

*Katie lets out a long laugh at Jason's comment.* "Darn right I will. Wyatt knows that already with darts." *Katie elbows Wyatt and sits down next to him. Looking across the table her eyes lock with Jason. She smiles and nods a you look good to him. Standing again she goes into the kitchen to get something to drink.* "Heya Wy want anything to drink? Or for that matter anyone alse." *Katie laughs again. She felt good. Once again she sits down between Wyatt and Jason. It was good to be with friends again. As Katie looked around the room her smile grew. After a few moment of everyone coxing Ty Katie can sence a panic in her. His eyes, he looks like a puppy trapped in a courner. * "Hey let up on him. Maybe after he see us place he will try and play around. Maybe we can play teams after a game to and he can join in." *Katie looks at Ty and nods its ok.*

Evening of Fun

Wyatt lights a match and lets the flame take to the charcoal in his grill. “Yeah, it’ll be just a little while before this is ready for the burgers.”

Laura sets the ketchup and mustard on the picnic table, looking around the small back patio and yard at the others. About ten people where there, but one was still missing. “So is Jason coming or what?”

“He said he was.”

Laura rolls her eyes. “Would you believe I haven’t even talked to him since he got back? He’s just hibernated in his office – the dweeb didn’t even come say hi to me once. And every time I went to see him, he either had his door locked, was in a meeting, or had already left for the day.”

Wyatt grins as he puts the matches away. “I wouldn’t take it personally.”

“Oh, of course not. He’s probably swamped since getting back – I wouldn’t want to go around talking to everyone either, and I know he hasn’t purposely avoided me.” Laura plops down on the picnic table bench. “Guess I’m just on the verge of being peeved at him.” She lets a sly smile escape. “If he doesn’t show up tonight, he’s going to get it from me tomorrow one way or the other.”

Jason glances in the mirror, running a hand through his wet hair, annoyed with his inability to tame it. He opens his closet and after several moments of searching, he rolls his eyes. He was going to a cookout at Wyatt’s not a fancy restaurant. Why on earth would he be having trouble choosing what to wear? The reason wants to surface, but he doesn’t allow it to. He was being illogical.

Finally he reaches in to grab an old t-shirt, ignoring his dissatisfaction. He sits down to lace up his black boots, and straps his knee brace on again. He looked like he belonged to the garbage pick-up crew. Sighing, he stands up to grab his wallet and stuff it in his back pocket. He’d hung around here long enough.

Heading out the door, his eyes glance over the wall calendar. He stops for just a moment, caught up in a brief memory. He’d turned twenty-one last week…it was twelve years ago today that he’d been separated from his mother at that mall…

Shoving further thoughts to the back of his mind, he exits the house, locking the door behind him.

...As Jason pulls up in front of Wyatt’s house, he can see that he’s the last one to arrive. Glancing at the clock, he notes that he’s about half an hour late. Was it intentional? He wasn’t sure. Laura would be here…of that he was glad. He’d been wanting to see her again, but just hadn’t had an opportune time, wanting more than just a casual greeting after how much time had passed. Katie would be here too…again, a queer feeling hits him that he hadn’t expected.

Wyatt looks up from the grilling hamburgers and sees the shiny black 4-wheel-drive pickup pull up to the curb. “Hey, look who decided to show up.”

Laura gets up from her seat to see. “Well it’s about time!”

Jason sets his sunglasses up on his head and stuffs the keys in his pocket, shutting the pickup door.

The sound reverberates into the yard, and Trooper, who was gnawing on a chew toy, looks up expectantly. He cocks his head for a moment, then lets out what could almost be interpreted as a hopeful woof.

Jason stops in the driveway, a grin creasing his lips. He sets his hands on his hips and lets a quiet whistle sing through his teeth.

Trooper is on his feet in an instant. Hitting the end of his chain, he begins to bark, pulling at the restriction. Before Wyatt can get to him to let him loose, the massive dog gives one last charge, snapping the ring from his collar. In five strides he’s across the lawn, taking the fence in one leap. Skidding to a halt in front of Jason, he raises himself up on his hind legs. Despite Jason’s height, Trooper’s front paws almost reach his shoulders.

Jason has to take a step backward to keep his balance, receiving slobbery kisses to his face. Laughing, he scratches behind Troopers ears, and gives his neck and back a good rubbing. “Hey monster, you big oaf. You know you’re not supposed to jump up.”

Trooper drops back to the ground, his whole body wiggling with excitement as he dances circles around his returned master.

“Alright, alright, settle down.” Jason lays a hand on the dog’s head and Trooper immediately sits. “Now behave or I’ll have to take you home early.”

“I’ve been trying to get that stupid dog to sit down for me for weeks!” Wyatt yells across the yard.

Jason laughs and opens the narrow gate, letting himself and Trooper in. “Sorry I’m late.”

“You’re just in time. Hamburgers are about ready.”

As Jason approaches, Laura stops mid-chew on a carrot, her eyes widening. “Dang, Jason! What did you do to yourself?”

He lifts his eyebrows in bewilderment at the strange greeting. “What?”

Laura’s tone includes a mischievous note, though genuineness rules. “If I thought I had a chance with you – mm, mmm!”

Taken completely off guard, in a rare moment, Jason’s face turns a shade of red. He can see his other friends nearby, and out of the corner of his eye, he can see Katie. He doesn’t even know how to respond, more embarrassed than flattered by the strangely executed compliment.

Having expected the usual cocky response in return to embellish the topic, it takes Laura a few seconds to realize that Jason really was embarrassed. She tries to make up for it, though now feels slightly awkward herself. The Jason she knew would have taken advantage of this situation, not be embarrassed by it. “Sorry, Jase.” She throws him a grin. “Welcome home.”

Jason suppresses the strange feeling in his gut in order to return the grin. “Hi.” He reaches out an arm, gesturing for her to come receive the hug she’s been waiting for.

Smiling, Laura embraces him warmly. “It’s so good to see you. Now the only one missing is Con.”

“Well, for what it’s worth, he’s doing fine.”

Laura stands back, though keeps her hands on Jason’s arms. “That’s what he tells me over the phone, but you know me – I always worry about him.”

“Well stop it.” Starting to relax, Jason winks at her. “Rumor has it he wants to come for a visit soon.”

As Wyatt announces the hamburgers are ready, and the others crowd around, Jason’s gaze makes its way to Katie. He gives her a small nod, acknowledging her presence, but keeping a safe distance, unsure if she wants to interact.

The evening is a lively one, with laughter and chatter going late into the evening. One by one, friends make their ways home, and soon all that are left are Wyatt, Katie, Laura, Jason and Ty.
Wyatt initiates a move into the house out of the chilly evening air, and after a quick vote on games, he finds Scrabble in the closet, setting it out on the table. “Alright, y’all. Prepare to die.”

Jason leans forward, taking the lid off the box. “If my memory serves me correctly, I’m one up on you.”

Wyatt leans over closer to Katie, lowering his voice even though everyone can hear him. “Watch him – he likes to cheat.”

Jason’s eyes narrow in humorous defiance. Before he thinks, the next words fly out. “You better watch it yourself. That girl you’re sitting next to will probably beat all of us hands down.”

Ty stiffens in his seat as he sees the others preparing to play. As he’s handed a stand for the alphabetical tiles, he waves it away. “I think I’ll just watch.”

“Oh, come on,” Laura prompts. “It’s more fun with more players.”

“No…no, I’ve never played.”

“Well we’ll teach you.” Laura points to the board. “It’s just all about putting words together. It really is easy.”

Ty shakes his head, heat creeping up the back of his neck. “Um, no, if it’s all the same, I’ll watch you guys play.”

Laura rolls her eyes. “Party pooper! Come on. Just one round.”

Ty’s face grows red and he shakes his head again, crossing his arms, his body language stating that he wants no part of it. “Thanks…no.” Few could catch the glimmer in his eye that resembled a strange panic. He scoots just a little further from the table, emphasizing his decision.

Time flys when

*Katie returns to her desk put her rose on the back of her desk. Hours pass and Katie has most of her work done. Decieding she wants to take a fast break she opens her blog. Seeing she has a comment she starts to read. After reading Jason comment Katie turns and looks twords Jason's office. He had said sorry. That was something Katie never hurd before. Maybe there was some hope for there friendship after all. Katie smiles. and goes back to her work.*

*The rest of the week goes by fast. Everyone is kept so busy that time feels like it dosent exsist. Katie went on a few more cases with Wyatt this week, and tryed to take as many walks with Wyatt and Trooper as she could knowing that soon Trooper would be in Jason's care again and she might not see him as much. Katie keeps up her daily calls to Con, and continues to do the moutains and moutains of paper work Reese gives her. Some nights she even had to bring some of it hope to try and catch up on. Though she dident mind I gave she something to do. In the days that passed Katie dident see much of Jason. Most of his time was spent in his office she guessed. Finally is was Friday and Katie was ready for the break, and the fun at the cook out.*

*Katie yells down the hall to Laura leting her know she will be ready in a moment. Throwing on her limegreen silk tankstop and a pare of black jeans Katie grabs her sunglass and heads down the hall.* " Ok ok ok I am ready. So it took me longer than I though to get ready. You would think I am going to a fashion show or something the way I worry how i look." *Katie rolls her eyes and heads into the kitchen grabing the Macaroni salad she made for the cookout.* " Ok lets blow this popicle stand." *Katie heads for the door.*


Wyatt grins as Katie shoves him and reaches up to give a gentle yank to her hair as she passes. Turning back to Jason, he cocks his head. "So how are you anyway?"

Jason shrugs. "Alright. Looks like things have been busy here."

Wyatt immediately picks up on Jason's avoidance of talking about himself, and lifts an eyebrow. "Yeah...busy as always..." He squints at Jason's face for a moment. "What's happened, Jase? I expected you to come in with quite a following, not you sneaking in here unnoticed to hide in your office."

Jason lowers his eyes to focus on the file that he opens again. "Just tired I guess. Been away from the office too long maybe. Everyone around here doesn't need me to make a big deal out of me being back."

"They'll want to," Wyatt states flatly. "You know good and well that everyone will be thrilled you're back...." He pauses, concern surfacing. "You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Jason looks up with a forced smile. "If it'll make you feel better, I'll come to your cookout. When is it?"

"In two days...Friday night." Wyatt sighs and turns to leave, stopping again. "Well, for what it's worth to you, it's good to see you back. Laura will be excited, and I was just about ready to take that dog of yours to a shrink the way he's been acting without you."

A chuckle surfaces and Jason grins. "I'll bring him back here after I leave your place on Friday."

Wyatt glances at his watch and heads to his own desk, bumping into Hal on the way, near Katie's cubicle.

"Hey, Wyatt. I forgot to ask you... you mentioned you had a friend who might wind up with some janitorial work around here. Anything come of that?"

Wyatt shakes his head. "Not yet. I'm not sure what will happen... I can't get Ty to take on any work around here. I don't know if it's a lack of motivation or laziness or what... I give him the newspapers every day and when I get home he says he's looked at him, but nothing seems to fit him." He shrugs. "I don't know what to do about it...he doesn't seem the lazy type...I don't know if there's something he's hiding or what...we know he doesn't have a criminal record or anything."

"Hmm...well, if you're ever going to bring him by, just let me know."


*Katie looks up at Wyatt and smiles.* "Do you really think I would say no?" *Katie cant help but laugh. Standing Katie smiles at Jason again.* "Thank you again for the Rose. It means alot J. I guess I better get back to work before Reese kills me. I still need to call Con too. I'll see ya guys a bit later. J...I really am happy your back." *As Katie walks by Wyatt she gives him alittle shove. Once she is outside the door she stops and looks back at Jason. Things were differnt now. Katie wanted things back they way there were but she new it just couldent happen. Jason was back it was good to see him, but still it felt a bit odd too. Katie hoped in time, the more they spent around eachother, they would learn how to interact again. Katie would hope that she could open up to Jason like she did once before. But it would take time. Her heart was burned once. and she dident want that to happen again. Katie makes her way back to her desk and sits down. Holding her flower she smiles. Geting back up she heads to find something to use as a vase.*


Katie's reference to being a hero reminds Jason of the memos he'd seen in his file full of notes from past weeks at the office. Apparently her nickname had spread. It was different, realizing that she wasn't Jason's personal hero anymore - she had a job here and was fulfilling it for more than one person. It was a reminder once again that it wasn't about Jason anymore.

He chuckles softly as Katie mentions the paperwork, and he sits back down in his chair again. "Comes with the territory I guess." He nods to his folder as she talks about her cases. "Yeah...I saw you and Wyatt have been working together." As he speaks, something tugs deep down...something that he doesn't care to acknowledge or dwell on. He forces logic to take over. Katie would be good out on the field, and knowing Wyatt, they probably made a good team. It was an obvious match and a practical one, good for TJY.

Katie's note of his arms brings a small wry grin to his face, but he returns no words about it. He had felt himself changing, especially the last couple weeks in Alaska, but had not intended it to be noticeable.
He shrugs at her question. "I'm doing alright...just got home this morning, so I'm just trying to find out where I am at the moment. I have a meeting with Reese and Carter in a while to give me a rundown of what's been happening, and I'm assuming they'll put me to work here in the office for a while until a case opens up."
Though his voice is casual and light, something is missing from his eyes. An innocence perhaps...something that has been stolen as an aftereffect of being knocked down several pegs. The cocky humor has been replaced by a mere dry amusement. Though still able to call on a gaze to almost see into one's thoughts, there is a dullness there - one that signals a stage of growth from the child he once was.
Jason allows a pause, wondering what Katie is thinking. Her happiness at seeing him appeared to be genuine, and that made him feel good. He hadn't known what to expect, and their meeting was better than he thought, despite the lingering awkwardness he felt. He opens his mouth to say something, but is interrupted as Wyatt appears in the doorway.

"Well, Hotshot! Dad just told me you were back." A smile spreads across Wyatt's face. "Good to see you up and around after that close call of yours."

Jason takes just a moment to remove his eyes from Katie in order to greet his friend. "Hey, Wyatt. Yeah, I'm alive and well. Hopefully getting back into the groove of things here."

"You'll have to come over to my place this week sometime. I'm having a cookout." Wyatt glances at Katie. "Which, by the way, you're invited to, along with Laura."

Missed you

*Katie giggles* "Meh you dont need to thank me. Once a hero always a hero. Its in my blood." *Kaite smiles at Jason. It was so good to see her friend again. She had missed being able to talk with him.Going around to the other sids of Jason's desk Katie sits down in one of the chairs.* " Ya I am going pritty good. Who ever would of though how much paper work comes along with this job. Goodness, Reese keeps giving me piles and piles. Oh and I have goten to go out on some missions with Wyatt too. So thats fun. " *Katie cant help but hold her smile. Searching herself Jason's face. Something was differnt from the last time she was him.* " You looks pritty good youself. How have you been? And you dont have chicken arms anymore." *Katie cant help but giggle. It was good Jason was back.*


Hearing the door open, Jason suddenly senses that it’s not Reese that’s come to him. Looking up, his eyes automatically lock with Katie’s for just a moment. He knew he’d see her, but for some reason, he’s still taken off guard. His eyes betray him to show his surprise, despite his even facial expression. “Katie…” A double-take remains suppressed as he maintains control, though his breath is held to hide his quickened pulse.

As she comes to him with a sudden hug, he slides his legs off the desk to stand, hesitating to return the gesture, but giving in on impulse. Feeling her felt good…he could not deny that. He had missed her.

When Katie backs away, a crooked grin quirks the corner of his mouth, his eyes still studying her face as he assumes his piercing gaze. “You’re welcome, and yeah…I got called back here while things are slow back at the ranch…” He shrugs at her question. “I’m feeling alright…thanks to you, so I hear.” For an instant, he searches her eyes, digging deeper than he thought he would dare, searching for the truth behind the emotion…searching for what lies behind the outward actions.

Blinking to break the connection, Jason closes the folder on his desk, shifting the conversation before his awkwardness is too obvious. “How about you? You look like you’ve faired well…keeping busy here, I assume. Con said you were staying with Laura.”

You look good

*Katie knows the voice as her heart beats. Opening the door Katie enter. Laying eyes on Jason Katie knows its been a while since she last saw him. Katie cant help but stair at the muskles Jason now has. Its not hard to tell he has been working out. He use to have chicken arms. And the look of not shaving for a day looked good on him. Katie cant help but feel her cheeks turn a bit red. He's change not in just looks but something alse was differnt. Forgeting everything Katie squeels and runs to Jason throwing her arms around him. It was good to see her friend again.* "Jason...oh Jason. Its been so long since i last saw you. Thank you for the rose. Oh Jason you look good." *Katie pulls away and smiles.* "Are you going to be here for a while now? how are you feeling?"


Wyatt cleans up his food leftovers from the break room table, grinning as he watches Katie leave. He felt no need to beat her at anything…not like he felt with the others. Ironically, just to see her smile, he’d gladly lose the game every time.

Jason’s feet are still propped up on his desk, his paperwork spread out on his legs. His flannel shirt sleeves are rolled up casually over his white tee, showing his arms as proof that he has not been idle the last couple months. Not having shaved since the hospital, his five o’clock shadow gives him a rougher look than normal, though his eyes hold a steadiness new to his features. The flippant humor and cockiness is gone, replaced by a seriousness hard to define. Something is gone...something has been lost... yet a new hardness has emerged.
Noting the knock at the door, he doesn’t even look up from his paperwork spread out on his legs, his feet still propped up on his desk. It was probably Reese, coming to check in with him, and he calls out casually. “It’s open.”