

*Lockheart follows along with Reese listing to everything he says.*

"Ya I am gonig to go see if I can get in to see Jason. Talk to him a bit let him know we are still gonna be trying, and to make sure he is ok. If you need me for anythiing Reese please call my phone. I'll do all I can for you guys."

*Lockheart gives Reese arm a squeeze. and than heads to her own car making her own way to the Jail to see if she can get in to see Jason.*

*Katie is silent for a long moment as she looks out the window. Her world was spinning out of controlle she never felt so crappy in her life.*

"I want to go see Jason, but that cant happen can it."

*Kaite lets out a long sigh not moving her head. Her heart was heavy, She hurt all over and she suddnly felt tired again.*

"Just take me home. I'm not feeling so well."

*Another tear runs down Katie's face she just couldent sapress them.*

*Nate smiles at Laura. Feeling the feelings in her eyes.*

"We wont let him Laura, we wont."

*Nate brings his hand to Laura's face trying his best to comfort her. Removing his hand he just smiles. Seeing a movement at the door Nate turns his head and see Jamie. His smile brawdents.*

"Well look who it is."

*Misty playfuly punches Carson's arm at his comment.*

"Even if you had your own car you would still ask for rides from me just so you could be me more..."

*Misty is about to say more but can see the look on Carson's face change. Following his eyes to the door Misty see Jamie. Only imaging how hard this was going to be on both of them. The first time Misty worked she remembered the look on Jamie's face and than Con's reaction. Would this time be the same?*

*As Jamie scans the floor for all the familure faces her eyes rest on Carson and Misty. He had his own desk now that ment he was sticking around. Jamie gets a strange feeling inside her tummy as she locks eyes with Carson. He had delt with alot in the last week and grew much. Leaning to forget and let go. But there was one thing she hadent let go of and it was time. Jamie slowly keeps her head high and walks over to Carson cubicle. For a moment she is silent, trying to back her feelings up. It was time. Jamie sticks her hand out to Carson offering a hand shake.*

"I'm Jamie Franklin. Its nice to meet you."

*Jamie new this was probley as hard on Carson as it was on her. But in time it would get easyer and things would be ok. This...this was the first step.*

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