
No idea

As Axel touches the side of Jess face she dosnt flinch or show fear of him closing her eyes for a moment at his tender touch. Opening her eyes again Jess looks up at Axel some small tear form in her eyes but she dosnt let them pour over at his question of why she is there.

"There is no point to a storm without the rainbow. I wanted you to know Axel that I still cared about you and if I have to bring you my car and say its broken for you to believe me I will. A million times over again."

For a moment a fear rises in Jess, but not one that said she was scaired of him but one that made her wonder if he would stay or turn her away.

Watching him sit down across from her a releaf pass over her knowing that this ment at least for now he would stay.

Looking down at his hand Jess continues to rub it softly, stoping even little bit just to hold it before swallowing and speaking again.

"Peter came back, I'm not sure why he was out of jail but he was, and he was waiting for me. He didnt hurt me as bad as he did the first time but as you can still see it was bad enough."

Jess pauses for a moment just thinking back to when Peter had hurt her the first time is gave her chills and she hated thinking about it but she had to tell Axel.

"I got to thinking while I was at TJY again and you know your not like Peter. Even if you did or were at one time, your not anymore. I've seen you, I know you and you never would of hurt me let alone someone alse. Peter was scum, you...your a rainbow I see things like you, I take note and keep in my memorie everything and I've seen your heart. You always did what you could to make sure I was comfortable, to make sure I didnt feel threatend or out of place. That sounded sound like the work of a rapest to me."

Jess cocks her head just a little hoping she mad sence and was not just babbling.

Getting his smoke taking out of his mouth Peter is about to yell a retort when he looks up at see Carson. For a moment he is frozen in his seat not sure what to say or why Carson was even here. Finally finding his voice Peter trys to play off his discomfort.

"Carson my good friend. I havent seen you since Vagis."

Getting pulled from his seat Peter trys to stay as cool as he can as he throws his arm around Carson a little to play like everything was cool.

"It will all be ok Lady's I shall return in moment. This shouldnt take long."

Being pushed along Peter dosnt resist till they get outside and he is thrown aganst the wall.

"Whoa, whoa easy..."

Turning around and looking back at Carson Peter shakes his head.

"I dont know what your talking about man. Now if you dont mind I have people waiting."

Trying to push past Carson Peter trys to get inside.

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