
return home

*Katie slowly walks with Wyatt to the car. Once outside she looks around as if looking for someone. She dident see anything. Wyatt's words become mush to Katie. She can make out bits ans peaces but her brain dosent register. Katie dident know what to do or how to act. All she wasnted was Jason in her arms at this moment.*

"We've GOT to get him back. He cant stay there for 40 years. He cant. We cant let him. The Agency will pay for this."

*Katie's eyes lower to the ground as a few more tears fall. Slowly she lifts her head to look at Wyatt only to look away and down again. Opening the door to the car Katie slowly slips in shuting it behind her. As they wait for the other she leans her head on the window. So many thoughts, so many memories run though Katie's mind. It hurt so much to lose the one you cared the world for.*

*As Nate turns around he is about to make a smart comment when he see the look an Laura's face. Instinly he is on alert something wasent right. As Laura's news enters his ears Nate's fance sinks. Seeing Laura is about to break down again Nate stand and wraps his arms around Laura.*

"Oh...no. Its gonna be ok Laura. This is The Agency's doing and there is no way Reese is gonna take this laying down. He cares so much about each one of us here to do something like that. It's gonna work out Laura, and Jason is gonna be home with us soon."

*Nate continues to hold Laura. To comfort her but to comfort himself as well as the unwanted news sinks in and he own emotions bubble inside."

"This is all part of God's plane Laura remember that. Let it bring you comfort. He is in controlle and some good will come for this somewhere."

*Lockheart nods to Reese. His words comforted her and eased her mind a bit. Though Jason's face still lingered in her mind. The look she had seen it before when her brother was taken away.*

"If I can help in anyway please let me know Reese. I can push my return him back I'm in no hurry. I want to do all I can for you guys."

*And Lockheart truly did. Lockheart could let Jason locked up. She had a promise to keep to him and to Katie. No, she wouldent give up yet she would stand and fight with the others.*

*As Jamie finally enters the small town in Navada she lets out a releaved sigh. She was saprised she made it back in such good timing. Jamie had left the ranch yesterday later in the evning so she could be home by today. She wanted to be around for when Jason returned home.
Jamie had enjoyed her time at the Ranch it was a nice place with great people. Jamie had never exsperinced alot of stuff that she was able to in that week. She rode a horse for the first time, she got to ear samors at a camp fire, and she gained many more friends.

Not even bothering to go home Jamie drive straght for Con's apartment to look for him. Finally geting there she knocks on the door twice but no answer. Looking in the windows Jamie can see its dark. That was silly of her Con was probley at Jason's hearing and maybe when back to TJY with them afterwords. Going back to her car Jamie makes her way to TJY, and the long desend down the elavator. She dident mind coming back she missed everyone and she had a few people she needed to talk to anyway. Jamie had worked through alot of her problems, and alot of feelings. It was time to put the past behind her and move on. Jamie steps out of the elavator and lets out a content sigh. It was good to be home.*

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