
Unfamiliar Feeling

Wyatt keeps a close eye on Katie, watching her body language, watching her eyes. This was not good. She was crashing, and quickly. Wyatt couldn't blame her...he knew she loved Jason...and the connection they had was unexplainable. To know that Jason was going to prison to stay for an unknown amount of time had to be heart-wrenching for her.

Reese nods to Lockheart. "If you want to stay in town, that's fine. We can use all the help we can get. I just talked with one of my agents to get investigating some past cases where murder convicts were later released, and the wherewithall that went along with it. I'm also going to get someone to check out the judge, and the jury members as well to see if we can draw some lines to the Agency. After that, we can..." His voice trails off as he contemplates the consequences of all of this. TJY's secrecy was in more and more danger, the closer they got to the heart of this case.
"Well, I'm going back to TJY at least to get started. You'll probably want to try and see if you can get in to talk to Jason - at this point, I doubt they'd let anyone else in."

Reese makes his way down the long hall, making sure Lockheart follows. "I guess we'll just have to play this by hear. But I'll be hanged if one of my agents gets locked up like this."

Wyatt sees his father coming, and exchanges a few brief words with him. He finally gets in the car with Katie and starts the engine, but doesn't pull out right away. He looks at her for a moment, not knowing how to offer comfort. He wasn't the one that she wanted...he wasn't the one that could bring the comfort she needed. Only Jason could.

"Katie...do you want to go back home, or to TJY? Or anywhere else? I'll take you wherever you need to go."

Laura buries her face in Nate's chest, her arms around him as he receives the comforting shelter he offered. The tears come silently and she just stands...taking in Nate's words...feeling their truth...trying to combat the despair she was feeling. This had never happened to at TJY agent before...and of all people...it had to be Jason.

Nate's presence is welcomed...this was the second time she'd broken down in his arms...and it felt no less tranquil than it had before. There was something about his grasp...something about his warmth and strong arms that brought Laura into a haven of rest, despite the turmoil her heart felt.

Finally taking a deep breath, Laura draws back just a little so she can talk. "I just can't believe it...we were all so sure of the outcome...it's so unfair..." She shakes her head and wipes her eyes again, straightening up to stand tall, steadying her voice. "You're right. We're gonna get him out." She grits her teeth, kicking into tough mode. "We can't let him rot in prison."

Her eyes on Nate, she doesn't notice Jamie, who had just entered the floor.

Carson leans back in his chair with his feet propped up on his desk, looking up at Misty as they continue their short line of banter. "You know, one of these days, I'll get some wheels and I can stop begging rides off of little miss sassy." He gives her a sly glance. "Letting a woman drive all the time is giving me a complex."

A teasing grin creases his lips, but suddenly movement catches his eye. He glances down the walkway, just able to see the exit. The mischief vanishes from his eyes, replaced by a cloudy mix of unidentifiable thoughts or emotions. It was Jamie.

Carson swallows hard. He wasn't sure how to feel. He hadn't thought about Jamie coming back, and right about now, had no idea what to do. He remembered the look of horror on her face the last time they'd met. Then the look on Con's face as he'd come after him. This wasn't going to be fun if they were forced to be in the same building on a day to day basis.

At the same time though, a new sensation pricks Carson's heart...something he hadn't felt before. Something strange...something humbling, despite his proud nature. He was sorry. And somewhere deep down, a small part of him cried out with a need to express he was sorry to Jamie herself. But how could he?

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