
A smart woman

*Lockheart pulls into the prison parking lot parking in a new section that would be closer to where Jason was now. Steping out of her car all Lockheart brings with her just her badge to show who she is leaving her brefcase in the car she wouldent need it. Walking tword the door where the guards are she show her badge and states.*

"I'm here to see Jason Stevenson."

*Lockheart only hopes that they wont give her any trouble and let her see Jason. For now she was the only friend Jason would have, his only contact to the outside world. As time went on with Jason stay he would get more leway, writing letters and maybe even the possablity to see Katie if only once a month. But for now, it was Lockheart that would have to try and keep Jason spirits up. Even though she knows it was hard. She was Jason's lawyer, but now she was to be his friend.*

*Nate watches Jamie closely. They trusted Carson now, but still he was on guard for what could happen with Jamie. Nate turns his attachen to Laura and than back to Jamie watching waiting.*

*Jamie gives alittle smile at Carson and nods her head. His eyes told her he wasent lieing and he was trying to change.*

"I look forward to geting to know you better and working with you."

*Jamie knows what she came to do is done. At the momet she has nothing more to see but can see the confustion in Carson's eyes. Making one more statment as she turns.*

"Dont live in the past Carson it will eat you alive. Whats done is done, let it go and look to the brighter days. Everyone is capable of change."

*Walking away Jamie feels like a weaght has been lifted off her shoulders. Making her way over to Nate and Laura her smiles wides and her eyes dance. Giving them both a hug.

As Nate receves Jamie's hug he smiles back at her. He was proude and looked up to what she did.*

"That took alot of curage Jamie. I am proud of you."

*Jamie smiles back at Nate as she thinks back to something Rosetta had told her.*

"The woman that ran the ranch told me one night when we went for a walk that everyone does bad things in life some worse than other, but everyone can change as well and if we hold the hate and bad memories inside for to long they will take us over consume us so we cant see the light in anyone anymore. It would push us to be people we dident want to be and it would force us not to even trust those who deserved it."

*Jamie stops and thinks again for a moment.*

"She was a smart woman and my time away did me good. I learned alot of new stuff and I even found out new stuff about me that I dident know. It was a nice get away."

*As Jamie stops talking she looks at her friends faces she could see the pain though that happyness. Something asle unsead was wrong though Jamie couldent but her finger on it.*

*As Jamie walks away Misty walks up till she is closer to Carson. Gently she places a hand on his arm seeing the look on his face.*

"Carson are you ok?"

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