
Would you act differntly?

*Jamie's heart goes out to Con. The dimness, the far off tone. Con was so lost inside himself. He ment so much to her, once thinking of him as a friend now looking at him with love, the love she felt for a while finally free. Jamie never wanted to lose that. Jamie's own hand finds Con's face gently running her fingertips across his skin and wraping her hands about the side of his face to cradle it.*

" I'm in it for the long hall Con. Part of a relationship is dealing with hard times and helping eachother through. I'm not going to leave you when you need me the most, just like you dident leave me."

*Jamie holds her smile as she looks into Con's eyes.*

"I know there isent an excuse for what happend with you and Jason, But if I know hotshop Con I am sure he understands. Wernt you telling me about how one you got in the middle of him and Hero and he sluged you one? You guys are like brothers and you guys fight and make up like brother too. He's gonna understand Con. Something tells me he would do the same thing for Katie."

*Jamie removes her hand from Con's face but still holds her smiles as she lets out a sigh.*

"Maybe you need some time away Con. Away from TJY and all the stress. To clear your head and really ask yourself what you want in life and how far you will go to get it and keep it. Sometimes we all need a good head clearing. Come on you, lets go inside befor my mom stops by and thinks we are kiss again or something."

*Jamie cant help but let out a chuckle and her smiles becomes silly and her eyes dance in the sun light.*

*Misty nods to Rick as he leaves. Moving away from the sink Misty stands infront of Carson with her arms folded. Her hair tied back now in a long ponytail as to not get in her way anymore.*

"My story, I dont think I have one. Well one thats to intresting anyways. I grew up around here. Reese is my Uncil, I went to medicle shcool in England, have to do an intership for a year so thats why I am here. Its good to know people in high places sometimes I guess. All in all I guess I am pritty normal, well compared to alot of people here who had hard, difacult backgrounds."

*Misty steps away from Carson and moves over to what would become her desk. Siting down she lets out a sigh than turns in her chair to Carson and gives a qwerky smile.*

"So...Carson, whats YOUR story?"

*Katie lets out a long sigh. She felt sorry for Con yet confused at the same time. She's never seen Con upset that that at anyone. Smile Katie looks at Jason.*

"I can understand why your hurt. I probley would be too., if my best friend just beat the crap out of me, even though I'd like to see you try..."

*Katie sticks her toung out at Jason and cant help but laugh. In minutes though she grows searouse again.*

"...but all in all ya I understand why your hurt. But if you were in Con's shoes on the brink of losing your best friend, and the person you hold dear to you heart, only to find out that those you thought were the good guys were harberin the guy that almost killed the person close to you, would you act any differntly than he did? I'm not trying to say its ok what he did, only trying to understand myself why he did, and the more I think about it. I dont think I would act differntly myself."

*Katie is silent for a moment befor once again the smile returns to her face and the light returns to her face.*

"Well since you have some time, how about we get that pizza we wanted last night but never got to?"

*Nate smiles at Laura as they enter TJY.*

"Well I am happy I could do that for you. Just keep tht chin up Doll and everything will be ok."

*Once inside Nate gives alittle wave and winks at Laura before heading to Reese office to see whats up for the day.*


Con returns Jamie’s kiss lightly, taking in her words, though his mind is still a million miles away. The look on Jason’s face kept replaying, over and over, driving the guilt further into his soul. He’d just been so angry…it all seemed a blur…he could barely remember a time he’d been so out of control, and it was a frightening thought. He turns to see Jamie’s eyes, searching them for the reassurance that was in her voice…allowing her presence to calm him.

“You know…about a week ago, my eyes saw you so differently…” His voice goes soft and thoughtful, a contrast to his earlier display, though a dimness shades his tone. “…In a single instant, everything changed. Like adding a drop of dye to water, it transforms it immediately, and can never be returned to its original state.” Con’s eyes drift from each of Jamie’s, consumed by their entrancing pull, yet still confused by how his world had turned upside down.. “I’ve never felt so deeply for anyone, Jamie…it’s almost like a dream…one day I was just myself, with not a whole lot to look forward to… and the next, I had a sudden realization that I’d been missing something. And not only did I realize what it was, but it was at my fingertips to fill that void.”

Con cocks his head slightly, his eyes not drifting from Jamie. “It all happened so fast, that I don’t think I’ve caught my breath yet.” He pauses, raising a hand to cradle her face. “And I feel so unworthy. To think you love me…have loved me for a long time…I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to understand that.”

He swallows hard, remembering his anger. “I’m sorry for what happened today…I just lost control…” He finally breaks eye contact, letting his hand retreat. “I’d never want that to get in between us…I just don’t know anymore what will set me off, or if I can keep a handle on it, and I’m afraid I’ll hurt someone I care about.” His eyes grow even dimmer. “Like I already have.”

Con takes a deep breath, unable to sort through the strange mixture of thoughts and emotions that seemed so foreign to him. “I don’t know what to do.”

Carson looks to Misty in surprise. “No…thanks…” He sits back down on the table and pulls his shirt back over his head.

Rick sticks his head back into the room. “Misty, stay here a minute, will you? I have to run to Reese’s office. I’ll be right back.”

Seeing him leave, Carson glances back over to Misty, his curiosity getting the best of him. He still didn’t understand why he cared at all, but for some reason he did…these people had a strange effect on him that he just couldn’t seem to shake. “So, Misty, huh? What’s your story?”

Jason takes Katie in his arms, a little surprised at the welcome and tale of her excursion. “Aw babe, you know better than to do that.” He rolls his eyes, though he can’t scold, and kisses her head instead. “I’m sorry, I knew you’d probably know something was up. I should have called up here before I came.”

As Katie draws away and asks him what happened, he purses his lips in seriousness, though forces some amusement. “I got run over by a tank.”

He turns her around with an arm still over her shoulders, and sets her down on her bed, where he sinks into the familiar chair. “No…it was Con. He found out Carson was in the office, Jamie got scared, and he just went crazy.” Jason shrugs. “And I got in his way.” He licks his lip, finding the bleeding has almost stopped. He wants to pretend like everything is fine. He wants to pretend that he believes Con is fine and it really was Jason’s own fault for getting in the way. But he knows his eyes will betray him. He was hurt. Con had hit him before, but not like this…it had been different this time.

“Anyway, Reese wants me back after lunch, but he figured I could use some fresh air. I guess he was right. Con took off, I guess to take Jamie home too, so things at the office should have settled down by now.”

Laura finds Nate’s gentlemanly politeness surprising but nice, and lets him open the door for her again. She smiles gratefully at his offer. “Thanks…” She continues to talk as they head for the building. “…And thanks for making my day a little brighter. I guess I kinda needed that this morning. Maybe now I'll actually have enough sense back to function without bursting into tears over something silly.”


*Nate smiles as he starts to pull out of the driveway.*

"I wouldent mind taking you home again. Its on the way anyways."

*As Nate makes his way back to TJY he glances at Laura and smiles. She looked nice without any makeup on.*

"If Wyatt wouldent be able to take you to work eather let me know and I certinly can take you as well."

*Finally pulling into TJY Nate lets out a long sigh for some reson he dident want to go back into work today even though he new he must. As Nate exits the car he see Con and Jamie exiting the building. Her throws a wave and smiles not knowing what had occured inside. Heading over to Laura's said of the door he ups it up for her and steps back to let her get out.*

"Well if you need anything just give a yell. I'll probley be at my desk or helping Jason today."

*Misty's body relaxes as he fight is finally broken up. What on earth just happend. What a first day. Walking over to the sink she pours herself a glass of water and takes a swig. Turning back to Carsontrying to calm her shaking hands.*

"Want anything to drink or...or eat?"

*The ride home is quiet. Jamie isent sure what to say to Con or how to act. Somewhere inside her she felt this was her fult. If only she had been stronger, and no so scaired Con wouldent have goten so angry. Finally reaching her house Jamie lets out a sigh and turns to Con.*

"Con, You were only trying to protect me. The face that you cared so much drove you to want to hurt the person that hurt me. I'm honnered you care that much I am. Just next time lets try not to kick your friends butt in the process ok. Anger can be good and bad at the some time. But no matter what happend at TJY today Con, I love you still the same. Just dont let your anger block me out. If kept untamed thats what it will do and I dont want that."

*Jamie leans into Con and smiles at him. Love filling her eyes. Gently Jamie plants a kiss on Con's lips lingering for a moment. than pulling away again to look into his eyes. *

*As Jason enter Katies room she pushed herself away from the window. It looks as though she had been crying alittle. But a sigh of releaf wases over her as she stands and slowly makes her way to Jason wraping her arms around him tight.*

"J...or J, I was so worryed. I new something was wrong really wrong, but I couldent find my phone anywhere I think I droped it lastnight while we were out. And non of the nurses would come when I called for them, I tryed to walk all the way to TJY, and I got half way and I couldent want anymore I had to turn around...and and...it was killing me I dident know what was going on."

*Katie draws away from Jason and looks at his face grimcing at the cuts and bruses.*

"J, what the heck happend?"

Time out

Though still utterly embarrassed, Laura tries to get past it as she accepts the ride from Nate. Arriving at the apartment, she sighs deeply. “I’m afraid to go inside. I might trip on my way up the stairs and finally break my neck.”

She shakes her head, sniffing again. “I’m sorry…I’m not usually such an idiot…I guess everything’s just been building up and it finally erupted.” She takes a deep breath, composing herself. “I think I’m okay now… I’ll just be a minute or two.”

Laura makes her way inside, and heads for a mirror to clean up her face, but doesn’t even bother replacing her makeup. She was running late enough the way it was, and would just have to put up with looking plain today.

Grabbing the folders she’s forgotten earlier, she heads back outside, jogging to the car. “Alright.” She catches her breath and buckles herself in. “Maybe, just maybe I can survive the rest of the day. Though, if you’re playing good Samaritan today, I might just have to beg another ride off of you depending on my car and whether or not my brother’s available later. If I can’t get that bucket of bolts started, it’ll have to be towed to the shop, and I’ll be back to begging Wyatt to take me to work.” Laura stops and can’t help but laugh a little. “I don’t know what I’d do without all you guys. I’d be lost.”

As Con barges in Rick's office and begins fighting with Jason, Carson takes several steps backward, not having intended on having a physical fight with anyone, let alone a man the size of Con. Carson would never have a chance.

He swallows hard and simply watches out the open door as the fight continues until it's finally broken up by Jamie. Seeing Con walk away, Carson relaxes just a little, throwing a wary glance in Misty's direction. By the look on her face, she knew nothing about what was going on. Maybe it was just as well. If she had known, she might not have helped bandage him up again.

Fire flashes in Con’s eyes as he’s held back by Wyatt, Rick and Hal. A shouting match ensues between him, Reese, Jason and several others, nothing making much sense.

As Jamie enters the chaos and places a hand on Con’s arm, the hall is immediately silenced. Slightly calmed, he shakes off the hands of the other men, signaling that he’s not going to try going back after Carson for the moment. Not in front of Jamie anyway. “Alright.” His voice is softer towards Jamie, but still etched with a coolness. “I’ll take you home.” Taking her by the hand, he sidles past the others and heads toward the exit.

Once in the car, Con is quiet until they reach Jamie’s lost in his own thoughts. Finally in her driveway with the motor shut off, he looks down at the keys in his hand. He was still so angry, but fear had been injected into his veins, and shame too. “I’m sorry, Jamie…”

Reese sets his hands on his hips and shakes his head. “I didn’t think I’d ever see him like that again.”

Jason wipes his lip with the back of his hand. “He’s just mad about Carson. He’ll be back.”

“Yeah…I’m sure after this blows over he will be.”

Jason sighs, tenderly fingering the side of his face.

Reese quirks an eyebrow at him. “Why don’t you take off for a while and come back in the afternoon? I know I need you here for some stuff, but with all this going on, I’d just as soon you get some time away from here too.”

Jason is a little surprised, but won’t argue. “Alright. I’ll come back in after lunch then.”

“You want me to take a look at your face?” Rick asks.

“No…I’ll be alright.” Jason stops by his office to grab his jacket, and heads out. Deciding not to even risk tangling with Con again, he opts to go back to the hospital instead of Con’s place. Mid-morning, he’s not even sure what he’ll be doing, but he couldn’t complain about a couple more free hours.

He makes it up to Katie’s room, but pauses before entering. He could feel the big bruise forming on the side of his face, his jaw was throbbing, and his lip was still bleeding. Knowing Katie, she already knew something was wrong though.

Finally he slips inside the room, forcing a weary smile. “Surprise.”

Spark to a fire

*Nate turns back around and smiles walking back twords Laura. Holding up his hand and making his thumb and pinky touch in his palm.*

"Scouts honner I wont tell anyone. My car is a few down come on let get a move on."

*Nate makes his way to his car and opens the door for Laura leting her get in. Than making his way to his own side. With in minutes Nate and Laura are racing down a street twords her apartment. Leaving what was going on at TJY behind them.

Finally pulling into Laura's parking lot Nate shuts off the engin and turns to Laura smile.*

"There ya go. I'll wait here, take all the time you need."

*Misty stands a big confused as the young women enters and than leaving again, having Rick chanse after her. Misty shakes her head and than starts to clean up the old towles and cloths used on Carson. Once Rick is back Misty talks to him and Carson alittle bit more about treating the wornd and what to look out for over the next few says.

As the door to the office flys open Misty wherls around stairing at Con in awww. What was going on. Who was this other man and why had he stormed into the office. As Con lays a blow to Jason Misty back up fear corsing though her, she lets out a shreek. Misty is frozen not being able to move as she watches in horrar the display in front of her.*

*As Jamie sits in Con's office her sobs finally stop. Hearing Con's voice shouting out in the other room Jamies head shoot up. Opening the door a small crack Jamie looks out searching over the cubicles untill her eyes reach Rick's office. Con and Jason are visable from where she is standing. A new fear races though her blood. Con, he's kill anyone that stood in his way, and Jason was his best friend who wouldent back down. Jamie new exacly why Con was there and what was going on. She had been the spark to a fight. Still alittle bit shaky Jamie emerges from office slowly at first but moves alittle bit faster as the ergency pulls at her heart. Pushing her way through the crowd of people that was now standing around Jamie makes it to Con. Not even looking into Ricks office for certin of her own fear showing once more and sending Con up the wall again. Placing one of her shaking hands on Con's arms she speeks softly.*

"Con, I want to go home. Please take me home."

* Jamie's eyes pleed with Con. Jamie's own fear disaprears for the moment as all she can think about is geting Con away from TJY, before he hurt anyone more, or himself.*