

"Secretary?" Ryder scoffs with humor. "I think you'd be sorry about that one."

He hurries to catch up to Katie, not having anything that he would need to take with him. He had no idea what would really keep him occupied at TJY... but maybe a conversation with Reese would give him some idea of what he would be doing in the near future.

Alec's eyes shoot to Misty, his gaze wild with rage and a bit of fear that he was trying to hide. He wasn't used to not having the upper hand, and it didn't feel good. Tightening his grip around Rick's throat, he questions Misty's motives, wondering if this was some sort of trap. But the coast looked clear.

Giving Rick a swift shove into the table, Alec bolts.

Rick hits the table with force, getting the wind knocked out of him. He doubles over, trying to catch his breath. "Of all the stupid..." He winces, holding his side. "I should be fired."

Alec hits the hall running, aiming for the stairs.

"...that's all I'm saying." Con rolls his eyes, his voice strained and irritated. Hooking up with Nate at TJY this morning had not gone well. Both had different ideas about where to look for Bryce, Laura still didn't want to talk to Nate, and Con was having trouble hearing the things Nate was saying, making communication annoyingly difficult.

Heading downstairs for the ammunition room, Con trudges behind Nate. "I think we ought to retrace our steps."

On closer inspection, Derek sees that this young woman is more than tired. She'd been beaten, and not all that long ago. When she says her name though, something clicks. "Jessica?" He squints a little. "As in the Jess I've heard about?"

He blinks, trying not to ask too many questions or embarrass her. Axel had said nothing about Jess being in this bad of shape. Or had he known?

The pieces started to fall into place. "You're the one that called, aren't you?" He cocks his head. "And you came... all this way?" A faint grin surfaces.

"Well, Axel took off earlier for a little grill about a mile and a half from here. All you gotta do is go down this street here, hang a left and you're on main. Keep going and it's at the end of the street... if you know Axel's car, you'll be able to find him."

While Derek didn't usually just hand out free information like this, for some reason, this time he thought it was the right thing to do. Perhaps he wouldn't have to convince Axel of anything. Maybe someone else would. "You're welcome to stay and get your second wind before you go," he offers.

Axel drives slowly from the gas station, heading to the grill. He'd gotten sidetracked on the way, first going to the park, then realizing his car needed gas. By now he was a little hungry, though not really wanting to eat. He takes his time, taking the long route. Sometimes it was nice just to sit and think and not have to concentrate on anybody just yet.

He keeps the steering wheel in one hand, his other laying still in his lap. He was surrounded by the people he trusted the most here, yet he felt lonely. Were Derek and Liz right? Was he just being a coward?

Clint hesitates before knocking on the door. He felt silly... he felt like an idiot... but at least no one else knew he was here.

When Cindy answers the door, he knows there's no turning back. A smile lights up her face as she situates Kaylee in on arm. "Hey, Clint." She moves to the side so he can come in. "How ya doing?"

"Um... alright." Clint manages a smile and a nod. "Your husband is keeping me busy."

Cindy laughs and shuts the door. "I'm sure he does. And where did you tell him you were off to today?"

"To run an errand?"

Cindy gives him an amused smirk. "One of these days, you're going to learn that there's nothing silly with learning about this stuff." Walking to the living room, she sits down on the couch, patting the cushion next to her for Clint to sit.

Kaylee watches him with her big brown eyes, gurgling at his presence. Cindy chuckles. "Are you saying hi to your cousin, hmm?" Kayle squeals her response.

Clint sits awkwardly, and when he's offered the child, he lifts his eyebrows, unsure what to do. Cindy smiles gently. "Go on. Let her sit on your lap, like this." She demonstrates before handing over her daughter."

Clint feels ridiculous, but he does as he's told. Kaylee sits on his lap and makes a few noises, turning her head to look up at her cousin. She leans back into his arm and lifts her fingers to touch the buttons on his shirt, admiring their shine.

"Now that isn't so bad, is it?"

Clint looks back up to Cindy, his arm comfortable around the baby. A smile surfaces. "No."

"Good. Now you two keep each other company while I go put the laundry in the dryer. When I come back up, we'll get into the fun stuff."

Clint knew she meant things like feeding Kaylee and changing her diaper. He wasn't exactly looking forward to it, but... He looks down at Kaylee and runs a hand over her feathery-soft hair. He'd never held a baby before... at least Kaylee was a little older, but still... she was so small... and yet... he was more comfortable sitting here than he thought he'd be.

By the time Cindy comes back, Clint has leaned back in the couch with Kaylee facing him. Holding her around her waist, he bounces her just a little, making her giggle, and in turn, making him laugh too.

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