
And the days go by

Laura finds herself relaxing just a little bit more with Nate, forcing herself to enjoy the ride back to TJY and not dwell on their previous conversation, or the hesitation she felt.

…The next few days, things become almost routine as she and Nate eat lunch together again several times, before taking care of things for Jamie. Nothing more than small talk is broached, and the atmosphere is kept light, Laura appreciating Nate’s willingness to let her move at her own pace. As they hear Jamie will be returning, Laura is surprised at herself for feeling just a twinge of disappointment. She was getting used to the daily outings.

Clint grins and puts his arm around Wendy to, drawing her close. “I don’t think you owe me any thanks. I’d say we’re getting closer to even after everything you’ve done for me.”

...The ranch settles down, letting Jamie’s news sink in, each in their own thoughts, discussing the matter between themselves, everyone mulling over possibilities and feelings.

It is decided to wait just a while before attempting to explain things to BJ. Decisions need to be made first. Damien needs time to think…time to decide what he wants to do, and others respect that. For now, things will remain a they have been, until a wise decision can be made.

Everyone loves having Jamie around, and as her time to leaves draws nearer, it is bitter sweet, especially for Cindy, who had known Jamie already, but only as an acquaintance, and now had quickly formed a new kind of friendship with her.

But things must return to normal, routines must go on, and time must persist.

Carson looks to Misty quickly, his eyebrows raised, a grin quirking his mouth. “Do you enjoy driving me mad? Every time I try to focus on eating something, there you are, tempting me like dangling a carrot in front of a horse.”

He reaches out to put her in a headlock on the way to her car. “Somebody ought to teach you to behave, you know that?”

…The days for Carson grow a bit weary, and boredom persists, though he does try not to get into trouble. By the end of the week, Reese has got him set up in an apartment only ten blocks from TJY, and he’s able to stop sleeping in the guest room. Lunches with Misty are a given, and time spent together is usual, now surprising no one at TJY in the least. Where there was one, the other was surely around somewhere close.

Con enjoys his conversation with Jamie, hating to hang up, but relents as their time comes to a close. Though he doesn’t tell her where he is, he knows he will eventually…but for now…it was still his secret.

“…So tell me, Con…what’s troubling you?”

Con leans back in the couch, his eyes on the fireplace. Though the days were warmer, the nights were still cool, and the fire was a welcomed warmth. “That obvious, huh?”

Dan smiles a little from his seat in the overstuffed chair. All nine of the grandchildren were in bed, and Paula was in the kitchen doing dishes. “You’re a bit pensive. I just thought maybe there was something on your mind.”

“Maybe.” Con shrugs. “I just needed to get away for a while. Thought perhaps getting some fresh air and some good work might help clear my mind.”

“Mm.” Dan lets it go, seeing Con’s hesitance to talk about it. “Well tomorrow I got that hay I wanna pick up and stack in the barn, then sometime I thought I’d put the kids to work painting that back shed. I want to get started getting that roof on the new outbuilding too…”

Con’s stay at the farm continues to be an enjoyable one. Time with his aunt and uncle, time with his younger cousins. Days are spent working with Dan out in the hay field, or working on the new outbuilding. Evenings are spent with the family, talking, laughing, enjoying each other.

Con leans on the top rail of the fence, watching the five cows graze. The sun was starting to set on yet another day. Being around his aunt, uncle and cousins was refreshing… It was giving him something else to think about and enjoy, just like he knew it would.


Con turns to see his uncle. “Eric help you with chores?”


“I told him I thought it looked like you could use a hand.”

Dan smiles and leans on the fence next to him. “So what is it, Con? I’ve kept quiet and respected your privacy since you got her, but I gotta ask…what was it really that brought you here?”

Con forces a dry chuckle. “Oh…a lot of things I guess. Things haven’t exactly been going well back home and…I needed to clear my head.”

“So what’s been going on?”

Con feels a soft movement on his leg and looks down to see one of the barn kittens that had apparently followed him out here. He hadn’t heard it mewing. Bending down, he scoops her up, fitting her neatly in the large palm of his hand. He leans his elbows on the fence rail again, cuddling the purring black ball of fuzz.

“We had an woman…an agent…get kidnapped. I guess I had a hard time dealing with it.”

“Oh?” Dan waits for more. “Did she get hurt?”

“More emotionally than anything.” Con thinks for a moment. “I got mad, Dan…real mad. I killed a guy out of anger. He would have hurt us, but it was anger that drove me to shoot him, not logic.”

Dan lifts an eyebrow. “I see.”

Con continues, knowing his uncle is waiting for him to elaborate. “We got the agent out…got our hands on one of the guys that had helped rough her up. I lost my head again…my best friend got in the way and I took it out on him with my fists.”


Con sighs deeply, running his thumb across the kitten’s back. “I felt like the old Con…like the guy who got thrown off the police force…I could feel it all over again.”

Dan thinks in silence for several moments. “Scare you?”

“Yeah.” Con concentrates on the pasture. “I started thinking about what would happen if I lost control with people I cared about…I don’t want to hurt anyone, but I’m afraid this monster in me will come out again…I couldn’t live with myself if I really hurt someone I loved.”

Dan keeps his elbows on the fence, folding his hands and gazing out at the dimming sky. “And you thought coming here would…?”

“I don’t know…clear my head I guess. I missed you guys and thought maybe thinking about something different for a while would be a good idea.”

“Con…” Dan considers his words. “I’m glad you find this place a refuge…that’s what we’re here for. But running away from your problem isn’t going to make it go away.” He gives his nephew a sidelong glance. “We all have monsters inside of us…and we’re all human. You can’t live in fear that it will again rear its ugly head… And it will come out again. You simply have to learn to control it when it does. And you have to have faith in yourself…in your goodness, that you would not hurt those you love.”

Dan pauses, and nods to the purring kitten. “Do you think that little critter there would trust a monster?”

Con glances down to the kitten, his fingers still raking her fur.

“And those kids?” Dan continues. “You’re a magnet for their attention. Do you think they would love a monster like that?” He purses his lips and sighs. “You’re a good man, Con. You’ve got a temper that you’ve locked away for a good number of years, and your emotions set it off. Before you can do anything else, you have to forgive yourself. Maybe you were wrong…but God’s mercy is greater.”

Con swallows hard, feeling the light vibrations of the purring in his palm. Maybe Dan was right…

Dan lets him think a moment before going on. “You’ll probably struggle with this again…but with God’s help, you can be stronger than your temper…next time it comes on, you can overcome it…I have faith in you. And I know you wouldn’t hurt those you love. You’ve got too big of a heart…you’re not capable of it.”

“I already coldcocked Jason.”

“Did it ruin your friendship?”


“Because he knows your heart.” Dan gives Con’s shoulder a firm pat. “You made a mistake. You let that monster take control. Now take back that control because you can. God’s given you the love and strength to do it. And he’s given you the mercy to move on. Quit running…it’s over, and each passing moment is a new chance to prove you’re bigger than that monster.”

As Dan walks away, Mindy comes running up to Con. “Unca Con!” Her arms wrap around his leg.

Con can’t help his smile as he reaches down to run a hand over her head. “Hey, kiddo.” He hands down the kitten to her. “How about you returning this little girl to her mommy?”

Mindy squeals with delight as she takes the soft kitten. “Okay!”

Nevada days move on. Jason grows weary at the prison, nightmares plaguing him at night, lack of hunger weakening him during the days. But hope keeps him going…the picture of Katie keeps him company. Five days…he counts them down as if it were five years, waiting…waiting. Anticipation builds. There’s no way they can lose. Not with what Lockheart has built.

Finally, the fifth day comes. Jason doesn’t know whether to be excited or afraid, but follows willingly as the guard retrieves him from his cell to take him to the vehicle that would transport him to the courthouse…

The courtroom is crowded, the stuffy air not helping the tension. As Jason is escorted in by the bailiff, and scans the room quickly, looking for familiar faces. He finds Reese and Wyatt to the back corner, and shifting down a couple rows, he spots Katie. Other people get in the way though, and he can’t catch her eye as he’s pushed towards the front to join Lockheart.

The atmosphere is tense. An odd feeling filters through the air, though one cannot tell if it brings good or bad.

Jason sits quietly, his jaw muscles working away his own tension as he listens and watches the faces of the judge…the jury. Placed on the witness stand, sweat breaks out on his forehead as he tries to remain calm, clear-headed. The prosecutor takes him around in circles, trying to put words in his mouth, though Lockheart objects to strongly each time. They win some verbal wars, and lose some. By the time Jason is back in his seat, exhaustion is knocking at the door. But confidence is growing.

Jason watches Katie intently as she’s also put on the stand. She sticks to the story well, telling the truth, and not allowing the prosecutor to manipulate her. Jason keeps his eyes glued to her the whole time, hoping that the jury will see her sincerity. They had to.

The day grows long. People are tired. The prosecution is irritated. Lockheart remains cool and calm. The judge seems uptight. The jury appears neutral.

After a short recess, everyone is back again for another round. The time starts to muddle together, and Jason’s hope is all he can cling to. It was going well, despite the torture of the wait, and all the eyes baring down on him.

The time finally comes for the attorneys to give their final statements to the jury. The prosecution stands strong that Jason committed a murder requiring punishment to fulfill justice. Lockheart combats with her own firm statements, gently pulling on heartstrings with facts and speculation to draw the jury’s opinion. Confidence rises. The jury seems receptive. Hope continues. Jason’s alertness increases. He was going to get out of here today.

The jury is taken outside of the courtroom. The waiting game begins. Mumbled conversations sound throughout the room. Jason longs to speak to Katie, but can only steal glances in her direction, trying to reassure her with his eyes. It would be over soon, and things could return to normal once again.

It’s late in the afternoon when the jury finally reenters the room. All eyes go to them as they sit. Jason, Lockheart, and the others from TJY are on the edge of their seats. There’s no way Lockheart could have lost. Not with how she presented the evidence…not with how the jury had responded. But they have to hear it for themselves. The jury has to say so before Jason’s a free man again.

“Has the jury reached a verdict?”

“We have, Your Honor.”

The tension increases. One could hear a pin drop as the appointed jury member rises to inform the judge.

“We find the defendant…”

Jason’s heart pounds in his head, his ears stretching to hear those two words. His palms grow sweaty, and his eyes don’t leave the jury member. The whole courtroom seems to lean forward in anticipation.


Shock hits the room like a title wave. This wasn't possible. Jason blinks, dread and astonishment overcoming him with such force, that he fights just to stay alert. But everything is suddenly in a fog. He hears a rumble of murmurs behind him. The judge’s gavel quiets the room. The tension has worsened. Eyes shift wildly from person to person, nothing making any sense anymore.

The next words from the judges mouth feel like a kick to Jason’s gut, literally taking the breath out of him.

“…forty years imprisonment.”

The verdict. The judgment. The finality.

Jason feels sick. His eyes are wide with shock and fear. He looks to Lockheart, but is being pulled up from his chair by the bailiff. Reese is already out the door, a cell phone to his ear. Wyatt is among several others who are shouting their protests. It becomes loud and chaotic throughout the room, several police officers entering to contain the small crowd.

This couldn’t be happening. Jason’s mind reels as he’s pulled away from Lockheart, and he begins to resist on pure instinct. Fighting, his eyes search for Katie. He can’t find her. The crowd is too thick, moving too quickly. He begins to panic. No, this couldn’t be happening. Almost his entire life had been completely destroyed in one instant. Shock couldn’t begin to cover what was felt in his heart and mind. But the law waits for no one, and he is forced towards the door, despite his retaliation.

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