

Trying to give a smile a little bit of happyness flash in Jess eyes even if her voice an movents didnt match it. She was happy that she new where Axel was so she could go see him.

"No..No thats ok. I'd rather just find my rainbow before it fades away for good."

Backing up Jess goes to turn and leave again. About to say something to Derek about how he looked like someone she new she thinks better of it and just gives a nother smile.

"Thank you for the help. It means alot."

Stepping aside as Rick is pushed into the table Misty is quick to go to him making sure he is ok.

"You can't get fired we still have to help Angel."

Misty trys to lend Rick a hand to try and help him up and letting him catch his breath.

"Are you ok?"

"...fine we can retrace our steps and if we come up with nothing again I think maybe we should try the next town over. It he new what was good for him he wouldnt sti...."

Heading down the steps Nate wasnt paying attachen running right into someone he didnt know. Seeing the look on the man face and the blood that was seeping through his shirt and instint flag went up to Nate making the hair on the back of his neck stand up. He wasnt in the mood for anymore maneac people to break out of here and be on the streets let alone some punk kid. His fists balled again Nate does hesatat and knocks the prisoner squear in the face sending him spralling to the floor.

Seeing the kid uncontus on the floor Nate gives a shrug.

"At least he wont be going anywhere for a little bit and he will wake up with a headach."

Sitting at the small dinner table Jess wore her hoodie with its hood up that hide most of her face. A waitress had been over a few times to check if Jess needed anything and each time Jess had ordered just water and than a soda.

Axel was not at the restront yet when she had shown up so quietly she sits at the small table and waits, she waits for what she was looking for. She had been told that the rainbow she was looking for was coming here. So Jess waited. She waitied for the rainbow, to accompany the storm.

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