find Jason guilty, they lost how. Lockheart looks from Jason and than out to the crowd. She let them down. How could they have lost. Lockheart wants to say so many things but cant. Looking at Jason she utters.*

"This isent over Jason."

*Lockheart moves from where they were siting and heads to the back to find Reese.*

*As Katie hears the verdick her heart instinly shatters, loseing all controll and all reality. All the shouting turns into one. Nothing can be hurd. Katie feels sick to her tummy. This feeling, sadness, anger all in one...no...they couldent do this. Katie stands her heart racing and her eyes filling with tears. Making her way to the front to see Jason...to stop them. They couldent take him. As an office steps infront of Katie to stop her he is strong but Katie adrenial, emotions cause her a strangth she dident even know she had as she pushes past him making her way to Jason...She saw him...she had to reach him. Another office coming out of no where trips Katie as she hits the ground and skins her knee along with the palm of her hand. Katie's pain was already to great to even feel she had been cut open. Looking up Jason was still being pulled to the door. Katie is to her feet again moving to Jason...reaching out she touches him*

"Jason...I wont leave you."

*As Katie trys to take Jason's hand the officer on the ground reaches out and grabs Katie ankle pulling her back hard. Misty falls again this time landing on her back hard. This time Katie is unable to move her back corsed with pain, her head spliting open.*

And the days go by

Laura finds herself relaxing just a little bit more with Nate, forcing herself to enjoy the ride back to TJY and not dwell on their previous conversation, or the hesitation she felt.

…The next few days, things become almost routine as she and Nate eat lunch together again several times, before taking care of things for Jamie. Nothing more than small talk is broached, and the atmosphere is kept light, Laura appreciating Nate’s willingness to let her move at her own pace. As they hear Jamie will be returning, Laura is surprised at herself for feeling just a twinge of disappointment. She was getting used to the daily outings.

Clint grins and puts his arm around Wendy to, drawing her close. “I don’t think you owe me any thanks. I’d say we’re getting closer to even after everything you’ve done for me.”

...The ranch settles down, letting Jamie’s news sink in, each in their own thoughts, discussing the matter between themselves, everyone mulling over possibilities and feelings.

It is decided to wait just a while before attempting to explain things to BJ. Decisions need to be made first. Damien needs time to think…time to decide what he wants to do, and others respect that. For now, things will remain a they have been, until a wise decision can be made.

Everyone loves having Jamie around, and as her time to leaves draws nearer, it is bitter sweet, especially for Cindy, who had known Jamie already, but only as an acquaintance, and now had quickly formed a new kind of friendship with her.

But things must return to normal, routines must go on, and time must persist.

Carson looks to Misty quickly, his eyebrows raised, a grin quirking his mouth. “Do you enjoy driving me mad? Every time I try to focus on eating something, there you are, tempting me like dangling a carrot in front of a horse.”

He reaches out to put her in a headlock on the way to her car. “Somebody ought to teach you to behave, you know that?”

…The days for Carson grow a bit weary, and boredom persists, though he does try not to get into trouble. By the end of the week, Reese has got him set up in an apartment only ten blocks from TJY, and he’s able to stop sleeping in the guest room. Lunches with Misty are a given, and time spent together is usual, now surprising no one at TJY in the least. Where there was one, the other was surely around somewhere close.

Con enjoys his conversation with Jamie, hating to hang up, but relents as their time comes to a close. Though he doesn’t tell her where he is, he knows he will eventually…but for now…it was still his secret.

“…So tell me, Con…what’s troubling you?”

Con leans back in the couch, his eyes on the fireplace. Though the days were warmer, the nights were still cool, and the fire was a welcomed warmth. “That obvious, huh?”

Dan smiles a little from his seat in the overstuffed chair. All nine of the grandchildren were in bed, and Paula was in the kitchen doing dishes. “You’re a bit pensive. I just thought maybe there was something on your mind.”

“Maybe.” Con shrugs. “I just needed to get away for a while. Thought perhaps getting some fresh air and some good work might help clear my mind.”

“Mm.” Dan lets it go, seeing Con’s hesitance to talk about it. “Well tomorrow I got that hay I wanna pick up and stack in the barn, then sometime I thought I’d put the kids to work painting that back shed. I want to get started getting that roof on the new outbuilding too…”

Con’s stay at the farm continues to be an enjoyable one. Time with his aunt and uncle, time with his younger cousins. Days are spent working with Dan out in the hay field, or working on the new outbuilding. Evenings are spent with the family, talking, laughing, enjoying each other.

Con leans on the top rail of the fence, watching the five cows graze. The sun was starting to set on yet another day. Being around his aunt, uncle and cousins was refreshing… It was giving him something else to think about and enjoy, just like he knew it would.


Con turns to see his uncle. “Eric help you with chores?”


“I told him I thought it looked like you could use a hand.”

Dan smiles and leans on the fence next to him. “So what is it, Con? I’ve kept quiet and respected your privacy since you got her, but I gotta ask…what was it really that brought you here?”

Con forces a dry chuckle. “Oh…a lot of things I guess. Things haven’t exactly been going well back home and…I needed to clear my head.”

“So what’s been going on?”

Con feels a soft movement on his leg and looks down to see one of the barn kittens that had apparently followed him out here. He hadn’t heard it mewing. Bending down, he scoops her up, fitting her neatly in the large palm of his hand. He leans his elbows on the fence rail again, cuddling the purring black ball of fuzz.

“We had an woman…an agent…get kidnapped. I guess I had a hard time dealing with it.”

“Oh?” Dan waits for more. “Did she get hurt?”

“More emotionally than anything.” Con thinks for a moment. “I got mad, Dan…real mad. I killed a guy out of anger. He would have hurt us, but it was anger that drove me to shoot him, not logic.”

Dan lifts an eyebrow. “I see.”

Con continues, knowing his uncle is waiting for him to elaborate. “We got the agent out…got our hands on one of the guys that had helped rough her up. I lost my head again…my best friend got in the way and I took it out on him with my fists.”


Con sighs deeply, running his thumb across the kitten’s back. “I felt like the old Con…like the guy who got thrown off the police force…I could feel it all over again.”

Dan thinks in silence for several moments. “Scare you?”

“Yeah.” Con concentrates on the pasture. “I started thinking about what would happen if I lost control with people I cared about…I don’t want to hurt anyone, but I’m afraid this monster in me will come out again…I couldn’t live with myself if I really hurt someone I loved.”

Dan keeps his elbows on the fence, folding his hands and gazing out at the dimming sky. “And you thought coming here would…?”

“I don’t know…clear my head I guess. I missed you guys and thought maybe thinking about something different for a while would be a good idea.”

“Con…” Dan considers his words. “I’m glad you find this place a refuge…that’s what we’re here for. But running away from your problem isn’t going to make it go away.” He gives his nephew a sidelong glance. “We all have monsters inside of us…and we’re all human. You can’t live in fear that it will again rear its ugly head… And it will come out again. You simply have to learn to control it when it does. And you have to have faith in yourself…in your goodness, that you would not hurt those you love.”

Dan pauses, and nods to the purring kitten. “Do you think that little critter there would trust a monster?”

Con glances down to the kitten, his fingers still raking her fur.

“And those kids?” Dan continues. “You’re a magnet for their attention. Do you think they would love a monster like that?” He purses his lips and sighs. “You’re a good man, Con. You’ve got a temper that you’ve locked away for a good number of years, and your emotions set it off. Before you can do anything else, you have to forgive yourself. Maybe you were wrong…but God’s mercy is greater.”

Con swallows hard, feeling the light vibrations of the purring in his palm. Maybe Dan was right…

Dan lets him think a moment before going on. “You’ll probably struggle with this again…but with God’s help, you can be stronger than your temper…next time it comes on, you can overcome it…I have faith in you. And I know you wouldn’t hurt those you love. You’ve got too big of a heart…you’re not capable of it.”

“I already coldcocked Jason.”

“Did it ruin your friendship?”


“Because he knows your heart.” Dan gives Con’s shoulder a firm pat. “You made a mistake. You let that monster take control. Now take back that control because you can. God’s given you the love and strength to do it. And he’s given you the mercy to move on. Quit running…it’s over, and each passing moment is a new chance to prove you’re bigger than that monster.”

As Dan walks away, Mindy comes running up to Con. “Unca Con!” Her arms wrap around his leg.

Con can’t help his smile as he reaches down to run a hand over her head. “Hey, kiddo.” He hands down the kitten to her. “How about you returning this little girl to her mommy?”

Mindy squeals with delight as she takes the soft kitten. “Okay!”

Nevada days move on. Jason grows weary at the prison, nightmares plaguing him at night, lack of hunger weakening him during the days. But hope keeps him going…the picture of Katie keeps him company. Five days…he counts them down as if it were five years, waiting…waiting. Anticipation builds. There’s no way they can lose. Not with what Lockheart has built.

Finally, the fifth day comes. Jason doesn’t know whether to be excited or afraid, but follows willingly as the guard retrieves him from his cell to take him to the vehicle that would transport him to the courthouse…

The courtroom is crowded, the stuffy air not helping the tension. As Jason is escorted in by the bailiff, and scans the room quickly, looking for familiar faces. He finds Reese and Wyatt to the back corner, and shifting down a couple rows, he spots Katie. Other people get in the way though, and he can’t catch her eye as he’s pushed towards the front to join Lockheart.

The atmosphere is tense. An odd feeling filters through the air, though one cannot tell if it brings good or bad.

Jason sits quietly, his jaw muscles working away his own tension as he listens and watches the faces of the judge…the jury. Placed on the witness stand, sweat breaks out on his forehead as he tries to remain calm, clear-headed. The prosecutor takes him around in circles, trying to put words in his mouth, though Lockheart objects to strongly each time. They win some verbal wars, and lose some. By the time Jason is back in his seat, exhaustion is knocking at the door. But confidence is growing.

Jason watches Katie intently as she’s also put on the stand. She sticks to the story well, telling the truth, and not allowing the prosecutor to manipulate her. Jason keeps his eyes glued to her the whole time, hoping that the jury will see her sincerity. They had to.

The day grows long. People are tired. The prosecution is irritated. Lockheart remains cool and calm. The judge seems uptight. The jury appears neutral.

After a short recess, everyone is back again for another round. The time starts to muddle together, and Jason’s hope is all he can cling to. It was going well, despite the torture of the wait, and all the eyes baring down on him.

The time finally comes for the attorneys to give their final statements to the jury. The prosecution stands strong that Jason committed a murder requiring punishment to fulfill justice. Lockheart combats with her own firm statements, gently pulling on heartstrings with facts and speculation to draw the jury’s opinion. Confidence rises. The jury seems receptive. Hope continues. Jason’s alertness increases. He was going to get out of here today.

The jury is taken outside of the courtroom. The waiting game begins. Mumbled conversations sound throughout the room. Jason longs to speak to Katie, but can only steal glances in her direction, trying to reassure her with his eyes. It would be over soon, and things could return to normal once again.

It’s late in the afternoon when the jury finally reenters the room. All eyes go to them as they sit. Jason, Lockheart, and the others from TJY are on the edge of their seats. There’s no way Lockheart could have lost. Not with how she presented the evidence…not with how the jury had responded. But they have to hear it for themselves. The jury has to say so before Jason’s a free man again.

“Has the jury reached a verdict?”

“We have, Your Honor.”

The tension increases. One could hear a pin drop as the appointed jury member rises to inform the judge.

“We find the defendant…”

Jason’s heart pounds in his head, his ears stretching to hear those two words. His palms grow sweaty, and his eyes don’t leave the jury member. The whole courtroom seems to lean forward in anticipation.


Shock hits the room like a title wave. This wasn't possible. Jason blinks, dread and astonishment overcoming him with such force, that he fights just to stay alert. But everything is suddenly in a fog. He hears a rumble of murmurs behind him. The judge’s gavel quiets the room. The tension has worsened. Eyes shift wildly from person to person, nothing making any sense anymore.

The next words from the judges mouth feel like a kick to Jason’s gut, literally taking the breath out of him.

“…forty years imprisonment.”

The verdict. The judgment. The finality.

Jason feels sick. His eyes are wide with shock and fear. He looks to Lockheart, but is being pulled up from his chair by the bailiff. Reese is already out the door, a cell phone to his ear. Wyatt is among several others who are shouting their protests. It becomes loud and chaotic throughout the room, several police officers entering to contain the small crowd.

This couldn’t be happening. Jason’s mind reels as he’s pulled away from Lockheart, and he begins to resist on pure instinct. Fighting, his eyes search for Katie. He can’t find her. The crowd is too thick, moving too quickly. He begins to panic. No, this couldn’t be happening. Almost his entire life had been completely destroyed in one instant. Shock couldn’t begin to cover what was felt in his heart and mind. But the law waits for no one, and he is forced towards the door, despite his retaliation.