

Giving a jump as Katie drys herself off almost sliping on the wet floor with a gasp Ryder startling her.

"For goodness sake, you BETTER NOT have let a strange woman into the house."

Katie yells back out through the door at him. Quickly throwing on her cloths, and running a towel through her hair before just letting it fall into place giving the messed look Katie goes to the door. The steam from the bathroom flowing out as the door swings over.

"When I said Mi kasai, Su kasai I didnt mean you could break down the bathroom door."

Pushing past Ryder Katie gives a short laught knowing he will probley follow her down to her room as she continued to get ready.

"How did you sleep last night? No more attack of the cat?"

Opening her eyes and turning her head Hope runs a hand over her face as she gives a smile to Scott. It had been a long night but somewhere along the way she had fallen asleep and got a few hours.

"I know I didnt have to. I wanted to. Not to mention after all I did promise to stay with you as long as you wanted me to."

Standing finally Hope gives a strech as she scruntches her shoulders up just a little bit trying to block out the cold from the hospetil. She never did like them much and if she was going to make it through the rest of the day she would need coffee.

"I think I am going to go to the cafetariea and get some coffee. Would you like any breakfest?"

Standing so anyone from inside the call cant see her Misty looks in on there young prisoner. So much about this was the same it was strange. Not that she hated the memories of meeting Carson it was just stange. The hairs on Misty's neck stood up warning of something though she wasnt sure what.

His mannerisms, even the look she saw in his eye was so much the same. Maybe it was just what happend with some people that were in the Agency maybe not. Misty hadnt said anything to anyone and thats how it was going to stay for now. She's just watch observe and wait.


...Pulling up outside the house Jess takes a look at her map. She was tired, probley looked like crap and a bit hungry but her destination was close and resone for some in reach she couldnt stop now.

Hoping this was the right place Jess pulls into the driveway and shuts the car off. She didnt know what was going on today, or if anyone was him, she didnt even know what Derek looked like, or if this was the right house but Jess could only hope.

Walking up to the door Jess knocks and waits. Her nerves were shot just about now, and she couldnt help but say she was scaired. She didnt know anything about these people, and if she was at the wrong place it could mean trouble.

Eyeing the door cautiously Jess takes a step back putting space between he door anyherself and just waits.

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