

Katie's reference to being a hero reminds Jason of the memos he'd seen in his file full of notes from past weeks at the office. Apparently her nickname had spread. It was different, realizing that she wasn't Jason's personal hero anymore - she had a job here and was fulfilling it for more than one person. It was a reminder once again that it wasn't about Jason anymore.

He chuckles softly as Katie mentions the paperwork, and he sits back down in his chair again. "Comes with the territory I guess." He nods to his folder as she talks about her cases. "Yeah...I saw you and Wyatt have been working together." As he speaks, something tugs deep down...something that he doesn't care to acknowledge or dwell on. He forces logic to take over. Katie would be good out on the field, and knowing Wyatt, they probably made a good team. It was an obvious match and a practical one, good for TJY.

Katie's note of his arms brings a small wry grin to his face, but he returns no words about it. He had felt himself changing, especially the last couple weeks in Alaska, but had not intended it to be noticeable.
He shrugs at her question. "I'm doing alright...just got home this morning, so I'm just trying to find out where I am at the moment. I have a meeting with Reese and Carter in a while to give me a rundown of what's been happening, and I'm assuming they'll put me to work here in the office for a while until a case opens up."
Though his voice is casual and light, something is missing from his eyes. An innocence perhaps...something that has been stolen as an aftereffect of being knocked down several pegs. The cocky humor has been replaced by a mere dry amusement. Though still able to call on a gaze to almost see into one's thoughts, there is a dullness there - one that signals a stage of growth from the child he once was.
Jason allows a pause, wondering what Katie is thinking. Her happiness at seeing him appeared to be genuine, and that made him feel good. He hadn't known what to expect, and their meeting was better than he thought, despite the lingering awkwardness he felt. He opens his mouth to say something, but is interrupted as Wyatt appears in the doorway.

"Well, Hotshot! Dad just told me you were back." A smile spreads across Wyatt's face. "Good to see you up and around after that close call of yours."

Jason takes just a moment to remove his eyes from Katie in order to greet his friend. "Hey, Wyatt. Yeah, I'm alive and well. Hopefully getting back into the groove of things here."

"You'll have to come over to my place this week sometime. I'm having a cookout." Wyatt glances at Katie. "Which, by the way, you're invited to, along with Laura."

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