

Emotions flood Axel's eyes. The pain, the hurt, the grief... it wasn't something others saw in him very often. It wasn't something that he usually let show. He was so sorry that Peter had gotten to Jess again... and so sorry that he hadn't been there for her.

He closes his eyes for a moment and just shakes his head. But she didn't let the conversation stop there. Instead, she kept on going, talking about him again, and her reasoning for being here now. He would revisit the subject of Peter later. For now... for now, there was another issue.

Reaching across the table with his other hand, he cups Jess' in his own. Taking a deep breath, he finally meets her gaze once more. "You are... one of the strongest people I know. The last couple days, all I've been told is what an idiot I was for leaving Nevada... and even my own gut started telling me the same thing. And... now I know why."

His fingers tighten a little around her hand, while his other hand stays limp in her palm. "I was an idiot because while I acted like I thought I had friends... maybe I never trusted that I really did. And you... of all people... coming here after you knew about my record... I'm... amazed."

And he was. It was the most fitting word. Jess had been taken advantage of more than once... Axel had denied her the truth even about himself... yet she had looked past absolutely everything and had been brave enough to come.

Axel looks back down for a moment, then takes another deep breath. "I... don't know if I'm the kind of man my record says I am or not." He knew that sounded crazy. But it was time. It was time he told the truth, and he was finally ready. Jess had shown trust in him, now he only owed her the same in return.

“I was out with friends. It was late… We’d just come from a party and wanted to go hang out at the docks by the lake.”

Axel could pull up the memories as if the event had just happened yesterday. Everything was vivid… the sights… the sounds… the smells.

“Me and Joe thought about taking a dip in the lake, but decided it was too cold. Wayne and Tammy were kidding around back in the parking lot. We just talked, threw rocks… no trouble, but we should have been home.”

He pauses, dredging up the chain of events. “I finally decided to go home. I asked Tammy if she wanted a ride, but Wayne convinced her to go out with him and Joe to the club downtown. It wasn’t my thing so they weren’t surprised when I declined and simply left.”

His eyes almost glaze over as he thinks, as if totally lost in what had happened. His fingers twitch a little over Jess' hand. “I went back to my apartment and went to bed. Slept like a rock until about six in the morning. The police were pounding at the door. Soon as I showed my face, they put me in cuffs and were arresting me. I didn’t have a clue what was going on, and it scared me, so at first I fought. But they took me down, and hauled me in. After that, I got interrogated. It started to sink in just what I was being charged with, and I kept saying I was innocent, but they said Tammy insisted that it had been me. I couldn’t believe it.”

Axel shakes his head as his eyes lower and he swallows hard, obviously not enjoying this, and finding it a bit difficult. Apart from the Stevensons, Jess was the first to hear all of this.

“We went to court. But I didn’t have a solid alibi, and the doctor that came said that the dna matched - it had been me. Tammy was there too... I remember being on the stand and looking out and seeing her. I could still see traces of the cuts and bruises on her face..." He stops and looks up. Jess looked so much the same. "...and the look in her eye when she saw me was pure terror.”

He pauses again, keeping his voice low. “I did hear her story in court. She said she went to the club with Joe and Wayne. They had some drinks, then after that she had trouble remembering things. Joe and Wayne both took the stand then, and their stories were the same. They said I showed up about half an hour after they did and said I told them I had changed my mind and wanted to join them. They said after a while they left the table, and looked over once to see me coming on to Tammy. They shrugged it off, but then a little bit later, they looked again and we both were gone. They said they went outside and found us both out back, catching me in the act. They said they were shocked and started a fight with me, but that I got away. Instead of following me, they stayed to help Tammy and call the police.”

Axel finally straightens, withdrawing his hands, his gaze falling to table. The look on his face was one of sadness, disgust, embarrassment and helplessness. “Tammy remembered bits and pieces… enough to mess her up emotionally… enough that she’d never be the same. Though she couldn’t remember the face of her attacker, it was Joe and Wayne’s testimony that sealed that angle. Then there was the medical proof.”

He sighs deeply. “I was asleep in my apartment. I was out cold and don’t even remember dreaming that night. Someone once asked me if I thought maybe I really had gone out, drank too much, got into trouble, then didn’t remember it the next morning.” He withdraws his one hand to rest it in his lap so Jess won't see it start to shake. “I guess there’s always been a small part of me that has questioned that. I've been known to sleepwalk and do things that I never have remembered. I would never, ever have hurt anyone, least of all like that. But was I in my own mind?” He shrugs again, helplessly. “I have no proof of anything. I always figured somebody paid off the doctor who presented the proof of dna. But do I have proof of that? No, of course not. I just always tried to find peace in the fact that I don’t remember doing anything to Tammy, and it wasn’t my nature to ever even consider it. Makes me sick just to think about it.”

Axel shifts his weight in his seat, bothered by all of this. Looking up, he locks eyes with Jess again. He felt out of line, but he was going to say it anyway. “I’ve never been with a women, let alone forcefully. I’ve always had moral standards high above that, and anyone would have testified to that. …Until the trial. I found out just how few friends I really had.”

He takes a breather, feeling the heat in his face. Even though he thought he believed his own innocence, that didn’t make the subject matter any easier to deal with. It was still an embarrassing topic, especially when talking to a woman.

Axel doesn't know how much more he should say, but he'd started, he might as well finish. There were unanswered questions, and he might as well be totally open at this point. Anything less would be silly now.

“Once I was behind bars, I never heard from any of my family or friends. No phone calls, no letters, no visits. I’d been completely cut off. And when I finally got out and was done with the rehabilitation program, I walked to my parents house, only to find a for sale sign in the yard. The neighbor, an old family friend, saw me, and told me that my parents had moved five months prior.” He closes his eyes for a moment. “No one had let me know. Even my brother had left town without a trace. So…”

He purses his lips. “That was that. I headed out of state, not bothering to figure out where my parents were. Wound up here in Wisconsin where no one knew me. Settled for a while, then Cryptic came along. It was just the thing I wanted to really start something new, so I joined up with them and… the rest is history.”

Axel bravely meets Jess' eyes again. Maybe it would hurt her to think that he might be innocent, but allowed her to think otherwise. But when he had had no proof...he wouldn't have wanted her to assume he was the good guy, then find out later it had all been the truth after all.

"And now... I'm just a lonely rainbow without the thunder."

By now, Carson is fully riled, so when Peter tries to go back inside, it's a strong arm that stops him. "Oh, no you don't."

Swinging Peter around, he balls up his fist. "Say goodnight."

...it's half an hour later. Peter is sitting in a chair, his hands tied behind his back. Where they were was damp and warm. A hot light shines in his face, and a tape recorder sits, recording the sounds, some of which would be edited out later. For the first sound was that of a knife being sharpened.

"Wakie, wakie," Carson prompts, giving Peter's face a light slap. "We don't want you sleeping all day. I need something from you first." As he moves, the small room rocks. It wasn't a room. It was the back of the TJY van.

Carson leans over behind Peter, putting the razor-sharp knife to the side of Peter's face and putting slight pressure on it. Enough to hurt, but not enough to draw blood. "Now... you're going to confess right now, that it was you who assaulted Jessica Fisher... twice. Or else you're going to be picked apart, one small piece of flesh at a time."

A crooked grin forms. "And don't think I won't do it."

No idea

As Axel touches the side of Jess face she dosnt flinch or show fear of him closing her eyes for a moment at his tender touch. Opening her eyes again Jess looks up at Axel some small tear form in her eyes but she dosnt let them pour over at his question of why she is there.

"There is no point to a storm without the rainbow. I wanted you to know Axel that I still cared about you and if I have to bring you my car and say its broken for you to believe me I will. A million times over again."

For a moment a fear rises in Jess, but not one that said she was scaired of him but one that made her wonder if he would stay or turn her away.

Watching him sit down across from her a releaf pass over her knowing that this ment at least for now he would stay.

Looking down at his hand Jess continues to rub it softly, stoping even little bit just to hold it before swallowing and speaking again.

"Peter came back, I'm not sure why he was out of jail but he was, and he was waiting for me. He didnt hurt me as bad as he did the first time but as you can still see it was bad enough."

Jess pauses for a moment just thinking back to when Peter had hurt her the first time is gave her chills and she hated thinking about it but she had to tell Axel.

"I got to thinking while I was at TJY again and you know your not like Peter. Even if you did or were at one time, your not anymore. I've seen you, I know you and you never would of hurt me let alone someone alse. Peter was scum, you...your a rainbow I see things like you, I take note and keep in my memorie everything and I've seen your heart. You always did what you could to make sure I was comfortable, to make sure I didnt feel threatend or out of place. That sounded sound like the work of a rapest to me."

Jess cocks her head just a little hoping she mad sence and was not just babbling.

Getting his smoke taking out of his mouth Peter is about to yell a retort when he looks up at see Carson. For a moment he is frozen in his seat not sure what to say or why Carson was even here. Finally finding his voice Peter trys to play off his discomfort.

"Carson my good friend. I havent seen you since Vagis."

Getting pulled from his seat Peter trys to stay as cool as he can as he throws his arm around Carson a little to play like everything was cool.

"It will all be ok Lady's I shall return in moment. This shouldnt take long."

Being pushed along Peter dosnt resist till they get outside and he is thrown aganst the wall.

"Whoa, whoa easy..."

Turning around and looking back at Carson Peter shakes his head.

"I dont know what your talking about man. Now if you dont mind I have people waiting."

Trying to push past Carson Peter trys to get inside.

Show me

Taken completely by surprise, Axel almost jerks his hand away from the woman who had touched him. But the voice comes first, ceasing the flight reaction.

Looking down, he knows who speaks, but is so confused at her presence, that he just stands and listens. Her being there alone was enough to shock him. And her words only add to that shock.

Jess' soothing touch to his hand breaks up the pain like only she could do. For a moment, he closes his eyes, wondering if this was some kind of a dream. But her words hurt. There was too much pain for this to be a dream. Derek had been right. And she was right. He hadn't let anybody make up their own mind. Jess speaking of him cutting off her rainbow felt like a dagger to his heart.

Then as the hood falls from her face, question, fear and concern flash in his eyes. What had happened to her? For a brief moment, he remembered her looking the same, the first time he'd seen her.

His eyes lock with hers, and for several seconds, he's simply unable to move or speak. He just didn't know what to say. He didn't know how to act. What had happened to her? What was her point in coming? Was she asking him to come back? Was she simply telling him she was still his friend? Or not?

By now, the waitress had realized that she was forgotten, and she had moved on to help other customers.

Axel swallows hard and reaches out with his free hand to run a finger down the side of Jess' face, gently avoiding the cuts and bruises that were still there. "Oh, Jess." His own words are but a whisper. "What happened? And why did you come?"

Letting her keep hold of his hand, he eases down on the other side of the small table. He glances down to the way she was rubbing his hand, then looks back up to see her eyes once more. his voice is still quiet. "Do you really want to hold the hand of a rapist?" He had to know why she'd come. And he had to know if it had anything to do with the way she looked.

Carson takes his time getting to the door of the Bullseye, then once there, he just leans up against the brick wall for a few minutes, loitering until he thinks it's been long enough. Then he enters the bar.

Getting inside, his ball cap is low, but he has a clear view of all the corners. And he spots Peter. The rage boils up inside of him, as he sees Jess again, battered and bruised. His fists tighten at his sides. But before moving forward, he takes a deep breath, slipping on a mask of casual, business air, he traipses on over to Peter's table.

"Well, well, well, look who we got here." Carson lays on the thick accent, winking at the girl so no one gets alarmed. "If it isn't my old pal, Peter."

He reaches out and takes the cigarette from Peter's mouth, putting it out in the ash tray. "I think it's been too long since we had some guy time, what do you think?" He smiles, reaching down to pull Peter up by his collar. "Now, I don't think you really want to get a whole lot of attention in here, do you? So why don't we just step on out back for a minute?"

He nods to the girl, then to another woman who had shown up. "No worries. We're old mates." Staying casual, no one would notices how firmly a grip he had on Peter's collar, and few would realize the warning tone in his voice. But he knew Peter would know. And he also knew that Peter liked to connive and would rather try to weasel out of a situation than face it in front of others. For once, he was glad of that.

Dragging Peter to the back, before they know it, he's kicked open the door and shoved Peter into the dim alleyway, letting him bounce off the neighboring brick wall. Carson's face has changed to a hard, cold look with an icy stare.

"Alright, Peter. Show me what you got. Or are women the only things you're man enough to handle?"

Play with kids

Finally seeing Axel walk through the door Jess is still silent till he walks close the waitress leading him. Jess didnt really know what she wanted to say but she could only hope the words would come and make seance. Knowing Axel probley who it was because oh her hood being up Jess dosnt give it much thought as she gently takes Axel's hand as he walks by. Jess had noticed when he came in that is was bothering him. Rubbing it softly she speaks.

"You once asked me if you told me something about you would I run away, and turn you out like the other. I had said no because despite my own background and the skeletons in the closet you accepted me."

Jess is quiet for a moment letting her few words sink in before she spoke more.

"And than when I did find out, you didnt even let me make up my own mind. You did it for me, and than walked away. I'm not sure if you cutting the storm off from its rainbow hurt more than me finding out your past Axel."

Looking up Jess hood finally falls from her face and off her head as she eyes look up at Axel and pearce his own. Her blue eyes sparkled. Though her face was marked with the bruses and cuts, Jess was happy to see Axel. She had come such a long way and went through so much to find Axel she only hopes he did not turn away again.

Nate shakes his head at Con and rolls his eyes. He cant help but give a chuckle at what Con did to the prisoner. At the moment he was rotten and not a great person to be around, but finding humor in something said the real Nate was in there still somewhere.

Continuing his direction Nate calls over his shoulder to Con.

"Come on, can we move on with our day now? We do have more important things to do than sit hit playing with kids."

Entering the bar Peter has the same familure smug look on his face as he goes to the bartender and orders a round slinging his arm over a womans shoulder that looked younger than Jess.

"So your going to be my hot date tonight huh? What ya want to drink?"

Getting drinks for himself and the other girl Peter finds a table to sit at before the rest of his crew showed up. Pulling the girl down into his lap Peter plants a long kiss on her lips before letting her up and taking a sip of his own beer and lights up a smoke.


Derek gives Jess a warm smile. All he can do is watch her leave, incredibly curious now. He knew who she was. He knew she'd called. But he hadn't expected her to actually come. And if he knew Axel, Axel wouldn't have expected her to come either.

Derek lets the screen door fall shut again, and closes the inside door to keep the chilly air out.

"Dad, who was that?"

He turns to Liz. "I'm ninety-nine percent sure that was Jess... Axel's talked about her."

"Oh yeah, the gal he likes."

Derek lifts an eyebrow. "Now don't go spreading rumors."

Liz grins. "I'm not. I'm a woman and I can see that look in his eye."

Derek shakes his head. "Well, now you can pray that she finds him, and when she does, that he'll be receptive."

"You think he'd walk away?"

"At this point, I don't know. If he does, I know he'll regret it for the rest of his life."

Rick lets Misty help him straighten up, though he holds his side. "Yeah, yeah, I'm okay," he grumbles. "That sure was stupid. I don't know why I didn't think he'd do something. I must be more tired than I thought."

As Alec comes sprinting around the corner, he skids to a halt, running into another stranger. Though it was the tank of a man behind Nate that made his eyes go wide. Distracted, he doesn't even see Nate's fist coming at him. In an instant, everything goes black.

Con's eyebrows shoot up. "Whoa. Nice one. Who is this clown?"

By now, Rick has managed to get closer, though is still a bit out of breath. "He's one of the guys who jumped Scott last night."

"What?" Con had been too distracted to hear about that. "Is Scott okay?"

"Yeah, he will be. He killed this guy's partner."

"Scott did?" Con found that hard to believe.

"Yep. Bullet right to the head."

"They break into his house or what?"


Con's anger just boils. It was bad enough they had everything else to worry about. Why couldn't these goons go find someone else to pick on? Stepping forward, he grabs Alec by the shirt and lifts him up just enough to start dragging him back to the cell.

Rick rolls his eyes in annoyance. "Don't kill him, Con."

Con throws him a look. "I'll try not to." Dragging Alec the rest of the way, he pulls him across the floor near the toilet. Grabbing a set of handcuffs he'd swiped from the supply room, he cuffs one of Alec's wrists to a sturdy pipe that ran up the wall.

Rick peers in on him. "A little much?"

"What?" Con frowns. "You can still feed him, and I was even nice enough to put him next to the toilet. What more should he want?"

Rick shakes his head. "Yeah, fine." Moving slowly, he goes in and sets the now-cold food down on the floor just within Alec's reach for when he would wake up. "Guess it serves him right."

Only now does Con notices that Rick himself looks a little pale. "You alright?"

"Oh sure... I'll just have my assistant here take a look at this rib, but I'm pretty sure it's broken. Otherwise I'm fine."

"Well, I'd ignore this goon for a good while. Make him need you. He'll fold eventually." Con turns back to Nate. "Now... where were we?"

Axel pulls into the little gravel parking lot of the Roadside Grill. He had a lot of memories connected to this family-owned restaurant. Many noon or evening meals had been eaten here with the Stevensons. They were in a small town, so business never was booming. But the daily customers liked it that way. And so did Axel. This was his kind of sleepy town.

Shutting off his car's engine, he's just about to get out when a shooting pain courses through his hand. Groaning in disgust, he stops with the door open, trying to rub away the sensation. Today it was either in pain or numb. It had never lasted this long or been this severe... and Axel's fear was that the injury had finally won. He'd been warned about that when he'd refused surgery.

Flexing his fingers, he can't really feel them move too much, but the muscles were still working. He'd just have to be careful not to pick anything up with it.

Getting the pain to at least reduce to a dull ache, Axel finally gets out of the car to head inside. He had so much on his mind... he just wanted... he didn't know what he wanted anymore.

The bell on the door jingles as he enters the grill, and a few people who are there turn around to look or give a friendly nod. A waitress comes to him - one that he didn't remember. "Hello," she greets warmly. "Are you alone?"


"Alright, I got a table right back here you can have."

"Um..." Axel stops her. "Can I have a table by the window instead?"

"Oh sure." The girl nods and starts to lead Axel down to a corner table, unaware that he'd chosen that table as his favorite a long time ago.

Carson yawns, leaning back in the TJY van. "Come on, Peter," he mutters. "Where are you, ya scum?"

Suddenly, his question is answered. Peter's car pulls up to the Bullseye.

"Bingo." Carson's pulse quickens and he straightens up, watching intently from a half block away. Seeing Peter go inside, Carson gets out of the van, taking his time to walk casually to the bar. He'd take just long enough to let Peter get settled, then go in. If he could time it right, he'd get Peter out the back where they could have a little "come to Jesus" meeting."

Bryce puffs on his cigarette, watching people in the park. His buddies had warned him to stay out of town, but he didn't have any fear. So far no one had found him - they'd all been looking too far away. No one expected him to stick around. Besides that, Laura was probably too scared to testify anyway.

Leaning back against his car, he checks his watch. He'd be meeting his buddies in a while to go have some fun, then tonight it was party time.


Trying to give a smile a little bit of happyness flash in Jess eyes even if her voice an movents didnt match it. She was happy that she new where Axel was so she could go see him.

"No..No thats ok. I'd rather just find my rainbow before it fades away for good."

Backing up Jess goes to turn and leave again. About to say something to Derek about how he looked like someone she new she thinks better of it and just gives a nother smile.

"Thank you for the help. It means alot."

Stepping aside as Rick is pushed into the table Misty is quick to go to him making sure he is ok.

"You can't get fired we still have to help Angel."

Misty trys to lend Rick a hand to try and help him up and letting him catch his breath.

"Are you ok?"

"...fine we can retrace our steps and if we come up with nothing again I think maybe we should try the next town over. It he new what was good for him he wouldnt sti...."

Heading down the steps Nate wasnt paying attachen running right into someone he didnt know. Seeing the look on the man face and the blood that was seeping through his shirt and instint flag went up to Nate making the hair on the back of his neck stand up. He wasnt in the mood for anymore maneac people to break out of here and be on the streets let alone some punk kid. His fists balled again Nate does hesatat and knocks the prisoner squear in the face sending him spralling to the floor.

Seeing the kid uncontus on the floor Nate gives a shrug.

"At least he wont be going anywhere for a little bit and he will wake up with a headach."

Sitting at the small dinner table Jess wore her hoodie with its hood up that hide most of her face. A waitress had been over a few times to check if Jess needed anything and each time Jess had ordered just water and than a soda.

Axel was not at the restront yet when she had shown up so quietly she sits at the small table and waits, she waits for what she was looking for. She had been told that the rainbow she was looking for was coming here. So Jess waited. She waitied for the rainbow, to accompany the storm.


"Secretary?" Ryder scoffs with humor. "I think you'd be sorry about that one."

He hurries to catch up to Katie, not having anything that he would need to take with him. He had no idea what would really keep him occupied at TJY... but maybe a conversation with Reese would give him some idea of what he would be doing in the near future.

Alec's eyes shoot to Misty, his gaze wild with rage and a bit of fear that he was trying to hide. He wasn't used to not having the upper hand, and it didn't feel good. Tightening his grip around Rick's throat, he questions Misty's motives, wondering if this was some sort of trap. But the coast looked clear.

Giving Rick a swift shove into the table, Alec bolts.

Rick hits the table with force, getting the wind knocked out of him. He doubles over, trying to catch his breath. "Of all the stupid..." He winces, holding his side. "I should be fired."

Alec hits the hall running, aiming for the stairs.

"...that's all I'm saying." Con rolls his eyes, his voice strained and irritated. Hooking up with Nate at TJY this morning had not gone well. Both had different ideas about where to look for Bryce, Laura still didn't want to talk to Nate, and Con was having trouble hearing the things Nate was saying, making communication annoyingly difficult.

Heading downstairs for the ammunition room, Con trudges behind Nate. "I think we ought to retrace our steps."

On closer inspection, Derek sees that this young woman is more than tired. She'd been beaten, and not all that long ago. When she says her name though, something clicks. "Jessica?" He squints a little. "As in the Jess I've heard about?"

He blinks, trying not to ask too many questions or embarrass her. Axel had said nothing about Jess being in this bad of shape. Or had he known?

The pieces started to fall into place. "You're the one that called, aren't you?" He cocks his head. "And you came... all this way?" A faint grin surfaces.

"Well, Axel took off earlier for a little grill about a mile and a half from here. All you gotta do is go down this street here, hang a left and you're on main. Keep going and it's at the end of the street... if you know Axel's car, you'll be able to find him."

While Derek didn't usually just hand out free information like this, for some reason, this time he thought it was the right thing to do. Perhaps he wouldn't have to convince Axel of anything. Maybe someone else would. "You're welcome to stay and get your second wind before you go," he offers.

Axel drives slowly from the gas station, heading to the grill. He'd gotten sidetracked on the way, first going to the park, then realizing his car needed gas. By now he was a little hungry, though not really wanting to eat. He takes his time, taking the long route. Sometimes it was nice just to sit and think and not have to concentrate on anybody just yet.

He keeps the steering wheel in one hand, his other laying still in his lap. He was surrounded by the people he trusted the most here, yet he felt lonely. Were Derek and Liz right? Was he just being a coward?

Clint hesitates before knocking on the door. He felt silly... he felt like an idiot... but at least no one else knew he was here.

When Cindy answers the door, he knows there's no turning back. A smile lights up her face as she situates Kaylee in on arm. "Hey, Clint." She moves to the side so he can come in. "How ya doing?"

"Um... alright." Clint manages a smile and a nod. "Your husband is keeping me busy."

Cindy laughs and shuts the door. "I'm sure he does. And where did you tell him you were off to today?"

"To run an errand?"

Cindy gives him an amused smirk. "One of these days, you're going to learn that there's nothing silly with learning about this stuff." Walking to the living room, she sits down on the couch, patting the cushion next to her for Clint to sit.

Kaylee watches him with her big brown eyes, gurgling at his presence. Cindy chuckles. "Are you saying hi to your cousin, hmm?" Kayle squeals her response.

Clint sits awkwardly, and when he's offered the child, he lifts his eyebrows, unsure what to do. Cindy smiles gently. "Go on. Let her sit on your lap, like this." She demonstrates before handing over her daughter."

Clint feels ridiculous, but he does as he's told. Kaylee sits on his lap and makes a few noises, turning her head to look up at her cousin. She leans back into his arm and lifts her fingers to touch the buttons on his shirt, admiring their shine.

"Now that isn't so bad, is it?"

Clint looks back up to Cindy, his arm comfortable around the baby. A smile surfaces. "No."

"Good. Now you two keep each other company while I go put the laundry in the dryer. When I come back up, we'll get into the fun stuff."

Clint knew she meant things like feeding Kaylee and changing her diaper. He wasn't exactly looking forward to it, but... He looks down at Kaylee and runs a hand over her feathery-soft hair. He'd never held a baby before... at least Kaylee was a little older, but still... she was so small... and yet... he was more comfortable sitting here than he thought he'd be.

By the time Cindy comes back, Clint has leaned back in the couch with Kaylee facing him. Holding her around her waist, he bounces her just a little, making her giggle, and in turn, making him laugh too.

Wont stop you

Katie cant help but laugh at Ryder. Though she did feel bad he didnt understand alot of things in america she though it was cute as well and hoped Ryder new her laughing was in fun.

"Mi Kasai, Su Kasai...it means Mine home is your home or what is mine is yours."

Gathering a few of her things up Katie throws a few things in her bag before holstering her gun before she grabs her keys from the desk. Katie new that Ryder was use to the freedome, and being able to do things and knowing where everything is. She couldnt imagen now how it must feel to not know anything and how boring it probley really was.

"Sure I can. There is always some kind of excitment going on around that place to keep you busy. Hey you never know maybe I will hire the Croc hunter to by my secratary."

Katie gives a laugh and pats Ryder's shoulder as she moves pass him and heads for the door a grin on her face. It was nice to have Ryder around. Without Laura here the house would of been quiet and Katie could imagen how alone she probley would of felt.

Sitting back down again with coffee in hand Hope juts listens to Scott for a moment. She couldnt imagen how he felt.

Scott had been doing so good on recovering and now this, a whole new problem to work through. Hope could only hope that it wouldnt set him back but continue to make him stronger.

"You know Scott in a way its not a bad thing it felt good. You wanted to protect yourself, you were tired of feeling helpless and when you stood up for yourself it made you feel good about it. Thats not a bad thing at all."

Hope takes another sip of her coffee as she runs differnt things through her own mind before saying them till finally she speaks agian.

"As for doing it again, if someone breaks into your house or is hurting someone close to you its insince to protect them the most you can and its not wrong. However there is a find line between using violance and not. You have to train your mind for differnt situations so when in a pinch or in the snap of a finger you can know what one is right and what on is not."

Hope gives Scotts arm a gentil pat.

"When it comes down to it, its you or them and I am glad you picked them this time."

Continuing to watch the prisoner Misty is a tiny bit saprised when Rick brings him food let alone, coming down by himself. Not saying anything Misty just continues to watch.

As everything starts to go south and the prisoner attacks Rick Misty stratens and runs from the next room right as Rick finsihs on the intercomb. There was no time to wast because she didnt know what the young man would do.


Standing there for a moment Misty observes the situation before acting. Crossing her arms over her chest She moves to the side away from the door.

"Let Rick go and you can go its as smiple as that and I wont try to stop you as long as you let him go first."

As the door opens and the older man steps out for a moment Jess is speechless. Just cocking her head to the side for a moment feeling as though she was stairing at an older verson of Jason. The simalaritys were uncanny.

Relzing she was stairing and maybe looking totally redickulace Jess takes just a few steps back before looking away suddanly becoming very selfcontious of her ownself and the markes she still wore on her face.

Trying to gather her strangth again she looks up and gives a nervouse but soft smile.

"Yes, I'm Jessica Fisher and I was just wondering Axel was around or you new where I could find him."

Jess was timid but she had the curage to ask, the rest would be easy so she would hope.


Ryder quirks an eyebrow. "Yeah, well... me...ka...su...sushi better provide a definition, or I'll keep working on that door."

Wandering behind Katie, a wry grin surfaces. "Naw, Henry wouldn't attack me. We're mates, ya know."

He pauses by her bedroom, not entering. "Um, can I hitch a ride to TJY? Another day indoors and I'm liable to go crackers." In reality, he just wanted to keep his mind occupied. While having slept soundly, his sleep had been full of memories of his brother, and waking up to remembering how he'd died wasn't something he really wanted to be thinking about all day.

Scott rubs his blind eye, not realizing it had become a nervous habit. "No... no, I'm not hungry."

Just lying still, the room is quiet while Hope is gone. Scott's mind wanders, taking him back to the night before. Strangely enough, a portion of his fear of being attacked was gone. He had won. He had survived. He had given the attackers what they deserved. But at what cost? Was it really better to have won and killed?

Scott is still quiet when Hope returns, just staring up at the ceiling. The pain in his side wasn't so bad this morning... though he felt awfully tired. He finally breaks the silence.

"It felt good, ya know..." His voice is quiet and hesitant. "I... I was finally the one in control and... I just... I took them down." He swallows hard. "But... I don't want to feel good... what if I snapped like that again?"

Alec continues to pace, ignoring any pain that came from the wound he'd received. By the time he's finished throwing the chair, shoving the table around and kicking the cot from one end of the room to the other and back again, he was too tired to do any more damage.

Flopping back against the door, he sighs, crossing his arms in disgust. He glares up at the camera again.

Rick meanders from the break room, carrying a paper plate with some food, along with a styrofoam cup with water. The prisoner deserved far less than this, but it was Rick's job to be decent.

Getting to the cell, he cautiously looks through the window and orders the prisoner to back off before he unlocks the door and enters. Going into the cell slowly, Rick keeps a wary eye on the newcomer, and sets the food down on the table, which was now in a different corner. "Having fun rearranging the place?"

Alec's eyes narrow.

Rick shakes his head. "You realize that throwing a fit is just making things worse on you."

"Where's my partner?" Alec growls.

Rick looks at him a moment, cocking his head. "Dead."

Alec's eyes betray him as surprise passes through them. He and Jaxon had been far from friends, but knowing he was dead... "You going to kill me off too?" he mutters.

"I doubt it. But I wouldn't push your luck. You realize your Agency days are over." Rick shakes his head. No one had interrogated this guy yet, and it wasn't his job, but any answers would help. "You going to tell me your name?"

"No." Alec's eyes suddenly bounce around the room, as if calculating. Before Rick can even react, the prisoner has slammed him into the wall with a hard shove, and a quick knee to his ribs.

Rick can hear a rib crack and he cries out, though tires to fight back. The scuffle lasts for several minutes, both men determined to win out. The thought crosses Rick's mind that he'd been foolish for coming down here alone and unarmed on top of it. And when he's put in a chokehold, he knows for sure that he'd been an idiot.

Alec stands behind Rick, one arm across Rick's throat, the other pinning Rick's wrist behind his back, threatening to break the arm if Rick resisted. "Use the intercom," he hisses. "Get someone down here and tell them to let me out."

Rick struggles to move closer to the intercom button, gasping for breath, but unable to break the strong hold. Pushing the button, he calls the infirmary, not knowing where anybody was. "Misty..." he gasps for air. "...get someone... down here..."

"Oh, Derek, you turkey!" Gina laughs as her husband takes from behind after he'd stolen a taste of the cookie dough she'd been making.

Derek grins and cocks his head around her shoulder to receive the kiss he was looking for. "Mmm, I don't know what's sweeter. The cookies or you."

Gina smirks at him, though her eyes dance. "Well you can..."

The knock at the door interrupts them and Derek quirks an eyebrow. "Let me guess... you want me to get that so I won't be left alone with the cookie dough."

"You're such a smart man."

Derek grins and gives her another kiss on the cheek before heading to the front door. Opening it, he looks through the screen at the young woman. He didn't recognize her, and she looked very tired - hardly a threat.

He pushes the screen door open too so he doesn't have to take with a barrier between them. "Hi... can I help you?"


Giving a jump as Katie drys herself off almost sliping on the wet floor with a gasp Ryder startling her.

"For goodness sake, you BETTER NOT have let a strange woman into the house."

Katie yells back out through the door at him. Quickly throwing on her cloths, and running a towel through her hair before just letting it fall into place giving the messed look Katie goes to the door. The steam from the bathroom flowing out as the door swings over.

"When I said Mi kasai, Su kasai I didnt mean you could break down the bathroom door."

Pushing past Ryder Katie gives a short laught knowing he will probley follow her down to her room as she continued to get ready.

"How did you sleep last night? No more attack of the cat?"

Opening her eyes and turning her head Hope runs a hand over her face as she gives a smile to Scott. It had been a long night but somewhere along the way she had fallen asleep and got a few hours.

"I know I didnt have to. I wanted to. Not to mention after all I did promise to stay with you as long as you wanted me to."

Standing finally Hope gives a strech as she scruntches her shoulders up just a little bit trying to block out the cold from the hospetil. She never did like them much and if she was going to make it through the rest of the day she would need coffee.

"I think I am going to go to the cafetariea and get some coffee. Would you like any breakfest?"

Standing so anyone from inside the call cant see her Misty looks in on there young prisoner. So much about this was the same it was strange. Not that she hated the memories of meeting Carson it was just stange. The hairs on Misty's neck stood up warning of something though she wasnt sure what.

His mannerisms, even the look she saw in his eye was so much the same. Maybe it was just what happend with some people that were in the Agency maybe not. Misty hadnt said anything to anyone and thats how it was going to stay for now. She's just watch observe and wait.


...Pulling up outside the house Jess takes a look at her map. She was tired, probley looked like crap and a bit hungry but her destination was close and resone for some in reach she couldnt stop now.

Hoping this was the right place Jess pulls into the driveway and shuts the car off. She didnt know what was going on today, or if anyone was him, she didnt even know what Derek looked like, or if this was the right house but Jess could only hope.

Walking up to the door Jess knocks and waits. Her nerves were shot just about now, and she couldnt help but say she was scaired. She didnt know anything about these people, and if she was at the wrong place it could mean trouble.

Eyeing the door cautiously Jess takes a step back putting space between he door anyherself and just waits.

Another day comes

Yeah... well, I don't get any weird vibes, so I think she's okay.

Jason gives a little shrug that only Katie can see. Letting her leave to go into the hall and make her call, he keeps an eye on Scott for several more minutes, just observing. Seeing that he's more than likely asleep, he gives Hope a nod. "If you're going to stay, then we'll probably leave. Please call Rick if anything happens."

Exiting the room, he finds Katie finished with her call, and slings an arm around her. "Scott's got company for a while... I say we get back to TJY, make our report and go home. If we don't get any sleep tonight, we're going to be dead tomorrow."

Ryder shoots up from the couch as the phone rings. He hadn't realized that he'd dozed off. He hesitates, then decides not to answer. It wasn't his phone.

As the answering machine comes on though, he grins. Katie. Getting up, he wanders closer, musing aloud as he listens, rather than picking up. "Yeah, found the change.... now you tell me about the menus..." His eyebrows rise. "Mi wha...?" Well, it must not have been a bad thing. Shaking his head, he listens to the rest of the message until Katie hangs up.

Meandering down the hall, he finds her bedroom, and though feeling a little strange, he takes her up on her offer to find a movie. He didn't recognize a lot of them, but finally settles on something that looked like it had some good action in it.

By the time the front door opens and closes, he's drifted asleep on the couch, so soundly that even Henry jumping off of him didn't wake him.

At Misty's threat, the patient fights even harder. "Go ahead," he hisses, glaring into her eyes. "You'll probably enjoy it. I wouldn't want to disappoint you."

As the needle goes into his flesh, he doesn't even flinch, though a flash of pain shoots through his gaze. "You might as well just kill me now," he growls. "You're not... getting anything... out... of..." His eyes roll back into his head, and suddenly his body relaxes.

Rick releases him and tries to catch his breath. "Good grief. I do have half a mind to let him rot after attacking Scott, but unfortunately..." He raises his voice. "...it's my job to keep him alive!"

Rolling his eyes, he cleans up the rest of the tools, clearing the room of any small or sharp objects. All that was left was the table, one chair, toilet, sink and the cot. It had been a while since anyone had needed to be kept in here. At least they'd had a positive streak.

Leaving the prisoner be, Rick heads back upstairs with Misty after making sure the door was securely locked with the electronic code. Then once back on the main floor, he heads to the control room to turn on the cameras.

After that, he picks up the phone and dials, feeling rotten. "Hey, babe, it's me..." He rubs his forehead wearily. "Don't stay up... I'm needed here... again."


One of Ryder's eyes opens slowly. He glances around his surroundings a moment before remembering where he was. He was glad he wasn't as jump this morning, as Henry comes flying up into his face to stare him in the eye.

"You ol' galah." He scratches Henry's head. "Your mistress is gone, so you decided to pick on me ay?"

Sighing, Ryder stretches, his ears picking up on the sounds of someone else moving about the house. He finally stands up and wanders down the hall to the closed bathroom where he hears water running. Taking his fist, he bangs it loudly on the door. "Oy, you better be the sheila that belongs here, or I let a total stranger in last night!"

Scott stirs in bed, opening his eyes groggily. His mouth felt like cotton. Was it morning? The light coming in through the window seemed to say so. Apparently whatever the doctors had given him last night had helped him sleep. He remembered nothing after Hope had arrived. ...Wait... Hope?

He turns his head slowly, needing to almost crane his neck until Hope can be seen by his good eye. He squints, trying to bring himself out of his fog. He felt dragged out and sore. He felt depressed. Why? Oh yeah... The night comes flooding back, and he turns his head back to look up at the ceiling. He didn't know which was worse... the two months with the Agency, or what had happened last night. And then Hope had stayed all night? That wasn't fair to her.

"You didn't have to stay all night," he manages, his voice hoarse and gravely.

"Carson... Carson!" Dani shakes her brother's shoulder.

Carson groans and pulls his pillow over his head. "Go away," he grumbles.

Dani puts her hands on her hips. "I will not," she retorts. "It's seven o'clock. Are you working today?"

Carson's head suddenly shoots up, his pillow sliding onto the floor. "Um..." he tries to think. He'd been in such a deep dream, it was hard waking up. "Uh... no... no, one more day."

"Still on the hunt, huh?"

"Mm-hmm." Carson falls back down. "Today... I'll find him. Today."

"Yeah, well don't get too obsessed. Have you even seen Misty since you got back?"

"Of course."


"Well sort of. Why?"

"'Cause if I were your girl, I think I'd get a might sore, even if I did know you were working to catch a maniac."

A small grin creeps onto Carson's lips. "I'll make it up to her."

"I bet you will." Dani rolls her eyes. "Alright, I'll see you later."

Rick stands back in the control room, staring at the camera and shaking his head. Finally he turns the volume down. There was no way he was going to go check on that patient this morning. Not until his little fit was over.

Alec paces the cell like a caged tiger. Looking out the window, he glares at the security cameras and the lock he could barely see. Walking back to table, he grabs the chair and hurls it with a yell. It hits the door with a crash, but does no damage, simply falling back to the floor. Alec gives it a swift kick before turning and shooting an angry stare at the camera up in the corner.

Rick sighs. It just couldn't be easy.

"...Dad told me about why you're here..." Liz looks over to Axel cautiously as they sit on the living room couch.

Axel looks up from the car magazine he'd been flipping through. They were alone in the room at the moment, and he was glad if she was going to bring this subject up. "Oh?"

"Yeah." Liz gives him a gentle look. "I'm sorry. But... why didn't you explain to everyone?"

"And say what? That I didn't know if I was really the culprit or not? You know the story."

Liz sighs. "I know... but... I certainly don't believe you were guilty, and you shouldn't either. For that fact alone, you should have explained and not just walked off."

Axel's eyes narrow just a little at her soft reprimand. "And why wouldn't you believe it?"

Liz shrugs. "Because I know you. How much time did we spend together before you left? With the family, without the family... how many times were we alone?"

"A few."

"And did you ever come on to me?"

"Of course not."

"So if it really was your nature, don't you think you would have?"

"I..." Axel stops. "I don't know. But what if I ever want to?"

Liz almost laughs. "Come on to me?"

"Any woman."

"Then take a cold shower." Liz rolls her eyes. "You're human after all. But you have a good heart, Axel... you're not that kind of person. Maybe if you'd start believing that, you would quit running."

Axel quirks an eyebrow. "And since when have you become so wise?"

"It's been a year," Liz replies softly. "A lot can happen in that amount of time."

Axel sighs and sinks back into the couch, putting the magazine aside. This family was some of the very few people he trusted beyond a doubt. Liz was like a sister to him, and they'd always been able to talk, even when she knew about his past.

Liz notices his right hand lying in his lap and decides to change the subject. "What's up with your hand?"

"Hmm? Oh." Axel shrugs and starts to rub his palm. "Just... sorta numb this morning." Waiting a few minutes, he finally stands up, keeping his hand at his side. "I think I'm going to take a walk. Maybe down to the Roadside Grill. I'll be back."

"Yeah... okay..." Liz watches him leave, then sighs.