

Hearing the door open, Jason suddenly senses that it’s not Reese that’s come to him. Looking up, his eyes automatically lock with Katie’s for just a moment. He knew he’d see her, but for some reason, he’s still taken off guard. His eyes betray him to show his surprise, despite his even facial expression. “Katie…” A double-take remains suppressed as he maintains control, though his breath is held to hide his quickened pulse.

As she comes to him with a sudden hug, he slides his legs off the desk to stand, hesitating to return the gesture, but giving in on impulse. Feeling her felt good…he could not deny that. He had missed her.

When Katie backs away, a crooked grin quirks the corner of his mouth, his eyes still studying her face as he assumes his piercing gaze. “You’re welcome, and yeah…I got called back here while things are slow back at the ranch…” He shrugs at her question. “I’m feeling alright…thanks to you, so I hear.” For an instant, he searches her eyes, digging deeper than he thought he would dare, searching for the truth behind the emotion…searching for what lies behind the outward actions.

Blinking to break the connection, Jason closes the folder on his desk, shifting the conversation before his awkwardness is too obvious. “How about you? You look like you’ve faired well…keeping busy here, I assume. Con said you were staying with Laura.”

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