
Dark Hour

*As Lockheart looks at Jason her heart goes out to him. The look in his eyes was painful, it broke Lockheart's heart.*

"As long as you dont give up, they havent won Jason. Reese and I are going to work together and see if we can prove the jury was rigged by the Agency. The steps have already been put in motion. We are gonna get you an appeal Jason. We havent given up. Dont you give up on us eather."

*Lockheart want to say more to Jason. Bring him more comfort but Lockheart cant finds the words. all she can do is reach out and pats Jason's hand. Leting the silence hang in the air. She hadent known Jason for long but she befriended him fast. Lockheart sits as long as she can with Jason just to give him company.*

*Misty takes a step back from Carson.*


*Misty watches as Carson heads down the hall. For once she dosent follow. She knows Carson needs his time. She would go and check on him later. Misty makes her way back to the infermary. It was a slow day there today so Misty figured she would study a bit more.*

*Jamie's smile slowly fades at the news of Jason. A hand goes to her mouth. As her mind runs in circles.*

"Con dosent know? I stoped by the apartment to saprise him that I was home early and he wasent there. I assumed he was at the hearing to saport Jason. If he wasent there...where is he?"

*Jamie looks from Nate to Laura. It wasent like Con to miss something important like this. Jason was his best friend.*

*Nate stands silent As Jamie asks about Con. He new Con was away for alittle bit to clear his head but he dident know where. It was strange he dident even tell Jamie where he went. Standing a few more moment Nate brings his hand to Laura's arm for a second.*

"I'm going to go finish up what I was working and I will see you in a bit Laura. If you need me you know where I am. It was good to see you again Jamie."

*Nate turns and disaprears into the sapply closet looking for a few things.*

*Katie stairs out the window for a long moment not saying anything at all. Finally Katie reaches out and pulls on the door handle opening the door. She wants to cry to Wyatt, throw her arms around him, she wanted to be comforted, she wasnt to scream, and kick, she hurt and she wanted it to stop, but the words wouldent come, her voice was no where to be found her mind had gone dark. Katie steps out of the car and slowly makes her way to the door. Katie dosent move with much speed like she normaly would. It seems like forever for her body to make it to even the front porch.*

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