
What is to come

*Katie listens for along while. As Wyatt stops her she looks up into his eyes. Katie can see his intrest and longing to trust. What did she want. She new she liked Wyatt and would like to pursew more with him She did like Jason as well but Jason had said once before he wanted nothing more with her but a friendship and that was made clear at the ranch. So her liking for Jason was put on the back burner and her heart closed off to anything more than a friendship in fear of being hurt again. Slowly Katie speaks to Wyatt trying to sort through her own thoughts and feelings making sure she dosent say the wrong thing to Wyatt.* " Well...first I would like to say is. Since I met Jason I always had a connection with him. I dont know how or why. But its like something you would only see in the movies I guess. When Jason is hurt, in danger, or his emotions about the past are geting the better of him I can feel it. I know when something bad happens to him or if he is hurt. I could never let those feelings just pass by eather. If something happend to Jason and I new I could have stoped it I would feel horrable. Thats why I was with Jason lastnight Wyatt. I new something was wrong and like I said before when I called and got no answer I thought something was wrong. So I made sure he was ok." *Katie takes a deep breath as she thinks once again about what to say next.* " Lets see next topic." *Katie cant help but laugh trying to let the tention go she is feeling. It was always hard for her to talk to someone about her emotions besides Jason.* " As for my feeling for Jason, when I first met him did I like him yes I did alot. I thought maybe there was a chanse he liked me as well, but I was wrong." *Katie starts to walk again. Reliving the last was hard. The words, the hurt it was never easy.* " Everything blew up at once. Jason ended up going to some silly dance with Jade and than after I went to see if he had a nice time and i saw them kiss rather intamitly. It hurt to see that I guess. I Just, I dont know I guess I was wrong for wishing Jason had told me about Jade. But it just would of been nice so I could have stoped chasing something I could never have and stop making myself look like a fool." *Katie lets out a long sigh.* " Than something your dad dosent know is Jason never told me Reese wanted us to be partners. I dident know anything about it I was in the dark. But I happend to over hear Jason and Con talking. I guess Reese had called him to ask if Jason and I had come to a conclution. So...I heard Jason and Con talking and Jason dident want me as a partner cuz I liked him and he thought it was unhealthy so on and so forth. I felt pritty horrable. A few days before that I had gotten a letter from my dad who I hadent hurd from in many many years. I had so much pain inside me from that and what I just hurd I kind of burst. I ended up jumping on the porch slaping Jason he want to swing back I caught his hand and slamed him against the wall and I thretend him telling him if he ever went to swing at me again I would put him in the hospetal myself. I'm asamed by the way I acted but I hurt. That night I ended up calling you dad, asked him it wouldent work with Jason and I and if he needed any help here. a few days later I left. I hadent talked to Jason again untill he came back to TJY. I was pritty hurt by what happend and burned. So I locked those feeling away. I dident want to be hurt again and now, I see Jason as a friend. My heart dosent want to be hurt again so I built walls. Its not the best way to deal with something and sooner or later its going to come crashing down. But its just...something I do." *Again Katie stops talking for a moment catching her breath and trying to work everything out. Stoping she turns to Wyatt and looks at him. Wondering what he is think. Katie wonders if he will run the other way or stick there.* "And now last but certnly not least we have you. You have been nice to me Wyatt since I have been at TJY. I your, fun, very handsome, charming, and someone I like being around. I offten though myself I'd like us to become more than friends,but I wanted to take it slow as well. I dident want to rush anything and lose another friend. Being scared in the past makes you look at things differntly." *Katie stops for a moment something entering her mind. Something was wrong, something had happend. Trying to sort though her mind for what happend the feeling pass. Everything is fine and once again Katies mind is blank of anything being wrong. Once again Katie starts to talk to Wyatt* "So all in all...I feel the same as you do Wyatt. I'd like to pursew something more with you. I really think we hit it off together. And I like to see our relationship grow." *Katie smiles though she is a bit nervice on everything she has told Wyatt.*

*Angel enters Lukes bunk and puts her hands on her hips.* "Dont you smile at me and act like nothing wrong Mr.. When are you gonna stop that and LET me help you. Your stuck with my for the rest of you life you better get use to my help now." *Walking over to the bed Angel pulls Lukes cover off his legs. Reaching down she starts to rub them.* " Luke have you been doing your exersises? Your Muscles are tighting and the bloodflow is no good. You need to keep doing them Luke." *Angel continues to rub Lukes legs loosing them up.*

*As Rosetta sits with Mick she takes a sip of her Coffee and opens the folder showing Mick.* "This is a file on Sam. I was looking through it last night after we got home. It shows a bunch of information about when she was taken, where she grew up. It also says she was married and somewhere out there Mick you have a nephew. There are a bunch more papers here to but I dident get a chanse to look at them yet."


Jeff grins as he takes charge of BJ, challenging him to a footrace to the mess hall.

Luke looks up quickly at the knock, knowing it must be Angel. He reaches over his head to pull himself up into half a sitting position. “It’s open,” he calls, and places a smile on his face.

Wyatt chuckles, trying to put Katie at ease, and follows her outside. Once there, he takes a deep breath of fresh air and simply walks silently for several minutes before saying what’s on his mind. “Katie…I know you must think that I’ve questioned your integrity and Jason’s too. And I would be dishonest to say that was not true. Though I hope that my human nature has been wrong. And…” he pauses, keeping his eye ahead on their route along the sidewalk. “…I suppose the reason that I hope my nature is wrong is because I like you, Katie.” He throws her a sidelong glance, sure that this news was not new to her, though disliking his own speech, and continues to walk. “I’m glad Reese took you on…you’re a hard worker and a genuine friend. And…” He can’t help but shake his head at himself. He couldn’t deny that he liked Katie…could he deny himself pursuing a relationship if he thought there was a chance she would one day share his Christian beliefs? Was it fair to her to start something he might not want to finish? Yet…if one was not willing to take risks, where was life? “…I guess I’ve wondered about our relationship and what it meant. I’m honored to be your friend…though I can’t say that I have no desire to have something deeper with you…nor would probably any other man, seeing a damsel as pretty as yourself.” He tosses her a wink. “I don’t mean to be so forward, but I guess this morning’s events prompted it.” He stops, reaching out to stop her as well so he can see Katie’s face. “I take nothing quickly, let alone relationships, and could hardly jump into anything without taking a slow pace, so don’t think I mean to go from zero to sixty in one day… One might say I like to ‘take things slow.’ …I suppose just I wonder if you feel the same way about being more than friends…” He searches her eyes. “I don’t want to ruin what we have if it’s not what you want, nor do I want to come between you and Jason if there really is something there.”


Jason’s head shoots up from its resting place on his desk, and he sees Reese standing in the door. “Aw, man, this aint’ good.”

Reese shakes his head. “You still look like crap. Go home, Jason and get some sleep before you bungle something up and ruin your own reputation around here for efficiency.”

Jason gives him a wry grin. “I have no vehicle.”

“Susanne is running an errand. I’m sure she’d take you.”

Jason wants to argue, but his body begs him to give in. “Alright,” he relents, shutting down his computer. “If you insist. Though I hardly think that falling asleep at my desk is call to send me home.”

Reese rolls his eyes in humor at Jason’s dry sarcasm. “Get some sleep. And see me in two days.”

… “You can drop me off here,” Jason directs Susanne to stop at the end of his street. “I can walk a couple blocks.”

“Alright. See you in a couple days.”

“Sure. Thanks for the lift.” Jason exits and lets Trooper out of the back seat. As Susanne drives away, he heads down the sidewalk, yawning, and keeping his eyes to the ground, wanting only his bed. As he’s passing a yard, a shot suddenly rings out, a bullet whizzing past Jason’s head and lodging into a tree trunk only inches away.
Fully alert in an instant, Jason drops to his stomach, drawing his side arm and commanding Trooper to drop as well.
No more sounds…no movement. Jason’s eyes sweep the area. Where had the shot come from? There were too many hiding places with so many houses around. It had sounded like a rifle. His eyes search his surroundings, but he sees nothing. His ears pick up the sound of an engine starting, and then squealing tires the next block over out of sight. Was it his assailant?
After several minutes of quiet, Jason finally dares to stand and holster his gun. Taking no chances, he cuts across yards and takes to the cover of shadows and bushes before reaching his house. Letting himself in, he lets Trooper go first, though nothing seems out of place.
Great…now he was pretty sure the earlier events were connected somehow. But who would be after him? And why? For now he was safe…the doors were locked, and Trooper was his alarm. He would sleep and worry more tomorrow.

"Talk" Busness

*Angel nods to Jeff helping BJ put his shirt on.* "Can you take BJ to the mess hall than to get something to eat." *After leaving BJ with Jeff Angel heads to Lukes bunk and knocks on the door.*

*Katie feels a bit of disapointment as she was looking forword to going out with Wyatt. But I guess going to the Cafe was better than nothing. Katie holds her smile and nods.* " Sounds like a plane to me. Though I have to addmit I dont like the sound of this "talk" busness." *Katie cant help but laugh at the way she just made herself sound so stupid.* " Come on you lets go. I am starving." *Katie heads down the hall walking slow so Wyatt can catch up.*


Mick shakes his head dismally. “He won’t speak to me now.” He sighs deeply, trying not to think about it more for now. “What are these files you got here? Find anything interesting?”

Jeff heads to the mess hall from helping in the barn, and stops by Angel’s office for a moment. After knocking and seeing her, he offers a smile. “Morning. Just thought if you were gonna come to the mess hall, you might want to stop by and see Luke first. He told me not to tell you, but I couldn’t feel right about that. He can’t even get out of bed this morning, and I thought it best to tell you.”

Jason nods to Katie, a smile on his lips. “Thanks Katie…for everything.” He watches her go, then sighs, reaching into his desk drawer for a candy bar. He really should go eat lunch, but his stomach isn’t up for it. For now he just needed sugar.
He chews thoughtfully, replaying the morning’s events. Curious, he dials his own home phone, and receives a busy signal. Odd. The phone couldn’t be off the hook – he’d never picked it up the evening before, even when Katie had called, and she’d gotten through to the answering machine.
His senses are heightened as he thinks of Hal’s truck. Had Jason’s phone line been tampered with? Had the brakes purposely been tampered with?
He shakes his head. He can’t jump to conclusions. Surely neither instance was done in malice, nor were they connected. It wasn’t worth bringing to the attention of anyone.

Wyatt looks up and leans his elbows on his desk, giving Katie a grin. Did she mean to flirt with him, or was it just her desirable personality that triggered his want to be with her? He was troubled though…had he received the real story of her and Jason? Did it matter? He knew he couldn’t take things very far with Katie anyway…he’d made a commitment to himself. And yet…if he pulled away, there might not be any hope of bringing Katie to Christ. Perhaps he was supposed to take part in that plan. But he had to tread lightly…and he had to be completely honest with her lest any misunderstandings occur.
Standing, he closes his file folder. Exiting his cubicle, he holds out his hand. “How about we take a stroll down to the cafĂ©? It’ll give us some time to talk on the way.”


*Rosetta makes her way to the mess hall with a file in her hand. After entering Rosetta goes to the kitchen and grabs a cup of coffee. Heading over to Mick she sits down next to him placing the file on the table.* " Morning you. Any progress with Dylan?"

*As Katie works at her desk the time seems to fly by. Finishing up the last of her work Katie shuts her computer off and puts her files away. Standing her puts up the typed papers and heads to Reese's office passing Jason's along the way she pops her head in.* "Hey J. I'm gonne turn these paper into Reese and than I am heading out for the day. Thx for the ride in and if you need me give a yell." *Katie gives a smile to Jason.* " Have a good day J." *Making her way from Jason office she leave her paper with Susane than makes her way to Wyatt's desk. Leaning aganst it Katie teases.* "So are we gonna have lunch or are you gonna stay knee deep in paper work all day." *Katie smiles at Wyatt.*


“Hey, Hotshot, Reese tell you about the truck?”

Jason looks up from his desk quickly as Hal enters. “Oh yeah. Whatever you need.” He chuckles. “It’s your truck.”

Hal grins. “Yeah, well I also said it was yours as long as you needed it. Ends up my sister needs to move some stuff today though…thought I’d take it up there now and have it back here by the time you went home.”

“Sure. If I need to catch a ride with Scott or something too, I will, so don’t sweat it if you don’t make it.”

“Alright. See you later.” Hal makes his exit, stepping over Trooper on his way.

Wyatt studies Katie’s eyes for the truth, wanting to believe her. But he was confused. It just felt strange, despite Katie’s words. What had she meant about Jason? In an effort to trust her though, he forces a smile. “Okay. If you want to grab a burger or something, swing by my desk about noon. Then if you’re done for the day, I’ll drop you back off at Laura’s before coming back.” He doesn’t linger, but turns to head his own direction.

Half an hour later, Wyatt taps his pencil on his desk, still unable to get his thoughts on his work. He knew he shouldn’t feel anything…Jason was his friend, and that’s all Katie was too…really… but his confusion remained. What had Katie meant when she’d said Jason wasn’t doing well? He’d seemed fine before he’d left the game table to head home the night before….
Finally making up his mind, Wyatt rises and heads to Jason’s office.

Jason is sifting through paperwork and is startled by Wyatt’s form in the doorway. “Oh, hi. Whatcha need?”

Wyatt shrugs and leans on the doorframe, hooking his hands in his pockets. “Nothing really…Just…curious about something.”

Jason’s eyes narrow slightly at his friend’s tone. Something in his gut tells him this has something to do with the brief exchange earlier. Did Wyatt care that Katie was with him all night? And if he did…was there more there than Jason knew about? And if there was…should he care? Shoving the rampant thoughts to the back of his mind, he looks at him expectantly. “What is it?”

“Katie said you weren’t doing well last night…guess I just wondered what that meant…”

Jason’s jaw tightens. His past wasn’t a secret…but his current struggles were not widely-spread. As far as he knew, Carter and Reese were the only ones back here who knew that he’d been having problems dealing with the past. Con, Austin and Katie were the only other three who were aware of it. “It’s just a personal issue.” He tries to shrug it off. “I’m alright.”

Wyatt lifts an eyebrow. “You think I’m gonna be satisfied with that? What is it, Jason? If I can help in any way, you know I would.”

“I got some problems, okay?” Jason doesn’t meet Wyatt’s eye anymore, as heat rises to his face. “Just flares up every once in a while.”

Wyatt doesn’t give up. “Like what? What aren’t you telling me?”

Jason rolls a pen between his fingers, unsure if he really wants to be having this conversation or not. But if he doesn’t let Wyatt in now, he’d probably find out some other way. “Look, the past caught up with me, and I’m having to deal with it. Some days are harder than others.”

Wyatt straightens just a little, suddenly realizing that it might have been more serious than he thought. “You mean…when you were a kid?”

Jason finally looks back up at him. “Yeah.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, well…it’s better than it was.”

Wyatt thinks for several moments, still unsure about all this. “And…Katie can sense your feelings…so she knew you were having a hard time…and…. She helps you by….?”

Jason can sense the implications in Wyatt’s tone, and is immediately on the defense. “I don’t know…she just…calms me down.” He can feel his face growing hotter. “She knows how to talk me down from a flashback or nightmare.”

“Hmm.” Wyatt wants to believe him, though he finds it just a little hard. “So…her all night presence is required for you to get through it?”

Jason rolls his eyes. “I think this conversation is over, Wyatt. My past bothers me, Katie helps, end of story.”

“I just –”

“No.” Jason shakes his head. “You want to make assumptions, be my guest. Katie’s my friend. Period.”

“That’s it, huh?” Wyatt eyes Jason. “You’re telling me there’s nothing more between you than that?”

“Yes. No. I mean…” Jason glares at him. “Give it a rest. I have nothing more to say.”

“Alright.” Wyatt holds up his hand, not sure he believed Jason’s words when they didn’t match his red face and shifting eyes. “Didn’t want to start anything…I’ll see you later.”

Jason watches him walk away, then flops back in his chair, tossing his pen onto his desk. This wasn’t exactly how he’d planned his day.
Susanne’s voice comes over his phone’s intercom. “Jase?”


“Reese wanted me to tell you that Hal just called. He was in an accident.”

“What?” Jason is quick to pick up the receiver. “What happened?”

“He’s alright, but he said the breaks went out on the truck. He wound up going off the road into a ditch. Got a couple bruises, but he’ll be fine. The truck’s already on its way to the repair shop.”

Jason’s eyes widen. The breaks had been fine earlier. “Wow. Okay. Thanks.”

Wyatt plops down at his desk again, not feeling any better than he had before talking to Jason – maybe even worse. Did he really want more answers? Did he really want to dig further?

Mick eases down at a mess hall table, coffee mug in hand, one eye on Dylan who is sulking in the corner by himself, shrugging off Jade’s company.

Luke lies in bed and looks at the clock. It was late. He needed to get up. But his legs just wouldn’t function. They were stiff and sore, his lower back aching. Yesterday had been a good day…apparently today wasn’t going to be so great. He tries to roll over and get up, but his legs just won’t support him, and he flops back down with a moan. Giving up, he pulls his blanket back over himself. Maybe if he waited just a little longer, his muscles would loosen up.


*Katie nods to Jason* " Ok see ya." *Katie turns back to Wyatt and smiles.* " Sorry I gave you a scare. Jason wasent doing well last night and I tryed calling him. When I dident get an answer from him I myself got more nervouse about it. So I went over to make sure he was ok." *Katie shakes her head not relizing the look on Wyatt's face, But being able to tell Wyatt is not happy.* " Come to find out, he triped over a table." *Katie rolls her eyes* " and messed up his knee AGAIN. So anyways...I made sure he was going to be ok and thats that." *Katie streaches* " So again I am sorry I had you worryed." *Katie places her hand on Wyatt's arm.* "Wyatt, you dont have to say anything I can see it in your eyes. Jason and I are just friends. I care for him as a friend. " *Katie turns to walk away but turnsback around to look Wyatt in the eyes* " I came in to do some left over paper work. I am not gonna be here long if you still want to grab lunch. I would like that. Dosent look like Scott is here eather for me to take him to help me look at a car so I am pritty much free." *Katie smiles.*


Jason chuckles and puts his glass in the sink. “Alright. Come on then.” Outside he whistles for Trooper who comes bounding around the house. Once in the truck, Jason rubs his chin, only now realizing he hadn’t taken the time to shave. He must look a sight. “Reese is going to think I really did get run over by a truck,” he muses under his breath. Giving Katie a sidelong glance, he wonders how she could keep herself looking like she did without even had time to change – she looked just as good now as she had the night before.

Starting up the truck, Jason sighs and backs out of the driveway. It doesn’t take them long to get to TJY, and as they enter the floor, they’re met by Reese. “Are you two okay? Jason, you look like crap.”

Jason smirks at him. “Gee, thanks.”

“No, really, are you okay?” Reese looks at Katie. “Wyatt called a bit ago. Said he’d stopped by Laura’s on his way in, but you’d disappeared sometime earlier and Laura didn’t even know when.” He shifts his gaze to Jason. “Wyatt tried calling your place to see if you’d heard anything, but when he didn’t get an answer, he called here. He’s been out looking for Katie for half an hour. Got concerned it might be connected with some of the cases they’ve been on lately.”

Jason’s eyes widen. “Strange – I never got any calls…” He shakes his head, deciding to check his phone later. “Well get a hold of him and tell him to come in. Katie was at my place most of the night.”

Wyatt stops behind them, just in time to hear Jason’s statement. He clears his throat to make his presence known, and looks back and forth between Jason and Katie for just a moment. He doesn’t want assumptions to get the best of his judgment, but it’s a little bit hard. He forces a small smile for Katie though. “Hey, glad you’re alright. Kinda gave us a scare. Around here we don’t take disappearances lightly.”

Reese nods. “Well, as long as we’re all okay, I’m going back to my office. Oh, and Jason, Hal said to talk to him. He’ll need his truck back for an errand tomorrow – something about his sister moving.”

“Alright.” Jason waves Reese off, then nods to his own office, speaking to Katie. “Catch you later.” He looks briefly at Wyatt. “Mornin’. I’ll be down on the range later if you want to go around.”

“Yeah…sure…” Wyatt watches him leave, then turns back to Katie. “Uh…though maybe I’d catch you for lunch today since you weren’t going to be working, but…maybe some other time.”

Looming in the Darkness

*As the ground underneath Katies head moves she become awake enough to know whats going on but still asleep. Feeling Jason's hand on her shoulder she lifts her head trying to get her barings on where she is. Katie sits up on the coutch and see Jason disapear down the hall. For a moment Katie remainds confused but than remembers the night before. she must have fallen asleep on Jason. A big of embarssment builds inside Katie. Standing she streaches and heads into the kitchen to grab a glass of OJ. Emotions run through Katies mind. She had again fallen asleep with Jason. Katie cant help but feel she sould have moved herself to the floor to sleep. As she runs through avent in her mind Wyatt pops up. A strange feeling comes over her as if she felt like she did something wrong. Why was this feeling connected to Wyatt's though. Katie wasent together with him or with Jason. They were friends. But a feeling as if something was going to backfire lingers in her mind. Shaking the feeling for now Katie smiles as Jason enters the kitchen. If you dont mind I think I am going to head to TJY with you. I have some paper work I need to finish up and I probley should. I want to look into geting those wings too and I need to talk to Scott. Sooo....I guess since your going that way." *Kaite grins.*


Five-thirty, Jason’s alarm goes off in his bedroom, unheard from the living room. It’s over hour before Jason opens one eye groggily, trying to get his bearings. Couch…living room…the night comes back to him slowly. Starting to stretch, he suddenly feels the warm weight on his leg and remembers that he’s not alone. Katie.

Opening both eyes, he takes a deep breath to yawn and stretch. There was light coming in through the windows, and Trooper was standing, ready to be let out. Jason’s eyes shift to the side and he squints at the clock on the far wall. “Oh, no.”

His body feels as if it’s been run over by a truck, and his mind functions as if it’s in a fog. But he should have left for work half an hour ago. It was almost seven. “Dang,” he mumbles, throwing off his blanket. He slowly sits up to swing his legs over the side of the couch, Katie’s head winding up in his lap. “Hey, sleepy.” His hand hovers over her soft hair before he thinks better of it, and moves to simply give her shoulder a light pat. “Sorry, Hero, but Reese is gonna kill me if I get in any later.” He slides off the couch, making sure Katie sits up rather than letting her head drop.

Limping to the door to let Trooper out, he calls over his shoulder. “There’s OJ in the fridge. Help yourself, Katie.” Heading back down the hall, his knee feels like it’s on fire, and his mind just isn’t working any faster despite his attempts to fully wake up. After a quick shower, Jason finds an old t-shirt and some jeans that he thinks are clean before heading to the kitchen to get himself some orange juice. His eyes are bloodshot, underlined with dark circles, though he does his best to force himself to appear alert. He grabs the keys off the counter while chugging down the juice. “Want me to drop you back off at Laura’s on my way?”


*As Katie sits on the other end of the coutch she stays awake for a while longer hoping she can help Jason sleep in peace. Finally Katie starts to drift off noding in and out of sleep while siting up. Finally looking around for a pillow she finds non. Curling up in alittle ball Katie rests her head on Jasons legs pulling part of the blanket up over herself and drifting off to sleep.*