

*Lockheart waits pashently with Jason as the jury is in dilibaration. She chats with him a bit about everything. Finally the Jury re-enters as they wait for the verdict. Lockheart gives Jason a confadent smile as they wait.*


*Lockhearts hear pick up fast on this word. Her heart sinking, her mind trying to process everything. Guilty how could they find Jason guilty, they lost how. Lockheart looks from Jason and than out to the crowd. She let them down. How could they have lost. Lockheart wants to say so many things but cant. Looking at Jason she utters.*

"This isent over Jason."

*Lockheart moves from where they were siting and heads to the back to find Reese.*

*As Katie hears the verdick her heart instinly shatters, loseing all controll and all reality. All the shouting turns into one. Nothing can be hurd. Katie feels sick to her tummy. This feeling, sadness, anger all in one...no...they couldent do this. Katie stands her heart racing and her eyes filling with tears. Making her way to the front to see Jason...to stop them. They couldent take him. As an office steps infront of Katie to stop her he is strong but Katie adrenial, emotions cause her a strangth she dident even know she had as she pushes past him making her way to Jason...She saw him...she had to reach him. Another office coming out of no where trips Katie as she hits the ground and skins her knee along with the palm of her hand. Katie's pain was already to great to even feel she had been cut open. Looking up Jason was still being pulled to the door. Katie is to her feet again moving to Jason...reaching out she touches him*

"Jason...I wont leave you."

*As Katie trys to take Jason's hand the officer on the ground reaches out and grabs Katie ankle pulling her back hard. Misty falls again this time landing on her back hard. This time Katie is unable to move her back corsed with pain, her head spliting open.*

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