
Another day comes

Yeah... well, I don't get any weird vibes, so I think she's okay.

Jason gives a little shrug that only Katie can see. Letting her leave to go into the hall and make her call, he keeps an eye on Scott for several more minutes, just observing. Seeing that he's more than likely asleep, he gives Hope a nod. "If you're going to stay, then we'll probably leave. Please call Rick if anything happens."

Exiting the room, he finds Katie finished with her call, and slings an arm around her. "Scott's got company for a while... I say we get back to TJY, make our report and go home. If we don't get any sleep tonight, we're going to be dead tomorrow."

Ryder shoots up from the couch as the phone rings. He hadn't realized that he'd dozed off. He hesitates, then decides not to answer. It wasn't his phone.

As the answering machine comes on though, he grins. Katie. Getting up, he wanders closer, musing aloud as he listens, rather than picking up. "Yeah, found the change.... now you tell me about the menus..." His eyebrows rise. "Mi wha...?" Well, it must not have been a bad thing. Shaking his head, he listens to the rest of the message until Katie hangs up.

Meandering down the hall, he finds her bedroom, and though feeling a little strange, he takes her up on her offer to find a movie. He didn't recognize a lot of them, but finally settles on something that looked like it had some good action in it.

By the time the front door opens and closes, he's drifted asleep on the couch, so soundly that even Henry jumping off of him didn't wake him.

At Misty's threat, the patient fights even harder. "Go ahead," he hisses, glaring into her eyes. "You'll probably enjoy it. I wouldn't want to disappoint you."

As the needle goes into his flesh, he doesn't even flinch, though a flash of pain shoots through his gaze. "You might as well just kill me now," he growls. "You're not... getting anything... out... of..." His eyes roll back into his head, and suddenly his body relaxes.

Rick releases him and tries to catch his breath. "Good grief. I do have half a mind to let him rot after attacking Scott, but unfortunately..." He raises his voice. "...it's my job to keep him alive!"

Rolling his eyes, he cleans up the rest of the tools, clearing the room of any small or sharp objects. All that was left was the table, one chair, toilet, sink and the cot. It had been a while since anyone had needed to be kept in here. At least they'd had a positive streak.

Leaving the prisoner be, Rick heads back upstairs with Misty after making sure the door was securely locked with the electronic code. Then once back on the main floor, he heads to the control room to turn on the cameras.

After that, he picks up the phone and dials, feeling rotten. "Hey, babe, it's me..." He rubs his forehead wearily. "Don't stay up... I'm needed here... again."


One of Ryder's eyes opens slowly. He glances around his surroundings a moment before remembering where he was. He was glad he wasn't as jump this morning, as Henry comes flying up into his face to stare him in the eye.

"You ol' galah." He scratches Henry's head. "Your mistress is gone, so you decided to pick on me ay?"

Sighing, Ryder stretches, his ears picking up on the sounds of someone else moving about the house. He finally stands up and wanders down the hall to the closed bathroom where he hears water running. Taking his fist, he bangs it loudly on the door. "Oy, you better be the sheila that belongs here, or I let a total stranger in last night!"

Scott stirs in bed, opening his eyes groggily. His mouth felt like cotton. Was it morning? The light coming in through the window seemed to say so. Apparently whatever the doctors had given him last night had helped him sleep. He remembered nothing after Hope had arrived. ...Wait... Hope?

He turns his head slowly, needing to almost crane his neck until Hope can be seen by his good eye. He squints, trying to bring himself out of his fog. He felt dragged out and sore. He felt depressed. Why? Oh yeah... The night comes flooding back, and he turns his head back to look up at the ceiling. He didn't know which was worse... the two months with the Agency, or what had happened last night. And then Hope had stayed all night? That wasn't fair to her.

"You didn't have to stay all night," he manages, his voice hoarse and gravely.

"Carson... Carson!" Dani shakes her brother's shoulder.

Carson groans and pulls his pillow over his head. "Go away," he grumbles.

Dani puts her hands on her hips. "I will not," she retorts. "It's seven o'clock. Are you working today?"

Carson's head suddenly shoots up, his pillow sliding onto the floor. "Um..." he tries to think. He'd been in such a deep dream, it was hard waking up. "Uh... no... no, one more day."

"Still on the hunt, huh?"

"Mm-hmm." Carson falls back down. "Today... I'll find him. Today."

"Yeah, well don't get too obsessed. Have you even seen Misty since you got back?"

"Of course."


"Well sort of. Why?"

"'Cause if I were your girl, I think I'd get a might sore, even if I did know you were working to catch a maniac."

A small grin creeps onto Carson's lips. "I'll make it up to her."

"I bet you will." Dani rolls her eyes. "Alright, I'll see you later."

Rick stands back in the control room, staring at the camera and shaking his head. Finally he turns the volume down. There was no way he was going to go check on that patient this morning. Not until his little fit was over.

Alec paces the cell like a caged tiger. Looking out the window, he glares at the security cameras and the lock he could barely see. Walking back to table, he grabs the chair and hurls it with a yell. It hits the door with a crash, but does no damage, simply falling back to the floor. Alec gives it a swift kick before turning and shooting an angry stare at the camera up in the corner.

Rick sighs. It just couldn't be easy.

"...Dad told me about why you're here..." Liz looks over to Axel cautiously as they sit on the living room couch.

Axel looks up from the car magazine he'd been flipping through. They were alone in the room at the moment, and he was glad if she was going to bring this subject up. "Oh?"

"Yeah." Liz gives him a gentle look. "I'm sorry. But... why didn't you explain to everyone?"

"And say what? That I didn't know if I was really the culprit or not? You know the story."

Liz sighs. "I know... but... I certainly don't believe you were guilty, and you shouldn't either. For that fact alone, you should have explained and not just walked off."

Axel's eyes narrow just a little at her soft reprimand. "And why wouldn't you believe it?"

Liz shrugs. "Because I know you. How much time did we spend together before you left? With the family, without the family... how many times were we alone?"

"A few."

"And did you ever come on to me?"

"Of course not."

"So if it really was your nature, don't you think you would have?"

"I..." Axel stops. "I don't know. But what if I ever want to?"

Liz almost laughs. "Come on to me?"

"Any woman."

"Then take a cold shower." Liz rolls her eyes. "You're human after all. But you have a good heart, Axel... you're not that kind of person. Maybe if you'd start believing that, you would quit running."

Axel quirks an eyebrow. "And since when have you become so wise?"

"It's been a year," Liz replies softly. "A lot can happen in that amount of time."

Axel sighs and sinks back into the couch, putting the magazine aside. This family was some of the very few people he trusted beyond a doubt. Liz was like a sister to him, and they'd always been able to talk, even when she knew about his past.

Liz notices his right hand lying in his lap and decides to change the subject. "What's up with your hand?"

"Hmm? Oh." Axel shrugs and starts to rub his palm. "Just... sorta numb this morning." Waiting a few minutes, he finally stands up, keeping his hand at his side. "I think I'm going to take a walk. Maybe down to the Roadside Grill. I'll be back."

"Yeah... okay..." Liz watches him leave, then sighs.

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